Author has written 12 stories for Rurouni Kenshin, Final Fantasy VII, Detective Conan/Case Closed, Ranma, Please Save My Earth, Gundam Wing/AC, and Gravity Falls. Thank you for reading my fics. Update: 12/11/2016 First, and most important: THANK YOU SO MUCH to everyone who has reviewed or left a kind message message for me. It is this, and this alone, that has made it so that I haven't completely given up on writing altogether during this rough time of my life. Yes, I am alive. :) I'm sorry that I haven't updated in such a long time, but I've been sick. I'm still sick, actually. Let's see now, where's my List O' Illnesses... (pats pockets) Ah, there it is. So. I'm dealing with: Genetic cirrhosis of the liver, high blood pressure, hypothyroidism, near-constant migraines, severe anxiety, depression, and just a little touch of PTSD. Woo! Bottom line: Nothing life-threatening. Just really, really annoying. The good news is that I'm writing again for the first time in almost three years. The bad news, for those of you who have been waiting faithfully for updates on in-progress fics - especially The Case of the Missing Detective - is that I've started a new fic. Gravity Falls is the only thing that has managed to breathe life back into my muse in a long time. I can't even describe what a relief it was for my mind to be clear enough that a story began to percolate for the first time in ages. So PLEASE don't be mad at me. At the moment, it's this, or nothing. And frankly, I've been a little terrified to post it for fear of backlash. I almost made a separate account so I could post it anonymously, but changed my mind and decided to suck it up. The somewhat good news is that I have not abandoned TCotMD, All But Blood, and Jenova Rebirth. They are simply on hiatus. Anyone who had the patience to wait for me to complete Hearts of Ice knows that while it may take a long time, I do eventually get back to my in-progress fics. I came back to TCotMD in 2013 after not looking at it since 2001. (Yeah, sorry. That is a LONG time.) So, later today, or perhaps tomorrow depending on busy-ness, I will be posting the first chapter of a Gravity Falls fic inspired by the Monster Falls AU, titled There Ain't No Cure for the Cervitaur Blues. All But Blood, Jenova Rebirth, and The Case of the Missing Detective are on hiatus. Not dead. I repeat, not dead. Thank you all again for the kindness and support you have shown me. It means the world to me. -Krista |