Author's Note: Phanniemay is still going on and I'm trying to do everyday! I might be doing some writing but most of it will be art. So if you like the story and want to see some of story related art check out my Tumblr: ToDoJustice


Vlad stared at the empty syringe in his hands with tired eyes, swaying where he stood. He hadn't gotten any sleep the last week. Daniel's nightmares had only gotten worse. They were so real and tangible to Daniel and he had become unpredictable and violent when he tried to defend himself against them. Vlad bore most of the injuries, though it was nothing serious no one was safe from these nightly fits. Daniel even fired ectoblasts at Nina, frightening the poor girl into disappearing for a few days. The night before that Vlad had sluggishly floated down into the room to discover Daniel wildly tearing the eyes out of all of his toys and stuffed animals. Only a few survived the carnage, after that Vlad made sure to turn them to face the wall before he put Daniel down to bed. It didn't help with the nightmares, it just spared the toys.

Nothing in Vlad's life had prepared him for the screaming or the crying. There was nothing got to him quite like the feeling of being powerless. Vlad tried everything to help Daniel sleep, to assure him that he was safe but nothing worked. Sedating Daniel was a temporary fix that Vlad had been forced to resort to it if only to get a few hours of sleep for himself. During the night he had passed out on Daniel's bed with the exposed needle still in hand. With a grimace Vlad shoved the needle into a bio-hazard box and stumbled out of the bathroom. He was't equipped for this. A small, mocking voice in Vlad's mind told him to give Daniel up. That they would both be better off if he had let Batman take him.

Vlad walked across the room to a tired, half-sedated Daniel. There was a one eyed stuffed badger in his hands. Daniel traced his fingers over the tear where it's eye had been. Vlad shuffled over and took the toy from Daniel before running his hand through his ward's hair affectionately, trying to cover the now stitch free scar. He killed that insistent voice in his head. His Little Badger belonged here, with him.

During the day Daniel was fine, tired but calm and peaceful. It was a good thing too because it seemed Skulker couldn't keep his mouth shut. Vlad's reputation and power crumbled before countless curious ghosts. They snuck in through Vlad's portal or otherwise picked their way through his defenses to see Daniel. Most of them were respectful, gentle or contrite when they saw the state he was in. They often brought little gifts or stayed to have a one-way conversation. Others took to mocking Daniel, trying to goad him into a fight. Vlad didn't stand for any of it, any strange ghost he saw was violently thrown back into the Ghost Zone. Often times burning whatever otherworldly trinket the friendly ghosts brought in a fist of angry ectoenergy. He knew the some of the ghosts were taking advantage of how distracted and exhausted he had been. They slipped through his portal and went on to terrorize the small city Vlad lived on the outskirts of. He couldn't care less about the chaos they caused, he had more important concerns.

Most of the visitors didn't return for a second visit for one reason or another, but a few became a constant thorn in Vlad's side. Wulf and Cujo's loyalty was expected and they were the hardest to expel. Wulf came and went using his portals, typically making sure to stay out of sight. Vlad didn't know how Cujo kept getting in, but day after day the puppy would show up and try to tempt Daniel into a game a fetch or simply sit on his lap to have his belly rubbed. Unexpectedly though Youngblood was counted among the recurring guests. The little ghost boy would pop up on occasion and start games of make-believe with a willing and bored Danny, luring him into a world of fantasy and adventure. Eventually and uneasily Vlad gave in, tolerating the intruders in his home. He had too little sleep and was far to exhausted to keep up with them all.

After Daniel phased through the feeding tube and IV during his nightmare, Dr. Arzt decided it was best to leave them out and encouraged Daniel to get out of bed, fly, and eat a little on his own. Arzt had insisted that Daniel eat very little to start with and largely limited his patient to milk and crackers. He was extraordinarily unyielding on the matter and when questioned he muttered unfavorable things about Americans and their rations. Despite this Vlad caught Blau stirring a little honey to the milk or slipping Daniel a half a cookie. Just little things, but it made Daniel's face light up in a way Vlad couldn't. Blau seemed to have a way with Daniel, he was always calmer and happier in the odd ghost's presence. Vlad couldn't help but feel a little jealous. He ached to have a go at his fully stocked kitchen if only to show the bedsheet ghost up. When Artz finally gave his approval to give Daniel a proper meal Vlad jumped at the opportunity.

He decided on an old Russian soup recipe. It had potatoes, mushrooms, carrots, and cream, nothing especially jarring for a weak stomach. If he chopped up the ingredients finely they could be swallowed without issue. It was perfect. After few hours in the kitchen a piping hot bowl of soup was presented to a drooling Daniel. It was obvious he hadn't had anything like this in a very long time.

Though his motor functions had improved the past few days Daniel still fumbled with the spoon. As he chased the utensil around his little overbed table he looked desperately at the soup. He of might dove into it mouth first if Vlad didn't snatch up the spoon and scoop up a generous portion for Daniel. The hungry teen snapped it up immediately but as soon as the soup touched his tongue regret and maybe a little betrayal flashed in Daniel's eyes. He spat it out. The rejection almost offended Vlad until his saw Daniel panting with a bright red tongue.

"Hot? It's too hot!"

Daniel looked up at him, red tongue still sticking out and he nodded. Vlad was thrilled. This was something he could fix. He started stirring and steam came off the creamy soup in little pepper and spice scented puffs. Vlad gently blew on each spoonful, cooling it down even more before offering it to Daniel. Each bite was devoured ravenously until the bowl was scraped clean. Daniel looked satisfied and happy. Vlad beamed, he had finally done something right.

That glowing and warm feeling stayed with Vlad right up until Daniel vomited. As Dr. Artz comforted his shivering and miserable patient, he lectured Vlad in his thick accent gesturing to the empty soup bowl angrily as he spoke,

"Small, I said! Little, tiny bit. Not all this."

Vlad was despondent as he listened the old ghost rant. The little voice in his head that mocked him for his faults had resurrected itself and was screaming now. He stared at Daniel who was still shivering and looked like he might vomit again. Dr. Artz's anger summoned both Nina and Blau. Artz angrily began explaining the situation to Blau in German while Nina started cleaning the mess up. The sick had gotten everywhere and she had her work cut out for her. Nina had just started to pick Daniel's soiled clothes off but Vlad pushed her aside,

"I'll do it."

He was determined to prove to himself that he could be an adequate caretaker. After Daniel's clothes were removed Vlad carried him to the bath. Since the hospital Daniel had only ever gotten dry baths with wipes and no-rinse shampoo and he was long overdue for a proper one.

Vlad kicked on the faucet, hands still full of lanky teenager and waited for the tub to fill with hot water before gently dipping Daniel into the tub. At least he tried to be gentle. As soon as he touched the water Daniel started screaming and fighting. Exhausted and frustrated Vlad tried to force his ward into the tub. Daniel's flailing splashed water everywhere, filling half of the rather large bathroom with water and soaking Vlad to the bone. Somehow Vlad ended up in the bathtub with Daniel sprawled out on a soaking wet bathroom rug, shivering and glaring venomously.

The thread of self control Vlad had been clinging to finally snapped and he screamed. It was a long, wordless and frustrated roar. Daniel lost what fight he had and skittered across the bathroom to back up against the cabinets. This invoked some primal need to hunt in Vlad and he pursued. He leapt from the bathtub and pounced on Daniel, grabbing him by the shoulders. Vlad started shouting at the teen, shaking him violently to accent each word,


A tiny frightened noise caught between a whimper and a sob escaped Daniel. The anger drained from Vlad immediately and he saw his little ward, frail and terrified. Daniel's scared eyes were hollow and dark, highlighting how tired he was. Exhaustion was plaguing him just as much as it was Vlad. They were both tired, wet and cold. Vlad slid his hands from Daniel's shoulders and saw the bruises that were starting to form where he had gripped the fragile skin tightly. Vlad sighed but a sob caught in his throat instead.

"I...don't know what you need."

He stared at Daniel desperately and an uneasy silence fell over the room. They sat together on the cold, wet floor, occasionally glancing at each other. Suddenly Daniel reached over and prodded Vlad. When he had gotten Vlad's attention Daniel stuck out his tongue, almost playfully. Vlad was taken aback and stared incredulously at Daniel as he shyly prodded him again and stuck his tongue out. It was still a little red from the soup. It dawned on Vlad.


Daniel nodded. After a beat of shocked silence Vlad coughed out a laugh and grabbed Daniel, dragging him into a hug. Daniel squirmed in Vlad's grasp but that only made the older man to draw him in tighter. Vlad tried again. He turned on the cold tap and added some bubble soap for good measure before picking Daniel up and placing him in the tub. The bath was barely lukewarm and Daniel willingly entered without fuss. He even started to play with the bubbles, reveling in the feeling of them popping as he ran his hands through the white foam. It didn't take Vlad long to give Daniel a good scrub. Especially since Vlad chose to use his ghost powers to phase away the soap and water, adding to the already considerable pool on the floor but leaving both of them dry. Vlad returned Daniel to a fresh, clean bed and flicked on a cartoon. It distracted Daniel enough to leave a tired Vlad alone with his thoughts.

Vlad mulled over his failures while fighting off sleep. Almost everything he had tried to bring Daniel comfort had backfired. A scalding bath, a bowl of hot soup, the sedation, and even the stuffed badgers were things that Vlad liked. They were things that Vlad took comfort in or made his life easier. Tired realization washed over Vlad and he rubbed his eyes, sighing. He had been selfish and he treated Daniel like a miniature version of himself. Daniel was different, as reluctant as Vlad was to admit it. Where Vlad ran hot, Daniel ran cold. They were made of a different mettle. Vlad started to run a hand through Daniel's hair trying to cover the scars again. But Daniel flinched. Reluctantly Vlad withdrew his hand, out of respect for Daniel's comfort and leaned back in his chair instead. The messy, half grown-in hair framed the horrible scars running across Daniel's skull. Vlad hated those scars. They were an ugly reminder of his failures. He stared, mulling over his mistakes until his heavy eyes closed and he fell asleep in his chair.

Vlad felt like he understood Daniel now and gave him space to heal on his own. His efforts paid off. Weeks passed and Daniel got stronger. He could eat on his own, dress himself and had even taken to flying across the property, exploring everything he could. The nightmares still persisted but they had become less violent as Daniel healed and grew more and more aware. Sedation was still the only way either of them got any rest but things were getting better. At least thats what Vlad tried to convince himself of.

Vlad hired the therapists Daniel needed as well as filling a room with a few million in top of the line equipment. Both the speech and physical therapist came once a week and Daniel received daily exercises and assignments to complete. He never did. Daniel would occasionally disappear entirely before a session and the clueless therapists would engage in a hopeless game of hide and seek. The game would only end when Vlad, armed with Skulker's heat-seeking goggles, found Daniel or when the therapist gave up and left.

Vlad watched bitterly as Daniel's latest therapy session drove out of the mile long driveway. It was another thousand or so dollars wasted. As Vlad slipped the heat-seeking goggles on he realized that Daniel wasn't improving as a human, only as a ghost. Daniel didn't even try to talk anymore, seemingly following Blau's example and letting everyone else try to figure out what he wanted through vague hand gestures and yes or no nods. It didn't surprise Vlad, his ward was surrounded by death. Only ghosts ever came to visit. The only interactions he ever had with humans were the brief hour long therapy sessions that he largely avoided. There was no one around to show him how to be human. Vlad stared at his hand, burning brighter than any human could through the goggles. He certainly wasn't one. Vlad continued to search for Daniel while trying to think of ways to fix him.

The sun was starting to set and Vlad couldn't find Daniel anywhere. Usually he would show up within an hour after the therapist left. Vlad's panic mounted as the minutes passed. He had begun to tear his mansion apart, searching desperately for his missing ward. Another hour passed. No Daniel. Vlads hand's shook and his breathing came in short, panicked gasps. He tried to push away the terrifying and numbing thoughts that they had come, that they had taken Daniel but he was overcome and fear wound it's way around his chest making breaths come in even shorter bursts and his vision start to blur. Vlad started screaming Daniel's name desperately at empty halls and rooms. He could hear the ghosts he hired echoing him as they searched as well. Their calls went unanswered.

Daniel was gone.



Author's Note: I wrote 'Waking Up' and 'Sleep' intending for them to be one chapter but it ended up going on and on. I really wanted part one to end with me introducing the team but that didn't end up working out. For those of you wondering where the Young Justice is in this Young Justice crossover, they will be coming next chapter