Walking the Line Between Life and Death

Chapter 14

Last Chapter Summary: Oh, this should be the last chapter. Naruto and Hinata just disappeared into a different dimension as an 'all or nothing' approach to his health.

I don't own Naruto or anything that could possibly make me any money.

'thoughts' "speaking" – I don't do flashbacks

The past 10 years has been kind to Konoha. Over eight years has passed since the last Uchiha was liberated from the clutches of the snake sannin and with a combined effort of Kakashi, Jiraiya, and Sakura they were able to defeat Orochimaru and with his death the curse seal was lifted taking all the evil it fed on with it leaving a relatively normal person where the evil once dwelled (after some counciling and a few punches to the head by Sakura). After he became a normal guy he was very accepting of feelings still harbored by Sakura and even pushed his want for revenge back in his mind. After their marriage, 2 years later, they wasted no time in trying to single handedly revive the Uchiha clan; that was obvious by the 4 boys and one girl they had running around the house now.

The others in Konoha went the way most thought they would. Neji showed he definitely was human and finally noticed the feelings his teammate held for him. (No, not Lee) Shikamaru found it less troublesome to fall for Ino than to put forth effort to get to know anyone else. Choji found his dream girl in the daughter of the Barbeque Shop owner, while Kiba found someone from a wolf clan from Iwa. Lee was still married to his training and Shino met with his betrothed as was expected from each.

Since the mysterious disappearance of the Kyuubi's vessel the Akatsuki was mostly disbanded with only a few surviving after their hideout, placed in an old volcano, exploded violently. (Itachi and a few minor followers survived) Konoha has had no real wars and as such they have flourished in the time of peace. Their ninjas have become unrivaled in their strength as many exceptional ninjas have come out to the light in past years including an unusual female sword master who got her start from a strange scroll that appeared on her doorstep early in her genin career.

Tsunade decided that she would need to step down as Hokage since her health has started to decline even though she still didn't look a day over thirty. The Hokage was currently looking through her roster of top level ninja trying to find her heir but found there to be no real candidate popping out at her to fit the bill. Sure she had a few almost Kage level ninja, but they were lacking in other areas that could cause their downfall. Completely exasperated she just gave up and called a village meeting with everyone gathering around the tower. The crowd finally quieted down as they saw their Hokage come to address the village.

"Citizens of Konoha, I've decided to step down as Hokage, and as such I need to announce my heir. Due to the amount of exceptional ninja I'll be holding a tournament to aid in my decision. All those who believe they are worthy of the Hokage title meet at the arena tomorrow. I will be screening all participants to make sure only those at a high enough level will be allowed in. I'll see you all there." Tsunade's age was definitely getting to her, as she drug her self to her room turning in for sleep much too early for a normal person.

The next day the whole town was buzzing with anticipation. Since the tournament needed to start early most of the village was already at the arena while some of the ninjas participating were just now getting ready for their battle.

"Come on Awai-chan, we need to get going were going to be late."

"Sorry daddy, where's mommy?"

"She's waiting for us outside. You want to walk or be carried?"

"I like walking today daddy"

"Alright, shall we go then?" The small child, of about 5, grabs her father's strong calloused hand and leads him out of the small house to his waiting wife. "Ready beautiful?"

"Ready when you are."

"Attention all combatants, come to the center of the arena for final check in." Announced a voice over the arena loud speaker. There was a small but decent group that filtered down to the arena as they were being checked for acceptance into the tournament.

"Inuzuka Kiba, proceed…Uchiha Sasuke, go ahead… Piasano Altia, you're good to go… Ushiro Itan, ok… Asuka Hishen, why not… Rock Lee, uh, go on (tries to hide from the spandex)… Keisen Ushido, looks like you're the last." The Hokage approaches the group of fighters ready to address the rules.

"Ok there are apparently an odd number of you so we will have to…" Tsunade was interrupted when intense light and massive amounts of chakra filled the arena causing all eyes to fall on the arena center. When the light started to fade the forms of three people were seen with one person being quite short. Everyone stared at them waiting to fully see who these people were. As quick as it came, the light suddenly disappeared revealing a well built blonde wearing a dark trench coat with flames trailing up the hems. Next to him holding his hand was a small girl in a light lavender kimono with her dark hair tied back into a pony tail with a few strands framing her small delicate face which held light colored eyes. Holding onto her other hand was what appeared to be a larger version of the girl except her hair was allowed to flow half way down her back.

"Why have you interrupted this tournament? Explain yourselves." Demanded the aging Hokage(she must need glasses now). She walked forward eyeing the small group curiously. She watched as the blonde looked to the girl.

"Awai-chan, go meet your obaasan." The blonde's words barely left his mouth before the small child ran and jumped into the dumbfounded arms of the Hokage with a huge smile plastered on her face..

"What is this?" Tsunade asked looking at the little girl.

"Tsunade-baa-chan, I finally get to see you." Cheered the little girl hugging her neck.

"Why are you calling me baa-chan? I never had kids."

"Hey sorry I'm late kaasan; you wouldn't believe the traffic when traveling between dimensions." The blonde's eyes caught the stare of a dark haired man staring at him with red eyes blazing. "Hey Sasuke-teme, sorry I couldn't be there to bring you back myself, but I had a personal issue to take care of, you understand right." He shouted to him before he was grabbed into a hug by the Hokage still holding Awai so he was not able to see the smile on the Uchiha's face.

"I thought I'd never see you again Naruto." She said as she cried on his shoulder.

"For a while I almost didn't think I'd ever be able to return, but Hinata-chan is amazing. I think she is a greater medic than anyone has ever seen." Tsunade let him out of the hug, but still kept Awai safely in her arms. "I see you like Awai about as much as she likes you. She's been dying to come here after I told her about you."

"She definitely is a cutie. You two have done well raising her… I take it then you want to enter the tournament?"

"You bet, Hinata-chan fixed me up better than new… How about we get this party started then?" Naruto walked over to where Hinata was still standing and pulled her back to where Tsunade was. "Hinata-chan, I see some of our friends in the stands. Go say hi to them, I think Awai-chan is quite attached to where she is currently so don't worry about her." He gives her a quick lip lock causing a bit of color to rush to her face. (You would think she would have gotten over the whole blushing thing being that she has been kissing him for 10 years already, but some things never change, and shouldn't) She shyly nodded before she disappeared and reappeared in the stands to find the group of friends bound to be around.

First match, Ushiro Itan vs. Inuzuka Kiba; second match, Piasano Altia vs. Uzumaki Naruto; third match, Keisen Ushido vs Uchiha Sasuke; fourth match, Asuka Hishen vs. Rock Lee. Winners of first and third will face the winners of second and fourth respectively. Then we'll have the finals. Rules are like the chuunin exams but there will be no proctor due to the level of these battles. Now, everyone get to the contestant's box." The conversation they just had was much too quiet for anyone to hear, so the audience didn't know who the new arrivals were yet.

Tsunade reappeared in the stands next to Hinata who hasn't worked up the courage to join her friends quite yet. The usual group was found sitting in the same area all talking amongst themselves; of course they were joined by the female counter parts that assimilated into the group. The Hokage got tired of watching Hinata contemplate going, so she pushed her forward to the group at sat with her old teammate,Jiraiya, with Awai still latched to her.

"Tsunade-sama, who's that cute little Hyuuga you have there?" asked the blonde kunoichi, sitting with her lazy husband, causing the group to look at the little girl.

"Her name is Awai, and she isn't a Hyuuga, she's an Uzumaki." Calmly replied Hinata as she sat down next to Tsunade. Everyone looked to the dark haired woman with mouths agape, even those who didn't personally know her knew the Uzumaki name since it was now a part of the history books as the family name of one of the most legendary of fighters.

"H-Hinata? So that blonde is…"

"Yes, Sakura-san, that is Naruto-kun."

"Is he ok? He seems to be low on chakra." Asked the strangely talkative Shino.

"He's better than ok, just wait for his match." The group wasn't paying attention to the fight currently taking place and just looked at Hinata until they saw a bruised guy walking down to them with his giant dog.

"Hey guys, that guy was much tougher than I thought." he told them with Akamaru agreeing giving a bark.

"Kiba-kun, I thought my husband taught you not to underestimate your opponents. At least he grew out of his denseness."

"What, you mean he isn't dense anymore?" asked most of the group.

"No, he never was, he just didn't get taught in a way that he would understand. I've taught him all I know about politics and stuff like that to prepare him for being Hokage." Iruka was the one most shocked about this news; he almost believed Naruto was un-teachable during his stay at the academy. "We'll talk later, Naruto is starting his fight"

The platinum blonde woman unsheathed an extremely rare looking weapon and readied her attack on her opponent. She wasted no time as she furiously attacked her opponent with him blocking each of her strikes with his metal backed glove; he then stared into the eyes of his attacker.

"I see you made use of the scroll I left you, I'm sorry I had to take Hinata with me when I left, I really wanted to help her genins, so I did the best I could." His attacker flinched a moment before backing off.

"Thank you for the scroll, but I have surpassed the simple teachings on that relic, I am now a sword master"

"That's good, but you can't defeat me. So show me what you've got and don't hold back." The two jumped quickly around the arena with Altia on the offensive slashing and slicing at the spiky blonde while steadily increasing speed. After 10 minutes of slashing and making no cuts, Altia stopped her attacks panting. "Tired already?" Naruto asked as he leaped forward throwing a kick faster than she expected and had to block with the broadside of her sword. Her eyes grew in shock when she saw his foot connect with the sword and fracture the blade.

"How the hell can you crack my blade?" she asked staring at the now useless sword.

"You have not quite become a sword master yet. Granted your skills are unmatched, but we live in a world with chakra, using it while sword fighting is not cheating; you can use it to strengthen attacks and reinforce your blade. I will be glad to spar with you again in the future to test your improvements."

"Spar? You think this is a spar? I'll kill you for underestimating me." She charged in for a quick thrust with her sword as Naruto was unimpressed.

"I used to attack that way… It's easier to fight when calm though." Naruto sidestepped her attack and planted a chop to the back of her neck knocking her out. He picked up her unconscious body and set her in a chair up in the stands since she wasn't really injured, just horribly tired.

As expected Sasuke put down his opponent in his usual cocky way with Sakura cheering his accomplishments. Not to be shown up by the genius, Lee defeated his opponent equally as fast ending with his 'good guy' pose and received one back from his sensei (and the crowd cringes).

The semi finals were sure to be heated battles with Sasuke vs. Lee and Naruto vs. Itan, still the current favorite since most still haven't recognized the blonde yet. First up was Naruto's match, which got him excited hoping for a real challenge. Both combatants entered the arena floor and took up battle stances, well maybe not so much for the blonde.

"Itan, it's good to see you again. I hope your training has made you a strong ninja."

"It definitely has. I'm guessing if you would have hung around in our group you would have held me back you weakling." (ah it's like a younger Sasuke!)

"Dude what the hell is wrong with you? I only met you once for about 5 or 10 minutes many years back, why are you so hostile?"

"You ruined my dream, and I wont let you live because of it!" Itan shocked the stadium with his rage as his chakra blasted to levels higher than many have ever witnessed before. Itan saw Naruto shaking standing before his power. "You thought you had real power or what ever you said back then, but mine overshadows yours. I will be the greatest Hokage." He declared.

"See Hinata-chan, I didn't underestimate my opponent, he was just that powerful. I haven't felt that much chakra in my entire life. I'm sorry to say it, but Naruto is out classed." Kiba expected to see Hinata down, but he was shocked to see her smile.

"Mama, that guy down there is almost like you when you fight daddy." The group looks to the little girl like she was from a different planet or something after what she said.

"Kiba-san, don't ever underestimate my husband, his strength is quite literally limitless, he can't be defeated by a small show of strength like that." Everyone was still wide eyed except Gai who decided to share a secret.

"Unfortunately I haven't seen the full youthfulness of Naruto, but Itan learned a few things when he constantly trained with my Lee."

"Gai, you fool you didn't let him learn that did you?" screamed out the masked ninja, Kakashi.

"Of course I did Kakashi, he said it was the only way to prove his true power be a beacon of youthful love to a certain girl, although he never told me who." Hinata paled when she heard that and everyone thought she was scared for her husband. She looked at them shivering.

"Gai-sensei, with all due respect, YOU ARE AN IDIOT! Itan might die now because of this." Screamed Hinata. Once again the group was stunned by her loud voice (you would think they would be stuck in a permanent stunned look with as much as they didn't know about them now)

"Nonsense, Hinata-san, he can hold open 6 gates without even harming himself and has access to the seventh. He won't die from the technique unless he tries for the last one." Hinata sighed and shook her head.

"It wasn't the technique I was referring to, just pray he doesn't announce to Naruto who he is pining after and he may live through the day." They were all confused but turned to watch the battle unfold.

"See you're even shaking at my strength." Itan announced with a smirk. He kept the smirk up until he heard what sounded like laughter. The laughter grew louder and the young Hokage hopeful saw the laughing was in step with what he perceived as shaking in fright.

"I've told you before, not to underestimate people. I'll let this one slide for now." Naruto threw off his heavy trench coat as it thudded against the ground and colors faded away revealing an old run down jacket. Chakra burst from his body enveloping the arena matching the output of his opponent. "I suggest we use only taijutsu to battle anything more would be disastrous to the village and may lead to unnecessary death, like you."

"What, you afraid you can't control your ninjutsu?" Naruto, literally in a flash, appeared next to him with a kunai drawn to his throat.

"No, it makes it fair since I won't be able to use the Yondaime's Hiraishin, there is already seals for the technique all over the stadium from my last fight." Naruto flashed back to his previous spot and placed his kunai back into his pouch and eyed the still smirking ninja before him.

"You should have killed me when you had the chance, but now I will kill you and take what is rightfully mine… your wife!" Itan concentrated and opened 6 of his chakra gates causing roars of thunder to start crumbling the walls of the arena.

"Oh god, Hinata, did he just say what I think he said?" asked a wide eyed Tsunade sitting next to two equally scared perverts.

"Is he able to use all of his power?" questioned Kakashi shivering

"Unfortunately yes on both accounts" Hinata replied to them.

"Is daddy going to get scary again mommy?" Awai asked.

"Probably honey, but you'll be safe with your obaasan." Awai hugged Tsunade tighter for protection.

"Tell me Hinata, is he as strong as he was when fighting that beast?" asked the white haired super pervert.

"No, he isn't. I think he said he was stronger now." The ground thundered in protest as Itan opened his gates releasing enough raw strength to kill off a Kage.

"You clearly are the stupidest person alive; do not threaten me or my family. You are a disgrace to the village for chasing after your own personal motives over the goals of Konoha. I hate showing off like this (normally he would have jumped at the chance, but Hinata has tamed him a bit), but I have no choice… Ancient Arts: Restrictors Release!" Unlike Itan's show of strength, Naruto didn't show off in a flashy way but allowed his hidden power to be released slowly until the bolts of lighting in blues and reds flowed over his body once again.

"I don't feel that you are any where near my level, back down and run from here and I won't kill you." Offered Itan clearly blinded by his chakra.

"I don't know why you are conceited enough to think you can just take any woman you want. You aren't allowed to do that." replied the blonde in disgust.

"Shut up, I do what I want looser" Itan leapt forward bringing his foot around to connect with his opponents face to find nothing in its place.

"You are fighting a loosing battle, you are only sensing human chakra, focus on finding the demonic as well. This is your last warning before I retaliate, stand down and get your rage in check"

"You will never defeat me. I will take you out of this world by my hand… seventh gate, Gate of Shock, open!" Itan took his body to the limit as he disappeared from everyone's sight going for a fatal blow to cave in the side of Naruto's head. Naruto just stood there for all to see when Itan appeared as but a shadow throwing all his strength into one right-legged roundhouse kick. Before Itan connected he barely saw the speed of Naruto's left arm as it wrapped around his leg and held it under his arm. With a firm grasp on the leg Naruto stepped forward bringing his right elbow down on his thigh crushing his femur. Before he could even scream in pain the blonde's left arm smoothly let go of the leg as his left elbow connected with Itan's shoulder dislocating it as well as fracturing his collarbone. The arena was silent and cringing when they saw that Itan had a new backwards joint in the middle of his femur to join the sideways look of his shoulder all in under a second.

"You have let your own wants cloud your mind. I believe you may have had an outside influence at some point messing up your head as well, but you shouldn't have that problem now." Naruto flashed though some hand signs faster than a sharingan could see, "Ancient Arts: Mind Seal." He touched his glowing fingers to his opponent's forehead and Itan fell unconcious immediately. Naruto finished by doing some more hand signs "Ancient Arts: Restrictors Seal!" The electrified chakra disappeared quickly leaving a sheepishly smiling blonde looking at the crowd. "That was fun, who's up next?" Sasuke and Lee both stood faces white and raised their hands and announced at the same time "I quit!" (they would have been trying to loose their fight to not battle Naruto after witnessing that)

Tsunade shook herself from the shock and appeared on the arena floor with Hinata arriving mere seconds later. Hinata ran to her husband's side and kissed him in front of the whole village since she had nothing to hide and was proud of him. She turned and faced the audience with Naruto's arm lovingly draped over her shoulders. Tsunade approached them with a smile and stood next to Naruto with Awai still hanging on her neck to give her announcement.

"Village of Konoha, I would like you all to welcome back Uzumaki Naruto and his wife Hinata formally of the Hyuuga clan along with their daughter Awai to their home, Konoha. It is with great honor that I step down as Hokage and grant the title officially to Naruto. He has demonstrated control in a situation where anger can harm you and has morals we all could try to live by and still fall short. I'm honored to present to you, the village hidden in the leaves, the Rokudaime Hokage; Uzumaki Naruto. The crowd cheered and all his friends and senseis came down to where the blonde was smiling wide basking in the praise. Naruto watched the interactions of his friends with each other and smiled wider seeing Sasuke with Sakura carrying mini versions of themselves.

"Hey Sasuke, to think I found the one that loved me before you really even noticed, who's the dead last now?" Naruto was laughing as Sasuke just smiled holding up a single finger on his hand before he got punched by his pink haired wife. "I see you all never got that memo about ninjas not supposed to love." He called out seeing the rest of his friends all had someone or at least something to love as they approached them.

"It would just be too troublesome. There wouldn't be any ninjas left if that happened" the group continued their laughter until they saw a slightly miffed Jiraiya and Kakashi approach him with the same thought on their mind.

"Naruto, how did you learn the Hiraishin? No one can use that technique but the Yondaime."

"Well ero-senseis time is a form of a dimension, with my knowledge of ancient jutsus I could review everything that happened like I was there watching it on TV, talk about the History channel."

"Yeah, great, but that doesn't explain it. Yondaime made the technique special just for him. It couldn't be taught or copied."

"Well, ero-sennin, let's just say this… I found out who my father was finally." Naruto threw on his newly presented Kage robes and smiled wide holding his wife. Everyone that could see him gasped at his appearance… they looked too much alike, they couldn't deny the claim that he was his son.

"Alright enough talking guys, let's get some RAMEN!"
