Reviews for MidNight
SaphireDragon11 chapter 3 . 7/17
Came across this again and of course I reread it! Gives me chills every time!
LuckyClover3 chapter 1 . 3/30
I love your story
NerdyHeart chapter 3 . 12/5/2019
OMG I can't believe you're back! please please please please update! new stories, old stories, a new chapter for this one, I don't care, just keep writing!
Guest chapter 3 . 8/21/2019
Man this fic is so wonderful, I really like your non-linear storytelling. Your writing never ceases to inspire me!
Asilla chapter 3 . 3/28/2019
Rad! I'm liking this Jack involvement twist. Looking forward to more!
sarapsys chapter 3 . 3/26/2019
oooh, i love the idea of black ghost bones, what a cool image!

ahhhh how did you take something already so tense and ratchet it up like this
im worried about everyone except vlad D:
Guest chapter 3 . 3/25/2019
ahhh! black skeleton head canon! so good! (though maybe canon? from the bedsheet clone, which i think is the most accurate clone, tbh) i love how you manage to capture so much of the characters so quickly. i can just see vlad's self satisfied smirk, jack's eager confidence, maddie's focused concern, danny's persistance with every description. also the suspense is insane, with just the right amount of push and pull and keeping us on our toes. i am 100% more concerned about jack than danny at this point, and i think vlad would be impressed with your powers of manipulation. this story brings me great joy.
Guest chapter 3 . 3/21/2019
OAO ohhhhh
Guest chapter 3 . 3/21/2019
I felt unneasy , cliffhangering :'3
PhantomOfProcrastination chapter 3 . 3/21/2019
Oh my gosh! This is moving along so nicely I appreciate this story so much! So many questions have been asked and answered, but there's still so much to find out! Holding my breath 'til the next update... !
Luna Adair chapter 3 . 3/21/2019
Eeep! So good! You are amazing at writing and seriously get me hooked! The descriptive intensity makes me feel butterflies when I read! xD
Thanks for posting this chapter so soon! Can’t wait for more! -
MsFrizzle chapter 3 . 3/21/2019
Gasp - what a terrific story. Even knowing some of the shape of it from the onset, it still is incredibly refreshingly new.

I liked the way you show Vlad and Jack interact over football. Jack maybe oblivious but it shows a bit of the sweetness of what their friendship could have been. Brief hints of humor such as Jack's comment about every castle needing a secret passage stand in sharp contrast to what the audience knows about the story. One day maybe the secret movable bookshelf in my house will actually be completed.

Was Maddie in med school? I was under the impression human cadavers donated for this purpose are a limited and precious resource not generally used by biology students. Perhaps that would make Maddie's desperate decision to operate make more sense. Danny would avoid going to the hospital at all costs but major surgery like this? It might be an exception. Then there is the time limit forcing the issue; would Danny even survive long enough to reach the hospital, never mind the longer term consequences? (not to mention explaining, and convincing the medical staff what is necessary)

I really like the details that make this story pop even when told in brief flashes such as Phantom's bones are black instead of white. Makes sense if colors are inverted.
Viddaric chapter 3 . 3/19/2019
I like the drastic diversion of expectations from chapter 1.
Desperate Drummer26 chapter 3 . 3/19/2019
Always Vlad. The perfect villain. And such a great chapter! You are a fabulous writer! I loved you all through PoT and SoaD (even SoaD deleted scenes) and continually read back through your work because quite frankly you are an inspiration to me and an artists! ;)
I can't wait to learn exactly what Vlad did to Danny and also what happens to Jack. From what I'm gathering, whatever Vlad phased inside of Danny was to keep him occupied with pain and the impending doom of death so Vlad could have all the time and convenience to do away with Jack (therefore Maddie belongs to him...the sicko.). You always surprise me. Looking forward to another chapter update!
Guest chapter 3 . 3/19/2019
So HOOKED! Next chapter!
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