AN: We Own Nothing Of Teen Titans Nor Inuyasha!
Hey guys, here's another chapter! Sorry for the insanely long wait - life's been brutal. With one of us with a broken laptop and no internet, and the other with the hell called college on her heels, it's been a little crazy. But we do what we can and try to write something. We may have some chapters in stock, but it'll be a while before we get back to somewhat regular updates. Sorry! Anyways, hope you all enjoy the chapter!
The rest of the morning went on without a hitch, and after shaking off several suitors Kagome finally made it to lunch.
So far, only a couple of people seemed genuinely nice towards her, one of whom being Dick. Then there was his quirky little friend Garfield, who also seemed nice but for some odd reason believed the term 'Otaku' actually meant hotin Japanese...
Apparently it was a word he was commonly referred to as when he visited Tokyo, never once realizing it actually alluded to his little obsession of video games...
Suffice to say, she corrected him real quick when he started boasting about it...
There was also the prickling feeling of someone's eyes boring into her skin in a glare; a constant reminder of being watched, and none other by another one of Dick's friend, Kory.
The redhead sat across the cafeteria with a clear view of Kagome sitting next to Dick. What Kagome didn't know was what she did to get on the girl's bad side...
She had never even mether before!
Then again, the redhead was sitting with a group of obnoxious looking girls that appeared to be on the dance team, or maybe it was the cheer squad? Possibly both? So maybe that was the reason?
Or... maybe she was jealous? Even despite the fact she had no reason to be, seeing as Kagome had justmet Dick that day...?
Then there was Rachel.
The little goth's aura was like a huge, flashing neon sign in the sea of normal ones that surrounded them, a clear indication alerting Kagome to exactly who and what she was.
But if anything it made the situation better - Kagome figured if Rachel was friends with humans and fought against those that hurt others then the girl couldn't be so bad, if not a little Edgar Allen Poe, but hey, not everyone was optimistic.
Kagome even went out of her way to try to get along with her, despite Rachel being a bit standoffish. Still, Rachel responded to her questions instead of merely ignoring them, albeit in a flat and bored tone.
Kagome glanced over at Dick and Garfield, eyes pleading as her lips moved. 'Help?' She mouthed, looking hopeful.
Dick and Garfield shared a look, before they, of course, shrugged like any other boy when it came to girls.
But Garfield took it a step further. "Don't worry, Rachel's always been really moody, just…be kinda careful around this time of the month, if you know what I mean…" he said, not once realizing how that was the worsething to say.
Kagome's and Rachel's head snapped over to glare coldly at the boy.
Suddenly, Garfield's head jerked forward. "Ow!" he yelped, touching the back of his head gingerly where it was smacked, and by Kagome no less. "That hurt!" he whined lowly.
Kagome snickered while Dick merely shook his head in shame, having no sympathy for the smaller boy.
Luckily for Garfield, he was saved from any more injuries as the bell rang, signaling the end of lunch. The four rose, scurrying off to class.
Garfield went his separate way as Kagome followed Rachel and Dick to History class.
Kory followed, sulking and skulking close behind them.
The first part of the class was, sadly, uneventful.
Of all the sections of history they could be studying, it hadto be this one…
Feudal Era, Japan.
Seeing as how Kagome knew the section they were studying since she practically lived it, she sighed and popped in her ear buds. Setting her iPod on her favorites, she sat back and relaxed as the catchy beat of Pink's single "So What" played on.
Kagome managed to listen through Pink's "Sober" and "U & Ur Hand", and was halfway through Alanis Morissette's "You Oughta Know" when the teacher tapped her on the shoulder.
Dick and Rachel stiffened, not knowing what could happen. Rachel could feel Kagome's presence change from relaxed and friendly, to hostile in one second flat.
Kagome glared at the teacher coldly out of reflex. When she realized who it was, she toned it down to mild irritation.
Kagome stared up at the teacher defiantly."May I help you?" she grounded out, irritated.
The teacher, Miss Timorous, faltered a bit as she spoke in her tidewater accent, but managed to hold her resolve. "Ms Higurashi, care to share why you are listening to music instead of paying attention in class?" she asked, voice tinged with mild sharpness.
Kagome raised a slim eyebrow. "Sure, this section of your curriculum is what I've been learning my whole life. Seeing as that's the case, I don't believe I need to relearn it."
The teacher wouldn't let it go at that."It doesn't hurt to learn from another prospective, don't you think?"
Kagome just shrugged, not agreeing with her opinion."Depends on the class, really. And honestly, what better place to learn the history of Japan, than in Japan itself?" she asked, and the teacher remained silent, not able to argue against that. "And personally being from Japan, I know for a fact that the warring states era did have samurai, but they weren't as noble as the stories made them out to be." Her tone was matter of fact, leaving no room for fault.
However, the teacher disagreed. "I don't believe that," she scoffed in disbelief.
Kagome's eyes narrowed, "Really? I grew up on a shrine; sure there are stories and myths we tell the tourists but we also tell them the reality of the time," she began, voice short. "Samurai were only noble on their Daimyo's lands. While invading, they murdered, raped, and slaughtered. They were considered demons. Priests and priestesses were the only ones safe from them for they also feared the wrath of the Kami."
Miss Timorous backed down, unable to fight logic from someone who lived on a historic landmark, and didn't dare approach her again when Kagome put her ear buds back in and pressed play.
Dick and Rachel glanced at each other. No wonder they weren't received well when they went to Tokyo.
Kagome then went into a trance like state, exactly like the one Dick had seen the day before.
'Okay, it could be due to ADD or something...' He noticed a serious yet worried look cross her face as she glanced over to the window repeatedly. '...or maybe not…'
It was nearing the end of class, and just as the bell rang Kagome darted out of the room like hell on wheels. Having a gut feeling Dick followed her, slipping into detective mode as he snuck out of the school behind her.
Was Physical Ed really that bad…?
Following a vision was not something Kagome wanted to do on her first day of school. It was suspicious and dangerous. But she figured there had to be a good reason for Inuyasha and Shippou to come out in the open and meet her in public - if you could call an abandoned warehouse public…
Hell, there better had be, or else she'll skin the both of them alive...
Suddenly, something prickled at the edge of her sense – a presence of sorts.
And it was following her.
Kagome cursed to herself under her breath.
This meant no changing into her costume, or calling Kirara for that matter. As much as she admired Robin, this would complicate an already very delicate situation.
With Inuyasha around, her visions were just black, which unnerved her to no limit. It didn't take long for her to finally reach the warehouse where she sensed his aura.
Slipping into the dark, crumbling building that had definitely seen better days, she saw a pair of forms in the back.
Right there shrouded in the shadows stood the lanky half demon looking grumpy as usual. Next to him was Shippou who, by the look on his face, wanted to be anywhere but there.
When she was close enough, she rounded on the dog demon. "What the hell are you doing here, Inuyasha? You could ruin everything!" she ranted in their native young to minimize just who heard and could understand them.
"Shut it, wench! I just came by to give you a bit of information that your precious little visions can't give you," he said sarcastically.
Shippou growled threateningly at the half demon. "Watch it, Mutt," he snapped harshly. "If I weren't here, I highly doubt she would've even met you willingly."
Kagome held back the urge to twitch. "Okay, enough. We have company coming and I couldn't shake him. What's the information Inuyasha," she prompted hurriedly.
Inuyasha scoffed. "Keh, there's a demon on a team known as Teen Titans, they call her Raven..."
Kagome rolled eyes, snorting. "Tell me something I don't know. I'm also in class with her; her name is Rachel Roth, and she lives with humans," she listed off, looking at him pointedly.
"...In other words...?" he asked gruffly, not getting the point.
She sent him a blank look. "She likes humanity," she told him slowly in a mockingly flat tone.
Inuyasha grumbled, affronted, as Shippou sniggered. "She got you there, Mutt." Then he caught a whiff of something, and blinked. He turned to the female of the group. "Kagome, you said you couldn't shake someone off?"
Kagome sighed, running an exasperated hand through her hair. "Yeah, he's here, and he's a friend. Though he's more curious than I thought he would be. "
Shippou looked mildly impressed. "And he's retreating too. Smart kid..." he mused
Inuyasha huffed and crossed his arms, glaring at Kagome. "Feh, whatever. Now can we start talking seriously, bitch?" he bit out, snarky.
Shippou and Kagome sensed the intruder stop and turn, but neither cared at the moment.
Growling deeply, a ball of blue flame erupted in Shippou's hand while Kagome glared and snarled a sharp "SIT!" just as a red and black curved weapon flew over where Inuyasha's shoulder was and embedded itself into the brick wall right behind him.
In a flash, Shippou's anger dissipated and he ended up rolling on the ground laughing, tears streaming out from his eyes.
"Well Kagome, at least we know he's on our side and not free lance like the dog here!" Shippou managed to chortle out between laughs, thoroughly enjoying this.
Kagome just shook her head and sighed, rubbing her temple tiredly. "I hate migraines and he always causes them." She cast an annoyed and accusing glance at Inuyasha's unconscious form on the ground. "I'll see you later Shippou," she murmured, but before she left she stopped. "Oh, and next time? A little warning would be nice," she added dryly.
Shippou replied with a sheepish smile. "Not a problem Kaggie. Be careful with the Titans though, don't get too attached," he warned with a sympathetic tone.
Kagome nodded somberly."I know. I don't want them to get caught in the crossfire. They're too good a people for that…"
Earlier, with Dick leaving the school following Kagome...
'Damn she's fast. Even while walking…' Dick thought in Robin mode, not having time change into his uniform.
He watched as she turned down an abandoned alley and headed into the warehouse district.
Narrowing his eyes, he followed her closely; this area was not the best for a girl to be wandering around by herself.
Sticking to the shadows, he snuck into the warehouse Kagome ducked into, and the conversation he heard surprised him. Luckily for him, he understood Japanese or he would have been screwed.
"What the hell are you doing here, Inuyasha? You could ruin everything!" Kagome all but scolded two figures in the shadows. Dick's suspicions grew when a man whom looked about thirty with silver hair appeared - and were those dog ears perked on top of his head…?
The man even had the nerve to insult Kagome. "Shut it, wench! I just came by to give you a bit of information that your precious little visions can't give you."
Dick's eyes widened, his whole body stiffening. 'Visions? No, she couldn't be...'
Lost in thought, he almost missed the redhead with a fox tail who snapped at the dog-man to practically shut up. He was surprised when Kagome quelled the argument that was brewing.
"Okay, enough. We have company coming and I couldn't shake him, so what's the information Inuyasha?" Dick blinked. 'So she knew I was following her… She's good; she almost did lose me too…' A small smirk crossed his face at the thought…
A girl that could keep him on his toes… interesting…
Then the conversation took an interesting turn when his team was mentioned, and his body grew rigid. Trepidation coursed through his veins as he listened to the dog-man gruffly spitting out information about his team, Raven in particular.
His fingers twitched, his hand slowly inching towards the baterang clipped to his belt, unsure how this will play out. He was still uncertain about Kagome's role and if she was friend or foe, and until he was trouble could come at any given moment.
But Kagome continually impressed him when she stood up for his teammates, and the fox-guy laughed. Apparently the two, demons he guessed, didn't get along too well. "Kagome, you said you couldn't shake someone off?"
She nodded. "Yeah, he's here, and he's a friend. Though he's more curious than I thought he would be. "
Dick sighed. Somehow they knew he was there, which meant they wouldn't say anything useful until they were sure they were alone.
Seeing as it would be best to leave, especially since there was no real reason to stay, he began to back away, intent on slipping out the way he came in. However, a certain comment from the dog was enough to make him stop and turn. His eyes narrowed into an icy glare.
He never did like men that degraded women…
Aiming at the dog-man's shoulder, he let his baterang fly right as Kagome yelled "OSWARI!" in fury, causing the weapon to embed itself into a brick wall. The fox just started to laugh outrageously.
"Well Kagome, at least we know he's on our side and not free lance like the dog here!"
Before Kagome left the fox warned her not to get too attached to the titans.
"I know. I don't want them to get caught in the crossfire. They're too good a people for that..."
Dick stood there, stunned.
She was worried about them getting hurt, yet she was facing a potentially huge problem on her own.
As Kagome left he followed, wanting some answers.
Kagome, aware that she was still being followed, wandered till about dusk to a secluded area of a city park.
Suddenly she whirled around, stopping and propping her hands on her hips. "I know you're there Robin, you can come out now," she called out, tone sly.
He winced. He had hoped to at least change first.
Kagome raised an eyebrow at no response. "Or should I just call you Dick Grayson?" He stiffened.
Finally, he sighed as he stepped from the shadows. "How did you find out?" he inquired, curious.
Kagome smiled wryly. "I can sense auras, and it's impossible to change an aura like you do your clothes; it's a part of your very existence."
Robin stood there, absorbing the information. After a moment, he spoke once more. "And you're the Oracle." It was more of a statement than a question.
Nonetheless, Kagome answered. "Yes, though I would have appreciated it if you hadn't followed me. I would have told you in my own time," she commented, smiling in mixed amusement and exasperation.
Robin's lips twitched in faint amusement as well, before his head tilted in thought, "So last night when you spaced out? And then today in class? That was you having a vision?"
Kagome nodded. "Though today was a bit different since in the middle of a vision everything went black, which means there was a half-demon involved." After a moment, she added, "That jackass you almost hit, if you were wondering."
Robin chuckled at that and relaxed a bit, relieved that the dazed look wasn't due to star struck lust.
All of a sudden, Kagome straightened and became serious. "Just, give me your word that you won't tell the others about who I really am or what you saw, will you? Please?" she asked, tone tinged with nervousness.
He blinked, not expecting the request.
Seeing his expression, Kagome explained further. "It's just, I don't want there to be tension between me and Raven, you know, since we are theoretically mortal enemies…" Then Kagome snorted, and raised a dry eyebrow at him. "And I can tell BeastBoy has a big mouth."
Robin winced, that would cause a problem... "What about Star? Or Cyborg?"
Kagome shifted uncomfortably. "Uhh, I don't think Starfire would be such a good idea…" she mumbled.
Robin's eyebrows furrowed, confused. "Why do you say that?"
Kagome sweatdropped, fidgeting. "I dunno, I just don't think she likes me much…"
"Oh," Robin muttered, and couldn't say otherwise. For some odd reason, he did notice that Tamaranian sending Kagome odd looks before… "Alright, not Starfire either then," he agreed.
Kagome looked a bit more relieved, but still troubled. "I guess you could tell Cyborg, if you think he could be trusted to keep it to himself. I've never met him since yesterday, so I obviously don't know him well…"
Robin nodded seriously, "He is," he said reassuringly, but it didn't do much good.
Kagome looked away, "Okay, if that's what you want. I just figured the less who know, the better. For now anyways…" she trailed off, slipping into waiting silence.
Robin studied the girl for a moment, and then sighed. "Okay, you have my word, I won't tell any of them. But you are gonna have to tell them," he told her. "Whenever you're ready, but soon," he amended soon after, and then he turned and walked away, heading towards the Titans Tower.
Kagome sighed in relief. Hopefully she could get through this all without hurting any of them.
Especially Raven…