![]() Author has written 44 stories for Warriors, Inuyasha, X-overs, Codename: Kids Next Door, Dragon Age, Harry Potter, Doctor Who, Elementary, Thor, House, M.D., NCIS, Death Note, Bleach, Naruto, Yu Yu Hakusho, Twilight, Black Cat, White Collar, Supernatural, Ben 10, Avengers, and Fire Emblem. hello, hello! how do you do? info: goes by: steph aka: rain, lily, rainlily, zefyre -- you're free to use whatever gender: cis female years alive: 26 place of living: the sunny hell known as florida accounts: deviantArt: rainlily13 - various old sketches for my fics. warning, they're pretty bad lmao. ao3: rainlily13 - current and most recent fics mirrored here. tumblr: zefyre (personal/fandom/writing blog)
translations: Jogando a Sério -- a Brazilian Portuguese translation of Playing For Keeps by PatrinePTBR aka PatrinePtn fandoms i read/write in: books- immortal series by tamora pierce, harry potter series anime/manga- inuyasha, mob psycho 100, haikyuu, daiya no ace, akatsuki no yona, fairy tail, kagepro, noragami, tonari no kaibutsu-kun, naruto games- fire emblem: heroes, pokemon, mystic messenger, samurai love ballad parade, ikemen sengoku, fire emblem: awakening, dragon age series, mass effect series, skyrim, halo shows- miraculous ladybug, arrow, chicago fire/pd/med, supernatural, teen wolf, leverage, cold case, doctor who, elementary, castle, and others i can't seem to remember at the moment. movies- mcu random- i dabble in writing fics with roots in humor, adventure, action, drama, and always with a hint of romance (at the very least anyways), crossovers mostly. tumblr is where i waste the most of my time, and where i'm most comfortable to chat. i like to draw when the inspiration strikes, and when it does, it's p shitty not gonna lie lmao. i'd practice but i'm very lazy. animals are awesome too. the end. story statuses as of: 4/24 Domino Effect
In a World of Deception
Through the Looking Glass, To You
Facing Demons
Never Ending Battle
Reality and Truth
Second Chance
Snapshots of a Priestess
All other fics on hiatus until further notice. Completed Works (not including stand-alone one-shots) Safe – Inuyasha/Fire Emblem: Awakening – Kagome H./Chrom – Romance/Angst – Chapters: 7 – Words: 5,377 Playing For Keeps – Inuyasha/Harry Potter – Kagome H./James P. – Romance/Humor – Chapters: 3 – Words: 11,033 (SEQUEL IN PROGRESS) (Moments in Time Series) – Ongoing
(Tests of Virtue Series) – Complete
Upcoming Stories (Summaries, Titles, etc. subject to change.) Lyrium Wishes
Raising the Stakes
These Bonds (We're Not So Easy to Break)
Deep Into the Abyss I Go (???)
Death's Merciful Kiss
ships that be a-sailing ("/" denotes romantic, "&" denotes platonic) Inuyasha: Kagome/Sesshomaru; Inuyasha/Kagome HP: Harry/Hermione; young!Sirius/Hermione; young!Remus/Hermione; Fred/Hermione; George/Hermione; James/Lily Dragon Age: Fenris/Hawke; Varric/F!Hawke; Inquisitor/Cullen; Alistair/Warden; Nate/Cousland!Warden; Anders/Warden; Anders/Hawke (I adore this, I really do! If you like reading Anders/F!Amell, I suggest you read Amhran Comhrac's fics 'Never Boring' and 'Apostates of Amaranthine' they are to freaking die for. I laughed sooooo damn hard, you have no idea. These, especially the last one is probably my favorite fic of all time. I've read it over like three or four times already and these are the ones that sparked my love for Anders/F!Pc pairing. These fics are like no other, so read them!!) MCU: Tony Stark & Peter Parker Mob Psycho 100: Reigen Arataka & Mob Teen Wolf: Stiles/Derek; Kira/Scott; Lydia/Parrish Supernatural: Dean/Castiel Doctor Who: Doctor/Rose Elementary: Joan/Sherlock Naruto: Fem!Naruto/young!Kakashi- A really, really, really amazing fic for this pairing called 'Wake Me Up Inside' by RainXHatake. For the love of all that is important, read this one! It's to die for; Minato/Kushina- Squee. I read this wonderful one by SilverShine, called The Girl From Whirlpool. It was amazing. And hilarious. And oh so amazing. Castle: Castle/Beckett NCIS: Tony/Ziva Tortall Series by Tamora Pierce: Daine/Numair; Kel/Dom crossover ships that be a-sailing kagome - inuyasha: there are many i ship her with but my favs are with: Fenris, Chrom, Sirius B, Harry P, Naruto, Kakashi ANNOUNCEMENTS: Adoption notice! For those who'd like to know, Puzzles and Missing Pieces and Fairytale Turned Modern has been adopted by MidnightOricleFox. So check em out! Enjoy everyone!! I guarantee you will like it! Both of em! Or at least won't absolutely hate em lol! Trust me! ;) These are two awesome writers! XD Announcement!! Are any of you guys interested in reading a Sailor Moon/DBZ crossover? My lovely friend and beta, ArmyWife22079, is in the process of writing one, but she needs a bit of input on the pairings. It would really help her with writing in the characters, and I would appreciate it if you guys would take to time to drop on by her profile and vote on the poll she has up. Thank you! Just click on her penname up there, it should take you to her page. XD ANOTHER ANNOUNCEMENT!! (3/12/2015) After a lot of thinking and a shit ton of time, I've decided to give in and put four of my WIPs up as discontinued. The reasons being that it's been years since I've last updated or even given any thought to them much less made any progress; aside from the romantic relationship between the two characters I've no plot for these stories, and most importantly, as it was the deciding factor, I have no interest in the stories themselves, nor can I see myself ever regaining any interest. I started these fics on a whim with no planning at all, as you can see what with them only having prologues or two chapters, and I really regret it. I'm sorry that I had to do this, but every time I keep getting alerts and views for these fics I feel really bad for giving anyone hope that they might be updated, when I know there's like no chance. I have put them up as discontinued in their summaries, and will be marking them as complete. Thank you for all the reviews, favorites, and alerts you've given these stories, I appreciate it dearly. I never thought I'd actually give up on any story, so this really sucks. Again, sorry for everyone who were waiting on an update for these fics! More stories that I've started years ago may be added. These are the fics I have marked discontinued. · Yin & Yang (Inu/Bleach, Kagome/Hitsyugaya) · Is it Fate? (Inu/Bleach, Kagome/Ichigo) · Mistakes Amended (Inu/White Collar, Kagome/Neal) · One Door Shuts, Another Opens (Inu/Twilight; Kagome/Edward) · Mystery (Inu/Ben 10; Kagome/Ben) · Forbidden Fruits (Inu/YYH; Kagome/Youko/Kurama) • Paradox (Inu/YYH; Kagome/Hiei) • Twisted Workouts (Inu/NCIS; Kagome/McGee) • Instinct (Inu/NCIS; Kagome/?) • Questionable Ties (Inu/NCIS; Kagome/Gibbs) • That Disease Called Love (Inu/House, M.D.; Kagome/House) • Nam Iustitia at Amor (Inu/Death Note; Kagome/L) • From Arrows to Bullets (Inu/Black Cat; Kagome/Train) • Feudal Adventures (Inu; Kagome/Sesshomaru) • Loyalty, Love, and the Battle Between (Inu; Kagome/Sesshomaru) • A Miko's Life in Sakura High (Inu; Kagome/Sesshomaru) • Moving Along (Dragon Age: Origins (Awakening); F!Cousland Warden/Anders) • Point In Time ( Kids Next Door; Kuki/Wally) |
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