Still own nothing.

I think I finally managed to catch all the errors *crosses fingers*

After some time, the sound of footsteps finally draws his gaze from where his pink and yellow human once stood.

River gracefully kneels at his side and gives his shoulder a sympathetic squeeze, "You, my daft darling, are going to chase her. Why? Because both of you need to realize that she is worth fighting for."

The Doctor's fingers curl into the rug under him, "She doesn't want me River, that's why she left."

"No, she has been broken my love, by your own hand no less," the archeologist passionately counters, "You left her on her own time and again, gallivanting across the universe on a whim, determined to be oblivious to your feelings for one another. Then after losing her and getting her back, you dump her straight into the arms of another. Then the very man that you yourself claimed to be you-with the exceptions of a single heart and a single life to match-abandoned her, married another woman, and started a family with the new missus before slinking back a few years later and stealing the last remnant she had of her old life. The young TARDIS. Rose was on her own, stuck on a world that was never hers, and he wasn't there for her. Not even when her entire family died."

He shifts to glare at her, "No, Jackie, Pete-"

"All dead, and your cloned twin couldn't be bothered to phone her and offer as much as an 'I'm sorry' when it happened," the woman accuses in a hardening tone.

"Who told you all of this? And don't tell me 'spoilers' River, I'm not in the mood for your games."

She rises from her crouch, "Jack told me just a short time ago. Doctor, you've been staring at the floor for hours. Don't you think it's time for you to get up, stop feeling sorry for yourself, and go after her?"

Minutes tick by before the Time Lord suddenly jumps to his feet and sprints to the console room, where Jack watches him maniacally dance around the controls. "Where are we heading now Doc?"

The Doctor grins at his old friend, "We're going to follow her trail Jack. I'd find something to hold onto if I were you, this is going to get bumpy!"

The Torchwood agent barely has time to grab the railing before the ship hurtles into the vortex.