![]() Author has written 25 stories for Doctor Who, Twilight, Princess Bride, and X-Men: The Movie. *ATTENTION* A long while ago now, I had two original characters invade my mind and start to whisper their story to me. Eight books later, they are still talking as loud as ever and have brought a bevvy of friends along too. It's no real excuse, but trying to put the characters that are my own creation aside to work with Edward and Bella feels a bit like abandoning my own children to look after a distant relative. This has become more true with every story I've written outside of the fandom. As such, I want to apologize for the incomplete nature of a couple of my WIPs but wish to say that at this stage, it is very unlikely these WIPs will receive any additional attention. I have so many new stories and characters bursting from me begging for their chance in the spotlight. There were some one shots which I had intended to try to expand on, but these are on permanent hiatus too. I'm sorry to the readers that I've let down by not having the stories finished already, but I hope you can understand what it is like when it comes to muses and inspiration. I won't rule out ever posting more chapters or stories, but will just say that its not on the cards right now. If you would like to follow more of my more-polished, non-FF work as it is released, I can be found on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MichelleIrwinAuthor and Twitter: @writeonshell Regardless of the fact that I am more actively working on my original fiction, I am still immensely proud of the Twilight FF I have done and for being part of the Twi community. I have loved every friend I have made, and every memory of my time writing fanfic. One of my series (Chasing Victory/Claiming Victory) has been removed for a complete face-lift, but everything else will remain in-situ for the foreseeable future. *EDIT* The introduction novella, Decide, which is available free, and you can get the information and buy links on my website. My website is http:/// Thank you. xxx |