Hey guys I've finally finish Chapter 40. Woah I can't believe I'm already here. Yeah I know this chapter seems long to post. Once again a lot of stuff is been going on. But enough about that, you guys came to read the story. So let it begin. :P
Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto neither other related stuff.
Chapter 40: Puppet Show
A young girl with pig tails seem to be walking hesitantly around the Mizuki's secret hideout. Her hair seems to jiggle as her white ribbon around her waist seems to fly everywhere as she's looking for something or someone. 'Where is he...' she thought as she goes into one of the room to find a certain person sitting on a table. She had black hair as she was wearing a blue ninja outfit which shows a lot of her cleavage as his skin is pale and clean, she seems to be holding a fan near her chin.
"Mistress Kiku..." exclaimed the woman as she smiled and close her fan to see the girl very impatient.
"Hi...Yuri" replied the girl as she quickly walk up to the female blue ninja. "Do you know where, Mr. Mizuki is?" question the young girl.
Yuri simply taps Kiku's head lightly with her hand, "Impatient as always..." she began while placing her hand on her the girl's soft cheeks. "Your still a child...you're only what 19..." she exclaimed while giving a lot of thought.
The girl became irritated and shoved the female's ninjas are away from her cheek. "I'm not in the mood...Yuri-chan" remarked the girl as she quickly storm out of the room.
"Mizuki-kun is in the chamber of scrolls" stated Yuri as she slowly lifted her fan in the air then opening it. "And is about...Nouhatsu-san" asked the girl in a curious tone.
Kiku abruptly stop then slowly turn around, "Somewhat..." she began then quickly left the room.
"Impatient as always..." she began while shifting her eyes to the right to see a dark figure standing next to the table. "...she's not like you...Kuro-Kendo-sama" exclaimed the femal ninja.
The black figure simply looks at the female blue ninja showing eyes of death and fear, "Well...she got it from her mother..." she remarked then simply sinking in the dark shadows.
"What would you do if she was still here..." she asked the black ninja as he was sinking down in the shadows. The man just grunted and disappeared into the total darkness.
"Mizuki-sama" yelled the girl as she storm in the chamber of scrolls. Every where you look is tens and thousands of secret scrolls. Their stood a man with long white grayish hair as he seems to be drinking some white wine. "Ah...Mistress Kiku what brings you here" he asked in a sinister tone.
"Mr. Mikuzi...why are you going after Nouhatsu" she asked in loud tone. The man simple close his eyes and slowly turn around his back facing her. "Well, I don't like a traitor who joins up with the leaf that exiled me" stated the man as he took a sip of his wine.
"But...what if we bring him back..." she said with determination as she stares at the man.
"Bring him back" remarked the man as he took another sip and turn to face the young girl in front of her. "That's nonsense...he is no longer a dark-nin, Thanks to Uzumaki Naruto he is no longer harnessing that pure power..." he stated in harsh tone.
The pig haired female ninja became quiet then slowly walk away. 'Nouhatsu...' she thought.
"You miss him don't you..." remarked the white haired man as he smirks to himself as he took another quick sip of his white wine.
This shock Kiku then slowly turning her ahead to see the man smirking to himself then clearing his throat "I'll give you one chance...since your father was the one that took me in" he began. "Go!" he stated.
The girl's eyes brighten and quickly bowed at the man in front of her, "Yes Sir" she yelled and quickly dash off the door.
"My, my...impatient as always." he remarked and when back to what he was doing.
There stood a tall blonde as he was standing behind a huge gate as he was doing his goofy simle, "Here we are!" yelled Naruto as he grin to his two students and to Hitomi.
The two students where shouting and yelling as they were excited that they were finally home. Sasuke simply walk inside "Well...I'm going to go report", as he said that he simply walks away like nothing happen.
Lee stretches in the air and shows a thumbs up at the blonde, "Well do Naruto-kun...I'm off to visit Gai-sensei and tell him all about it" with a gleam of excitement he disappears.
Nodding at this the blonde turn to the three kids that were in front of him "Lee's go Hitomi...we have to see the Hokage" with that he smiled.
"See ya sensei...I'm going home..." with that the boy dash home screaming food at the most. The pink haired girl simply yawn and spoke up, "Sensei...I'm going home as well" with that Naruto simply gave her keys to the door and left and watches her student skipping away. He slowly turn back to face the orange haired girl who seems to be quiet.
"Well, let's go...you want to see Kakashi-sensei, right?" exclaimed the blonde as he was grinning to himself. Hitmoi's face brightens up and nodded. "After seeing him...we have visited the Hokage...about some important issues dealing with you..." he stated calmly.
'What does he mean...important issues with me' she thought but was cut off by the blonde placing his hands on her head. "No need to worry" he ushered her and they both quickly entered the village of Konoha.
As they entered Hitomi was quite surprise to see the village so lively and warm. 'This village is so peaceful...and very lively at the same' she thought as she saw people walking around, selling food, and cleaning the stores, etc.
"Naruto-senpai...I thought this village will be rude and merciless..." she asked with a tone of confusion.
"Hehe...nope...not this village...we may not look to be ruthless but we can sure fight...to protect this village" he replied as they pass a couple of stores. As he pass a flower shop something caught his attention, he slowly stop and walk inside the store to find no other than.
"Hey! Shikamaru...It's strange to see you here" he asked in excitement.
There stood Shikamaru as he was leaning on the counter near the cash register. "Yeah...what ever...I'm just helping Ino watch over this place till she returns" he stated lazily with a hint of boredom.
"I see..." he said smiling at the Lazy man. The shadow ninja seems uneasy as Naruto continued to stare at him with his goofy simle. "What's wrong Naruto?" he ask
"Haha...you finally shave Shikamaru" laugh the blonde and continued his way out of the store.
"Tsh..." that was only Shikamaru's response as he starts feeling his chin. At the corner of his eye he sees the blonde with some kid that looks to be 14 years old and had orange hair. "I wonder who's that" he whispered then he shrugged to himself. "Who cares" and closes his eyes.
"Mission Complete" replied Sasuke as he told the mission assignment commission on the details on what has happen. "Very good Mr. Uchiha" remarked an employee who was filling out the forms to check that the mission is finish. "Where is Mr. Uzumaki" he wondered while stapling piece s of paper together.
"He has business with the 5th" he stated calmly as the man gave him a piece of paper. He slowly took it and read it. "I see..." began the man as he turns his chair to file a few papers then turning back to the raven haired ninja. "This is your mission starting next week...you and your 8th division team...has to investigate some kidnapping" exclaimed the man as he began writing filling more forms.
"Roger that..." whispered the Uchiha as he slowly left the counter with less interest.
There stood two people entering a jounin building as they enter Naruto went up to the counter. "Excuse me...is Hatake Kakshi here" asked the blonde while Hitomi wondered around the room to see a few jounin's walk in and out the doors, then there sat a man in the corner of the building while smoking a cigarette and across him is a female ninja who was wearing entirely different clothes than the others more like a skirt and her hair seems wavy. 'Shes...pretty...' she thought as she turn her attention back to the blonde, she sees Naruto scratching his head, "Ah man...Kakashi sensei is on a mission right now..." frowned the man.
"It's okay...Naruto-senpai" she replied with a smile.
"Haha...don't worry Hitomi...I see him like everyday..." laugh the blonde until he was cut off by a voice. "Naruto you're back from your mission" it was Asuma himself who took a light puff of smoke.
Naruto walked over to the group and took a seat followed by Hitomi who took a seat next to him. "Yeah I just got back half an hour ago..." he began then turn to the girl who was reading a magazine. "Do you guys know when...Kakashi will be back" he asked.
The female ninja slowly close the magazine and place it on her lap. "Maybe an hour" it was Kurenai herself, "Well, why are you looking for him all of sudden" she question then slightly turn her head to meet eyes with the orange haired girl, "And what's your name" ask Kurenai in a soft tone.
"Hitomi" she replied softly.
"My names Kurenai" the female ninja smiled back at the girl.
Asuma took another puff of smoke and slowly stood up, "Well, nice chatting with you Naruto, I have a mission in 3 minutes" with that the man left.
Naruto nodded then turn to face the orange haired girl. "We'll go visit the 5th Hokage" he exclaimed.
"To see the 5th" question Kurenai who was wondering why seeing her at this time.
"Well...it's long a story and it's about her..." he replied calmly. The female ninja smiled at the blonde and slowly got up. "I guess I can tag along...and plus I haven't seen you for awhile..." she remarked. "Sure" exclaimed the blonde as the group left the jounin building.
"The clouds are clear today" exclaimed a man as he was sitting on a rock staring at the clear water of the stream. His hair was long as it almost touches his shoulders but he was wearing a ninja mask that covered his mouth and down. But his eyes were blue. As he was wearing a straw hat, he was wearing a black-bluish outfit.
"Uzumaki...I wonder what you are doing..." he whispered to himself as he sees a fish jump out of the war then back in. "The stream is so peaceful...yet very strong..." he stated calmly. "What if you were still here Sensei what will do" he asked him then he here's a stick snap. He narrows his eyes and shifts to the left then out of the corner came out was a girl who was wearing a black uniform with a with ribbon tied around her waist her hair was in pig-tails and a cross earrings on both ears.
"Long time no see...Nouhatsu" exclaimed the girl as her eyes soften while she takes a couple of steps towards the man.
"Mistress Kiku..." whispered the man as he slowly got up. "Yes! It's a long time...what brings you here..." he asked in concern while meeting eyes with the girl.
The girl look down, "Mr. Mizuki has sent Hyouketsu and Sasori against you..." she began. The man clenches his fist, "Hyouketsu...I understand...but why Sasori...why kill me" he asked once again.
"He said that your traitor and you should...be killed..." Kiku stammered at the sentence as she sees look's Nouhatsu in the eyes then all of sudden she ran and hug him. "Why did you leave us..." she chokes out as she buried her head on his chest. The man's eyes soften and hug her as well, "Because of Uzumaki...I have a more better life than even before...the things I did in the past cannot be forgiving...even the massacre of mount Heir...will always cause me a burden." he whispered softly enough for the young girl to hear.
"And I once...promise my Sensei as I carry his will...to protect those who are in need of help that was his code of honor...and that I have broken" he spoke up while breaking the hug part and placing his arms on her shoulders.
"But..." she began but was caught off his finger. "I will face the brothers of Shadows...and this time the Leaf will have my back" he stated flatly which cause her to sadden knowing that he will never come back. "But..." he began then landed a soft kiss to her lips which causes Kiku to smile. "I understand..." she replied as she brightens up. She walks over to the ninja of puppets and leans towards him almost touching eachother, "You'll always ..." she whispered in his ears then lands a quick kiss on his cheek before leaving.
"Kiku..." he whispered her name as he she disappears from sight, "So Mizuki has sent those two after me..." he exclaimed while narrowing his eyes. He then throws his hat in the air, "I will not be defeated by the likes of them" as he said that he snaps his fingers, to see four puppets appeared by his side. He then shifts his head to the left to look at one of his puppets. "Karasu two...send a message to Uzumaki" he stated flatly, the doll simply wiggle a bit then quickly dashing off.
"The rest of you, secure the area near the house...well be expecting company soon" with that the remaining three puppets dash at different directions. The man clenches his fist, "What will be the outcome..." he whispered as he stared off into the bright blue sky. "Hyouketsu and Sasori..." he began as he became quiet once more with a sigh he simply turns around. "This will be very troublesome..." he stated flatly as he began walking away in the forest.
"Nouhatsu" whispered a soft voice; it was Kiku who seems to be walking off by herself in the forest. She seems to be taking her time 'How are you going to fight off Hyouketsu but the worse one is Sasori...' she thought to herself. Then stares at her hand then quickly creating a fist "What is so important about this Uzumaki Naruto...why everyone is after him...I don't get it" she whispered in confusion. 'I still don't get it' she thought once more.
"Hyouketsu and Sasori...you are to eliminate, The puppet master" stated the man with white haired as he sip a glass of cold wine, while his other hand is in his pocket.
There stood a blue ninja who simply nodded, "Freezing him would be a pleasure" remarked the man as he smirked under his mass. Right next to him was the yellow ninja his eyes were as bright as fire. 'To kill...Nouhatsu' the yellow ninja thought, as he flinches at thinking of killing the puppet master.
"Sasori...you seem uneasy...but remember this is your mission and you must not fail" exclaimed Mizuki as he glared at the yellow ninja. Sasori slowly turn around then took a small glance at the man before leaving without saying a word. The ice blue ninja followed as well.
"What do you think" stated the white haired man as he simply turns around to see a girl in a blue dress while showing lots of cleavage, her hair was braided while a blue flower was on her right ear, and she was folding a fan in front of her. "Do you not forget...Hyouketsu is brought up by Kero-Kendo himself...but" she began while putting her fan away and placing it next to her. "You may not know Sasori's history with Nouhatsu..." she exclaimed in a calm sweet voice.
"History between them..." Mizuka wondered as he stared with interest at the woman.
"Sasori and Nouhatsu are very close almost like brothers..." she began while placing her arm over the couch she was sitting on. "They go way back when Nouhatsu has recently became the Puppet Master and the Slaughter of Mount Hiei commences" she stated flatly.
"But have you heard about the slaughter of 1000 men in a single night" she asked Mizuki with ecstasy.
"Yes...I have heard about that...the massacre took place almost 20 years...and it happen at the Great Country of the Fog." he replied with a look of interest as he waited for the female ninja to continued.
"Do you know who was the one that did it...It was Sasori himself...him versus a whole army" she finish with a hint of disgust.
"Sasori...I didn't it was him?" question the man as he was dumbfounded. The girl simply smiled, "The worse thing about it was he wasn't even scratch and hurt...that is his power...you can't kill him by cheap weapons or regular base techniques...and he was the most powerful warrior to ever inherited the bloodline limits of the Kaguya Clan." she finish.
"No wonder..." grimace Mizuki as he was still surprise by the story as he quickly took a sip of his wine. "Oh by the way...Yuri why are you so dress up?" question the white haired man.
Yuri simply smiled and slowly standing up, "I have a meeting with someone at Hitamoshi Village".
"I see..." replied the man.
"Hey Hokage-sama" yelled a specific blonde as he barged in the office of the 5th hokage. As he entered the room, Hitomi followed him while Kurenai was apologizing to the secretary about Naruto's recklessness.
The 5th sighed as she sees the goofy blonde grin widely. "Well, Naruto...I guess your back from mission...so was it" she asked while piling the papers into a different section.
"Well...it was extremely troublesome..." stated the blonde as he was scratching his head. Before the 5th can respond a girl with orange haired caught her attention. "Who is she?" she asked in interest.
"Oh yes well...I came here to see you about her" he began while placing his hand on her once again. At doing so Hitomi simply smiled and slightly bowing to the woman who was sitting on the desk in front of them.
The 5th smiled then nodded a bit, "I see...but first tell me all about what happen first..." she stated calmly while signaling the secretary to not let anyone enter the room. Kurenai took a seat near the door as she remains quiet.
"Well...here goes" stammered the blonde as he sighs.
Naruto's house:
"Man...what's taking Sensei so long" remarked the girl who was pouting as she was looking in the fridge. "Man I'm starving..." she began while she continued to look for food. "Let's see here...hey I didn't know we have ice cream" she stated in a cute voice as she took out the ice cream while closing the door softly with her free hand. "Hey it's Strawberry" she giggled at this, since it was her favorite.
"Hmmm...so good!" she yelled as she took another bite of the ice cream while scooping it with her spoon while she was sitting on the couch staring at the pictures in front of her.
"Hmmm... how come we never had a picture yet?" she wonder out loud while taking another bite of the strawberry ice cream. As she was about to take another bite she heard a sound. "Hey what was that..." she whispered while turning her attention to the window across her "I guess its my imagination..." she began then all of a sudden something came right through the window with a bang, shattering the window glass into a millions of pieces then landed on the ground lifeless.
Seeing this Kohana was speechless as she sees the figure laying on the ground while she pop another bite of her ice cream while before placing it down on the floor. "Hey Mister are you okay" remarked the pink haired girl who seems clueless as she pokes the lifeless figure with her spoon. Then all of sudden the figure grab her hand then lifts its head. At this Kohana scream and punch the man's face which sends him soaring in the kitchen crashing on top of the her sensei's wooden table.
Realizing what she has done she gasp and quickly ran in the kitchen as she enter the room. She was surprise to see a puppet laying on the ground its face torn apart. Then its chest open up revealing a message.
"Oops...hehe" stated the pink haired girl as she was embarrassed that she destroyed the puppet. She walked over to the destruction she has made. "Man...sensei's gonna kill me" she pouted in a cute way. As she lifted the paper and place it on the fridge, "I don't feel like reading it" she while getting a broom and dust pan. "I guess I'll sweep the living room" she sighed and lifts the kitchen.
There stood a tall figure his arms cross as he was standing in front of a cabin. His eyes where close as he was wearing a ninja mask he was wearing a black red out fit as his hair was tied in a pony tail. He slowly opens his eyes to see two figures coming his way. "So their here already..." he whispered softly to himself.
As the two figures stood in a fairly good distance, one was wearing a blue ninja outfit while the other was wearing a yellow ninja outfit. "So you're prepared for your demised" stated the ice ninja as a fog of cold air started surrounded his feet.
"Heh...It's just you Hyouketsu" remarked the man as he shifted his eyes to the right to look at the man in the yellow ninja outfit. "Sasori..." stated the man as he narrowed his eyes to stare at the man.
"Sorry...Nouhatsu" exclaimed the man in a sad tone as two swords of blades made of bone came right under his forehand. "But give me a good fight before you died..." he spoke up softly as though he didn't one to fight him but it was an order by Mizuki himself. And he can't disobey orders.
"I'll give you a good fight...but who said I'm going to die" exclaimed the man as he unfolds his arms then out of no where a puppet was standing on top of the cabin while the other appeared next to his master then another one broke right out of the window quickly standing up arms down.
"Be prepared Brothers of Shadows...I will not go down that easy...let the puppet show begin" yelled the puppet master.
To be continued:
Hey guys what do you think of the chapter. I wonder what's Naruto's concern :P, and the assassination of Nouhatsu. Hehe...and some past about Sasori and Kiku seem to unfold a bit. Well, I wonder ï. Next Chapter: The will to fight