This is my first Rath/Cesia fic. There are like none! Out there. My friend
*cough*Sophie*cough* Wants one really bad, so I've decided to write one for
her and all the other r/c fans out there. So here goes.
Oh yeah, Disclaimer: I do not own dragon knights blah blah
Ok now that that's done, lets start.
Cesia walked through the forest with a silent Rath in the lead. He had been
more quieting then usual and it was making her nervous. Last time he was
this quiet, he tried to, but no, he couldn't be thinking that again. She
wouldn't let him. She would just have to keep a close eye on him.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" Rath asked her in the silence making
her jump.
"Like what?" She answered trying to keep her thoughts to herself.
"Like you don't trust me."
"Should I trust you? You have that look in your eye again. Like your ready
to kill something. I just don't want that something to be you."
"Why do you care so damn much! Its my life!" Rath yelled now stopping and
turned to look Cesia in the eye.
"I made a promise, and I don't break my promises." She said looking down.
"You know, one of these days your gonna have to give me a better reason
then that." Rath said angrily as he started walking again.
'Well what do you want me to say?' Cesia wondered, and jogged a little ways
to catch up with Rath.
That night when Rath went out to patrol around the area that they were
camping out in, he seemed to take longer then usual. As Cesia sat at the
campfire, a shiver was sent up her spine. She turned around to find a large
ogre resembling demon roared in her face.
"What was that sound?" Rath wondered out loud as he heard a loud roar from
the distance.
"AHHHH!" came a scream from far away.
"CECIA!" Rath yelled out in worry as he dashed back to the campsite as fast
as his legs could carry him. 'Why did you go so far? You knew Cesias powers
haven't been working right in this forest.' Rath kicked himself mentally as
he dodged branches and roots as he dashed through the forest.
Cesia sat there backing away slowly trying her hardest to make some sort of
wind spell. Even a gust, but nothing came. 'Please hurry Rath' Cesia
pleaded into the dark.
The demon growled loudly as it swung a mighty claw at her which barley
missed. "You have something I want!" It growled loudly.
"Well you cant have it!" Cesia yelled back, clutching her light dragon
amulet tightly, not knowing why the demon wanted it.
There was a rustling in the bushes and Rath ran out, sword raised high in
the air. "Get away from her you bastard!" Rath yelled and quickly stuck his
sword into the demons warm flesh. The demon growled/screamed painfully and
with one more slash of Raths sword fell to the ground dead.
Cesia got up and dusted herself off.
"You ok?" Rath asked, not really caring, just asking. Cesia swung a hand
towards his face.
"OUCH!" Rath yelped rubbing the bump on his head. "What the hell was that
"What took you so long! I could have died! You know that my powers aren't
working in this forest!"
"Jerk" they both muttered at the same time taking opposite sides of the
"Can you do something about that dead demon? Its stench is overwhelming."
"Do it your self." Rath retorted cleaning off his sword.
Cesia got up and for a second Rath actually thought she was going to do it
herself. But instead she went over him and grabbed his sword. Rath stared
up at her face, the fire giving her face an Erie glow.
"What are you gonna do with that?" He asked almost nervously. He could
handle demons of all sorts, but Cesia was a million times worse when she
was mad. And if she was pissed at him, he was in for it.
"Well you don't expect me to starve do you? We haven't eaten anything in
days." Was her reply. Rath let out a small sigh of relief, then returned to
his old self.
"HEY! I just cleaned that!"
"Well I suggest you go clean yourself. There's a lake not to far that way."
Cesia pointed through some trees. "You smell like shit."
Rath stalked off angrily through the trees. He knew she was right, he
hadn't talked a bath since the last time they were at a small hotel they
stayed at before going into the forest. And since then he had slain many a
demon. When he reached the lake he squatted down, ridding his face and
hands of blood, before stripping down and going into the cool water. He
rested agenst a large rock letting the gently flowing water wash him. The
sound of the rushing water and singing birds made him sleepy and he let
himself drift off.
Cesia was now sitting comfortably by the fire watching the 'diner' she was
making. It wasn't great, but at least she could get rid of the emptiness in
her stomach. She sat there leaning against a rock humming a little tune she
had made up on the spot. She was starting to fall asleep when she got a
nagging feeling in the back of her mind. 'RATH' She thought immediately.
Cesia got up and ran for the lake as fast as she could. 'Don't do this
Rath. I wont let you.' Cesia thought franticly. She reached the edge of the
lake and saw Raths clothes in a small pile near the waters edge. Her eyes
darted all over the surface of the lake looking for Raths body. 'There he
is!' She thought to herself grabbing what was Raths towel and dived into
the water. She reached Rath face down and not breathing. Cesia wrapped the
towel around his waist and turned him over dragging him to shore.
"Don't die." She pleaded as she lay him down on the soft moss covered
ground. She took a deep breath and let it out in Raths mouth, hoping the
air would revive him. She continued the CPR till finally a small spout of
water rushed into Cesias mouth in the middle of her giving Rath air. Rath
opened his eyes to meet with Cesias right in front of his. 'What is she
doing kissing me?' He thought franticly. Cesia quickly backed away panting.
"What were you doing?" Rath asked in shock, trying to cover himself better
with his towel.
"I was saving your life. Its called CPR. I can't believe you would try to
kill yourself again."
"I can't believe you kissed me!" Rath said almost in disgust
"Hey, its not like it would have been the first time. You kissed me that
one time I was cursed. And I didn't kiss you." She said turning a little
"That was different! You were a rat! I still like you better that way. You
don't talk as much."
"What ever! Just...get dressed and I'll meet you back at the fire." Cesia
said angrily. 'Why did he always have to be like this? Why couldn't he
just...'she stopped mid-thought, what was she thinking!
Rath watched her trudge off through the trees and he could have sworn he
saw a stray tear. But that couldn't be. Cesia doesn't cry. Not about him.
Rath spaced out for a few more minutes, recalling the feel of Cesias lips
on his. Absentmindedly he brought his hand to his mouth. Remembering how
they seemed
He quickly brushed those thoughts aside and got dressed. He walked back to
camp to see that Cesia had already eaten and saw a nice clean sword placed
not to far from her sleeping body. He went to pick up his sword and turned
it back into a bell and ate his dinner. It wasn't bad. Cesia seemed to make
anything taste good, unlike his cooking. He finished eating and sat there
in the silence. His eyes eventually fell upon Cesias body. She was curled
up in a small ball shivering. Rath took his jacket off only to feel a cold
wind, getting cold himself. One of them was going to be cold tonight,
unless. Rath went over to Cesia and lay down next to her, covering the both
of them with his jacket. She snuggled closer to him in her sleep, wanting
more warmth. Rath smiled and fell asleep.