its not much i know, i just want you all to know that i haven't forgotten about this story. i've been busy wrapping up my card captors/ fruits basket cross over... then i got a crazy idea for a new fruits basket story... but then i decided that i need to finish this first... after all the end is in sight! i just don't know how close it is- i have lousy depth perception. anyway, enjoy!

The air through the paths was starting to get colder. Kenshin couldn't believe that he'd forgotten already.

"It will be snowing in the mountains by the time I get back." he mused to himself, he smiled at the dandelions that had already popped their tops, looking like snow themselves. "Weeds." he picked one and blew the tiny seeds away.

He wondered if she forgave him for leaving like he did.

"She's probably very upset with me." Kenshin tucked his hand back into his sleeve and looked up at the sun for a moment. "I wonder if I'll come across a town soon. I should look for shelter if I don't… and talking to oneself is a sign of a slightly disturbed mind… yes master, I know." he muttered with a smile.

Just over a ridge and down a slight hill lay a small farming village. If Kenshin didn't know better he would have said it was the town he lived in before his parents died, it was that similar. He noted that while men and women both worked the fields, there were a few women down in the town square washing clothing in a stone lined pit. A small river of water ran through the town, into the middle of the pit, and back down the hills where it met with the original river it was diverted from. Ingenious really, for it saved the entire town a trip uphill and downhill to fetch water. For those old enough to not find river jumping fun, there were small ornamented bridges over the trench. It was a sight, pleasant and calming. Kenshin wondered if they had an inn of some sort. He decided to ask one of the washing women, it was a task he knew was all right to interrupt for a moment.

"Excuse me, ma'am?" Kenshin asked a small women who was vigorously scrubbing a blue hakama. She looked up and smiled gently.

"Well, hello. I haven't seen you around here?" she made the statement a question, which Kenshin gratefully answered.

"I am Himura Kenshin, I was wondering if there was a room I might buy for the night? I am traveling home."

"There is nothing on that path but the mountains." she looked puzzled.

"I live in the mountains. I train with my master." Kenshin nodded.

"Oh! Well, I do know that Uno occasionally offers her extra room to travelers. Its not occupied at the moment."

"Thank you miss." Kenshin bowed. "May I ask your name?" she smiled prettily, and nodded.

"I am Ami."

"Thank you, Ami-san."

"Kenshin-kun, Uno lives in the house next to the cherry blossoms, you can't miss it."

"She will be in?"

"She is always in."