Surrendering Sorrow
By: Savannah
Hello there. I'm back with another
story. I don't know if I'll ever finish my other stories but for now,
I want you guys to read this one. It's gonna be good, I promise. I
hope you guys like it. Anywhoo, Go ahead and read now... Disclaimer:
I don't own Inuyasha and co. so please don't sue
me... Prologue:
Bits and pieces of thoughts
surfaced and dashed away in her mind. Broken fragments, and little
sentences that, in no way, made sense to her. The only thing her mind
screamed at her, that she understood was, Run!
Her body jerked into motion without hesitation and she ran as fast and as far as she could. The forest was a blur of green and brown as she raced for safety. Safety she didn't know if she would find.
She pushed herself with her remaining strength, with all her might, into willing thoughts away. She concentrated only on the pounding of her heart, and the instinct to escape, as her mind became silent. Only the thought that if she slowed down, if she stop, that she would surly die. The demon that was chasing her would leap upon her and she would be ripped apart. That thought alone was the only thing that kept her running.
Her lungs burned, her throat stung, her legs were tired, and still she ran. Willing herself to be as quick as the wind. To be nothing but a blur of black.
Suddenly, her leg caught something solid and down she came. Slamming hard into the forest ground, she smack her head on a rock. There was a scream and she realized it was her own.
Just before her vision became black and she succumbed to darkness, she heard a clash of metal and then nothing.
In her dreams, Kagome thought about the events that led her to this moment...
So, What do you guys think?? Love it? Hate it? Let me know! Review, please! Also, I really need a beta so...if anyone is interested, Please let me know!