Careful management of the brush it's probably the most important non-theoretical element of Fuinjutsu, the first two scrolls he was handed to study emphasized no less than fifty times each how important it's to have a precise and steady hand at the moment of applying the ink on the paper.

He should not be doing this.

The four scrolls he read so far strongly discouraged the creation of any kind of seal without the supervision of a seal master or a capacitated supervisor, but the responsible for the series of this educative scrolls said it so much that in his mind he was practically daring him to try when Jiraiya was not looking.

"Do not attempt without supervision" what was he a three years old using scissors?

"It is necessary to have a proper instructor to verify the integrity of the matrix before applying any chakra" the guy doesn't even advertise the risk to lose a finger and he expects someone to take him seriously?

"Under no circumstances you are to try this matrix without a seal master at your side" Pfft! Yea sure, the guy must have wanted to say: I dare you.

"You must not forget that this is a highly explosive and unstable matrix that can be triggered if any of its elements it's misplaced" Duh! Just… Duh! What is the point of naming the whole chapter Explosive Notes if you didn't want things to go out with a BOOM!

The movie they just watched: Princess Gale II: The Rise of Dark Chakra, left them both with a pent up desire to see things explode!

So he took some of Jiraiya's ink and paper and a few rocks and started working on the explosive notes described on chapter six in his fifth scroll on Fuinjutsu studies, a little variation on the formulae's here and there coupled with the use of "different" sources of chakra for the application of the matrices results in a variety of colors when activating the seal.

Throwing the rocks with his seals into the air and activating them resulted in fireworks of orange, purple, yellow, white and red fires and loud noises that had Fu-chan marveled, and to kick things up a notch he also created fire suppressing seals that where to be thrown alongside the explosive notes that when activated in the precise moment gave the visual effect of watching the explosions be sucked like a multicolored whirlwind on the skies!

The townsfolk was also watching and enjoying the improvised fireworks as well but the two of them were well hidden, no civilian should be able to spot them.

Today after rushing to the town Jiraiya dismissed them as soon as they registered in a hotel, a room with three bed they will be sharing as every other time.

They walked on the unknown streets looking at the shops, restaurants and stands looking for someplace to have their first date, the theater wasn't difficult to spot, it had a huge sign visible from a few blocks away, they immediately checked the place and decided that would be the perfect place, of course it helped that they didn't had many other options available.

So while they waited for the function they entered the local bookstore, they got a few of them from the used part of the shop and used their urban environmental training to "acquire" most of their new collection, they left the place with no less than forty new books.

Knowing Fu they will have reading material to last until their next visit to a town.

Of course he was uncomfortable "acquiring" books by illicit methods, but the two of them are Konoha genins receiving a basic salary on a monthly basis, so they were far from rich and need be save their ryu notes for stuff they cannot "acquire" like ninja tools.

After that they found that ramen stand where that red headed chef recognized him, honestly he thought the date would be ruined by the woman but Fu-chan saved the day there, she convinced her to serve him a bowl, it was uncomfortable in the beginning, Fu had to explain a lot of things to the chef to convince her that he was no longer a peeping tom.

He did not said sorry once while he there, he already apologized on her other town and she chased him away with an old rusty kitchen knife.

But the woman said something interesting, something they agreed they will try tonight in their room if Jiraiya is not there when they go back… it sounded promising.

"I thought you were not doing well with Fuinjutsu" it's not like Naruto wasn't good with the art, he doesn't like reading warning and the almost retarded way in which they explained the theory, to him it was as if the author was assuming every reader was mentally challenged.

"I don't enjoy the scrolls" he said honestly and explained "They have a lot of warnings and the theory is repeated and quoted again and again, it's like the person who wrote them expects people to forget what they read ten minutes ago"

"So you think you could learn faster if you had a better source?" she asked after throwing another rock to the sky, the red light on the sky illuminating her face, there was amusement and joy in her red tinted face, but there was something else… something he could not identify, he could only assume it was a positive emotion, or he hoped so.

Her question put doubts on him. He was never good with book stuff, his time in the academy taught him that, but Fuinjutsu… he had yet to struggle with anything described on the four and half scrolls he's read so far.

Sure sometimes he had to ask Jiraiya for some concept he was not familiar with that the scrolls assumed he should know… but after he understood what it was about he could fully comprehend what it all was about.


"Why don't you tell that to Ero-sennin?" she asked taking the last two homemade firework pieces and throwing them to the sky "I think he really wants you to learn Fuinjutsu"

The sky was illuminated by two explosions white and orange.

"I know" the blond said looking as the last remnants of light disappear on the black background of the night "But Fuinjutsu it's so rigid, there is like no flexibility on it, a Seal does one thing and one thing only, hard to adapt if anything goes wrong"

"That's why we train Taijutsu and our affinities Naruto-kun"

What she said was true, their taijutsu and jutsus provide more flexibility to their combat styles than any Seal ever would, any single seal that is "Why you don't want to learn Fuinjutsu though?" at first he thought she was just avoiding extra work, but she isn't really the kind of person to do that, he knows that now.

"I don't know if I'll be any good at it" she said looking to the side, avoiding eye contact. That is not the real reason.

"You'll never know if you don't try"

"It's getting late Naruto-kun, want to go back the hotel and see if we can do 'that' thing on the beds?" now that sounded like fun.

"Sure thing Fu-chan"


They moved their beds together, they were too small and they would have no room to maneuver if they don't put them to next to each other, and this wouldn't be half as fun if they cannot move.

The two teens were looking at each other in the eyes, both of them didn't feel so sure about this.

They are bound to make a lot of noise, noise that could be heard on the neighboring rooms, and what if sensei comes back and catches them?

"You ready?" Fu asked, she was nervous, and so was him.

But this would be the ideal way to end their first date and the both knew it, with a smile he nodded and then jumped.


Three months without a woman was a long time for a man like Jiraiya, he was used to the life in the roads, visiting cities, towns, villages always with his eyes open and his ears sharp for any rumor or a suspicious sight, and in every place he visited he always, always made sure to visit the brothels, he not only enjoyed the women company, but there was also a couple of them that worked for him as information brokers.

They did not worked on the beds of course, they were successfully retired. They saved enough money to buy their own places.

It was never a surprise to find a whore who owns a brothel, it was after all, their profession, what they know, and it was difficult to get away from that lifestyle.

This "Madams" sometimes employ the younger women for more than what they have between their legs, and he is not speaking about their breast. The men that frequent those places often forget that the women they spend time with are also human beings, with hopes and dreams… and ears, and they also forget that their mouths can be used for more things than oral sex, they forget that their personal toys can listen what they say, remember it and communicate it to a third person, to the "Madam"

Tonight after using the service of a well hidden Madam's brothel he spoke to the owner, a woman on her fifties like himself, she was still beautiful and well preserved, one would say she aged well.

She had news for him.

A girl from wind country recently joined her workers and she had some crazy tale about a drunk monk, a demon of sand and a seal.

He will have to send a toad to the Land of Wind, his agent there was not the most motivated man in the world but when you give him a lead it was impressive what he could find.

Entering his hotel planning to head for the shower and wash out the smell of sex and sake before his students can notice what he was up to, but the man in the reception was looking at him with a sense of urgency he was not expecting.

"Hiraya-san!" he called him, he was a young man, not particularly tall or broad, he was a fishbone easy to intimidate and he seemed extremely nervous.

"Something wrong" he asked on his best reassuring tone, no need to scare the man.

"It's your two charges" he said looking from one side to the other as if making sure they were alone and no one else would hear what he has to say "They are making a lot of noise on your room" that lifted his eyebrows, he couldn't be talking about 'that' kind of noises could he?

This was their first 'official' date, and it seemed like Fu was moving awfully fast and the kid had no intention to slow her down. Dam he made a good work with the kid.

"Sir, this is not the kind of establishment that allows that, both of them are under age, I won't say a word but please go upstairs and put an end to this, there are host complaining!" the man obviously wanted him to go and separate them for him, too coward to go and do it himself, Jiraiya betted that he would have just let them finish if he didn't showed up on time.

"Alright I'll go up there and have a word with them!" he said giving his best offended guardian impression and climbed the stairs and walked towards the room he shared with the jinchurikis… dam they were noisy, or at least the beds were, they themselves made no sounds but the creaking sound could be heard all around the place.

He knocked the door with force to produce a sound louder than the noise they were making "Naruto, Fu!" he called even louder before opening the door hoping they at least had time to cover themselves with a sheet, he did not want to see the kid's ass and Fu was much too young for his tastes.

But to his surprise the two of them were fully clothed bouncing on their beds with wide smiles on their faces that were rapidly fading, their expression changed radically now that they were caught.

What were they doing though?

Beds were not toys, they are tools to rest and they can also be defensive commodities and provide a wonderful diversions… not to mention they are the most popular piece of furniture to have sex on. They are certainly not to bounce on the mattress like idiots!

"What are you doing!?" he asked in utter confusion, he has never seen a shinobi commit such a misuse of furniture before.

"Bouncing on the mattress?" Naruto said, not sure if they was in trouble or not, to be honest, not even Jiraiya was sure if they were in trouble.


"I… it is Fun?" this time Fu spoke, trying to explain what they were doing. Frankly he would have preferred to catch them having sex at this point, at least he would know what to say if they were 'Dam, unpredictable teenagers!'

"You should totally try it!" she insisted, he looked at her as if she had grown a second head. Beds are for many things, but never to… just bounce of them, every shinobi in the world knows that!

"Who gave you the idea?" he inquired, there was no way in hell even Naruto would come with such a ridiculous idea.

"Um… the owner of a ramen place" Naruto explained with more conviction.

"A civilian?" of course… he would never truly understand a civilian's mind, so foreign, so impractical… "Alright, just stop, the neighbors are thinking you two are banging" they both blushed and sat on the beds suddenly ashamed to look at the other in the eye… that's something he can deal with, not with some civilian shenanigan.


Fu didn't slept that night, after sensei caught them bouncing on their mattress' they all took turns to shower, with Jiraiya being the first, she knew why and in all honestly, she appreciated that the old pervert had the decency to cleanse his body after visiting the brothel… because what else could he have done all afternoon and part of the night?

She noticed after turning the last light out that she was filled with energy, a funny feeling she could not identify very well, but she guessed was linked to the success her date with Naruto turned out to be, they had enough books to read until they had to return to Konoha, she had fun lying to that stand owner that somehow recognized Naruto-kun, she enjoyed very much the improvised game of let's pretend she had with the woman, the look she shared with Naruto-kun when chef mentioned her nephews bouncing on their beds… she knew he understood, it was something they had to try, the idea was so absurd it just needed to be tested, and it was really, really fun.

But the best part of the day?

The fireworks Naruto-kun pulled out of nowhere. The idea came out so suddenly and she couldn't stop marveling herself when the blond just grabbed the brush, paper and ink and started scribbling the seals out of his memory and she immediately recognized the exploding tag on the paper, any shinobi would have, but then what he did was what earned him her admiration adding a few more symbols here and there for purposes she doesn't really understands he activated the charge with a small quantity of chakra enveloped it on the handle of a kunai he had and threw it to the air and triggering it resulted on a purple flamed explosion, she never saw anything like it, when she asked him how he did it he gave her some sort of technical talk about symbols, alignment, chakra and fuel she couldn't really understand, however all that mattered was the end result, he made various other designs for the explosive notes and asked her to activate a few with her biju's chakra and once they had a considerable quantity they grabbed as many rocks as they could and started the spectacle, it was beautiful.

The marvelous spectacle aside she couldn't believe her teammate sheer aptitude to Fuinjutsu, she may not be learning the art herself but she has done enough reading on the subject, the forgotten fourth ninja art that has fallen out of use due to the effort and dedication it demanded from the students and here was Naruto-kun learning the art with only the standard scrolls as guidance because sensei thought he was having troubles grasping the concepts!

It was quite the opposite, the scrolls were going to slow for him and from the way he always complained they made him feel annoyed at the methodology used to teach.

She has always known that Naruto had the potential to become Hokage, from the first time he shouted it for some unknown reason in Taki she believed him, and with the pass of time and with them practically glued together as Jiraiya's students she could see more and more of that potential and she had no doubts in her mind he will achieve that crazy dream on his to become his Village's Leader.

The problem was… how long until his inevitable coronation happens? Will she be allowed to live until then?

The thoughts of not being able to be there when he achieves his dream was unbearable, she wanted to see him using what he calls: "That Ugly Red Hat" and see others acknowledge him, she often imagined it.

Him wearing elegant red and white robes with his naked head, not even his head band on his forehead as they stand on the top of a tower in front of all of the village shinobis and civilians waiting for some elder to give him the hat.

He would speak a few words to reassure the people, swear a few promises and then receive the hat and his coronation would be complete and every single person watching would get on their knees as a show of respect, all but her, she would be at his side smiling, he would turn to her and smile to her, take her hand and kiss it in a show of public affection that would mean so much, at that time she would be the wife of the Hokage and probably carrying his heir on her swollen belly…

Kami that was an embarrassing thought!

She wasn't entirely sure where it came from either, it was the first time her fantasy played in that direction, and while it was completely unexpected it wasn't exactly a repulsive idea, a family with Naruto-kun was most desirable from her survival plan point of view, she often thought she would have to give him a child at some point.

But this was the first time she found herself thinking of herself as a wife and a possible mother, before today all of her thoughts were directed towards bearing a child as a duty that she would impose upon herself and the carry on with her life…

But raising a family… with Naruto-kun?

That would not be surviving, that would be thriving!

She will tell Jiraiya about Naruto-kun's problems with his scrolls tomorrow and hope he can come up with a solution to that situation so Naruto-kun can reach his full potential with the art of Fuinjutsu.


He was waken up with a kick to his ribs, not painful but extremely uncomfortable, the blond brat liked to wake him up the most in that Kami-dammed way.

"Go away kid it's too early for this!" he said covering his chest with his arms covering the offended area to prevent any further attempts to get him up.

"Come on Ero-sennin I need to talk to you!" that was not the blond's pest voice so he opened his eyes to acknowledge his female student.

"It's too early Fu!" he needed no watch to know it was around five in the morning, his internal clock was as precise as the best mechanical piece produced on Suna.

"It's important!" she insisted crossing her arms in front of her chest, and looking at Naruto's still sleeping form.

He raised an eyebrow, he couldn't think of anything important enough to wake him up at this time of the day, but if it involved Naruto it was better to make sure of it.

Sighting he sits up on his bed and prompts her to talk using an impatient hand gesture.

"Yesterday Naruto-kun made some seals…" she says and makes a dramatic pause, he waits until she is ready to speak again, showing her he is willing to wait and listen "exploding tags"

"He did what!" his voice was controlled and not loud enough to wake up Naruto but they still carried an edge that put her on the defensive.

Explosive tags are definitely on the list of things the blond should not do on his own dammit!

"None of them exploded on our face!" she says trying to reassure him that everything was ok, but it was a major transgression, they could have been hurt easily with those seals!

"If he tries that again you MUST call me, he is not ready to do things like that alone, is that clear?!" he knew Naruto could be reckless but he had more faith in Fu, she was usually well behaved… because she thinks her life depends on it.

"I will sensei" she says but looks at him in the eyes and pauses again, something she seems to do when trying to convey something it's of great importance "but I those were not standard exploding tags… they were special their flames were of different colors, like fireworks" the smile on her face made it clear for him, it would have been quite the spectacle and a good way to end their date, and it was also an important fact, changing the color of the explosions was not something that was in any of the scrolls he has given Naruto to read.

"You mean he…?" he asked and she immediately nodded her head. That was important indeed.

"I'm going to kill that kid!" he said that trying to be angry, but he doubted he managed it, he was too happy to hear the blond has aptitude towards his clan's art to be mad anymore.

"I think he just need different scrolls because he doesn't like the ones he is reading at all!" she said, and he doesn't know what to think, those were the best scrolls to learn available in Konoha, he wouldn't have given the kid anything else.

But then again, the boy was an Uzumaki… no one else has come even close to what the clan was famed for, some of their seals were stored in Konoha, and in other hidden villages for study and no one could understand how they work because they make no sense at all, they directly violated some of the basic principles of the art and yet they worked, ohh and don't try to copy them because you never know what your seal will end up doing…

Maybe a new approach was required, for all he knew the brain of an Uzumaki could be wired in an entirely different way compared to a normal ninja mind.