![]() Author has written 30 stories for Neverwinter Nights, Dragon Age, Discworld, Mass Effect, Star Wars, Mystic Messenger, and Transistor. What shall I say about myself? I am female, I like to read, and to write. I like to play computer games. I am a chocoholic. I believe that vampires are superior to werewolves and would enjoy giving Stephanie Meyer the garlic, holy water and stake in the heart treatment. I prefer gryphons to dragons and pirates to ninjas. I am passionate on the subject of correct grammar, particularly the plight of the much-abused apostrophe; I am also somewhat addicted to semi-colons. I love musical theatre, and my favourite is probably Fiddler on the Roof. I live in the capital city of Australia, Sydney. I worship Terry Pratchett, Douglas Adams, Isaac Asimov, Mercedes Lackey, Robin Hobb and Ursula Le Guin as genii. My celebrity crushes are men with deep voices, regardless of age or appearance, which is why I favour Patrick Stewart and Alan Rickman. Every character I have ever played Neverwinter Nights 2 with has romanced Casavir, Bishop and Gann alike, but really only wanted Sand. Not all of these things are true. Completed Chaptered Stories: All Fun and Games was written for the wonderful HATSEPSUT, who wanted to see a DA2 prank war with Hawke and Fenris against Isaela and Varric. Much to my surprise, it turns out even Varric isn't a match for the combined might of Hawke and Fenris. I do adore that broody elf. I owe the mildly spoilery picture of Hawke and Fenris to the amazing Inveleth. http:///fs71/PRE/i/2013/158/8/b/all_fun_and_games_by_inveleth-d685b5p.jpg All It Takes is a Mask of the Betrayer story. Yes, it's a romance between Gann and an original character. I apologise. I have made an effort to differentiate it from the many others of a similar theme, however; it's from Gann's point of view, the characters of the Original Campaign make as many appearances as possible, and I've tried to balance 'Argh, spirit-eater! Doom and gloom!' with both nice romantic moments (a little awkwardly; our KC has a few problems) and genuine humour. I think it worked pretty well. Why don't you read it and tell me? The talented and wonderful Inveleth, a veritable goddess among artists, has created six jaw-droppingly gorgeous pictures for "All It Takes". In 'Rashemen', Tarva and Gann share a moment in the Ashenwood (http:///fs71/PRE/i/2012/165/f/2/rashemen_by_inveleth-d53gzq9.jpg). 'Too Close' depicts a pivotal moment in chapter 58 (http:///fs71/PRE/i/2012/252/e/8/too_close_by_inveleth-d5e34dh.jpg). 'The Restless Night' is from chapter 69 (http:///fs71/PRE/i/2012/354/2/b/the_restless_night_by_inveleth-d5om8at.jpg). 'The Judgement of Kelemvor' shows the fateful confrontation in chapter 74 (http:///fs70/PRE/i/2012/325/8/7/the_kelemvor_s_judgement_by_inveleth-d5lpkuh.jpg). 'In Chauntea's Eye' represents a certain conversation in chapter 78 (http:///fs71/i/2012/354/9/0/in_the_chaunteu_eye_by_inveleth-d5om9vg.jpg) 'In The Rain' shows a private moment in the final chapter. (http:///fs71/f/2013/106/7/6/in_the_rain_by_inveleth-d61wo1o.jpg) There is also 'The Hanged Man Tavern - Unusual Customers' which features Gann and Tarva in a certain Kirkwall inn with Zevran and his Warden (who belongs to Inveleth) (http:///fs70/i/2013/132/3/4/the_hanged_man_tavern_unusual_customers_by_inveleth-d64zsns.jpg). I really can never thank her enough for doing these. Go read her stories (especially is you can read Polish; I can't) and check out the rest of her gallery! There are also three drawings I commissioned from the talented Agregor. 'Immil Vale' is not tied to any particular story moment, it's just Gann and Tarva enjoying a moment. (http:///fs70/f/2013/101/1/e/immil_vale_by_agregor-d618z6x.jpg) 'Morning Highlights' represents the morning after Tarva and Gann's first night together. (http:///fs70/f/2013/277/3/4/morning_highlights_by_agregor-d6p66e7.jpg) 'In Sand's Shop' features my favourite lawyer, and a relationship that begins in the epilogue of All it Takes. (http:///fs70/f/2013/166/2/0/in_the_sand_s_shop_by_agregor-d6955oz.jpg) In Progress Chaptered Stories Through the Fade is what you might call an alternate ending to All It Takes - what might have happened if things hadn't gone quite so well in the city of the dead. Features Gann and Tarva, of course, with Safiya along for the ride, in a very different world. There is also Hawke and Fenris, and several other surprises in store. Expect updates when you see them. Now with art! A gift from the incredible Inveleth, "Through the Fade" has a couple of characters looking very cosy, and they may not be the ones you're expecting... (http:///fs70/PRE/i/2014/004/a/5/through_the_fade_by_inveleth-d70ura2.jpg) Dear Seika drew a fabulous portrait of Hawke, which went through six iterations and is perfect. You can espy it as the cover for the story or on her dA page (http:///fs71/f/2014/041/c/4/through_the_fade_flower_hawke_by_seika_h-d75vidb.png) "Fenris and Tarva", a commission from Agregor, depicts a sparring bout between... guess who? (http:///fs70/f/2013/252/3/0/fenris_and_tarva_by_agregor-d6lnw47.jpg) Of Flame, And Glass, And Sand is set during the Neverwinter Nights 2 Original Campaign, and it's a Sand story. Not a romance, or not really, because I consider that The Smell of Destiny (it's listed in my favourites, if you haven't read it) is absolutely the definitive Sand romance, and there's no way I can come even close. My story does feature a close relationship between the KC and Sand, though. I don't know when it'll next get updated; my muse has gone off chasing Dragon Age-shaped butterflies. I hope I'll finish it someday, though. One-Shots Worthy of Note A Duke, A Warden, A Dead Dwarf and a Female Dwarf All Walk Into a Bar - silly Discworld and Dragon Age cross-over. The wonderful ChampionTheWonderSnail drew a picture for it, which you can find here. (http:///fs70/i/2013/104/1/b/when_dragons_and_discs_collide_by_experimentalgerbil-d61om88.jpg) |