A/N: Here's my rendition of how Pepper met the rest of the Avengers, and they'd very much like to know something. The Diablo 3 servers were down, so i decided to conjure this puppy up. Please let me know if something isn't right!

Disclaimer: I don't own Iron Man, or the Avengers. Or Robert's nice butt. :[ [/creeper]


Tony Stark was working in the lab with Bruce Banner. Tony had a pair of black jeans and a black buttoned up cotton shirt on. His hair was the same as usual, spiked up and a little off to the side. His goatee was trimmed neatly, and what was weirder was that Bruce even noticed how well dressed he was, especially for a man that wanted to research nanobot technology. Bruce was wearing a white buttoned up dress-shirt and a pair of blue jeans.

"Stark." Someone from the threshold of the lab said.

When Tony looked up from his hunched over form, he saw Steve Rogers standing there in a blue t-shirt and brown slacks.

"What does Captain Sparkle want, now?" He sounded a bit annoyed, and got back to work.

Steve rolled his eyes at him and saw Bruce look over at them from the corner of his eyes. "There's something that needs your attention on the second level. Something about electrical issues."

"Oh, right." Tony nodded to himself. "Someone ripped out the electrical wiring out of the wall that effectively stopped all of the air conditioning on the bottom level."

At this moment, both Steve and Tony looked over at Bruce. Bruce shrugged his shoulders and smiled a bit. "I didn't do it."

"What about the other three times?" Tony raised his eyebrow at him.

Bruce started to nod. "Okay, so the first three times were probably my fault."

"Probably?" Tony breathed a laugh.

"In any case." Steve sternly interrupted the conversation between the two mad scientists. "Level two personnel are getting really angry, and they want you down there, immediately."

"How's about I give you the manual, and you do it?" He beamed at the captain.

"I'm not an expert at that sort of stuff." Steve narrowed his eyes at him with annoyance.

"Right, because the only real expertise you have is throwing things and catching them. You sound like a regular go-fetch type of dog." Tony mocked him with a slight smirk.

"Stark—" Steve was about to reprimand him, but Clint Barton's loud voice abruptly joined the conversation.

"Stark!" Clint joined the men in the laboratory, and angrily looked at Tony. Clint was wearing a black SHIELD jacket and dark denim jeans. "What have I said about using my bow as part of your experiments?" He held up his bow that was unfortunately painted red and gold.

"It wasn't an experiment." Tony shrugged. "It was merely an art project. Looks cool, right?"

"You're so dead." Clint angrily grounded out.

"Wait in line, pal." Steve crossed his arms across his chest and narrowed his eyes at Tony.

Tony, in turn, looked at Bruce. Bruce was hunched over the table, looking through a microscope when he noticed the sudden silence. He saw that Tony was staring at him and began to shake his head, knowing full well of his motives.

"I'm not in this one." He shook his head.

"The first time I need a giant green Smurf to protect me, and you shoot me down." Tony pressed his lips together and shook his head. "You're killing me, smalls."

Thor stepped into the lab with his big hammer in his hand. He didn't have to even say anything, because when all four of them turned their attention to his presence, they quickly noticed the red and gold paint on his hammer. Thor looked in Tony's direction and pointed his hammer at him.

"You dare make a mockery of Odin's hammer?" His courageous voice boomed throughout the laboratory. Thor was in a white t-shirt, a brown jacket, and a pair of jeans. Thor had been on Earth for a few weeks in order to please Director Fury and his series of teamwork activities.

Tony started to laugh. "I forgot about that." Then he turned his attention to Steve. "Hey, Capsicle, when was the last time you saw your Frisbee?"

"You mean my shield?" He raised an eyebrow at him. "Last ni—" He stopped short and widened his eyes in horror. "You son of a—You better not have—"

"Stark." Natasha walked into the laboratory and noticed all of them in the same room. She furrowed her eyebrows at the sudden audience in the room. "Miss Potts is here. She's walking up as we speak—Clint, why is your bow red and gold?"

Natasha subtly pointed as his bow in confusion.

"Ask Iron Craps-His-Pants." He gestured towards Tony.

"Iron Craps-His-Pants?" Tony raised an eyebrow at him and laughed. "That's worse than what Thor called me last week."

"Jintlejust is a word my people use to describe fools." Thor sternly told him. "And this puny metal man is very much a Jintlejust."

Tony ignored him. "Wait, did you say Pepper was here?"

"Yes." She confirmed his interest, and then looked at the glorious colors Thor's hammer was sporting. She looked at Tony in disgust. "Seriously?"

"I was feeling artsy." Tony shrugged innocently. "Where's Pepper?"

Steve furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "Why are you wondering where a spice is?"

"Ding-Ding-Ding." Tony mocked him. "Congratulations Trebek, you win Jeopardy."

"Jeopardy?" Steve mumbled to himself.

"Pepper is about the only person that cares for 'Iron Craps-His-Pants'." Natasha smirked, raising an eyebrow at Tony.

"His mother?" Thor asked.

"Worse." Natasha breathed. "Director Fury is briefing us tomorrow morning about a new strategic team activity. Don't be late." With that, she walked away, leaving the five guys in the laboratory.

Bruce glanced over at Tony and then at the other three guys. Everyone else curiously looked at Tony as if he had something weird on his face. Tony looked down at the table and then up at them.


"Who exactly is Pepper?" Steve asked, questionably. "Another superhero?"

"Pepper is his girlfriend." Bruce spoke up from the other side of the laboratory. His statement effectively made everybody's mouth gap in surprise or made everyone's eyebrows furrow in confusion.

"Girlfriend?" Clint mumbled to himself, trying to believe that Tony Stark actually has a girlfriend. Steve nor Clint, and maybe Thor, couldn't believe that the idiot in front of him actually had a significant other. To them, and maybe the rest of SHIELD, it was something they had to effectively see to believe.

"What does this word mean?" Thor asked. "Is it an animal of interest?"

"Hey." Tony sternly pointed at the God of Thunder. "Watch it Rain Man."

"Since when have you had a girlfriend?" Steve furrowed his eyebrows at him.

Pepper heard Steve's question when she touched the threshold of the lab. She grinned at the sight of Tony and his 'co-workers', as he liked to call them. "Since he effectively grew a brain, and actually considered taking care of his own company."

He instantly looked at her and beamed. "Hi." Bruce noticed the wide grin on his face and smirked to himself. He mumbled something under his breath that Tony effectively heard: "Ah, young love."

Tony grinned and lightly kicked Bruce under the table. He grunted in slight pain and sternly looked at the culprit.

"We have a date?" She raised her eyebrow at him.

"Oh!" Tony gasped. "Right, almost forgot." He rounded the table to be closer to her. Steve, Thor, and Clint all backed away from the couple. The awkward and, somewhat uncanny, situation eventually rose to the ceiling.

"Wouldn't be the first time." Pepper lightly grinned at him.

"I'll apologize later tonight." He sexually implied, making Steve frown in disgust. "Let me go clean up a little. It'll only take a second." He kissed her cheek, and turned to the other guys, pointing at each one of them. "Touch her and I'll paint all your clothes gold and red."

Pepper watched him leave in lightning speed, and grinned at the sight, until she turned her head to face the rest of the room. All eyes were on her as silence surrounded the room. She looked at the four, really strong and lean men, and quickly smiled.

"Miss Potts, is it?" Steve asked politely, finally breaking the impending silence.

"Yes, but you can call me Pepper." She gently responded.

"Nice you meet you, Miss Pepper Potts." He smiled, offering his hand to her. She gladly shook it.

"I'm Clint Barton." Clint spoke up behind Steve, and shook her hand as well. "Nice to meet you."

"Lovely maiden." Thor spoke up from behind her. When she turned around, her hand was instantly taken into his. He kissed it gently and noticed the softness, reminding him of Jane Foster. "It is a pleasure meeting such a kind creature." He lightly let go of her hand and gave her a nod.

She grinned up at him, and even began to blush. "Thor, right?" Pepper asked him.

"That is I." He responded with a courageous voice.

She turned to Steve and Clint. "And you're Captain America, and Hawkeye."

"You can call me Steve." The captain responded with a grin. "As long as it's not Capsicle, or Sparkle Pants."

"Hi." Bruce finally spoke up, grinning at Pepper.

Pepper smiled back. "Hi, Bruce. It's nice to see you."

"Same – And sorry about last month. I didn't mean to blow up your Blackberry." He winced at the sudden memory. "In my defense, Tony said it was okay and he said you wouldn't get mad."

"Tony says a lot of stuff." She beamed at him.

"You two already know each other?" Clint raised an eyebrow at the two.

"Yes." Pepper nodded. "He and Tony have been blowing up his workshop together."

Bruce chuckled at her response and quietly got back to work. They weren't necessarily blowing up his workshop. They were merely doing science, and there just happened to be a few explosions. None of which were life threatening… at first.

"Speaking of Stark." Steve interjected. "Why him?"

Pepper gave him a confused look. "Huh?"

"Way to be subtle." Clint mumbled under his breath, but at the same time wondered the same thing.

"He's—" Steve tried to carefully describe his views of his aggravating teammate.

"He's very annoying." Thor abruptly spoke up. "It would please me to compare him to the various creatures that my people squash for fun."

Pepper began to smirk. She remembered when Tony very much annoyed her to the highest of peaks. It was only fitting that they got to see this side of him first hand. Tony isn't Tony without first being a nuisance.

"He… can be likable… I guess." Steve tried to rectify the conversation.

"No." Clint shook his head. "He can't."

"What I'm trying to say is…" Steve paused for a second. "Out of all the guys in this world, why would you choose Tony?"

Bruce started to chuckle, only because he got to see, first hand, how Tony acted around Pepper. He got to see how Tony considered Pepper as his life line, even though it was by accident. He was walking upstairs from Tony's workshop to ask him about a wire that was coming out of their latest experiment, and accidentally stumbled upon Tony trying to get Pepper to go on a date with him. Much to his surprise, Tony was remarkably gentle, complete with the whole 'puppy-dog-eyes' package.

Pepper noticed Bruce's subtle laugh. She began to smirk, "There's other sides to Tony that you haven't seen yet. And he's a good man… When he wants to be."

"But he's such an ass—pardon my French." Steve quickly apologized. "He keeps acting like he's the only person that matters on this team."

"He can be a little insensitive and annoying sometimes, but he does have a soft side." She told him.

Clint rolled his eyes at the notion of Tony Stark actually being nice for once. He looked down at his gold and red bow and frowned a little. It was definitely going to take some time to scrub the paint off.

"Tiny infuriating creatures are dealt with on my planet." Thor interjected.

"That's good to know, Hammer Time." Tony spoke up as he walked towards them. He wrapped his arm around Pepper's shoulders, "I hope these guys didn't creep you out, or anything."

She turned her head to face him and grinned. "They were well behaved, unlike someone else I know."

"Hey!" He exclaimed before pouting. "I'm a gentleman." She raised an eyebrow at him. "Sometimes." He tried to smile.

She glanced down at her watch and pressed her lips together. "Our reservation is in twenty minutes. We better hurry."

"Okay." He quickly shuffled her towards the garage. Before he left, he turned to the rest of the guys. "Level two will have to start plugging in fans, unless you want to read the manual and fix it yourself." He told Steve. "And Legolas—" Clint turned his head to look at him. "If Agent Romanoff asks about her guns, don't say anything."

"Stark!" Natasha's voice was heard from down the hall.

"That's my cue to leave." Tony quickly said before darting the other way.

Steve rested his hands on his hips and shook his head. "I don't know how Miss Potts puts up with him."

"It's the one super power everyone wants." Clint looked up at the rest of the guys, before leaving the room to scrub off the paint.

"My father will not be pleased." Thor sighed before looking down at his red and gold hammer.

Bruce chuckled as the three of them shuffled out of the room.

A/N: Reviews help the world go 'round. :)