Author has written 4 stories for Silent Mobius, Rurouni Kenshin, and Zone of The Enders. Last Updated: April 21st, 2005A warning to the wise: this bio is very long. Long as in longer than your attention span. As in longer than the Golden Gate Bridge. As in longer than Mr. Kuhn's biology lectures. As in longer than a Sailor Moon girl's hair. As in it's getting longer while I make up this crap to use as metaphors. I'm about to have to add a table of contents. But that, of course, would make it even longer... Announcements: And then what... It's been a long time, but I may just do some more work on the old FFs. I've decided that I might proceed with my Starwars fic anyway. I'm still keeping Teen Titans: "The Prince of Shadows" down. I must thank KuteVirgo, RoseMorningstar, AP gato, and KittyMoon for reviewing the original version. Yeah, the original. That's not the end of my most-reviewed-story-ever! (well, only because I reviewed myself to rebutt a claim that I stole someone else's idea) A new version, with new chapters, may some day exist. Attention all Z.O.E. fans: I'm starting a new one of those, and this time I'm taking it a bit closer to Earth. Take a look at the "Future Projects" area. New Chapters Up Since September 1st, 2004: Biographical Info: There's a new Werrwulf around these days, I suppose. I'm always changing. Since I've given up hate for people, "gothed myself out", and decided that maybe I won't get much done each weekend, I've decided to get to the point with this bio. So I'm remodeling it... again. I always change my mind about things. That's why I don't get much written. But I have boundless ideas. More than you'd expect from an ADD-lycanthrope-Christian-gothy kid. I think. But let's get a bit more in-depth: Basic Info: I find it hard to stay depressed. Some days I'm really good at it, but then I sort of have to stop fronting. I guess it's a front. In a way, it's the truth, my depression, that is. You honestly don't know what it's like to be me, and see so much good and so much bad in everything. I now consider myself a Christian Goth. It's way easier than inventing my own little counterculture, and way more practical. I've come to realize that the church needs to get its bum in gear, or else the Apocalypse is on its way as I speak. I've decided to see what I can do about it. If those darned "holier-than-thou" people can't get it through their heads that not everyone is a good little church-mouthed perfectionist, then I'll be sure to give them a piece of my mind. Jesus is the way. Faith, not works kiddies. John 6:29 "And Jesus answered: 'The work of God is this: to believe in the One He has sent." Deal with it, ing legalists. Instrument: I sing and scream and play the guitar... IN A BAND OF TWO MEMBERS THAT'S NEVER, EVER, EVER PERFORMED ANYTHING WHATSOEVER! YEAH! Favorites: If there's one thing I'm obsessed with, it's music. Blindside and Project 86 are tied for my favorite, so the order coming up is irrelevant, though alphabetical. I've decided to list each of these bands with my favorite song (or songs) in a format to make it both more informative and easier to read: 12 Stones- "Broken", "Shadows" 3- "Alien Angel", "Queen", "Dive", "Trust" Acceptance- "Black Lines To Battlefields" Anberlin- "Cadence", "Cold War Transmissions" , "Never Take Friendship Personal", "The Feel Good Drag" Apologetix- N/A The Beautiful Mistake- "On Building" Blindside- "Pitiful", "My Mother's Only Son", "Nerve", "After You're Gone" Bride- "The Worm", "Troubled Times", "Hired Gun", "I Love You" Johnny Cash- "By The Book" Vanessa Carlton- "Paint It Black" (Rolling Stones Cover) The Chariot- "Before There Was Atlanta There Was Douglasville", "And Then, Came Then" Chevelle- "Closure", "Mia", "The Clincher", "Don't Fake This" Copeland- "Walking Downtown" Dakona- "Revolving", "Center Of The World" Dead Poetic- "Arlington Arms", "Modern Morbid Prophecies", "Vanus Empty" , "Hostages" Demon Hunter- "My Heartstrings Come Undone", "Through The Black", "Less Than Nothing" , "Our Faces Fall Apart" Disciple- "Touch" East West- "For Every Wish", "Let You Go", "Ded", "Wake" , "Disturbed" Emery- "The Ponytail Parades", "Under Serious Attack", "Fractions" Everyday Sunday- "Wait" Evergreen Terrace- "Sunday Bloody Sunday" (U2 cover) , "Sweet Nothings Gone Forever", "Enjoy The Silence" (Depeche Mode cover), "Dear Live Journal" Falling Up- "Places" Fighting Jacks- "...Of A Dear Friend", "Year Of The Dead", "Photobook" FM Static- "Definitely Maybe", "Three Days Later" Further Seems Forever- "Pride War", "Like Someone You Know" Haste The Day- "The Closest Thing To Closure" Hawk Nelson- "Letters To The President", "Every Little Thing" Jimmy Eat World- "Sweetness", "Bleed American", "Pain" Kevin Max- "Return Of The Singer", "Deconstructing Venus", "Irish Hymn" KJ-52- N/A Lifehouse- "Quasimodo", "Am I Ever Going To Find Out", "Stanley Climbfall" Newsboys- "Entertaining Angels", "He Reigns" Norma Jean- "The Entire World Is Counting On Me, And They Don't Even Know", "Pretendeavor: In Reference To A Sinking Ship", "Bayonetwork: Vultures In Vivid Color", "I Used To Hate Cell Phones, But Now I Hate Car Accidents" The O.C. Supertones- "We Shall Overcome", "Wake Me Up On Time", "Superfly" Plumb- "Real", "Walk Away" P.O.D.- "Youth Of The Nation", "Sleeping Awake" Project 86- "Stalemate", "Stein's Theme", "A Fruitless End Ever", "Hollow Again" , "Soma", "One Armed Man (Play On)", "Bottom Feeder", "Chapter 2" Red Cloud- "The Coming" (feat. Def Shepherd), "My Way" Showbread- "Mouth Like A Magazine", "Dead By Dawn", "Matthias Replaces Judas" Skillet- "Open Wounds", "Fingernails", "Alien Youth" Slick Shoes- "Alone", "Once Again" Spoken- "Falling Further", "Forevermore", "How Long" Staple- "Rise Of The Robots", "Deathtrap Daisy", "Remember Sammy Jankis" Subseven- "Game Of Love", "Blinking Lights", "Emotion" Switchfoot- "On Fire", "Twenty-Four" Thousand Foot Krutch- "Puppet", "Faith, Love, And Happiness" Train- "Hopeless", "Calling All Angels" Underoath- "It's Dangerous Business Walking Out Your Front Door", "When The Sun Sleeps" Zao- "The Rising End", "Praise The War Machine", "Truly, Truly, This Is The End", "Dark Cold Sound", "The Ghost Psalm", "Angel Without Wings" And bands/artists I express an interest in: Godsmack, WrittenDownTheBarrel, Plus One, Beloved, Sugarcult, Rammstein, Superchic(k), BarlowGirl, the Benjamin Gate, DC Talk, Pillar, Number One Gun, Delirious, Creed,the Elms, Relient K, The All-American Rejects, Seven Places, the Swift, Furthermore, Jeremy Camp, John Reuben, TobyMac, Fear Before The March Of Flames, Joey the Jerk, Verbs, Edison, Taking Back Sunday, Lucerin Blue, Utada Hikaru, Nate Sallie, Rich Mullins, Kutless, Dear Whoever, Lacuna Coil, Virgin Black,Grits, Audio Adrenaline, Last Tuesday, Kids In The Way, Fear Factory, Black Label Society, Breaking Benjamin, and Halo Friendlies. What I like to write about, and what I just like anyway: Poetry: Poetry is a great form of art. I can write half-decent poetry anywhere, anytime. It's hard for me to be truly inspired, but it happens. I don't announce any fanfic poems I write here, so you won't be able to learn about future projects. My favorite poets are Edgar Allen Poe and Kevin Max-Smith of DC Talk. My favorite poem is "The Conqueror Worm" by Poe. It's dark, but it's really good. I don't really read poems that much. Most "poetry" I know is in songs. Demon Hunter is surprisingly poetic, though they're a metal band. Andrew Schwab of Project 86 does some great poetry. Anime: I like anime a lot, and there's generally something I DON'T like about it that I'd change. Expansion is always fun. I like Silent Mobius, Outlaw Star, Inu Yasha, Cowboy Bebop, Big O, Geneshaft, GateKeepers 21, Gungrave,Yu-Yu Hakusho, Rurouni Kenshin, Case Closed (Detective Conan), and Last Exile. Movies: I don't watch many movies. I just don't like to. I think most these days are too dirty to be good. My favorite movie is "The Omega Code 2: Megiddo". Also among my favorites are: The Matrix, Johnny English, Hot Shots! (original and Part Deux), Children of Dune, The Mummy, The Mummy Returns,Star Wars (pick one), Stargate, The Omega Code, and Left Behind 1 and 2. Books: I LOVE Dune by Frank Herbert. Very excellent. His son's expansions (or at leastwhat I've read of them) are just as outstanding. I've long been a fan of C.S. Lewis and Lloyd Alexander, as well. Look up David Hobson some time. You'll be surprised. Gordon R. Dickson's sci-fi stories like Spacial Delivery and The Last Master are top-notch. I finished Dorsai, and I'd recommend it. Also, Christopher Paolini's Eragon is likely the best thing I've read as of late. Definitely worth a read. New to my favorites are Shadowmancer and Wormwood by G.P. Taylor. Dark spiritual fiction with a point. Absolutely awesome, though oddly lacking in exclamation points. Beats me. Cartoons: I've mostly stopped watching cartoons. Suprisingly, I was obsessed with Teen Titans not so long ago. (Favorite Titan: Raven) TV: It's hard to find good television shows these days. I'm a long-time fan of Stargate: SG-1, though. I'm also a fan of Monk, Mail Call, Sue Thomas: F.B.Eye, and some other junk. I like TechTV's X Play to a certain extent. As far as music video shows go, I love The Ten Most Wanted on TVU, VideoZone on AngelOne, and #1 Countdown Rock, Uranium, and Rockzilla on FUSE. Videogames: Videogames make you stupid. It's a proven fact. If I'd never played video games, I'd probably be in college right now. But I like them. Among my favorites: Werrwulf's Thoughts On: Harry Potter: Worthwhile literature, but not my cup of tea. It's fanfics outnumber the next challenger by 110,000. Nuts. Slash/Yaoi/Shounen-Ai/Shouji-Ai: I don't care how you spell it, it's still wrong. I don't read slash fics. It's gross, wrong, unnatural, and, worst of all, misrepresented by a pathetically tolerant media. I know some people can't help it, but I don't want to see it. Sex Scenes in General: Do you people really have to write them? I'll avoid them, but when they jump in PG-13, it's called an abuse. Deal. Reviewing: If you're going to review, use some darned constructive criticism. There's a difference between a useful rebuke and a flame. In general, though, I like to be told when I'm good and when I'm bad. I KNOW I can improve, so don't lie to me. I quote an old colleague of mine: "Stop blowing sunshine up my a!" Strong Language: I don't see the necesity of profanities. I bleep mine and get them out of my system. Punctuating something with a sour word is primitive and often useless. You should see one of my new chapters, though. Military talk. Blood/Gore/Violence: I honestly don't care. I probably should, but I don't. I like it, actually. Depends on how good you are at fight scenes. Pairings: I have very few preferences as far as pairings go. Aside from yaoi. Ya already know my "thoughts" on that. I myself tend to go with the conventional pairings. A few deviations: Current Projects: (All titles #$! tentative) "Zone Of The Enders: Luna Recollection": Who is going to stop them? I finished a GREAT intro. ( least Ilike it...)I'm going to do the first three chapters before I put anything up. Motivation, kiddies! "Dune: Memories of Dar-Es-Balat" "The Matrix: Enter the Wulfix"- I can't think of a good name for my new Matrix fanfic, so that's it for now. My friends at CafeGamer are helping me out with the characters. That's all I have to say, except for the fact that it appears dead. "Silent Mobius: The Long Fall To Hell" "Rurouni Kenshin: The Swedish Blade": Ridiculous as it sounds, Kenshin and the gang encounter an old friend, a new enemy, and a mysterious Scandinavian mercenary who seems to know more about the new threat to Japan than they do... "Zone of the Enders: I Close the Book on this Dark Chapter": The name's finally been changed, and will change again, once I think of something decent... which could take awhile. Anyway, this happens after the Fist of Mars on...well...Mars. I'm in it! WOOHOO! Chapters 1 through 6 are up, and I'm waiting for reviews before starting Chapter Seven. "Stargate SG-1: Atum": What's more ancient than Anubis? Who are the Ogdoad? Is there really such a thing as Set-Nun? The SG-1 team gets caught up in it all. Stories taken down until I DO work on them: "Teen Titans-The Prince of Shadows": It's easily one of my favorite stories by yours truly. But I'm making some revisions. If you read the announcements, it'll be back up sometime soon... I hope. Future Projects: (Whenever I get around to them, and titles are certainly subject to change) "Case Closed: The Reluctant Assassin"- Richard encounters an unusual case, where he must prove or disprove a famous hitman's involvement in a government murder. I'm really, really, really not saying anything else. It's a great idea I've got here. Strange, but of good quality. Just wait. "Rurouni Kenshin: Bullets/No Light": Sure, I'm already working on a RK fanfic, but who cares? This will be an alternate universe songfic set either to Creed's "Bullets", 3rd Strike's "No Light," or maybe both. It's Rurouni Kenshin with a slightly altered storyline...and guns instead of swords. Set in a combo of Tokyo and New York City, with gangs and thugs and police officers, oh my! "Yu-Yu Hakusho: Dark Tournament Chaos"- Still working on the name. Happens during the Dark Tournament. Teams Toguro and Yurameshi still make it to the finals, but a mysterious third team appears, planning to start a set of four battle royales. Mostly planned for the action and development of my OCs. "Star Wars: Fatalis"- Almost a millenium prior to the events in the movies, the Jedi and Sith are at war. But the tide begins to take a series of turns as a Sith Lord calling himself Darth Fatalis sets about destroying everything in his path in a strange effort to "destroy the Force itself". Only a young, brash Yoda can stop him... Future Songfic Lineups: "Teen Titans: The Prince of Shadows"(possible future chapters): Godsmack- "Serenity", Breaking Benjamin- "So Cold", Demon Hunter- "The Gauntlet", Dead Poetic- "Dimmer Light", Project 86 feat. Holland Greco of The Peak Show- "Bottom Feeder", Project 86- "Oblivion", Project 86- "Star", Demon Hunter- "My Heartstrings Come Undone", Dead Poetic- "A Green Desire", Dakona- "Untouchable" Yu-Yu Hakusho; Dead Poetic- "Vanus Empty" I also want to doa Bible-based fiction to the tune of Norma Jean's "It Was As If The Dead Man Stood Upon The Air". It's tentatively titled "Rewind (The Repentance of Judas)". It's an interesting concept I've been playing around with. Cancelled Projects: "Teen Titans: The Hero Exchange" If you've read all the way through this, then you're my hero for the day, even though there's no way I'd know who you are. I'm quite amazed you've withstood my rantings all this time. Maybe you just scrolled down to see what was at the end... ...well then, you bum, get your eyes back up and read from the beginning! Now, if you gave it an honest attempt and gave up, then that's fine. Go about your business, and do not fear the reaper. It's gonna get harder and harder, so do read this while you can. I leave you with these three messages: Have a slightly-less-negative day, and God bless. |