![]() Author has written 6 stories for Supernatural, and Walking Dead. Time to update the ol' profile! Some links if anyone is interested: Livejournal: http:/// Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/9livesbaby?feature=mhee Tumblr: http:/// Art (terrible as it is right now) : http:/// I love horror in particular. Also a fan of slash though I have no idea how to write it...this should be interesting. I'm a fan of many things, and sail aboard many ships. I'm all for spreading the love of fandom and don't discriminate who likes what. My favorite fandoms for lurking in at the moment are Supernatural (Destiel OTP sob sob), Walking Dead (I just really love Daryl ok?) and Star Trek 2009 (Kirk/Bones mainly). I read pretty much everything though in all sorts of fandoms (I am such a fanfic slut, arrrrgh. NO REGRETS). I spend a lot of time staring at a blank word document thinking "I should write something. Oh god this sucks." Then lying on the floor and hating everything. So every review/message gives me warm tinglies and I love you all. Thanks for reading my stories, you guys are seriously the only thing that keeps me writing some days! |