Azumi walked into the castle, her steps echoed throw the hallways empty as her eyes as her heels clicked throw the halls of Sesshomaru domain.

She wasn't thinking, her mind was inside of Taros fingers as he manipulated the young fox demon into the castle to retrieve the child for his afternoon snack; for a child of Kira's size, she would only be bite sized snack

Things were going smoothly until Hiroto exited from a side room and looked to her

'Damn it all to hell and back' Taro cursed, he couldn't afford to break the connection now and if he did, it would be a 1 in 100 chance he'll get any better access to the manor if he had now

"Azumi are you alright?" the red headed demon questioned, eye roaming the younger demon "You've been crying.."

Taro motioned Azumi around the red head and took her on down the hall but Hiroto grabbed her arm

'you stubborn..'

He snatched back her had and hissed angrily and took off down tha hall

Hiroto POV

I stared astonished as Azumi took off down the hall way, this wasn't normal for her behavior even with Yumi is a coma.

Hiroto scratched his head and shrugged and turned to head out the door


Kagome sighed and tugged at her Kimono eyes glittering with unshed tears


"Don't say it.. Please Sango I know already.." she sighed sitting up on the sheets dabbing her eyes with her sleeves

"Then why not tell him?"

Kagome laughed softly with no humor "Tell him? What do I look like telling Sesshomaru I love him. he'll just stare at me.."

Sango slid beside Kagome and placed two hands on her cheeks, in surprise Kagome turned to the older female with wide brown eyes

"I don't care what you say, you never know until you try and that's what I want you to do. I want you to try to tell Sesshomaru-sama how you feel you never know what you'll get."

Kagome stared up at the demon slayer, her eyes were burning with serious fortitude with every word spoken.

And Kagome knew she was right.

She wouldn't know if she didn't try ,she would never know if Sesshomaru felt the same way she did; All there touches, an quick but warm embraces were sacred moments but that's just what they were, moments. Kagome knew deep in her heart that even though she did know that she was beginning-no- had fallen in love with the demon Lord, she had a snow ball chance in hell of it being returned.

"I don't want to take the risk of the heartbreak Sango and if I do what if he makes me and Kira leave?"

"Why would he do that?" Sango asked curiously

"I don't know.." The school girl answer honestly "Just hypothetically !"

"I'm sure that's the worse case scenario" Sango smiled patting her shoulder "Just promise you'll try?"

"I don't know.." Sango grimaced "stop saying that, and yes you will try or I'll make your life hell" There was a dark tint to Sango's eyes and voice at the statement that made Kagome pale with fear "Got it?" Sango coaxed

"Y-yes o-okay"


Sesshomaru had managed to put Kira down for a nap in his room and stared down at the sleeping pup. She had grown a lot from the first time he had taken she and Kagome in.

Her black hair was longer to her back now and Kagome had insisted to keep it tied it cute bows at the top of her head, her eyes were still bright green and her skin darkened from her days of playing outside.

How long has it been ? 2 months? Maybe less, none the less to Sesshomaru it felt as if they have been together for decades

The way it must have felt to have a mate.

A long sigh escaped stoic lips as he stood from the bed; This couldn't be how love felt, for not only did he care so much from Kagome and Kira, but also was nervous and sad as well

'I thought love was suppose to be the best thing that ever happened to you' he growled at himself 'I hate this new exploration'

He raised from the bed and walked slowly to the window, his eyes scanned the front yard slowly

Amber eyes shot open

He saw it

The barely audible dusters of demonic energy strewn his land in a thin mist.

'I smell no good from this' Sesshomaru eyes narrowed turning sharply what could be causing this


The demon lord turned quickly, coming face to face with the Azumi dark glazed over eyes gazing dead into his own, in her arms the sleeping Inu Hanyou.

"We meet again, Sesshomaru" Taro grinned throw Azumi, her claws dangerously gracing her small neck

"Taro.." Sesshomaru growled "Put her down.."

"I refuse!" Taro smirked, sadistic intent shining in Azumi blank eyes "Once this brat is finished then I shant have to here from that Miko ever again!"

'Miko?' Sesshomaru grimaced in thought then gasped 'the dead priestess!'

"Baka Taro, do you truly think I'd let you even get this close to Kira?" Sesshomaru drew tokijin and glared "I'll run you throw"

Taro laughed deeply, his demonic energy flowing freely from the Kitsune's body

"Ah but you already have! I'm as close as I can be to this darling pup" Taro hiss echoed the room as darkness fell around them

'This may be harder then I thought'


Kagome hair stood up on end at the back her neck and she turned swiftly towards the door

"What's the matter Kagome-Chan?" Sango questioned watching her friends reaction "You seem pale"

"Kira," Kagome whispered "There's something wrong with Kira…" her brown eyes widen by 10 "And Sesshomaru!'

I don't know what's going on, my writing has been off for a while and I've tried my best to make this chapter worth something for you all to read but I personally don't think it is but I do hope you enjoy anyway

Ja Ne
