IyxNar Crossover
Disclaimer: Don't own any-thing
Summary: Naraku has been killed and Inuyasha has done the unthinkable. Kagome approaches her adoptive older brother and tells him some-things about her that not even her other friends knew of. She told him of her real family, how her older brother took her to a village called Konoha where she was adopted by the fourth Hokage Minato Namikaze and his wife Kushina Uzumaki. Kagome told him about her world and about chakra, jutsu', summons and how when she was eleven a giant nine tailed fox named Kyuubi no Youko had attacked the village and inured her mom and she went into labor with her little brother. She told her father to go with Kushina to the hospital and she along with her friends, fellow shinobi' and her summon would hold the fox back for as long as possible. She told him that when her father got their they kept battling the fox, but when one of the giant fox tails swung around it had hit her and sent her flying and hitting the well where she fell inside the well and appeared in the Modern Tokyo where she was raised. Kagome also told him about how she noticed she never aged so every year she had to henge to change her appearance. The four years later, the drama with the Shikon began. Sesshoumaru was very intrigued and told her that she could tell her friends. Therefore, she told all her friends. Miroku, Sango, Shippo, Kirara, Bankotsu who was brought back from the dead by Naraku in hopes that he would be able to defeat the half demon. Bankotsu betrayed Naraku and joined forced with the good people, (afterwards when Kagome removed the shard she asked Sesshoumaru to revive him) Hakudoushi, (Another one who betrayed Naraku by allowing Kagome to get close to the baby so Kagome could purify Naraku' heart) they took the news well.
1,500 years later the village hidden in the dark was created and here is when our story will begin.
This is going to be a KAGOME and SASUKE pairing so if you think his stupid or a bastard, whatever and feel as if you might or are going to hate this story or flame me, then I have one thing to say, 'GET THE HECK OUT'
I have no time to deal with flamers…
The Village hidden in the Dark
PROLOUGE: The hidden village of Dark is brought to light
Every-thing was quiet within Konohagakure no Sato except for the distant sounds of arguing.
A group of Chunin and Jounin rank shinobi's surrounded an elderly man wearing a white hat that covered his face, they looked like they were discussing some-thing important by the way that they were yelling.
"Please every-one calm down." Called the elderly man getting tired from the yelling,
Every one immediately stopped talking and turned to face their Hokage who was gesturing to a young man with brown hair beside him to pass out the folders that he was holding. "Now i have summoned you here to tell you guys of the new group that has just entered the Chunin Examination."
"Lord Hokage what do you mean by new team. The exams start tomorrow."
"I am aware of that but it would be wise to have more allies with us then against us." Called the Hokage "Now what Iruka is passing out is the information on the village and the team that is coming here to do the exams."
After a few minutes when everyone got a folder, the Hokage asked him or her to open it.
"Now as you can see the new village is called, Kuraigakure or the village hidden in the dark. A village was established since the feudal age, 1,500 years ago and has remained hidden until now. The Kage of the village Sesshoumaru Taishou said that he wanted this particular team to experience life outside of their village, since they have not step foot into another village grounds. The only other places they have gone were too little towns where one of their shinobi entertains the kids in the poor town, like the wave and other such places. Kuraigakure is a village made up of demons, half demons, humans and people who were abundant for whatever reason, even vessels."
"Wait Lord Hokage, demons?" Called a Jounin
"Yes demons. The Kage is an Inu-youkai a former Lord in the feudal age and i can assure you that they mean us no harm." Called the Sandaime
"How can you be so sure Lord Hokage?" Asked a Chunin
"I have seen the accounts that the first and second Hokage wrote. It said that several of the Kurai-nins had helped them built this village before they went back to their own village to never be seen again. No one can find this village for it is hidden quite nicely within the dark. The only way you can find this village is if you have a guide or if you have demonic powers that can lead you towards the barriers that leads to the village gates."
"Wait. They helped first Lord Hokage and second Lord Hokage in building our village" Called Gai "Why that was nice of them"
"Agreed if Lord Hokage trust these people, demons or not they must be save." Called a Chunin
"Yeah, but I wonder why they decided to participate this year, they have never bothered to participate any of the other years." A jounin called out
"Remember they are demons so maybe they got word of an attack or something and came to assist us"
"Or maybe they are the threat" Sneered another
"Stop that!" Called another Jounin "We have to think positive, if we think negative than we might get paranoid and attack and that could be bad. We could lose the alliance with these demons and start a war that would destroy all of Konoha just think about it, one demon destroyed half of the villages and killed numerous of our shinobi's but think about what dozens of these demons are capable of doing"
"Alright that's enough of that, we can trust these people any-ways let's get to reading the information we have on the teams that would be coming here to participate in this year's Chunin Examination."
I am rewriting all of my chapters because I think they sucked, really. I was trying to right a new chapter for this story but found that I couldn't get anything typed up because I felt that the story was lacking in some places and were rushed in others. I also felt that it didn't make much sense but any-ways yep these chapters are going to be longer and I hope better.