Things were different. No longer was he in the smoldering ruins of Riddle Manor in Little Hangleton. No, he was somewhere else.
He wasn't at the final resting place of Tom Marvolo Riddle. No, he was in the home of Lily and James Potter and their three children, two sons and one daughter: Sirius Gideon Potter, James Fabian Potter, and Rose Lupine Potter. The proud parents of four children, their eldest son was killed many years earlier and their children were twelve, twelve and eleven.
Their second-eldest son, Sirius, had found the dark haired boy unconscious in the cemetery near the tombstone of Ignatius Burke, James's oldest known ancestor. His face was smeared with blood and sweat and there was a peculiar lightning-bolt shaped scar on his forehead. He looked to be about sixteen, and obviously a wizard although they hadn't been able to find his wand anywhere near him. (What muggle could apparate?)
At first, James Potter hadn't known what to do with the teenager. He obviously needed help but when Lily (who was now a certified Healer with St. Mungo's) looked him over, she hadn't been able to find anything wrong other than the fact that he was exhausted - magically and physically. So, they took him into their home and to the guest bedroom. They hadn't been able to use Harry's old bedroom for anything so finally, Sirius and Remus had taken over and converted it into a guest bedroom.
That teenager's name was Harry James Potter, son of the deceased Lily and James Potter.