![]() Author has written 14 stories for Dungeon Keeper, Neopets, Harry Potter, StarTrek: Deep Space Nine, Warcraft, StarTrek: Enterprise, and BioShock. Update 11/08/2017 hey everyone just a quick update to let you know chapter 20 is complete and i should hopefully start uplladibg again as of next week after my family has finished their visit. Update 04/08/2017 Chapter 19 is done. HOORAY!! Chapter 20 is about 50% done at the moment, once i've got that done i'll get back into uploading them. Update 18/04/2017 Hey guys and gals, update for you which is long LONG overdue. It's been a hectic few weeks, first my uncle was down visiting, then straight after sister and her other half and then the week after, my brother was down. Add to that i was at work and all those fun things and as you can probably imagine, i was a bit dead on my feet and didn't really do much work on my writing. Then when i have the time to myself another thing which i've been dreading for ages finally reared its head. The 14th was a year to the day that my dad passed away. I was in no frame of mind to do anything. Still, i now have peace and quiet so to speak and hopefully i should get back on track shortly. Thanks for the continued patience. Update 23-3-2017 Hey everyone, i'm here with an update, i'm going to be delayed on when i wanted to start uploading the next chapters due to a mixture of reasons, family visiting and a work being the largest part of them. So i'll be a bit late with the uploads. How Long the delay will be is unclear at the moment but I want to stress that it is not being abandoned. Not by a long shot, i just need to get back into a rhythm again. Thanks for the patience Update 8-3-2017 Hi Everybody, with the completion of Year One i'm taking a little break before i start uploading Year 2. If everything goes according to plan i should be back to uploading chapters at the last weekend of March (25th should be the next chapter.) it gives me a chance to properly plan it out and take it a little bit easier. Update 18-2-2017 Good news everyone, yes the chapter is going to be late but by late i mean i should have it all ready for tomorrow!! Update 10-2-2017 Okay the chapter is going to be quite late, i havent been spending as much time working on my writing as i should have been, it is sitting at 3000 words at the moment. Hopefully i should be able to focus on the task soon. So to make up for this delay i'm uploading three new chapters to the Many Faces of Harry Potter idea block, showing all that i had written for the Legacy of Big Boss crossover. Again, apologies for the delay, i'm going to really try and make up for it and hopefully, barring any unforseen chaos... i should have it up for next saturday (18/2/2017) Update 3-2-2017 The next chapter is going to be slightly delayed, to be honest i've only written about 1600 words for it, nowhere near enough. I plan to keep working on it. This saturday i'll still upload something, one of the many aborted ideas i've started to write into the Many faces of Harry Potter collection. Thanks for the patience everyone. Edited 23-9-2016 I've started to upload my newest story idea: Constants and Variables, i've already written the first 10 chapters and am currently working on the next batch. I will be uploading it once a week, every saturday. |