To my adored readers,

I know that I have not updated this story in a very long time. Graduate school is taking its toll on me, and I honestly do not have the time to finish it now, much less add new chapters. With regards to the story line, I seem to have hit a rather thick, wide roadblock.

It is with much regret that I am putting this story up for adoption. I have a partial next chapter written, but from there, I don't know where this story will lead. It is my hope and desire that someone of great imagination and writing caliber take up the story and bring it to an end—one that I am unable to accomplish.

I thank you all sincerely from the bottom of my heart for all of your continual support; it has been utterly gratifying and humbling to know that you all enjoy what I have produced. In the interim, I will be occasionally spouting off one shots, as I cannot afford to begin another massive multi-chapter story.

Thank you all so very much!

Sincerely and with much love,

