Disclaimer: Not mine

Chapter 8

The demons cowered away as Lilith basically threw a temper tantrum. Things had been going according to plan until that rotten boy interfered. Thanks to him Dean had never gone to hell and the Seal was still intact. She needed it broken! How was she going to free Lucifer if there was no righteous man in hell? She glared at Ruby, she had always been her favourite but even she had failed her, because Dean was alive she hadn't been able to get close to Sam and get him addicted. All her plans ruined by one human child, it wasn't fair!

Dean peered into the room and smiled when he saw Sam and Xander curled together on the couch. Seeing Sam so happy again made him happy and he knew it was the same for Bobby. The three of them had been hunting together for a while now and it was amazing how easily Xander had fit in with them. The amount of demon involved hunts had him worried though, especially with Ruby's warning. Lilith was obviously up to something but what? No one they knew could figure it out either. Xander had even called his old colleagues in Sunnydale and they had apparently called for help all the way to London with no results. No one on their side knew why the demons were going nuts.

Xander snarled, eyes flashing green even as he tackled the demon away from his mate. He slammed its head into the floor and it groaned even as Dean tossed him the knife and he shoved it into the demons heart. This was the fourth attack this month and it was driving them all crazy. Any time they left the protection of the wards at his uncles they were hunted down and attacked. It seemed there really was a price on all of their heads. "This is getting ridiculous." Xander growled angrily and Sam moved to wrap an arm around his waist in an effort to comfort him.

"We're going to be fine." Sam assured the younger male.

"This is it. I'm finished being hunted, we're the hunters! So let's hunt this bitch down and end it." Dean snapped and Xander smirked.

"Sounds good to me."

"I suppose I have to say yes just to keep you two sane." Sam sighed but his eyes were laughing. Xander grinned and kissed him, it was about time they went of the offensive.

Sam held Xander close as his mate slept soundly. He was glad the nightmares of hell were getting less frequent. They both needed the sleep after all and he hated the pain the nightmares caused Xander. For the last six months they had been on the offensive against Lilith and her demons and while they hadn't found her yet they had made a very large impact on her army. But they were also careful to ensure they took breaks from their attacks, not wanting to burn out. Bobby sometimes went with them but most of the time he stayed behind with the research. What made it worse was things in Sunnydale were getting bad according to Buffy. Potential Slayers were dying worldwide and they didn't know why yet. The Watchers Council was history now, all that was left was a crater in the middle of London. It scared him to have all of this happening at the same time but he held firm in the belief they would make it, he had to or he'd go crazy.

Xander sighed. "They'll be over run in seconds and Willow will need longer for the spell." He pointed out and Buffy groaned.

"See, this is why Riley did have his uses." She grumbled.

"Occasionally." Xander admitted, stretching out on the porch. "You holding together?"

"Better than I was." She answered softly.

"Hey, you'll beat this and then with more Slayers maybe you and Dawn can take a holiday."

"What about you and the creepy demon kid?" Buffy asked.

"Well her army has seriously shrunk but still no luck on her."

"Knowing our luck you'll find her while we're sealing the First away so we won't be able to help each other."

"Probably." He agreed.

Lilith smirked as she pinned all three boys to the wall. "You silly boys, can't you tell a trap?" She taunted only for brown eyes to flash green as their owner smirked.

"Can't you? Willow!" Xander yelled and the most powerful witch ever appeared, hair and eyes white as she channelled the power of the earth. Beside her were Buffy armed with the Scythe and Faith carrying an impressive looking sword. Lilith was forced to release them as Willow attacked her magically. Then the fight was on.

Sam finally fought his way to the demon who snarled and sent a blast of white light at him only for it not to do anything. He grinned and lunged, slamming the demon killing blade home into her heart. "This is for Dean and Xander." He hissed in her ear as she died. Dena had suffered a year of fear and Xander decades in hell because of her.

Xander pinned Ruby to the floor and snarled at her even as Faith approached. "Need a hand boy toy?" She smirked and he nodded.

"Go ahead Faith." He sat back a bit and the sword flashed down, removing the demons head. Another few minutes and they were the only ones standing, all the demons dead or fled.

"Well that was fun." Buffy grinned and then hugged Xander. "We need to see each other outside of fights."

"Sure." He agreed.

"But can we sleep now?" Willow asked as her hair faded back to its natural red.

"Come on red, I'll carry you to the hotel." Faith offered and easily swept the exhausted witch up. Seconds later Willow was out cold.

"This is going to be fun to clean up." Dean grumbled.

"I'll get the gas." Sam answered. Half an hour later the massive warehouse was burning away merrily and the group separated to go get some sleep.

Sam and Xander curled together on a bed with Dean on the other one already asleep. "IT's finally over." Sam whispered and Xander smiled.

"Yeah. So holiday and then back to work. There'll always be evil to hunt."

"Yeah. But I doubt anything like her or the First."

"True, maybe life will be easy now with all the Slayers and hunters around." Xander offered and then they both laughed, yeah right.

The End