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Joined 12-07-10, id: 2646745, Profile Updated: 10-18-13
Author has written 1 story for Warcraft.

A few things about me.

I've always been really bad at writing profiles or describing myself or trying to puff myself up to sound great. Which seems an ok quality on an individual, but while job seeking isn't all that spectacular.

Here's the basics :

26 Years Old


I live in the midsouth.

I hold a Bachelor's of Science degree in MIS. It's hard to explain, so just think Business Computers and that's basically it. I'm currently working on my Masters in Information Security.

I work in an office, and my job is to keep everyone else in my state's information safe.

I have a strange mix of love of technology and innovation with a love of nature and living rurally. If it were possible for me to get broadband and work at a job I loved while living miles from a city, I would love that. This mix comes from growing up on a farm and in a state park, but also growing up in the golden age of gaming. The NES, SNES... those were my default systems growing up. I tend to love things retro themed also.

I have an intense love for food, and am always willing to give things a try at least once. My favorite non-American food is Vietnamese.

I speak English and a few words of Vietnamese. I have a bit of a southern accent though it changes depending upon who I'm with. If I'm working on our farm with my family it goes more heavily southern, but if I'm in the city and talking to others without it, I will subconsciously suppress it.

I like to listen to all kinda of music, though Rock and Techno are my favorite. Two of my favorite bands are Daft Punk and Wolfmother. I grew up raised listening entirely to country music, and as a result I tend to dislike it without a good reason.

I have many faults, and some good things about me to hopefully offset them.

My favorite pastime is playing video games. I tend to play mostly on PC but I try to have broad horizons for consoles as well. My favorite game of all time is Skies of Arcadia (DC and GC). I am an avid WoW player. Also, Demon's Souls is a bitch.

My favorite drink is sweet iced tea, and my favorite food is baby back ribs.

My fanfic, Of Claws and Totems, is my first actual writing experience.

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Of Claws and Totems reviews
When a Worgen with his humanity intact comes out of hiding to save a Draenei, he'll realize that perhaps living alone isn't so great. His story is one of constant strife: fighting for acceptance, fighting for her heart, and fighting for Azeroth. Rated M for violence, some gore, and some sexuality.
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