Author has written 1 story for Yu-Gi-Oh. Hi, I'm RoseMaiden. You can call me RM. Read these people's stories and mine too! If I forgot anyone please tell me and I'll add you. I would like to say that I am finished a new story. It won't be going up till my school friends likings and also they would all like to read it. So I can only wait for the copy to come back to me. I will have a story up soon. I would like to say, also, that anyone saying they will report abuse for using their names...that is so childish, stupid, ignorant and selfish! I would like to say I can and will use any first name I wish. If they are based on real people the real people will be notified. I will also state this in the disclaimer for all of you who forget so easily and you know who you are. I would like everyone to know that I just made a new person that I would like everyone to read! RoseMaiden |