Author has written 17 stories for Harry Potter, Doctor Who, Sarah Jane Adventures, Of Mice and Men, Avengers, and Ironman.
Hello! I'm a teenager, who loves writing, reading and watching TV/films.
My main fandom at the moment is Avengers, specifically Iron Man and Pepperony. I am very obsessed. Other fandoms include, but are not limited to: Doctor Who, Sherlock, Harry Potter, Star Trek, PJO, James Bond, RDJ!Holmes movies.
My main ships for all fandoms are Pepperony, Science Boyfriends, Tony/Phil, Phil/Cellist, Rose/Ten, Amy/Rory, John/Mary (sherlock).
Harry Potter
Favourite Book: Halfblood Prince/Prisoner of Azkaban
Favourite Film: Prisoner of Azkaban
Favourite Character: Remus Lupin
Favourite Era: Golden Trio - 1991 - 1998
Doctor Who
Favourite Doctor: Tenth
Favourite Series: Four
Favourite Companion: Donna Noble/ Jack Harkness
Favourite Episode(s): Partners in Crime, Stolen Earth, Journey's End, Smith and Jones, Utopia, School Reunion, The Impossible Planet, Satan Pit, The Doctor Dances, The Lodger, The Big Bang, The Doctor's Wife, Let's Kill Hitler, Closing Time, The Day of the Doctor.
Sarah Jane Adventures
Favourite Character: Luke, Maria.
Favourite Series: Three
Favourite Episode(s): The Wedding of Sarah Jane Smith, Prisoner of the Judoon, The Last Sontaran, The Vault of Secrets. The Curse of Clyde Langer.
Favourite Character: Jack
Favourite Series: One and Two
Favourite Episode(s): Out of Time, Captain Jack Harkness, End of Days, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, To the Last Man, Meat, Adam, Dead Man Walking, Fragments, Exit Wounds.
Favourite Character: Lestrade
Favourite Series: Two
Favourite Episode(s): The Hounds of Baskerville, His Last Vow
Favourite Character: Tony Stark
Favourite Movie: Avengers, Iron Man, Captain America:The Winter Soldier
AoS favourite character: Fitz, Phil Coulson
Star Trek (2009)
Favourite Character: Scotty
Favourite Movie: the first
I am starting TOS so more to come!
18/05/2014: So yeah, the sequel for The Stuff of Legend probably isn't happening any time soon. But it is still a possibility at some point in the future. Just an unlikely one. For any Iron Man fans though, I have a multi-chapter Pepperony fic coming up soon.