![]() Author has written 33 stories for Rurouni Kenshin, Valdemar universe, X-Men: Evolution, Card Captor Sakura, Pitch Black / Riddick, Mummy, Pirates of the Caribbean, Ranma, Fruits Basket, Stargate: SG-1, Harry Potter, Supernatural, Buffy X-overs, Smallville, Numb3rs, Dead Like Me, X-Men: The Movie, Bones, Alex Rider, Artemis Fowl, and Tomb Raider. Q- What do you get when you cross an elephant and a rhino? A- Hell if I know... 1-17-10 I heart my cousin... this was posted on his facebook and I absolutely ADORE it! Mike- "wishes his grass were emo, so then it could wallow in masochistic tendencies and exorbitant amounts of self-pity. That way, no one will care if it cuts itself or not." 9-05-09 I had a random dialouge flash with Xander and Anya, I have to write it down but I can't find a pen... so here ya go! Xander: Anya (very irritated as she's pushed him to the floor and sat on him) would you please get off? Anya: Well, I'm trying to, but you're not helping any. 5-24-09 2:54am I almost bust a gut laughing at the end of the latest Numb3rs episode- the last little comment about Ian and Colby... did anyone else catch that? I'm sure it wasn't as funny to someone who doesn't spend their entire night trolling for good fan-fiction, but wowee was that historically hysterical! My sister was watching me like I was a fruitcake, all I could gasp out to her was that I was a dork, that's why I got the inside joke! 5/15/09 "There is no end to a good movie until you've seen a gimp toss." - my sister during the end of Tokyo Gore Police... trust me, you have to see this thing... it's... incredible is the only word i have for it. Seriously... the laws of physics do not apply... and it looks really odd when a lady police officer salutes with an alligator head arm. 02/09/09 "Why is the screen dayglo?" - Me "Because it's an option?" - Sister (what really got me about this was that she said it like a question. Apparently my brother-in-law found out that he could change the setting on the DVR and made the headings all green. My sister just thought that the company changed their format so she didn't say anything until he got frustrated and was like, "The screen is all green." and she immediatly looked at him and was like, "What did you do?" He still has no idea how to be subtle, so he was all flustered and "how did you know?" so that happened a few days ago, and apparently she's been messing with the settings herself. I just saw them today, it looks like a tye-dye tee-shirt threw up on the screen. So I asked the above question. and at her answer i couldn't stop laughing... seriously, my stomach still hurts!) 01/23/09 When asking my sister about the difference between a Type A personality and a Sociopath... "I'm a type A, a sociopath kills people." (so not much difference then huh?) ok, i'm sorry, i just had to do this. I will say that i have no problem with slash. i read it occasionally, occasionally it's even well written. i have no problem with same sex relationships. i say if you can find love, keep hold of it. but i have to say this. Xander will NEVER fck Spike OR Angel. and here's why- they're fck'n corpses! they are demonically animated corpses. and if ANYONE had a problem with that, it would be Xander. thats all. thanks for letting me get that off my chest. (aug. 14th, 2:35am) Silence is the only argument one cannot refute. quotes from my sister- you can't be an alcoholic if you are a gin and tonic. "Oh, sorry, he's a top." (my brother- "don't you know anybody who's straight?" -very aggreived) "Shut your pie hole! - Gina I said that with all the respect and dignity in the world... it was a dignified pie hole." "An in'fk'tion, as in, fck my toes gonna fall off." "I am not an idiot... I know when I'm not wearing pants." "I didn't notice it at first because I have a HUGE crazy filter." "To make a short story worse..." "How fcked up to you have to get about Jesus that an Atheist would be blushing?" "When you're a famous writer, I want fcking gratuities." (this is said constantly as I write quotes during conversations in which she's drunk) don't expect updates on my supernatural story for a while, mostly because what i've written is sooooo hokey i can't believe i acctually commited those thoughts to screen. (you know that saying is a little off when you use "screen" instead of "paper"... huh) btw- my avatar is ripped off of machall... i love that comic. http:///view.php?date=2002-10-31 |