![]() Author has written 1 story for Danny Phantom. Hello, everyone! I'm currently 23 and studying for two degrees in Computer and Electrical Engineering with a minor in Computer Science. I love my field, but I've always had an artsy side. Drawing comes much easier to me than writing, but sometimes a thousand words in a picture isn't enough. I see a scene in my head that can't be drawn... so it is written ;D Update: January 9, 2016 Still working on YSBD! I'm so sorry, everyone! I've got about 3,700 words of the last chapter written but the writer's block is real! I'm also in my 5th year of college double-majoring in engineering. This semester I'm taking 18 credit hours! Even knowing this, I just couldn't quite finish the story before classes started... Thanks to everyone who has reviewed, favorited, and followed! Even though I don't respond to everyone, know that I appreciate every word and that I haven't given up writing! I'm just terribly slow, heh ; Ugh, I need to sit down and write, dangit! Update: July 13, 2015 Still working on YSBD! This is/was my first story. I started this with no idea what my "writing style" was, what genres I'd be best at writing, or any idea of how to plot a story! All I knew was that I had an idea and after the response from that first chapter, I hoped to write a DP story I'd never read before. I thought of some canon-friendly ideas that I'd never read before, took a yarn ball of plot string, threaded my pen, and strung all the plot points together until I had a loose story - all this done after the first chapter was already posted! As I wrote, I jotted down every detail that came to mind wrote and rewrote outlines as the best ideas won out over others. I didn't think I was a writer. Guys, I had no idea this story would gain this much popularity! When I saw scrollingdown had posted the first chapter on Tumblr, I cried. I started getting follow/favorite emails daily, so I checked the phandom stats: it's ranked the 6th most followed story in the category. Not going to lie, I screamed in a pillow. I'd been phanfiction reader since the show came out and I guess I never grew out of it. It's a pastime! But never did I think i'd be a writer. I owe it all to you guys and I have to do right by you. That being said, I'm writing the main draft of the epilogue at a slow pace, but the ideas are still flowing! After the two years I've spent on it, I want to end this story right! I know I've got tons of room for improvement, but I've learned a lot. Hopefully after this story there will be more to come...and perhaps I'll have done better plotting and even offer regular updates. I have a couple of those stories in the stories in the works, so here's to hoping you stick around! Thanks again, readers - love ya!! Update: May 25, 2015 I've changed my username! I'm still working on You Should Be Dead! Chapter 17 is in the work (currently at 5000 words). I WILL be finished this summer, whether in one more chapter or two! Thanks for sticking with me and bringing my story so much attention! Y'all are the best!!! |