All for a Kiss

It was a silly little thing, just a little desire that Hiccup had wanted to do ever since the first time Astrid kissed him. She was always the one instigating their relationship. It didn't seem right. He was the son of the chief, the heir of their tribe, if they were going to have a relationship shouldn't he be the one taking the lead? Apparently not. Every time he tried to kiss her she'd pull away, especially if there was anyone in sight. She wasn't into holding hands either, not in public at least, but would give his hand a squeeze if she deemed he needed it. But hugs…hugs were free and he never had to ask for one, she just knew when he needed it or would take one if she needed it. Sometimes Astrid was a little too independent.

Then the eel pox happened. At first everyone thought they were immune, after all the entire village was pledged by it except Fishlegs, Astrid and Hiccup. Everyone was treated and for a week all seemed well. The riders went back to their usual duties and prepared for the upcoming winter. Then it happened. A tiny cough that would normally be dismissed without question but there was a second one, much louder and followed by a mighty sneeze that made everyone, including the dragons drop what they were doing.

"Astrid," Hiccup said as he stared in surprise at the blonde.

She was doubled over, her delicate hands grasping her knees as she fought back a coughing fit. When she looked up there was a sheen of sweat glistening on her brow and in her golden hair. Her usually bright blue eyes were glazed over and there was no doubt she was coming down with something.

"Snotlout, get her some water," Hiccup ordered as he rushed to the girl.

"I am not getting sick again!" Snotlout yelled, refusing to go anywhere near Astrid. Tuffnut and Ruffnut backed away as well. Eel pox had hit each of them differently and while they didn't really remember everything that happened during that time they weren't willing to be fed that Loki awful concoction Gothi had given them again.

Astrid made a pitiful sound, one that wasn't natural for her. "Hiccup, no…stay back. If this is eel pox I don't want you getting sick too." She raised a hand to stop him but it was no good. He ducked under her arm and held it over his shoulders.

"Doesn't matter. I need to get you home. How's your stomach? Think you can fly?"

Her cheeks puffed out and she looked ready to throw up.

"I'll take that as a no," Hiccup laughed softly. "Lout, if can't get the water at least get Gothi. Hopefully she still has a little medicine left. Fishlegs, find the list of ingredients and be ready to leave if Gothi says to."

"What about you?" Fishlegs asked.

"I'm taking her home," he called back.

He kept an arm around Astrid's waist and together they made the long trek toward town. And long it was. Astrid kept trying to push him away and assure him it was just a little bug and that she would be alright with a little air. Of course she wasn't but Astrid was a Viking true and true and would never admit defeat. At least not until Hiccup had managed to get her all the way home and up to her bed. She would have been content to simply lay in her bed as she was but Hiccup had gone into protective best friend mode – he wasn't really sure if they were boyfriend and girlfriend yet since other than Astrid kissing him from time to time they had yet to go on a date and well…she hadn't let him kiss her yet. Sitting on the edge of the bed he gently took off her boots, one at a time, then…very nervously…undid the belt to her skirt and, keeping eye contact with her, removed the leather and metal armor. He left the blue tights alone. When she didn't move to hit him, Hiccup let out his breath and covered her with a warm quilt. After that he hurried back downstairs to gather a pitcher of water and wooden cup. He placed them on her nightstand before fluffing her pillow then sitting back on the edge of her bed, ready to do whatever she needed him to.

"Hiccup," she croaked in bemusement before coughing again. He immediately held out the cup to her which she took and gratefully drank down almost half the contents. When she was done she held the wooden cup to his chest. "Thanks." She offered him a smile before placing the cup on the table and laying back. "You don't need to stay. I'll be okay. Maybe you can get my Mom?"

He nodded numbly but his mind wasn't really on her words, it was on how red her lips suddenly looked and the way the glistened and how this would be the perfect moment to finally make his move. Of course thinking it and doing it were two different things and Hiccup froze when his gaze met hers.

"Hiccup?" Astrid asked, confused by her behavior.

He began worrying his lip and looked away. "Ah…look I… Can I try something…I mean… You know that Honey and the Hatchet thing?"

"Yeah?" Her eyes widened slightly. "Can we just go to the Hatchet? I don't think I can handle both today."

Hiccup became thoughtful, not sure how to respond to that. He shook his head. "Nope. You're getting both."

"Fine, get it over with."

"Oh well, that encouraging," he grumbled, looking away.

She only rolled her eyes, a tiny grin on her lips.

It took a few minutes before Hiccup gathered his courage once more. He shuffled a little closer to her. "Well…I'm actually expecting to get the Hatchet," he said sheepishly and gave her a goofy smile.


He leaned a little closer and cupped her cheek. He bit his lip in sudden hesitation before banishing it all together and dove in. It was sloppy, uncoordinated, and nowhere near as good as the ones Astrid gave but he tried. Luckily Astrid took charge and showed him what he was doing wrong. No words were involved but it was a much more intimate kiss than any of their previous ones.

Once they pulled away out came the Hatchet. She hit him in the arm. It wasn't nearly as hard as her usual punches so Hiccup could bare it with barely a wince. "Ow…" he said nonetheless, rubbing the tender spot.

"Are you trying to get sick?" she reprimanded, her beautiful eyes narrowed and looking ready to hit him again.

He chuckled and smiled adoringly at her. "If I do it was worth it."

She shook her head and grabbed the front of his tunic. "You a glutton for punishment." She gave him a chastised kissed before shoving him off the bed. "Now go get my Mom, Haddock. I want soup not kisses."

His smile fell as he dusted himself off and headed for the stairs. Was that was a major fail.

"You can give me kisses when I'm not likely to get you deathly ill," she called as he took the step down.

He stopped and looked back, a little grin tugging at his lips as she snuggled under her covers. "As you wish, m'lady," he whispered, not wanting to wake her. He'd go find Phlegma and in a few days Astrid would be alright.

And as luck would have it Gothi had just enough of her medicine to help Astrid battle the eel pox. She was all better in a few days and everything was back to normal. Things were looking up and everyone was excited for Snoggletog which was only a few weeks away. The riders were asked to decorate Mead Hall and Hiccup was pumped. It was the first he and his friends were given the honor and they were allowed to make their own decorations and for once Stoick wasn't nit-picking about everything being perfect. Of course most of the decorations were dragon based but other than an amused grin Stoick shook his head and let them be as he tended to his own Snoggletog project with Gobber and several of the older Vikings.

It started as a little sniffle, one Hiccup didn't think much of since he usually caught a cold around that time of year. "Okay, bud," he said to his best friend, Toothless as he carried his freshly painted shield toward the Nightfury. "Can you give me a boost?"

He was careful when he stepped up on Toothless's head, placing most of his weight on his good foot as to not hurt him with his metal prosthetic. Now Hiccup was used to heights. He flew hundreds of feet in the air every day with Toothless so standing on his best friend's head only six feet above the ground shouldn't have made him dizzy. He placed a hand on the wall to steady himself. He wasn't nearly high enough yet.

"A little higher, Tooth," he asked and that may have been a bad idea. The moment Toothless moved Hiccup felt his stomach lurch and that wave of dizziness become overwhelming. "Whoa…ah…oh Thor…" He doubled over and gave small groan. "Toothless…I think…"

"Hiccup?" Astrid called from the table where she was working on her decorations. "Hiccup!"

His eyes crossed and he suddenly pitched forward, tumbling off Toothless's head as the dragon tried to catch him. Thankfully another pair of arms caught him before he hit the ground.

"Hiccup?" Stoick asked carefully cradling his son in his arms as he carried him to the table the other teens were working at. He sat Hiccup down and felt his forehead. "You're burning up, son."

"I'm fine," Hiccup mumbled, pushing his father's hand away. He went to get up but fell back on his bottom and looked up at Stoick pathetically. "Maybe I'll just sit still for a few minutes."

"Please tell me it's not eel pox," whined Snotlout, already shuffling as far away from his cousin as possible.

Fishlegs gave a snort. "It's not eel pox. It's just a cold. Hiccup always gets a cold this time of year. Sleep and fluids will make him all better."

Astrid was biting her lower lip, her face covered in guilt but she said nothing as Stoick scooped Hiccup up and made his way home. She hurried followed with Toothless and Stormfly at her heels. Hiccup was gently put to bed with a small mound of pillows behind his head and heavy furs covering his lithe body. Nonetheless he began shivering uncontrollably.

Astrid watched from the top of the stairs, afraid to intrude or let Stoick know how Hiccup really got sick. She waited until he went downstairs, promising to find Gothi and get Hiccup a cool wet cloth for his head. "I told you you'd get sick," she reprimanded Hiccup when they were alone. Toothless bounded past her to check on his rider, gently nuzzling his cheek and giving him a big lick.

"I'm fine," Hiccup croaked, still denying anything was wrong with him. He was flushed, his face a funny shade of red that was unnatural for the usually fair skinned youth. His freckles stood out far more than usual.

She placed her hand to his forehead. "You're hot."

"Thanks," he joked with a goofy smile.

"Idiot, I mean you've got a fever."

"I'm fine."

She tilted her head to one side and gave him "the look" before cracking her neck. "If you think I'm kissing you and getting eel pox again you've got another thing coming."

That smile never left him. If anything he was beaming at her. "Wasn't asking you to. 'Sides, it was worth it."

"What was worth it?"

"Getting sick. I finally got to kiss you."

She shook her head utterly baffled by him. "You're either the crazy kid I know or the dumbest."

"When you figure it out tell me." The boy gave a yawn and his eyes drooped shut as he nodded off to sleep, his head coming to rest against Toothless's as the dragon settled his large head next to him on the bed.

Astrid watched him while Stoick was gone. Her worry only grew as Hiccup's breathing grew labored but she couldn't help the small smile that lit her lips at just how sweet Hiccup looked nuzzled up to Toothless. It was too bad Hiccup was sick. Hopefully Toothless didn't get sick, too. Tip-toeing up to the bed she fixed the furs around him and then pressed her lips to his heated forehead.

"Crazy," she decided with a small laugh as she brushed a lock of sweaty hair from his forehead. "Definitely crazy. Get some sleep, babe."

Hiccup shuffled in his sleep. "Wha…did you call me babe?"

"You're hearing things. Go to sleep," she reprimanded. She stood up and patted Toothless's head. "Take good care of him. I'll see what I can about making him some soup."

Hiccup gasped and reached out for her. "No! Wait! Gobber, can you get Gobber to make the soup?" he begged with pleading eyes.

"What's wrong with my soup?" Astrid asked, her hands on her hips.

"Ah…er…nothing," he fumbled, trying to look innocent. "It's just Gobber makes the best chicken soup. He always makes it when I'm sick." He gave her his best puppy eyes. "Please?"

Blowing her bangs out of her eyes she sighed. "Fine. Anything else, oh Heir of the Hairy Hooligans?"

"A kiss?"

"Go to sleep!" She stomped down the stairs, sure she could hear his chuckles. When he was better she was going to slap him.