The untidy scrawl of the doctor littered the pages


Unresolved issues surrounding demise?

Dissociative disorder – alive

Parental mistrust


Anger- imprisonment, parents?

Sam- girlfriend? Human? Attachment? Obsession.

Sister – living

Parents – living

Amity park

Hero complex – stem from obsession, influenced by Sam?

Sam replaceable? Quiet anger

Pages and pages of the notes were in one folder. They provided small insights into Danny Phantom through the eyes of the Dr. Sarah Jane. Maddie continued to the dictation transcripts.

Day four… Subject X – known to the Guys in White as Z – hereafter referred to as Danny – has show an unusual amount of self-awareness. Granted most ghost I've had dealings with are category 1 or 2 while Danny is a category 7. Danny has all the behavioral markers one would expect to see in a teenaged boy, given his appearance I would posit that age at death occurred between 13 and 15 years of age. The subject himself has given me the age of 14. This ghost suffers from an unusual disorder, while rare in humans, causing them to think themselves dead when they are in actuality alive, Danny insists that he is alive. Strangely enough he does not deny being a ghost, but insists that he is both a ghost and a human. While I cannot confirm this perhaps further reports can explore this subject in more detail, the guys in white offer no confirmation, and while I find it hard to believe, I also would like to keep an open mind. I can only imagine the mental torment of a child finding himself to be both alive and dead, the living (and I use the term loosely) embodiment of Schrödinger's cat. Subject has declined to answer any questions pertaining to his parents, but I have ascertained that they are both alive, and that they played a part in his imprisonment. It is of course civic duty to report spectral phenomenon, however, I find that he blames his parents for his incarceration, he has a living sister as well, but seems to take to her more kindly than the parents. I have pulled a name from him. Sam, a human who Danny seems to have formed an attachment to, while I suspect this may be the "ghostly obsession" I have not analyzed enough ghosts to confirm this hypothesis. More info is needed. The ghost in question is known as Danny Phantom, the self-proclaimed hero of Amity Park. It seems strange that a ghost would protect anything let alone be called a hero and yet despite evidence to the contrary, it seems that he does, the majority of the time, protect the town. At first I believed that this may be his obsession, but Sam seems to be more prevalent to his life. It is possible that his need to protect Sam has resulted in the protection of the town, or perhaps Sam has asked this of him. He does not elaborate on Sam more then a few mumbled sentences I've yet to decipher. Perhaps, the "Sam" figure can be replaced? End dictation.

Maddie skipped some pages moving about halfway through the stack.

Week 17 Subject X – hereafter referred to as Danny – has lost motivation to live. My original task seems useless in the face of all that I've learned. Somehow Danny has come to trust me, but I take no comfort in this. I cannot help him. I believe I am the only person who treats him as a human being. I don't know if I can work like this anymore, after all that I've learned… Danny is alive. He's human as well as ghost. And while I do not understand how exactly it is possible, I am aware of how it happened. I hate what part I've played in his incarceration. Every time he comes into my office there is more of him missing, last month he was missing an entire arm. I cannot stand by and watch idly, but there is nothing else I can do. I am not convinced of my research, everything I've published everything I've believed in about ghosts has been proven wrong. Not only by Danny but also by his own anecdotes of ghosts. Upon the discovery of his human half I perceived him as a singularity, given his condition, my opinion on ghosts did not change, but as I've heard about the other world see through the eyes of one who belongs to both, I've grown. I've received notice that I may be replaced with this sort of thinking. But my research goes beyond this, is it not the duty of science, even what may be considered pseudo-science by those who care not for psychology, to report and expand on what we've learned. Should I be terminated and my post not secure I will share my research with the world. My findings, my discoveries could mean the world to people. And if nothing else it will be an apology, and hopefully a rallying cry, for Danny's release.

Maddie shut the file. There were more stacks, official reports that deviated as time wore on. Dr. Sarah Jane had done her best to protect Danny at the end. Maddie wondered what had happened to her. She flipped to the profile, kind brown eyes stared up at her, brown hair combed back into a bun. DECEASED was stamped across her face. Maddie once again shut the file. But it would not stay closed, even through death; Dr. Sarah Jane refused to be silenced. A note fell out of one of the pages skittering to the floor.

Maddie picked it up.

"If I am dead, it's because I was killed. Likely it was seen as an accident, tragic even, my research has been held as government property, my knowledge, my proof, my enlightenment… They never agreed with my findings. I will be heading home today. I doubt I will make it further than the Airport. Please, read my notes, don't just close them, hear the stories inside, look past the clinical exterior, please, help Danny."

Maddie stared at the note. She folded it and put it into her belt, then slowly she picked through the files.

Hours passed, tears fell, occasionally there was laughter, but mostly there was this hollow feeling in her chest. Maddie looked up from the files as Jack entered the room, boisterous as always he stopped when he noticed her puffy eyes.

"Mads? What's wrong?" He took a seat next to her. Maddie closed the file, by this time she'd become convinced that they were wrong. She knew that she couldn't fix this. She looked desolately across the room.

When she had found out about Danny, she felt cheated, felt that her child had been stolen away from her by a ghost, everything about what had happened to him angered her. In the end she was angrier with herself. Through the notes she had realized that Danny had remained intact. She had condemned her child to this hell. When she'd turned him into the GiW she never expected his reaction: the betrayal on his face evident, also a look of disbelief, sadness. And that had been the worst, she hated that a ghost would give her such a look. But… but it wasn't a ghost. Jack rubbed her back as she hid her head in her hands.

"Read it Jack." She whispered.

(Madness is the gift that has been given to me)

Dinner was a quiet affair. Uncomfortable and upsetting. Mayor Masters was at the head of the table, Danny halfway down the table on the side and Lancer across from him. Lancer's eyes roved from person to person. Obviously Mayor Masters knew much about Daniel's condition, the IV drip was still in Danny's arm as he chased broccoli around his place with his fork. Bright green ectoplasm oozed into the boy making Lancer feel a little sick. Masters showed no such indications, so either he was deeply disturbed or knew what he was doing as far as taking care of half ghosts. Then again that wouldn't be too surprising given that the older man was also a ghost. Danny was looking better though. Lancer returned to his food, it was an impressive cut of ribeye, even the teacher's all steak buffet never had such choice meat.

Danny coughed prompting Vlad to raise an eyebrow.

"Are you sure you don't wish to remain here another day or so." Vlad questioned.

"And risk you taking it to your advantage to make clones or brainwash me, or get my mid-moprh DNA?" Danny accused spearing a broccoli and eating it angrily.

Vlad looked from Lancer to Danny then sighed.

"I am not going to convince you am I?" He asked. Danny managed a smirk.


Vlad rolled his eyes.

"How do you even know Samantha is alive in the first place?" Vlad questioned.

"I saw her… in a dream… a dream that wasn't a dream." Danny admitted focus returned to the herding of his broccoli. Vlad nodded as if this was a valid readson.

"Before ghosts your mother researched astral projection." Vlad's eyes went soft, then bitter. Danny swallowed hard.

"I know."

Lancer frowned confused at the exchange.

They continued eating.

A ghost appeared briefly over Vlad's shoulder whispering something to him then disappearing. Vlad nodded then turned to Danny.

"When you're both done, Fi will show you to your rooms, they've been made up for you, I have some business to attend to." Vlad stood placing his napkin atop his place and phasing through the floor.

Even after spending so much time with Danny, it was still odd to see Vlad use his powers. Danny continued to poke at his food, his IV was almost done finished and a ghost nurse came in to change it out for him, this time the ecto-plasm was strangely blue. Danny looked away, hands gripping the edge of the table as she worked. The whole room rattled slightly, a steak knife embedded itself into the massive portrait of Vlad across the room.

In better times, Danny would have laughed.

The IV had been replaced and the table slowly quieted while Danny took calming breaths and the ghost nurse slipped through the wall.

"How are you doing?" Lancer asked. Danny looked up.

"I've been better, but then again I've been worse too, so it's hard to say." Danny tried to give a smile, but it didn't quite work and he went back to slowly picking at his food.

Lancer observed his empty plate.

"All this because of a dream?" He asked. Danny looked up.

"Lancer… there are more things between heaven and hell than are dreampt of in your philosophy." Danny sighed.

"Shakespeare, I'm impressed, given that you've slept through most of my classes." Lancer smiled. Danny gave a weak chuckle.

"I'll admit it was usually because I was up late catching ghosts, and at times playing video games, my sleep schedule was and continues to be completely ruined." Danny admitted as he took a bite of steak.

"Goodnight Mr. Fenton." Lancer stood, a ghost appeared in a blue dress.

"Master Lancer… follow me." She bowed her head and led Lancer out of the room leaving Danny alone with his thoughts.

(I can see inside you the sickness is rising)

In the end Lancer ended up on the plane. Danny next to him looked much better. The emotional scars were still there, but physically he was well again, looked like himself, didn't flinch as he sat down because the pressure of the seat was too great on his wounds, and didn't walk slowly like his bones were made of glass. It seemed whatever Vlad Masters had done for the boy had recovered the last of his strength. Lancer was relieved.

The plane would land in a matter of hours, yet Danny couldn't care less. Sprawled across a bed, tangled in the sheets Danny couldn't be asleep more soundly. Things it seemed had been going well. They were about to land in California, and from what Danny had told Lancer, this is where Sam was. Granted California was a big state, but Danny was convinced it was somewhere in the mountains or near mountains.

Danny sat up suddenly.

"Sam." He glanced around the plane then shook his head as if something was wrong. Lancer frowned. Danny stood going to one of the cabin windows scanning the ground.

"Lancer… this is where I leave you."

The boy transformed, Danny Phantom in all his glory now stood before Lancer. Eyes ablaze with determination, the strong aura that had been missing the last time Lancer set eyes on Phantom had returned. With the transformation came a chill, and the faint smell of ozone. Then he dived through the plane. Lancer blinked. It had been so abrupt, he'd expected more searching, more explanations. And yet in two minutes Danny was just gone.

The plane hummed on. Then there was a noise, a ghostly wailing that was terrible, followed by an explosion. The plane beeped and suddenly they were loosing altitude.

(Don't try to Deny what you Feel)

It was the first time he'd fallen asleep without being subject to nightmares. The fear and vestiges of torture flickered in and out in the outsides of the bubble, but inside a bubble Sam was floating, her legs were crossed under her and she was wearing a black cotton dress and staring at something far above her.

Danny's heart did a flop, he was relieved, he was happy, and he was at peace. At the edge rage flickered. But for now, it was unreal. He walked up to Sam, she turned and seeing him a smile spread across her face.

"Long time no see." She smiled. Danny sighed letting his body collapse under him. On his knees he took Sam's hand.

"Sam… you're alive…" tears filled his eyes. Sam laughed.

"Of course I'm alive." She smiled. Danny felt himself shaking, his hand held her tightly before pulling Sam into the tightest hug.

"I thought I'd lost you." He held her as tight as he could with all the intent of never letting her go again. Her arms snaked around him holding him tight.

"Danny." Suddenly things were not good. Sam's hair was long, un-cut. She was no longer in his arms, and she was wearing white. She was standing in a room with a bewildered look on her face.

"Sam?" Danny tried to move toward her, but suddenly alarms were going off. He flinched.

"Danny!" Sam ran toward him, her arms passing through him as she tried to grasp him.

"How?" She shook her head, "Are you real…" her hand flew to her mouth, "Are you dead?" Danny blinked trying to force his mind to think.

"Sam…" Danny grabbed her brushing hair from her face, it moved as if blown by a slight breeze, "where are you, I'm coming.

"I don't know, somewhere… I only got a glimpse of it… are you real?" Sam repeated.

"Picture it. Picture it for me now." Danny demanded, there were sounds of footsteps growing closer.

"Ok." Sam closed her eyes and Danny stuck his forehead against hers, eyes closed.

"I'm coming for you Sam." He assured.

When Danny opened his eyes he was convinced that it had not been a dream. The place Sam had pictured, the secret tunnel to her cage, the place she was being held… it was all fresh in his mind. Lancer was giving him a funny look. Danny tried to gather his bearings, he made his way to the windows, and the terrain matched the one he'd seen in his dream before, while he was still in captivity. This had to be it.

He remembered the files he read from his mom; she had done some experiments of astral projection in college and some of the tests seemed to prove fruitful. While it had been a while since he thumbed through them, hoping to find answers to his own unique condition; he was convinced that the way he got to Sam had to be through a similar technique, or perhaps his dreams were prophetic. Whatever the case was… Sam was down there, he knew it. Danny turned back to Lancer, who still had a dumbfounded expression on his face.

"Lancer… This is where I leave you." Danny informed. He grasped for the familiar core of cold in his chest transforming immediately and phasing through the plane.

The ground below came closer, an outcropping that hid a cave that in turn hid the government facility was only seconds away. Zooming at inhuman speeds into the cave he immediately met security. Wasting no time he unleashed his ghostly wail. It was more powerful than he had remembered, there was the crashing of government, and explosions and the industrial steel door bent, buckled and flew inwards. There was another explosion not far off. Danny let himself in the door.

A missile like weapon was launched at him, it blew him off his feet and exploded as he was sent back into a cave wall.

Danny felt like his front was on fire, he floated up out of the debris and narrowly dodged several more missiles. His right hand was slowly growing back. Danny's vision was blurred, he could feel the signs of life more than he could see the agents providing them. Right hand out of commission for a few more moments and left holding in his innards Danny, for the moment, was defenseless. The agents used this to their advantage, shooting more missiles at the ghost. Danny, while dogeing the blast of yet another missile was sent reeling to the side from the shock wave. Danny caught himself, bracing against mid air and glaring up at the agents. Right hand mostly reformed he aimed a ghost ray in their direction. He must have hit something important because the next thing he knew there was screams and a wave of heat sped toward him. He covered his head a shield of ecto-energy forming around him, protecting him from the blast. As he opened his eyes, and his vision cleared, he could see the destruction caused by the ectoblast.

There were charred skeletons, screaming. Danny wondered briefly if it was ok that he did not feel sorry for the loss of human life. He glanced down at the right hand that had caused this, it had healed, and even the glove was reforming its self around his hand. Danny looked back to the destruction, he tried to feel sorry, feel bad for what he had caused. But he only felt satisfied; he floated amidst the destruction landing on the blackened metal floors.

This thought scared him. He realized how easily it could tip the scales and turn him down a darker path. But Sam was inside this facility… and if he could save her, he would do whatever it would take.

Short update. Hope it keeps your interest.

So… Uh some things: I'll be trying to update regularly but it really depends on my schedule at school and stuff. And honestly right now I should be writing an essay. So also why I cut it off a little early.

So, first time Danny has been able to reach out to Sam through a dream, despite the first time when he was in captivity. If you don't remember he does say that he saw her while he was in captivity, which is what sparked his escape in the first place, though the people bad mouthing her did have something to do with it as well. Anyway enjoy.