A/N: Thanks everyone for supporting PQ. All my A/Ns were pretty pretentious a few years ago so thank you everyone for bearing it! To new readers and possibly returning readers, with Fire Emblem Heroes I decided I want to finish Plegian Queen no matter what. The plot has not changed at all. However it's been a few years since I wrote the last chapter so please bear with me on the quality of this chapter.
At first it was a few murmurs behind her back. It wasn't too distracting as she had no business directing the workers scuttling around camp. She had just built a relatively stable relation to Shepherds themselves, there isn't much an outsider could ask for. Of course that was only bonus to Frederick's ever looming presence. Even if it was the result of his trademark wariness, no one dared to smudge his lord's reputation within his vicinity by even a speck of doubt.
Yes, without a doubt, Robin knew something was not right and it was only the very first week they set off towards Fort Ferox. Unlike a training excursion, traveling towards the frozen north could not be done without servants. Their presence was barely noticed and they kept to themselves. The Shepherds were in essences knighted by the Exalt, some more officially than others. It does not do well to speak with a proclaimed commoner such as Stahl when he frequented conversation with the princess in even fashion. Thus there was a fine line drawn with who should fraternize with whom and who ought to stay quiet.
Distance and respect was kept with caution. Or at least it was what she observed to everyone except her. No one else seem to notice her predicament. Robin often prepared herself before the bustle and hustle of the sun loomed. It wasn't hard to over hear the stories spun as she walked away when no Shepherd was in ear sight. Surely she isn't such a fool to believe the wild rumors of her situation with the Prince himself and even some eccentric gossip of a certain wary knight would not affect her status as a person of competence.
But the strangest concept that she simply could not and will not grasp was the ever growing fictional scandal that did not exist. It had been two weeks since they left Ylisstol and it was quite frankly driving her insane. She had zero idea where it started. Robin did not underestimate the powers of hearsay but someone please inform her how and where did it originate. Who in their bored mind had the spare time to fantasize such delirious tales? Worse, they had no issue sneer and speaking such bold lies in front of her. If anything, Robin was certain addressing such concerns with Chrom or Frederick would most definitely worsen the situation ten-fold.
The more Robin tried to minimize one on one war meetings, the farther she slept away from Chrom's tent, and curse Naga even avoiding Chrom's presence in general, the worse the rumors got. It was bound to reach the ears of the Shepherds one way or another but another when it could not be ignored.
"Now I've been a friend of that numbskull since we were kids. It hasn't been too long but I can tell, you're not half bad. Damn diligent and talented for sure. We're glad to have you. But you can't be weak willed and take crap like this."
Direct and head strong confrontation was the only way one would expect from Sully. Robin of course justified the many actions she had done to put an end to this situation. She's been camping out with Cordelia and Sumia throughout their trip to South Town. Let's not forget trying to do everything in her power to keep things professional.
"Listen, stop this hard to catch bullshit. That idiot can't see jack squat even if you shove it up his face. Go let him have it. I'll smash his skull for you if he's being an ass and let's just get this over with."
At this point, Robin is sure Sully was trying to be a good friend. Probably trying to be a reasonable friend to Chrom as well. Only how and why, Robin was sorely confused.
"Sully, I'm not playing hard to catch. I'm not trying to get with Chrom despite what you hear."
Robin mentally makes note, Frederick will be letting her have a piece of his mind very soon. The wary knight have no qualms letting her know her place should she ever harm his lord.
"Wow you're pretty tough. But it ain't easy raising a bastard with the exalt line. You'll be kissing this tactician position good bye."
"Wait hold up, what?"
She understood rumor goes around but wow Robin was speechless. To have someone like Sully convinced, who normally had a good head on her shoulders, one can't help but wonder who else is completely fooled by this rubbish.
"He's an idiot but he'll take your hand. Any later it'll be out of wedlock. There's no way those high arses will let you run this army if yo—"
"Sully, I'm not pregnant."
"Huh!? You're not?"
"God dammit. I'm gonna kick his fucking ass. Sheesh, sorry Robin."
Whoever he is, Robin calls dibs on ass kicking.
"Wait! Does everyone think I have a bun in the oven?"
Sully pauses, she rarely looked perplexed. Was Cordelia and Sumia assuming things too? How far has the Shepherds gone down this rabbit hole?
"Urgh well look, you and Chrom been acting weird as hell."
"What!? How?"
For the life of her, Robin cannot understand what she had done wrong. And thus Robin learned the source of evil.
Since everyone assumed she was already his mistress since her introduction, the sudden constant distance was strange behavior. It is obvious she had not lost her favor from the lord's behavior. And so began the wild and wilder speculation came to explain exactly what drove the tactician to act in such manner. The benefit of being female in society of course, there is always an answer to strange behavior and that being either a possessed cursing she-witch, adultery, or pregnancy.
Not that she hasn't heard the she's with child rumor, it was more so the idea that rouse from the extreme act of trying to end such rumors. Why, curse Naga, does more rumors spur the more she avoided it. Was this karma? Vengeance?
"You know what Sully, you're right. I do need to speak with Chrom."
Robin strode off with purpose and ambition directly to Chrom's tent…after several hours of circling the camp first in deep mental turmoil. It was only after the camp entered deep slumber did she find the courage to slink into his tent under the cover of darkness.
"Who goes there?"
Not sure what her plan was. Guess she wasn't a very good tactician. Chrom was definitely awake. Robin definitely had no idea what she was doing.
He paused. She waited in silence as he went to light a candle. What was she supposed to say? Hi? Did you know everyone thinks I'm expecting? With your child? And I wasn't brave enough to ever tell you? Because it made me uncomfortable? And sneaking her at night probably made things worse? Please believe I did it because I was stupid?
Behind the small flickers of newly born flames, Chrom's face reflected the weight of the world. At a glance, it was clear the lord had not slept a wink before her visit. Intensified by the lighting, the bags under his eyes became clear to see.
Guilt swiftly weighed heavy on her heart. Allene's words came to mind. Robin dismissed the maiden's concerns then. She had assumed Allene too was pushing her to pursue a romantic relation with the lord. Robin thoughtlessly assumed what happened at the ravaged town, and the initial restless night would pass.
Yet here Chrom was, his hardship ignored by her.
"…It's cold sleeping on the floor with only a sheet."
Even so, the young woman could not bring herself contend right now. Especially in her current situation.
"Well there are better places to sleep than on the ground, you know. Now who would be foolish enough to try near Regna Ferox?"
Oh…that wasn't awkward at all. His face had a small smile, not his normal goofy grin, but he looked content.
"And who hires a fool as a tactician?"
"Let me think… hmm…"
Chrom laughed. This time he smiled from cheek to cheek.
"…why, I believe that would be me. I'll have to take responsibility of such a choice."
His hands touched hers, asking her to stay. I missed you. He seems to say. In this moment, there was only Chrom and Robin. The way his eyes met hers.
Such a feeling was difficult to accept. She has denied herself any sensation of longing. But now it was impossible to deny.
I missed you too.
"You're going to have to share. This is my side now."
Her cheek burned diligently, not roaring blaze, but a steady flame. Her heart hungered for what she could not describe. She sat onto his bed.
He made his way to the unclaimed side. His mouth opened, but Chrom only nodded. Perhaps he choose not to push and she could not be more grateful. For if Chrom had questions, Robin did not have answers. They prepared for what few hours was left of the night and made way for rest.
There was a space between the two as they laid side by side. Chrom did not turn to her nor breach the distance. This is what she need and what Robin thought she wanted.
Surely this is not more than friendship and circumstance. As the night passed and Chrom yielded to sweeter dreams, she wondered how the world had pushed her here. Were the rumors worth worrying at all when the consequence held no woe in the present?
She moved closer. Her arms reached to hold him. Her pearl hair tangled with his dark locks. Her chest danced to the sound of his breathe.
If Robin was what they believed she was, would this last forever?
But this couldn't be love. She was a tactician. She had always been calculated and kept herself safe.
What was safe? She felt safe right now. She felt happy. Happy and…
"Alright where is he. Do you think it's funny lying shit about people!?"
"ugh Vaike didn't know it was lie! It was Stahl! I heard him in the med tent!"
"Huh!? Me!? W-wait no…No! Robin has been looking fatigued. I was worried so I described the symptoms to Libra. I never told him who it was. I never told anyone!"
"Don't look at the Vaike like that! Put that lance down! It was Libra! He said it! Wait! No-!"
It was burning. Everything was hot. Slowly Robin's eyes creaked open.
"Man I'm covered in sweat…yuck"
"Oh thank gosh you're finally awake!"
The young woman rose slowly and rubbed her eyes. The bed was empty accept for her. Chrom was nowhere to be found. Instead she is greet to Lissa's hands rubbing all over her face. Lissa gave her a pat down until satisfactorily confirming Robin was indeed still alive.
Regaining control over her own head, Robin orients herself. That's odd, why is she covered in embroidered quilt? Robin was certain bedding…wait! She was in a room! Her eyes searched frantically.
"Wait where am I?"
"Woah don't get up! Lay back down! Hang on! Let me get you some water!"
Despite the confusion, fatigue plagued her body and she could hard keep her eyes open.
"Lissa wait! I need to kno…"
As she spoke, her mouth felt like it had rusted overnight.
"…Gee, actually I am really thirsty."
"Well duh! You've been out all day yesterday!"
"I've been out for Huh!?"
Why just yesterday, Robin could have sworn she was in camp and reconciling with Chrom in his tent. What in the world is going on.
"Guess you don't remember much. You were running a fever. Maribelle and I took turns keeping an eye on you yesterday. I drew on your face and was soooo prepared to freak you out but then Maribelle wiped them all off."
"I had a fever so you drew on my face!?"
Of course some one decided it was a good idea to have Lissa play nurse. If Robin wasn't dizzy to begin with, Lissa assures you will be after or your gold pieces back.
"But I DID get kinda worried when you didn't wake up! I didn't do anything today!"
Robin wasn't feeling completely terrible at the moment. It was felt like jogging in Plegia under the baking sun at noon, caught in quicksand death trap, and left to die as dried jerky. But she was not dead yet thus Robin was feeling not completely terrible.
"I need to catch up on work"
Before Lissa could stop her, Robin rushed to place her feet on the floor. Unsurprisingly she lost balance immediately, only to be caught by a familiar arm.
"I don't think so. Lay down and get some rest Robin."
"Careful or I'm gonna drop it!"
Looking up, Chrom had brought a tray of food. Embarrass to say, Robin's stomach answered for her.
"This was for Lissa but now that you're awake she's free to go. So I suppose it's yours now."
Lissa cheerfully hopped out the room.
"Be gentle! She's sick!"
"Hey! We're not – "
Lissa was already gone. Chrom plopped her back on to the bed and placed the tray of food down on the table beside her.
"Chrom, ugh, I'm fine. Let me work."
She was in fact, far from fine. Her eyes felt heavy but she willed herself to stay awake.
"There's not much left to do. I defeated the champion. We finished negotiations this morning. You don't have to worry anymore. Just rest up and we'll be able to leave tomorrow."
Champion? Negotiations? Her brain comes to several blanks. It all sounds familiar and at the same time confusing.
"Um what negotiations?"
The lord stopped. His face scrunch up with increasing worry.
"The one with the Khans, the reason why we're in Ferox?"
"Oh…this is? Are we in Ferox right now?"
Panic replaced worry on Chrom's face.
"We don't have to leave tomorrow. I'll make arrangements for another night. Just lay down."
Chrom pushed her head on to the soft pillow.
"I can't believe I couldn't help you at all when you needed me. I have to-"
Robin used all her strength to flung herself upright.
Chrom pushed her back down again.
"Stop it. You're still burning up. You're either delirious or-"
Chrom's hand kept her down.
"-Or I'll have to pay a visit to Libra and Miriel again."
The sheets slid pass her skin with a silky texture. The bed was rather comfy. Robin yawned.
"Are you sure?"
With every blink, the lulls of sleep beckons her.
"I wouldn't have bested their champion without you, even if you don't remember. So stop worrying."
She couldn't have, could she?
She yawned again. Sleep sounded good.
"How did I..."
Robin feel asleep before she could finish. Lifting the hand from her shoulder, he brushed the hair off her face.
He frowned.
"Nothing you should ever do again."
Perhaps it was alright to not remember.
A/N: A short chapter. Once again, thank you everyone for the encouragement. I'll do my best to see this through the end. This chapter served to bridge between the last update and the present continuum. Sorry if there's not much content this time! Next chapter will continue where we left off with the plot.
Thank you for bearing the quality. I plan to post a rewritten/edited version chapter by chapter at AO3 from the beginning. The fanfiction net version will not be changed.