Author has written 6 stories for Bleach, Detective Conan/Case Closed, Naruto, and Kingdom Hearts. Hey. The series I'm interested in include Bleach, Digimon (particularly the Tamers season), Detective Conan/Magic Kaito, Sailor Moon, Harry Potter, Doctor Who, Inuyasha, Rurouni Kenshin, Yu Yu Hakusho, YuGiOh (GX too), and Smallville. My favorite pairings are: Digimon: Rukato HenryAlice Ryuki Taiora Koumi (both koushiro/mimi and kouji/izumi) Takumi Bleach: Hitsugaya/Matsumoto RenRuki (sometimes) IshiHime Ichigo with... just about anyone (save a spare few) Detective Conan: shin/ran heiji/kazuha kaito/aoko hakuba/akako shin/kai guilty pleasure heiji/hakuba also guilty pleasure Sailor Moon: Usagi/Mamoru Senshi/Shitennou Harry Potter: harry/ginny ron/hermione neville/luna lily/james Doctor Who: Doctor (Ten)/Rose Inuyasha: Inuyasha/Kagome Miroku/Sango Sesshomaru/Rin Rurouni kenshin: Kenshin/Kaoru Sano/Megumi Aoshi/Misao Yu Yu Hakusho: Yusuke/Keiko Kuwabara/Yukina Smallville: Clois Chlollie Chlart I'm mostly into writing Bleach, Digimon, and Smallville fics but may cross into the others every once in a while when I get inspiration. |