Reviews for A Little Flip
clowepink chapter 1 . 7/31
I loved this story. I would definitely recommend it to anyone. I've reread it SEVERAL times. If you get a wild hair and decide to do an epilogue that would be amazing.
geenakmom chapter 29 . 6/3
Cute story and enjoyed reading it.
MrsCatherineWinter chapter 29 . 5/16
This is an amazing story and I almost read it in one go! Thank you very much for this sweet story :)
L Blue Bird chapter 29 . 5/15
Hannnnnn. This was awesome. But you can’t end like that. You can’t make us leave them so fast-food. T_T

Anyway, I loved this story. It was the best Remione I’ve ever read - ‘cause I usually do it in French (my English is quite bad btw, sorry for the mistakes). I want to see Remus and Hermione together so hard. Thank you for your incredible work. *heart*
ANGSWIN chapter 29 . 5/5
I can't believe that I have never run across this little H/R time travel gem before.
I loved it. Thank you! :)
Mattelle chapter 13 . 4/10
i love the way you're going back and forth. its fun. And i thibk its hilarious that Sirius has to explain. This is a great story
Mattelle chapter 8 . 4/10
of course theyd be in their late 30s and arguing about being champ. youve captured those twi really well.
Guest chapter 27 . 3/22
Damn this one is heartbreaking! Really nice story though!
Sophisticated Sage chapter 29 . 2/9
Thanks for sharing this story, it was wonderful :)
Jen103 chapter 29 . 1/11
Just finished ! I loved it. Very sweet and bittersweet. I hoped she would change something but alas.

Sorry it took me so long to finish it!
Jen103 chapter 27 . 1/11
Oooh at least her return wasnt drawn out like in other fics. Still heartbreaking but not too bad.
Jen103 chapter 23 . 1/11
Loved it. Very creepy Peter!
Jen103 chapter 17 . 1/11
Hello! I found your fic again after years i think *wide eyes*. Im sorry about that. I love it (still). Im not sure if ive read this far, i dont recognise it.

Its so heartbreaking. Poor Remus!
tsuki-shiroi chapter 29 . 11/4/2019
Sirius is so pervert! why is he watch them having sex?!
tbirdstar chapter 29 . 10/9/2019
Awe I loved this. I like your reasoning behind the time travel. It was a well thought out plot.
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