08-02-2009 Updated: I got a beta and this chapter has been changed a bit to get some more structure in it.

An: This is one of my newest stories and altough I haven't quite finished my other stories I just wanted to post this one. I hope you'll like it. It is a Harry Potter/ Lord of the Rings Crossover.

Summary: Harry comes back from his fifth year of hogwarts and is abused and raped by his uncle. He leaves privet drive and is somehow transported into the caves of moria in the lands of middle-earth. There he finds out he isn't who he seemed to be. LOTR/HP Crossover.

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings. They belong to J.K. Rowling and J.R.R. Tolkien.

Transported to another world

It was with a heavy heart that Harry left the Hogwarts express, tired and fragile from many nights awake and not much to eat, but the thought of Sirius still in his mind. How could he have been so stupid, why did he run like a first year to the ministry, why did Sirius have to die. The thought of summer was making him feel sick. His summers with the Dursley's had never been great, or good for that matter, but this year was the worse he would ever experience.

Apparently things hadn't gone well with his uncle's work at all and his uncle had been fired. He took Harry's downcast appearance and sombre attitude as meaning submission, silence and a free, easy punching bag. Uncle Vernon blamed Harry for all the things that had gone bad for him and thus Harry had to pay for it. Uncle Vernon had even ignored the warnings of the order not to do anything to Harry, so angry was he.

As soon as they were back at 4th Privet Drive, Vernon had grabbed Harry by his hair and dragged him to his room. Terrified by what was happening Harry remained silent, he'd been through this before, he hoped it wouldn't last long. There he ripped Harry's clothes off, punching Harry in the face making his glasses snap and fall off his face, and Harry gave out a small horrified whimper. He had no idea what his uncle was planning to do, but he had an idea as Vernon began pulling off his belt and in one powerful strike, brought it down on Harry.

Harry screamed out from the pain and he backed against the wall of his room, trying, in vain, to curl into a ball and hide from his uncle. His screams became louder with every strike. His throat was quickly becoming raw as his blood poured from the open wounds on his back . Uncle Vernon eventually exhausted himself and stopped the thrashing, panting hard. Thinking he had stopped Harry tried to shuffle away from him, but his uncle grabbed him up again and threw him on the bed. The old bed springs creaking and groaning as Harry trembled. Then his Uncle shed his own clothes and crawled on top of Harry. It was the worst thing he had ever experienced. It felt like he was being ripped in two as his uncle defiled him. He didn't know what came after all of that, as the pain got so unbearable that the darkness overtook him.

When the darkness began to fade away again, Harry curled himself into a ball. It hurt. Oh Merlin did it hurt, as he moved his legs he could feel something cracking and breaking on his legs. Moving slowly, inch by inch Harry moved into his hands and knees on the bed. He hurt too much to sit down properly.

Apparently his Uncle hadn't stopped merely because he was unconscious. Harry's possessions lay strewn about the room. His Firebolt was shattered into lots of tiny bits, having been snapped in two over and over again. His books lay crumbled and torn in the corners of the room, most likely having been thrown there in Uncle Vernon's anger.

That was when Harry noticed the blood on the cover of one of his books, and more on the book underneath it. He scrambled off the bed and half ran and half crawled his way over, in his haste. Pushing the books aside he found Hedwig. She gave a pathetic hoot as though she were trying to comfort him, even with the awful wound on her wing. As carefully as he could Harry moved her to the bed and wrapped her, like a baby, in the blanket he used as a baby.

He thought of where he was going to go. Ron's? Too many people. Who would want to be around him now? Hermione's? He didn't know how to get there and the parchment with her number on was shredded along with all the other parchments he possessed. He'd think about it later, right now he just had to get out of the house before Vernon realised he was awake.

In the end, Harry never remembered getting out of the house. But the playground nearby called to him and he ran as fast as his injuries would allow to get to the safe haven. Only once he was there did he slow down. Gently settling himself onto a swing, with legs the only thing touching the swing. He shifted the backpack on his shoulder cautiously, constantly wary of the slashes on his shoulders and back. He hoped the cloak around his shoulders and over his head was enough to hide the vivid bruise on his cheekbone, his glasses hanging by one ear, the other arm having fallen off. He sat there for hours, the occasional car driving by, but no-one paid him any attention, not even the teenagers that were shooting up in the corner of the playground. Though, Harry thought, they did have a good reason.

Suddenly as if in a trance he spotted something on the ground and grabbed it up. It was a chain with what looked like a green leaf hanging from it. The outlines of the leaf were gold and the nerves were silver. It fascinated him and he had a feeling he had seen it before, but he couldn't remember where from. Then he was shaken out of his trance when Hedwig hooted quietly. Harry looked sadly down at his owl, sitting back down on the swing.

"I know Hedwig, but I have no idea where to go now. I think I've had enough of this life, it was on borrowed time anyway. Maybe there are people out there that care about me, but it doesn't seem so now. I want someone to love me for who I truly am, not because I'm the boy who lived. I want to go somewhere where I truly belong. " Harry whispered, hugging the owl close to him.

It was as if someone had heard him, because the wind began to pick up and it felt like he was in the middle of a tornado, everything being blown about, howling in the strange wind. He stood up off the swing in alarm, which immediately started dancing madly jumping up and down. Maybe it was a hurricane, they had had one in England, many years ago, maybe it was happening again. The wind was fast enough to be hurricane speed he was sure. The playground bin was thrown over, leaves ripped from the trees and flew around and around Harry as he stood unaffected in the middle, dust from the pathway and bark from the climbing frame flew into his eyes, making them sting and sore.

All of a sudden he was picked up by the wind, his glasses finally falling from his face and suddenly it all stopped. He fell painfully back to the ground, landing on his glasses. His injuries on his back opened again, but another pain shot through him and has as Harry opened his eyes, he watch tree above him get further and further away. Oh shit! Oh shit! Stop! Stop! Stop!

His body felt like it was on fire, slowly burning from the inside out, even his eyes hurt and he screwed them up tightly. His ears burned with a ferocious intensity and his bones and his skin too. When, finally, after what seemed to Harry as years, the pain started to cease. He lay still for awhile on his back, with Hedwig laying on his stomach, breathing heavily.

When he felt good enough he stood up. To utter amazement he wasn't in the playground anymore, but in some kind of dark cave like room. The walls were plastered in grime and the place was littered with cobwebs. Surprisingly, despite his shock he still thought the place would make Aunt Petunia faint at all the muck and other crap that littered around the place. What silly things people think at the oddest times. But, perhaps most disturbingly, were the corpses and skeletons that were scattered about the room. He quickly averted his eyes from them and was trying not to think about them, or how that would be what Cedric's body would properly look like right now. So, instead, he focused his mind on the tomb in the middle of the room. As he walked towards it to try and read the strange writing on the side. When he got to it, however, he could barely see over the top and had to stand on tip toes to read the writing. Feeling foolish he looked down at his feet, only to see how close they were to his body. Taking a step back Harry glanced around, like the reason he was smaller would jump out at him from the shadows. He looked to one of his hands, while still holding Hedwig with the other. It was indeed a smaller hand than he remembered and the scar on it seemed to have shrunk, but was now more visible than it was before.

Remembering the pain in his ears, he reached with his free hand to his right ear. Where once they had been curved they now ended in points. He noticed more things that hadn't come to pass in his mind ever since he had landed in the strange cave. He hadn't worn his glasses. He had landed on them when he had fallen, yet he could see perfectly clear. Unfortunately, His clothes hadn't shrunk with him. His trousers kept falling off his hips, his shirt hung loosely on one shoulder and reached his ankles and his cloak had fallen on the ground.

A cry from beyond the huge doorway alerted Harry and he heard something coming. He quickly gathered his belongings and scurried off into the shadows. Their he curled into a ball and pull Hedwig to his chest. Lastly, he pulled his cloak around him and made sure his ears were covered. He was already a freak and defiled, he didn't want people to add more to the list if he were to be found.

At that moment nine people entered the room.

AN: Chapter one of Eflings of hope, tell me how you liked it.

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