![]() Author has written 4 stories for Digimon, Hellsing, Gundam Wing/AC, Yu-Gi-Oh, and Catherine. Hi there, my name is Cass a.k.a The Grand Dragon of Light. I'm still fresh out of high school and I now work for a charity-like place, (I say charity-like because I'm not entirely sure if it's a 100 charity but it is a work scheme for people like me who can't go right into a normal work place). In my family there's my mum, dad, brother, sister, 4 Aunties, 4 Uncles, more than 13 cousins and more than 4 second cousins! One of my greatest loves in the whole world is animals! I currently share house with 4 cats, 1 dog and a parrot, those of you who have seen the movie 'Paulie' with Tony Shalhoub will know what breed of parrot he is as he is the same as Paulie! At one point it was 8 cats, 3 rabbits, a dog and 10 fish! When I was a little girl my family had a small shark! I also love, love LOVE: (1) Animals (as long as they don't have 8 hairy legs!) I have an English Blue kitty named Buster who is 14 this year, and is still my baby. You can find his picture on under the name 'My Buster Baby'. (2) Drawing, (specifically designing characters for my own stories) which helped me get a B in my Art GCSE. (3) Reading, I have ALL the Animorph, Animal Ark and all the currently printed Monk books. (My most favourite one is next!) (4) ANIME! I just LOVE Animes, the people who designed the those deserve some kind of Artist Award because some of the animations are so brill! I mean we've got okay animation in this country, but Anime is sooo lifelike in some. My favourite Animes include Digimon (I've seen ALL the episodes aired in the UK), Pokemon (I know ALL the pokeraps by heart), Beyblade (especially the G Revolution series) I think Kai is sooo handsome!), Yu-Gi-Oh! (even though Kaiba can be a huge jerk he is sooo hot! Especially in that white trenchcoat and that sexy white suit!) Gundam Wing (I still think it's funny that Relena loves Heero even though he's always threatening to kill her) Shinzo, Outlaw Star, Escaflowne, Cowboy Bebop (I think that little dog Ein is so sweet!), Sailor Moon (even though I think it's unfair to portray Serena as a stereotypical dumb blonde), Big O, (even though I find it hard to believe no one knows they're just some huge more elaborate version of the Trueman Show) and many more! (5) MOVIES! I've seen a tonne of the good ones and have a lot of them on DVD! That includes the Jaws Quadrilogy, Alien Quadrilogy, both Sister Acts, Dreamcatcher, Shaun of the Dead . . . too many to count! But one of my absolute FAVOURITES is Catwoman with Halle Berry she is just sooo cool! (6) Steve Irwin, he was and still is my all time hero, it's my dream to go to his reptile park and get to meet his wife Terri and his kids Bindi and Bob, I think Bindi is a great kid and I can't wait to see her series on TV: Bindi the Jungle Girl. (8) GAMING! I just LOVE games, specifically either role-playing games like Final Fantasy X/X-2, or monster games like Drakengard I thought Angelus was the best portrayal of one of those 'I don't show my feelings' girls! (9) Music, I can spend HOURS to just listening to my favourite songs and making up stories to go with them! SOme of my top favs are Betcha Neva by Cherie, Could It Be by Christy Carlson Romano, Growing Wings: the theme from Drakengard 1/2 and a whole lot more! (10) And finally and most importantly (insert drum roll here): WRITING STORIES! I started writing my stories after watching the end of Digimon Season 3, I thought that ending was so stupid! I mean, for a start Leomon wasn't reborn so poor Jeri was left alone and that was so unfair especially since it was Rika's fault he got deleted because she didn't digivolve Kyuubimon until AFTER he'd died and the same was for poor Alice and I wasn't even sure if she was alive or a ghost the way she just disappeared! I've watched the ends of all my listed animes and thought all the endings were just not logical! I mean either the main characters leaves his/her true love behind WITHOUT telling his/her true love how they feel, or they do and they get separated anyway or all the friends get seaparated and never see each other again! As you can see I'm a total Anime Lover! And I decided to write my own stories to make my own endings for the charatcers that I thought would make more sense than and of course a lot of them have me in them! And because I can never publish these into actual books (darn copyrighters) I want to share these stories with other anime lovers and I want to be told by you fellow story lovers what you think of my stories which are primarily Digimon Stories. Just so you know, to make my stories really mine I did design my own characters. As I'm the heroine of a lot of my stories, I came up with a group of magical beings called the 'Guardian Force', who are led by an ancient Goddess named Phoenix, (I know that name's been used a tonne of times but I thought the whole 'immortal' part would give my Guardian's Origin Stories an easier explanation. Each on was born of 1 of the 6 Elements, which in my stories are Earth, Wind, Fire, Water, Light and Darkness. And like all of you I have a list of my favourite Anime couples: (1) Kai Hiwatari and Me! (I know I'm not Anime but in my stories ANYTHING goes!) (2) Seto Kaiba and Princess Sasami (No I don't mean Sasami from the Tenchi series, she's the first born daughter King Silverbolt of the Digimon Royal Family and thought I could get away with saying Sasami was the Digimon word for 'Tsunami' because I made her element Water). (3) Tyson Granger and Hilary (Hilarious and a classic 'love/annoyance' relationship. (4) Max Tate and Miriam from the Saint Shields (or they could just be good friends, you decide). (5) (Even though she doesn't deserve it) Rika Nonaka and Ryo Akiyama. (6) Henry Wong and Alice McCoy. (7) King Silverbolt and Queen Granity (Yes I mean the Granity from Monster Rancher but thought she'd be cooler as a Digimon, but the design for King Silverbolt is 100 mine so no copyrighting him please! Just so you all know, I am a big fan of DBZ up until after the Cell Saga, after that I felt it went downhill. I thought Gohan's character was funny but a total wimp and a nerd as an adult so I made an entirely new persona for him as King Silverbolt of the Digimon World). (8) Jeri Kato and Kai Hiwatari (I also made Jeri the heroine of a lot of my stories as I thought it would be cool for the calm quiet girl who everyone believed needed protecting to save the world). (9) Mushra and Yakumo (10) Serena Tsukino and Darien Chiba (11) Sakura Avalon and Li Siaoron (12) Trunks Briefs from DBZ and Ruby Moon (how many of ya thought of THAT for a totally odd couple!) (13) Von and Hitomi obviously. (14) Goten a.k.a Goldar (Silverbolt/Gohan's younger brother) and Bindi (I mean Bindi Master from Flint the Time Detective, only I made him into a Centuarion Digimon Prince and her into his Centaurion Princess). (15) Ryoko and Kibito (now that's one of my freakiest ones! I even made it so the two have a daughter named Kyoko!) (16) Prince Nik Tatopoulous and Audrey Timmonds (I also changed it so he was the reincarnated brother of the Goddess/Princess Phoenix). (17) And finally Princess Phoenix and Piccolo! Phew! That's a lotta anime couples! I'm hoping to write my first story soon, it involves how the Priest Seto met his wife Princess Sasami in their past lives 10,000 years ago. Please be gentle with the criticism when I write that as it's my first attempt. Thanks and I'm so psyched to be a part of Fanfiction.Net! |