Author has written 2 stories for Naruto, Halo, and Mass Effect.
Hi! I'm Relativeness! I'm 27 years old.
When I started reading all those great story's I hoped that I could do something like that so I started writing as well.
My favorite tv-shows are:
1. Naruto (still!)
NCIS Quotes:
Abby: I talked to Ziva yesterday.
Tony: You don't bowl with nuns. I should have seen that one coming.
Abby: I do! Ziva made me promise not to tell.
Ducky: Why would Ziva care we knew that you bowl with nuns?
Tony: Do it. ( when zivas about to hit his six pack)
McGee: As hard as she can?
Tony: As hard as you can.
McGee: You know that's how Houdini died.
Tony: Ziva, did you kill Houdini?
Ziva: It is possible. I do not remember all of their names.
Tony: I'm fine, Ziva.
Ziva: All right, but I thought maybe you needed a little cheering up?
Tony: If I needed to be cheered up, I would've put superglue on McGee's keyboard.
McGee(angrily, to Tony): You put superglue on my keyboard.
Tony: All right, listen up people. Our fugitive has been on the run for 90 minutes.
Ziva: It has been three hours, Tony.
Tony: Average foot speed over uneven ground, barring injuries, is four miles per hour.
Ziva: He is not on foot. He's in a car.
Tony: What I need from each and every one of you is a hard target search of every gas station, residence, warehouse, farm house, outhouse, hen house, and dog house in the area. Our fugitive has a name and it is...
Gibbs: Corporal Damon Werth.
McGee: The Tommy Lee Jones speech every time we have a fugitive, really?
Tony(as an anchorman): In a tragic tale of obsessive hobbying turned deadly, an NCIS agent was found in his basement, crushed between a large homemade boat and an even larger bottle of bourbon.
favorite all time quotes:
Perhaps the companionship of an evil person is preferable to loneliness - Gaara
Once more into the fray. Into the last good fight i'll ever know. Live and die on this day...Live and die on this day.