![]() Author has written 6 stories for Naruto, Devil May Cry, Bleach, Warhammer, Dishonored, Shugo Chara!, K-ON!/けいおん!, Tsukihime, and Psycho-Pass/サイコパス. "Life is 10% how we make it and 90% how we take it." こにちは皆。 I am an aspiring writer. One with too much time on his hands _ Many things have happened. Life tossed me here and there but I am glad there were people to catch me before I fall. To all those who have read and reviewed my work, thank you. You've made this lowly man really happy. I know I haven't been updating a certain fic as of late. I'm sorry guys. Much of my time has been spent on real life. I haven't forgotten about it and I don't plan on keeping it dead. It will be done very soon. And to those who liked the Devil May Cry/Shugo Chara/Negima/RosarioVamire/Zettai Kareshi multicrossover fic(wow that's a lot of worlds) thanks for reading and reviewing. It means a lot. I've never done a multicrossover before and the task was daunting. Speaking of flamers, I found a really neat one. He's quite a character sending me such reviews. But from reading his story without bias, I'd say it wasn't the best I've read so far. And I've read a lot. He insulted me thrice and managed to get on my nerves. I listened to my senior in BS Psychology and was able to think rationally and properly so that I could reply the way an intelligent person would without getting angry. And in return, I received this... "Well, ja#k a@&, you have now shown how truly stupid you really are. there was -OnGuard Aside from the obvious profane language which I had to edit in order to keep my profile as friendly as possible, he really showed his true colors here in his PM to me(The PM was quoted as precisely as possible. I had to recheck it Five times to make sure it was correct. Good thing too or else I would've made a mistake). So I decided to reply back. But when I checked his profile, he disabled the Private Messaging function. In other words, he likes hurting people without getting hurt himself. Unlike him, I can take a hit and keep moving forward. So instead, I'll post my reply here for all to read. To OnGuard, It wasn't a review. It was a message. Oh... you got my point. THERE(Not their.) is no such thing as a happy ending in the real world and that's why you read fiction, right? Well... sad to say, not all fictions are happy endings. I bet you love disney or those oh so sappy endings? Tell me... you don't like "Passion of the Christ?" Or those types of stories? You read to temporarily alleviate your pain but the thing is, You are so sad. You drown yourself trying to point flaws in arguments when you can't even check your spelling. You're so deluded in your own world. In fact, your whole point in messaging me was pointing the flaw in my story in a moronic way... Wait, IT'S A TRAGEDY! A very cynical one at that. You're in the wrong section. Happy endings in another unless you'd like to continue to read my story till the eventual happy ending in it. If you're looking for a cute fiction, I'm sorry. I definitely won't give it. None of my chapters will even cure your bland self. None. But since it draws you to it, despite its tragedy, you keep reading it. You even reached chapter 9. Well...I'm sorry if you find it so stupid to answer back with a pile of words...well, this words of mine, people actually read. If I was such a bad writer, I would have ended it. Yes, I admit my love for flashbacks. And thank you, I will take that. But to you Mr. OnGuard, says a lot about you. Try to leave your own bias and actually take a step back and see what my story is before you even criticize. If you don't like it, it's okay but respect it. I guess you have none of that. The INFJ you've displaced your frustrations on, Le Loup De Kaiser anyway...done with ranting... so far I've got a lot to catch up with. Anime episodes i haven't seen are piled up in my list, games are piled up REALLY high...Inspiration can be a backed up huh? and things to draw...I better get back fast. I've always wondered what to do with the plot of some stories in my account. Well, I should finish them shouldn't I? Back to work it is. --Update as of 8/10/2011-- Yeah I hate to do this but my First Fanfic...Naruto Death's Second Chance is on hiatus...actually, it's dead. I'm gonna need more than good writing skills to resurrect it from that fiasco on chapter 26. I've got more news. My second fanfic...Devil May Cry: Deviant Bedlam is ongoing. They all love Amu in that one. My usual updates for that story are every 3 months. I'm really taking it seriously this time and WILL UPDATE EARLIER. Next... K'ON: Song of War...two opposites married into one story. Think of it this way...what would you do, if you found out that that cheerful girl from high school became a soldier for an intergalactic military? What would you do if said military, worships one man...the God-Emperor of Humanity...If you like it, please drop by and read it. It's my greatest creation. It also needs a lot of love. Please send some reviews if you can. Lastly... Tsukihime: Mors Ex Machina...It's new on the block and something I wrought up while writing the others. It will not stop the regular updates. If this pushes through, I'll add it to the list. If not...then it's going to the trash can. If you think Shiki dropping in on the Narutoverse is interesting, drop on by to this story. It might even interest you. And then there's this idea of Tony Stark being reborn as a Space Marine of the Salamander Chapter...Nope...I can't write on that one. I'd need to be a drunk genius to do that. I can only get the drunk part right and I hate alcohol...oh wait that's rubbing alcohol. No wonder it tastes bad. --Update as of 11/20/2012-- Here's a heads up on what's going on. A long time friend of mine decided to drop by and stay over...permanently. Ruined my flow and made it hard to write because I had to deal with his annoying habits and messed up lifestyle alongside mine. Worst of all, I can't get rid of him cause it was my parents' and his parents' idea for him to stay over till he can find a purpose in his life...like that'll happen. So with that out of the way, on with the announcements. Naruto: Death's Second Chance is dead. Next... Devil May Cry: Deviant Bedlam is on hiatus. My schedule is too tight. K'ON: Song of War is also on hiatus. Same reason as above. Tsukihime: Mors Ex Machina...hiatus as well but for different reasons. One, Type-Moon fans HATE Naruto. You'd be lucky to find one who doesn't. Two, Naruto fans rarely get into Nasuverse stuff. Closest they'd march to would be Fate Stay/Night because of its more mainstream plot. DISHONORED: Tokyo Stalker... wrote it during my only free time. Finished the first chapter only to realize that I had three other stories pending. Damn. Regardless, it's new and in need of feedback. And that's it I'm afraid. I feel my time here is about to end. I enjoyed writing fanfics but life has other priorities. I don't know how much longer I'll be able to write, but I pray that I finish one last story before it all ends. That right now, is the only thing I'm hoping for. |