Reviews for Treading Water
ViandDash chapter 26 . 7/14
This story is fin-tastic. (Like Danny, I am always guilty of puns.) Seriously. I devoured it in one sleepless night and then went back - after getting around two hours of sleep - to re-read some of my favorite chapters during the day. Gah, this is so good, your dialogue is hilarious and so in-character, and I just want more.
Lala2003 chapter 26 . 7/8
This story is really good. You're such an amazing writer and story-teller, and I love how you don't over-glamorize things as many fanfiction writers (myself included) are guilty of, lol. Danny's experience as a merman is messy and confusing, which is way more realistic! This story has made me laugh out loud so many times and I've enjoyed every word. My favourite part was when Sam and Danny were meeting at the pool because I loved how you showed their relationship changing. I'm glad you didn't have either one falling instantly in love with the other as it would've felt forced. Another part that I loved was the mud monster. You can tell how much time, effort and research has gone into this story. I mean, 60 pages of notes?! Woah!
V.L. Cari chapter 26 . 5/31
After coming across some fanart for this fic on DeviantArt, I binged the whole thing in four hours. While I see it hasn't been updated in a year, I faved and followed this so I can read the next chapter as soon as it's published. Keep up the great work!
didhero chapter 26 . 5/26
I just binged this whole fic in two days! Its seriously one of the best AUs I have read. I am so excited to see whats gonna happen!
Dp-Marvel94 chapter 26 . 5/19
And I'm caught up! I love this story so much!
anon chapter 19 . 5/18
I've been reading this for the past couple of days and WOW I love this so much! The worldbuilding is amazing and the storyline is so good! Keep up the good work!
Dp-Marvel94 chapter 19 . 5/18
It's MerMay so after having the on my to-read list for forever and finally having the time, I'm finally reading it and I am in love. This story is so good! I love the really unique twist you put on the characters. Danny's relationship with Sam as Fenton and Triton is so cool, one of my favorite elements really. I love the humor and all of the great Tucker and Danny friendship moments you write. I just love Danny slowly learning about his powers and getting more comfortable. The hydrokinesis powers with his water sense is so awesome and I love the many different ways he uses it. And Plasmius! The way you slowly introduce him, dropping hints as Danny gets more suspicious makes the finally reveal so impactful. Thank you so much for writing!
Ardsta chapter 26 . 5/12
Wow, this story is lovely! I have really enjoyed reading it so far, and I hope that (given you have inspiration and good health) you can continue it soon. I really enjoy your characterization of the trio and how their dynamic has grown over the story so far and I love Plasmius' plan.
daddyphannypack chapter 4 . 5/8
thinking of danny fenton this mermay. he is a minor that has been in fish jail for over a year now. his family and friends miss him dearly. sign my change petition to set our boy free. i am restricted from posting this on chapter one, two, three,
AngelicVolleyball chapter 1 . 4/23
Hello! I hope your doing okay! Staying safe from Clovid-19 and all that stuff. Anyways, I just wanna say that your book it by far the best one I have ever read in my life. There's everything in your book that makes a story fun an enjoyable. For example, you have a lot of humor (especially when it comes to Tucker Folly, because how could you not include that...) and drama, and very difficult challenges that you put the characters through. I gotta say, wonderful job! And good luck with writing chapter 27!
Ihniwid chapter 26 . 4/10
oh my goodness, I literally stayed up all night to read this! The idea, the characterization, the story- you've made something truly amazing here! And I absolutely love seeing your writing improve every chapter, it pulls me in farther and farther until I'm, well, lost at sea, frankly! Super pumped to see where the story goes. Thank you for sharing!
Silverpaw chapter 26 . 3/22
Dude! So glad you came back (I know it’s been a year, but still). I first read this back in 2017 and have periodically re-read it whenever I remember how wonderfully it’s written especially because it has an actual plot behind it! I hope you’ve been doing alright, and I look forward to When/if you get back to this
SparkleSeas chapter 26 . 3/6
I’m so sad there’s not more
SuperSarcosmic chapter 26 . 1/29
Ahhh, it's been a long time since I touched this story, but I want you to know that I do think of it every now and then! Apparently I didn't read this chapter when you first put it out - shame on me. But it's nice to quell some of my curiosity and advance a bit further in this story. Some of the mental images I'd gotten from this story, like the mudpuppy fight, are still really ingrained in my head and I still wanna draw them, once I figure out how to accurately get the images outta my brain and onto the canvas, haha. Hope you're doing well! Thanks for your hard work and engaging writing.
TheWolfFaithChild chapter 25 . 1/17
Hold up.
A Triton has three prongs. . .
That merge into one staff . . .
Danny, Sam, and Tucker are three people . . .
On one team . . .
Are Sam and Tuck gonna get some upgrades so they can help Danny fight? Where' Kaima? Is Danny gonna go through "torn between land and sea/fighting merman impulses" crisis? WHERE'S THE KRAKEN?!
AHHHH THIS STORY IS SO GOOOOOOOOOOOOD I LOVE IT! (This is my 3rd time re-reading it.)
Can't wait 'till next chapter!
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