AN: We Own Nothing Of Batman Beyond Nor Inuyasha!

Hey guys, here's another chapter! Sorry for the insanely long wait - life's been brutal. With one of us with a broken laptop and no internet, and the other with the hell called college on her heels, it's been a little crazy. But we do what we can and try to write something. We may have some chapters in stock, but it'll be a while before we get back to somewhat regular updates. Sorry! Anyways, hope you all enjoy the chapter!

Kagome awoke to a knock on the door, and sat up as an unfamiliar head poked in. It was a girl her age, with sleek, short pink hair styled into a pixie cut and dark skin.

"Morning sleepy head. Mr. Wayne called and asked for a favor. Since today is Saturday I could take you and your brother shopping, maybe show you around a bit if there's time."

Kagome stared at the girl incredulously. She didn't know her, nor did she have any semblance as to who she could be. As the girl stepped into the room, she wondered if this was Dana...

Suspicion pooled within her – from the phone conversations she overheard from Terry, polite, happy, and helpful didn't really sound like his girlfriend…

The girl smiled over at Kagome. "Hi I'm Max, Terry's self appointed tutor, and I guess you could say "Alfred" as Terry called me once," she joked wryly.

Kagome relaxed and took more time to look Max over. The teen was clad in a black and yellow tank-top and black faded skinny jeans, with what looked like black rocket dogs... someone definitely liked the retro look.

"So, Uncle Bruce is having you show me and Souta around?" Kagome murmured.

Max nodded. "Yup, well until Terry wakes up anyways. Long night, Spellbinder was causing trouble again."

Kagome's head tilted as a thought came to mind. "Does his mother know?"

She shook her head. "No, though he almost had to tell them once when a gossip reporter discovered his identity by using technology that allowed him to go through walls."

Kagome looked at her, raising an eyebrow."It wasn't stable, was it?" she mused knowingly.

Max smirked; she was gonna like this girl, very observant. "Not in the least. He slipped all the way through the floor and to the center of the earth, as far down as you can go." She sighed, shaking her head. "Even with all that man put Terry and Bruce through, Terry still tried to save him…"

Kagome's eyes widened, impressed. "Noble of him…" she said quietly.

Max smiled softly. "Yeah, that's Terry for you. One of his brighter moments…" She smirked once more, "Though, most of the time he's as big of a smartass as he is a pain in my ass."

Kagome laughed.

Max smile, "So, how bout you get ready and meet me downstairs. Then we can all go grab something to eat and get to shopping."

Kagome grinned. "I like the way you think," But then a thoughtful look crossed her face and she peered at Max. "New clothes would be nice... But I heard that school here was Monday through Saturday…?"

A weird look was sent her way. "Who told you that? We have two days off, just like everyone else." Max laughed, head shaking at the ridiculousness of the thought. "Now we better get going before every place gets hammered."

Kagome shrugged, and began getting ready once Max went back downstairs. After telling Kirara to stay on the property, they headed out.

"I thought there would have been more people?" Kagome asked when she noticed there weren't really that many people on the elevator to one of the more popular stores. They had already finished shopping for Souta since he was relatively easy compared to a girl's wardrobe. Since he was so young he didn't need a uniform just yet.

"It's probably between paydays-" Max was cut off as the elevator jolted to a stop between floors. "Looks like we got a power surge in the area. That's just perfect," she drawled out sarcastically and looked out the window, seeing lights flickering on buildings, and other elevators stuck on various places on building.

Kagome looked at the panel near the elevator door, "This elevator can't be switched to manual, unfortunately, but it looks like if we can open the doors, we can crawl out onto the floor below us."

One of the other passengers stared at Kagome incredulously. "And how would we do that? It's not like there's an emergency crowbar stored somewhere around here."

Kagome and Souta shared a look, before they gave a slight, imperceptible nod. They turned towards the doors, and both landed a well placed roundhouse kick to the center of each door, forcing them to open slightly. Making a scene of it and faking the other passengers out (as well as Max since they didn't know how much she knew) they made pained faces as rubbed their feet gingerly, grumbling under his breath.

The three men in the elevator finally took initiative, and pulled the doors the rest of the way open and allowed the women and children out first.

When it was her turn to climb out, Kagome approached the doors only to stop short suddenly.

It didn't take a genius to figure out the dilemma she was in; she was wearing a skirt, and the only way out was down, which meant jumping… which then meant by the law of physics, if she didn't figure out a way to keep her skirt down, she'll give the public a little show…

'Aww screw it,' she thought after a moment and just slid out, making sure her skirt didn't flip up as she landed. 'What were the government officials thinking when they chose this type of skirt? Honestly.'

She rolled her eyes after a moment, mentally scoffing. Of course, she forgot. Most government officials were men, and more often than not used another organ for the thinking process, one located much lower…

But with that all over with, the trio moved on to do some serious shopping. Max led them to one her favorite stores and let Kagome have at it.

Right away Souta suddenly heard something - a big signal indicating a major problem. Not only were the lights flickering sporadically, but there was a high pitched shriek flowing through the city.

He glanced over at Kagome who was already starting to shop, and saw her pick out some long blue and silver beaded chandelier earrings with a silver arm band already in her hands. Max was beside her picking things out.

"Kagome?" he said casually at first, trying to get her attention without making it seem like a big deal. But she didn't respond. He tried again, a little louder this time. "Kagome..."

That was when he realized that she spotted the shoes...



Both Max's and her heads snapped up from a pair of enticing brown boots that happened to be her size. "What Souta?" she asked, a little miffed. "You didn't have to yell, Twip," she muttered as an afterthought.

Max laughed, "Matt does that all the time to Terry," she paused, head tilting curiously. "You know, they are about the same age..." Max chimed thoughtfully.

Kagome groaned, though it was lined with amusement. "Why do I have a bad feeling about that…?"

As the girls began chattering again, Souta rolled his eyes in exasperation, fidgeting nervously. Trouble was coming up the stairs, and fast.

Getting impatient, he just blurted it out. "Guys! We have company coming up the stairs!" he warned.

Kagome froze, glaring sharply at her little brother. 'You twip!' she mouthed.

Max shook her head, waving their attempt at secrecy off. "Relax, Terry had to tell me, since I would've found out anyway. So, what's going on?"

Souta cut her off, causing Max to roll her eyes. Yup, Matt and he would get along really well together.

"Robbery down stairs, and moving up quick. Hostages too." A pensive look crossed Kagome's face and Souta went on. "What's the plan? Act helpless?"

Kagome's face screwed up at the thought. "I really don't wanna be saved again..." she mumbled, scratching the back of her neck in thought. Rolling her shoulders, a determined light entered her eyes as she turned back to Souta, who grinned knowingly and excitedly.

"I think it's time to save ourselves. Besides it would give us a chance to see how rusty we have gotten." Kagome's eyes narrowed and a Cheshire grin crept over her face. "Max, is there a costume section on this floor?" she asked coyly.

Max smirked. "As a matter of fact, that happens to be upstairs. I was actually trying to get you there first."

Kagome grinned. "Souta, run up there and grab me a half mask. One for yourself too, if you wanna help."

Souta snorted, and shot her a dry look for even thinking otherwise before he sprinted off to grab the masks.

"What about a uniform?" Max asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Oh that's easy. I already know what I was gonna do, but this will have to do for now." Kagome said, referring to her old school uniform. "But I'm guessing sports supplies are downstairs with the baddies?"

"You got it." Max answered just as Souta sped back with two black masks.

"Got 'em. They're on their way up the stairs right now. Max, just do what they ask until we get started." A crooked grin crossed his face. "You'll know when."

Max didn't look too happy about it but just pouted and crossed her arms, knowing it couldn't be helped.

"How many are there, Souta?" His sister asked and he shrugged.

"I dunno, can't get an exact number." His eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "But there is a lot of insane laughing, which is kinda weird…" he trailed off with uncertainty.

Max started to get a little edgy. "Not really. That sounds like Jokerz," and she cursed under her breath. "I knew I should have came and got you before noon…" she muttered, irritated.

"Well, look at it this way - we get to have some fun and take a look at the local baddies around here."

Max slowly turned to look at Kagome as if she grew two heads and a tail. "You call beating up delinquents 'fun'?" she asked slowly, tone incredulous, and Kagome winced at it.

Souta snorted in amusement, "Well, when you put it that way…" he drawled out wryly.

Kagome rolled her eyes. "We usually kick demon's asses, or those in the Youkousa - not disturbed teens."

At that moment several shots rang out at once, and in a blink Kagome and Souta disappeared as Max dove into a nearby clothing rack to escape injury and to keep an eye on things while the "Superkids" did their thing.

Max saw a big ugly Joker, whom she could tell was African American despite the white paint that coated his face with a red bulbous nose, orange double afro wig with a little green cap, orange pants with purple suspenders, and a green muscle shirt.

As he and two redheaded twin mime-ettes started rounding up the customers and tying them up, Max was glad she was hiding like a six year old – she'd been in trouble too many times...

Suddenly a whistle came out of nowhere, piercing the air and distracting the Jokerz. Suddenly the rope in the twins' hands disappeared.

Max's eyes narrowed, figuring that was the signal. Her eyes flickered over to the distracted baddies, before veering over to the tied up hostages. She smirked wryly and started to move.

The two jumped, their eyes widened in shock. The three whipped their heads around, searching closely for the source. "Who did that, Dee Dee…" one of the girls growled under her breath, indignant.

The other girl shook her head, body tensed. "I don't know, Dee Dee..."

Another whistle pierced behind them, making them spin around. But no one was actually there, furthering their frustration. "Who's there?" the Dee Dee #2 shouted out, "Stop being a coward and show yourself!" she demanded hotly.

"I'm over here…" breathed out a soft voice, coming from behind once more.

They trio spun around once more, and five feet away was Kagome smiling innocently. She tilted her head, "Something wrong?"

The two girls glared hotly at her, but the male of the group couldn't help but leer at her outfit.

It made Kagome twitch.

Dee Dee #1 scowled and elbowed the guy. "Hey, Buck! Not the time you idiot!" she bit out.

Dee Dee #2 was eyeing Kagome suspiciously. "Besides, she's not that cute anyways. And that mask?" she shuddered, "So unfashionable." Kagome's eyes narrowed, but otherwise kept her feelings in check. "Who are you?" she demanded snottily.

Kagome raised an eyebrow, and gave an admonishing tsk. "I don't think I wanna tell you…" she drawled out mockingly, wagging her finger, "You didn't ask nicely."

Seizing the opportunity as they were distracted, Max shook her head amusedly as she closed the distance between her and the hostages. Whispering soothing words to the terrified people, she made quick work of their bonds, telling them that when it was time, to make a run for it and not look back.

They narrowed their eyes, bodies stiffening, even Buck. Something about this girl screamed that there was more to her than what met the eye…

"You don't wanna fight us little girl. Play nice and go over by those other hostages and maybe you'll see the end of today," the Buck said menacingly.

Kagome's eyes narrowed minutely, but they began to dance wickedly in anticipation. "Why don't you make me…?" she dared, smirking.

Buck grinned darkly and the Dee Dees smirked. "It'll be our pleasure," the two twins chimed simultaneously.

They readied themselves and moved forward.

And just as they did, Max whispered a quick "Go!" and the hostages made a run for it just as Max dived into another nearby clothing rack.

The commotion caught the Jokerz attention and they whirled around to see their hostages escaping. Each Dee Dee let out a gasp of outrage while Buck roared in fury, seeing no way to stop them. They turned back to Kagome, intent on taking it out on her.

They only made it a few steps until they all tripped, the rope the two redheads used tied from one end the bottom of a clothes rack running across the aisle into a mass of clothes. They fell to the floor face first in a heap.

From behind the mass of clothes, Souta snickered quietly under his breath.

Once the three recovered from their fall, they looked up to see Kagome smirking smugly. She gave them an impish wave. "Oh, I'm sorry. Guess I forgot to warn you. You should really watch out for the rope…"

They scrambled up, faces screwed up in fury. "You'll pay for that!" Dee Dee 2 screamed in a shrill voice, and they got out their weapons.

A whip formed in each of their mime-ettes hands. Their arms extended back, and they struck.

The whips snapped in lightening speed, and they were true to their aim. Except the spot they hit was empty.

"You gotta be quicker than that…" Kagome taunted from her spot five feet away from her original spot.

The girls scowled but said nothing, moving to strike again.

That was when Buck tried his turn, and rushed at Kagome, grunting harshly as his arm reared back for a punch.

Kagome dodged with ease though, but stumbled slightly when a whip came dangerously close to her face. She glared, "Three against one? Not exactly fair," she huffed out, rolling out of the way of another whip aimed for her arm.

"Yeah, well we ain't known for our fairness girly," Buck bit out, swinging at her once more and blocked it.

"Then why don't I make it fair?" came Souta's voice from behind, giving Kagome the opportunity to focus on the two twins.

Buck whirled around, stance on the defensive at the surprised presence, until he really saw Souta that is. Then he just burst out laughing. "What can a twip like you do? I could knock you out with a flick of my finger!"

Souta's eyes flashed angrily. "You wanna bet on it? I bet I could at least knock you on your fat ass with my pinky," he snarled.

All the humor drained from Buck's face as he scowled. "You're gonna be crying for your Mommy when I get done with you boy. I'm gonna teach you a lesson she shoulda a long time ago…"

Souta froze at the mention of his mother, and his eyes narrowed dangerously. "You're gonna regret saying that…" he said quietly.

And he lunged, roaring with anger.

From her spot, Kagome whipped around at the sound, eyes widening at the sight of her baby brother tackling the man that was more than twice his size and bringing him to the ground hard. She whistled, impressed, "Damn…" and shook her head. 'He's been playing too many of those fighting games…' she thought wryly when she saw the two start to wrestle on the ground.

Unfortunately, the distraction proved to swing the twins to the advantage. They swung their whips, and this time actually managed to hit Kagome. As it wrapped its way around her ankles they yanked harshly.

Kagome's eyes widened in surprised as her feet were suddenly yanked out from under her. She fell to the ground with a loud thud, but managed to maneuver her body in time so that she landed on her back.

"Looks like you weren't quick enough after all," Dee Dee #2 snipped arrogantly and Kagome glared.

Their giggles were taunting as they pulled her closer. She struggled wildly against her bonds as they dragged her across the floor.

Souta noticed her predicament and his eyes widened. "Kagome?" he shouted, grunting when he had to block Buck's oncoming fist by catching it, and throwing it back.

"I'm good!" Kagome managed too grit out as she tried to figure a way out.

She saw her way out in the form of a mannequin she was passing by. Praying to the Kamis that it wasn't bolted to the ground, she grabbed at it. She breathed out in relief as she felt it give way, and she tensed her muscles, twisting her torso sharply and pulling.

Using her enhanced strength, she took the mannequin and chucked it at the two twins who screamed and ducked out of the way, letting the figurine smash against the wall into little bits, dust flying.

Kagome climbed out, unwrapping her feet quickly and slipping into a defensive pose.

The Dee Dees stood frozen, staring at the broken pieces until their wide, stunned eyes soon swiveled in Kagome's direction.

A little bit a fear and apprehension could be seen pooling in their eyes at her strength, not realizing how far her abilities really went.

Seeing their hesitation, Kagome made her move. She sprinted, seemingly disappearing as she moved. The Dee Dees yelped when Kagome suddenly moved in front of them, who swung her leg in a roundhouse kick that sent them flying in separate directions.

Dee Dee #1 went flying into the stores jewelry collection while Dee Dee #2 landed in a pile of shirts. They didn't move for a moment, but then began to struggle to stand up.

Figuring they were distracted enough at the moment, Kagome turned over to Souta who just got done sucker punching Buck in the gut.

Buck jerked forward, eyes bulging out and spit flying from his mouth from the sheer force behind it. His body shook as he coughed, out of breath.

Souta stepped back from him, pose defensive as he waited for Buck to make a move.

"L-let's get out of here!" Dee Dee #2 shouted, breathless and in pain as she stumbled her way towards her sister to help.

Buck look conflicting, not wanting to admit defeat to someone so young, small, and weak looking. In the end he ducked out. "This ain't over yet, you hear!" he growled harshly as he back away slowly.

Souta snorted, scowling. "Tough words coming from a guy who's running away from a kid half his size that just beat him up," he remarked smartly.

Buck just sneered, "I'll show you, you little shit. You just watch," and he ran out of the store, the two Dee Dees limping behind them.

Souta growled under his breath and took a step forward to follow, but Kagome stopped him, grabbing his shoulder. "The fights over runt," she said softly, words fond.

"He mentioned Mom…" he gritted out quietly, tone lined with rage.

Kagome's eyes flashed with a mixture of anger and sympathy. "Well, it doesn't matter now. You kicked his ass, that's for sure," she told him, nudging him slightly.

When he didn't say anything in response, she moved in front of him, crouching to his level. Her face was serious as she took in his face, marred with a couple of bruises and a shallow cut running across his forehead. She reached out, cupping his cheek as she used her thumb to wipe the dribble of blood from the corner of his lips. "You did good Souta," she told him seriously, her blue eyes locking with his identical ones.

His lips twitched up in a small smile, and a flicker of pride shone in his eyes. "Really?" he asked, voice a tiny bit skeptical.

Kagome rolled her eyes, nodding. "Yes really!" she exclaimed, punching him gently in the shoulder. She sobered at her next words. "You did me proud, and I know Daddy will be bursting at pride at the sight of you all roughed up from your first real fight…" she trailed off, studying him. A soft smile accompanied her next words. "I have no doubt that if Mom saw you right now; she'd be just as proud too."

At those words, his eyes brightened considerably, but he scoffed slightly in disbelief. "We both know Mom hated fighting Kags."

Kagome's lips twitched. "Yeah, that's true. But still, she'd be proud of you, of how you stood your ground and defended these people here…" she looked at him, lips pursing wryly. "Just like how she was proud of Daddy," she told him, and there was no doubt to how heartfelt her words were.

Thoroughly embarrassed, Souta looked at the ground, scuffing at the ground. "Awhh, Sis!" he whined. "Why you gotta go all mushy on me!"

Kagome laughed, pulling him into a one armed hug as she ruffled his hair playfully. "Cause I'm your big sister! It's in my job description!" she teased.

As soon as Kagome and Souta walked through the door, waving Max off, they heard someone pointedly clearing their throat.

The two looked over to see Bruce standing there, staring at them with his sharp, stern, and not so happy gaze.

Upon seeing his frown, Souta gave a nervous laugh and Kagome looked slightly hesitant.

"What were you two thinking," Bruce began in a low, angry growl. "Taking on Jokerz like that with no back up and no specialized training?" he demanded harshly.

Kagome's temper flared up and she dropped her bags to the floor in anger. Kirara perked up, relieved that her ward's temper was back to normal.

"We had training! Me more so than Twip-" Souta yelled an indignant 'HEY!' to that remark, "-since I was back and forth from shard hunting!"

Bruce scoffed at her. "I saw the tapes on the monitors in the cave. You were rusty," he informed her bluntly. "You should have been at the top of your game Kagome - and what were you doing?" he asked rhetorically. "Standing on the sidelines, letting your friends all do the work in your quest 'to be normal', as you put it when you were here last," he practically sneered that last part.

Kagome's eyes had narrowed into slits by now. "Actually," she interjected with a soft snarl. "Inuyasha didn't use his nose and thought I was a normal human, with no defenses. The insults didn't exactly help my confidence either..." she trailed off shaking with pent up rage, and

Her godfather smirked. "Take that frustration out on the synthoid I upgraded for you two," he ordered abruptly.

Kagome blinked, and froze in shock - so that was what he was up to. Bruce must have realized what had happened in the past and why she blamed herself for it.

Growling under her breath, she snatched up her bags upstairs to her room and changed into a blue sports-tank and black yoga pants and jogging shoes.

On her way down she grabbed her micro-music player and loaded the new files onto the contraption while she took out her anger on the android. She was surprised some of the bands her mom and dad liked when she was growing up, and through their relationship, were still being sold.

The synthoid was half broken apart when, a song by Stone Sour began. The funny thing was, she had just heard it in the mall. She recognized it as one of her dad's favorites, and she hummed the chorus to "Say You'll Haunt me".

For the first time in two days, a genuine smile graced her lips.

She never noticed Terry standing on the stairs.