Drowning Chapter 9 Amulet Relinquished

Cesia woke that morning, the leaves rustling on the windowpane. The colorful leaves falling through the open window, feeling the cool autumn breeze on her face.

She rolled over on her side, and looked around the room. She was back at the dragon castle. She had gotten back here a few months ago. She reached over to a scar on her right shoulder. She remembered, that was the place Raths sword had grazed her shoulder. 'That was the night Dark Cesia had come out, that was the night, I began loosing Rath.' She recalled the story she had been told of that night, for she didn't remember what had happened after she fell from the tree. She remembered what Rath told her. Remembering how hard it was for him, she felt salty tears run down her cheeks.


Raths eyes were wide with horror. His whole body was shaking. His hands, red with blood, not knowing if it was his blood or hers on them.

'She cant be dead. She can't. I didn't kill her.' (Rath)

Suddenly he was filled with rage. "YOU DID THIS!" he yelled accusingly at Dark Cesia.

"Oh no, I didn't do anything. It was all you. You did this to her. You killed her."

Rath looked back down at Cesia and placed a hand on her face. It was quickly going cold, but he could still feel a pulse. She wasn't dead, and she wasn't going to die, not if he had anything to say about it.

Rath picked up his sword and faced Dark Cesia.

For a moment, D Cesia almost looked scared, but it was soon replaced by a smug smile. "You can't fight me. You're to frightened you'll do Cesia harm."

"Scared? You should be. You know you cant defeat me when Im actually fighting you. Maybe when Im just defending myself, but not when I fight back."

"You wont."

"Yes I will. You can't stop me. Your not part of Cesia and you never were. Your gone from her and you have your own body. You don't need Cesia anymore. Sorry hun, your gonna die." Rath said in his normal confidant voice. "I think you underestimate me. But if your fool enough to think you can defeat me, bring it on. Your just that much closer to death." She said taking out her whip, wasting no time in sending at Rath.

Rath dogged easily and went in for an attack. He got her on the arm, and when he looked back to see if it had affected Cesia in any way, he was pleased to see that it hadn't. "You can't hide behind that lie anymore. I know now that you and her are not linked in anyway. " Rath said smugly feeling pretty good about himself for figuring it out. Finally.

"Just because you know you can, doesn't mean you will."

"I wouldn't say that. I hope you like your surroundings, cause this is the last place your gonna see. That and my smug face looking down on you."

"Do you think you can beat me with that gash in you chest?"

"What gash?" Rath said with a smile as he revealed the part of his chest where the wound had once been. It was gone. Now only a small scar remained.

Dark Cesia gasped, realizing that in the bright flash earlier Cesia had healed him, and helped release him from her spell. That's why she was so weak.

The battle went on, now both had their share of cuts and bruises and panting heavily. Rath had a new slash on his chest, though not as bad as the other one, still decided to bleed a bit. That seemed to be the worst of Raths problems, although you couldn't say the same about Dark Cesia. She had several serious injuries and the freshest one on her arm was bleeding profoundly. She spit a glob of blood from her mouth, leaning against a tree for a bit of extra support.

"I told you I would beat you, why don't you just give up."

"I promised I was gonna kill you Rath Illuzor, and you know I always keep my promises."

"Huh, and here I thought this was going to be easy. Oh well, if you want to go the way of pain, it's your choice." Rath shrugged mockingly. "Shall we continue this?"

An uneasy grin spread across her face. "Bring it."

Rath ran towards her, sword raised high for the final blow while Dark Cesia stood ready with her whip. If she missed this time, it would all be over for her. And she knew that as a fact.

~*Back to the present*~

Cesia wiped the tears from her eyes. She remembered that part very clearly. That was the moment she had woken up. She saw it all, Rath lunging for her. If she hadn't yelled out to him at that moment, he wouldn't have been distracted and he wouldn't have been hit. Of course he still did end up getting her. Right in the waist, cutting a deep and fatal gash in Dark Cesias torso.


Both of them fell to the ground. Dark Cesia lay motionless there, while Rath staggered to reach Cesia clutching his injured arm. As he got nearer to her, she could see the red flesh in his arm showing clearly. She had sat up against the tree. When Rath reached her at the tree, he completely disregarded his arm and gave her the warmest kiss she had ever experienced. He poured his whole self into the kiss and that moment. "Im really sorry about before, I didn't want to, she had me under some kind of spell. Im sorry. I love you, and don't you ever forget that." That was the last thing he said to her that night before he passed out.

She remembered the help that came soon after. The people at the hotel came to help when they had finally gotten up their courage and went to help. They brought both Cesia and Rath back to the hotel where they rested for a while before leaving soon after that to go back to the Dragon Castle

Cesia seemed fine, having all her strength back and all her powers as well. It turned out that it was dark Cesia inside her that was making her powers not work before. Cesia walked down the sunny path with Rath, nearly out of the woods now. He seemed different from before. She couldn't put her finger on it, but something was different. Physically he was all right, well his arm was a bit weaker then it had been before, but that would get better with time. No, it was something else. Something else was different.



"Are you ok? You seem, different."

"Im fine, my arms a bit sore, but its nothing to complain about. I've lived through worse pain."

Cesia wasn't quite satisfied with this answer but kept walking ahead of him.

A few hours later they were out of the woods and were entering a small town. "Rath, the store manager said that Draqueen was just north of here. We should get a move on. Rath?" Cesia paused to stare at Rath; he was hunched over, leaning on a pole for support. He was sweating and panting heavily.

"Are you sure your ok? Im really worried."

"Im fine. Lets get a move on." He said abruptly, walking past Cesia.

Cesia shook her head and went after him. They stopped at a bar restaurant on the way for lunch before heading off again. They had eaten in silence and had been quiet towards each other then the occasional sentence or two. Cesia snapped.

"What the hell is wrong with you! I know something is bothering you and I know when your keeping things from me and I cant stand this silence and you not talking to me!"

Rath smiled warmly at her from where he had stopped in the middle of the dirt road they were on. He walked back to her, her head was down and she wasn't looking at him. Ashamed of her sudden out burst. He cupped his hand around her chin and gave her a light kiss. "Nothings wrong. Everything is perfect." He grabbed her hand firmly and reassuringly and they continued down the street.

But Raths smile hadn't stayed long, and soon the tired and distraught look was back on his face, and whatever confidence Rath had just given her was gone. Her fear seemed to grow as they approached the Dragon Castle late into the night.

The first thing that happened when they arrived was they got a bath and were thoroughly looked at by Rune who healed their wounds.

Rune was with Rath in his room examining him when he asked Rath if he was feeling all right.

"Why does everyone keep asking me that!!" Rath exploded, hands in the air.

"You know already don't you." Rune looked sullen

Rath sighed deeply. "Yeah, I know. I could feel it after I killed dark Cesia. Im dieing faster now, I don't know how long it'll be."

"What will you do? About Cesia."

"I-I don't know."

The two dragon knights looked at each other a long time. Contemplating Raths predicament.

Days turned to weeks and weeks turned into months. Those months had been the happiest of her life. They had no more assignments. Lykouleon knew about Rath and decided the two should spend their time with each other. And that's what they did. The news about the two spread fast and for the two there was nothing more to hide. They didn't have to sneak around as much to be together, although that was half the fun.

The whole time Cesia knew there was something Rath wasn't telling her, but she still couldn't put her finger on it. All she knew was that it was something big. It had been a little over a month when she asked him again. They were in the vast garden in the dragon castle eating a picnic lunch. The trees were just starting to change colors and Cesia sat in Raths lap as he leaned against a tall oak tree. "Rath, there's something your not telling me. I know its something big and, I really want to know. I think I deserve to know."

Rath sighed deeply. He knew he had to tell her sooner or later. "Im dieing faster Cesia. Kai-stern only bought me a bit of time. And after dark Cesia, my strength has been leaving me faster." He looked at her to see her face filled with grief. "I didn't want you to worry or treat me different because of it."

Cesia couldn't say anything. She just hugged him tightly, crying into his chest. Rath gave a deep sigh. He knew this would be her response. Rath comforted her and they both agreed to make the most of this time and that they would live as if nothing had changed. It took all of Cesia not to yell out 'but things have changed! What do you expect me to do without you!'

That night they made love for the last time, and the next afternoon, Rath was gone.

~*End flashback*~

In her hand Cesia held Raths light dragon amulet. It was to be given to their child. Cesia placed a hand on her stomach. If it weren't for their child, she would have given up long ago.

Owari ~*~*~*~*~*~

Well that's it people. I hope you liked it.

Yes there will be a sequel to this.

Tell me what you think! Yeah I know I made Rath die,(cries uncontrollably) and I really didn't want to at first, but I have a really good idea (thank you Una!) for what to happen in the sequel. ^-^ I'll get a start on that ASAP JA NE!

Please R&R

Drowning By Kyokyoneko Chan End