Author has written 1 story for Supernatural. This is just a little note by way of introduction. I am a mature woman with two beautiful special children at home. Forgive me I've been corrected, young women. As can be with special people and single parents they are in many respects my life. My other loves are literature of all kinds with horror and sci-fi being my greater preferences at this time. I watch only one hour of TV of late primarily because Stargate SG1 is off the air and Grissom left CSI. It just hasn't been the same. I can't seem to find True Blood or Big Love anywhere on my channels of late so I await their release on DVD. I also greatly miss the BBC airings of Cadfeal, Sherlock Holmes and Paroit. I do love those mystery shows and the BBC did them so well. I am an artist of marginal success but have had little time for my paints for the past fifteen years however I hope to return to the canvas soon. I undertook to draw a picture of Dean as an incubus for Crimson 1 and did in fact create something I was pleased with inspite of the fact that I am a terrible portrait artist. Sadly to this day I have not been able to scan it into my computer and send it. I remain hopeful. I am currently writing a fan fiction for Supernatural, not my first attempt, but the first I've managed to upload. Managed is the word as each upload is a struggle. I was at one time considered very talented with a computer but fox pro and oracle were the industry standard at the time. Twenty years away from the craft can erode a persons skill. I sat down to my new computer a few years ago and I'm still finding it an adventure however I shall conquer this wild beast and continue to write as long as someone reads my work. One day I will learn how to scan, or up load, or whatever it is I'm not doing correctly and send Crimson 1 her promised sketch. May God Bless all Who Visit, affectionitly Haley. |