![]() Author has written 6 stories for Naruto. Yo! Hello world. How's life treatin' ya? Ah, well. Figured I'd get my feet in the pool known as fan fiction. From what I've heard, it's a dirty pool in need of extreme cleaning. I just thought I'd join the uphill battle to give it that cleaning it so deserves. Or die trying (I'm a dead man...). Anyways, if you're reading this, I know you've been scraping the bottom of the barrel. If you like reading the stuff I write, by all means, enjoy it! Let me know what you like! Let me know what you hate! Let me know what works and what doesn't. If there's any criticism (and, boy, will there ever be), be sure to at least make it constructive. I'm waiting to hear another insanely useful statement like, "This story sucks", "I hate this story", "I hate you", etc. (and I've heard that last one plenty of times from people I know) So... yeah. Enjoy yourself. Enjoy life. I'll try to update this as much as I can, when I'm not paying to get my ass handed to me on a golden platter (aka: college). Peace out, ya'll. (update): Hmmm... so much for reviews. I'm rather disappointed at the lack of them. Make no mistake, I'm not in this for fame or even recognition. I'm in this for the fun of it. But reviews do help. Seriously. They let me know if I'm doing a good job or not. Some even point out mistakes so I can go correct them. In my line of work, constant feedback is essential to creating good work. So go ahead, hit that 'review' button, even if you don't have much to say. It'll make a big difference if you do! (another update): due to the lack of interest from... anyone... I'm indefinitely discontinuing 'War from the West'. If there's a sudden outburst of people who want it back, I'll start up again, but I don't think that's gonna happen. Yo! Stigma here with a really important announcement. (For me to use bold print and italics means it's just that much more important) Alright, so here's the meat of the announcement: Net Neutrality. Now before you totally loose interest and think, "Oh, Stigma's just a paranoid nutjob"- and believe me, I know it sounds like I'm paranoid- just read this: Save Net Neutrality I know, I know, it sounds like a load of bunk that a few people are freaking out over that probably wont happen, but believe me- this is fn huge. Allow me to sum everything up for ya: Net Neutrality is what the internet has always been- zero restrictions. Basically, it's the internet you've always known and loved. What big cable providers are lobbying to do is, in a nutshell, shut down the internet. Let me elaborate: only companies with tons of money will be able to afford being put on a list so they can be viewed by anyone, and in order to visit this suddenly shortened list of (boring and dull) websites, customers are going to have to pay an extra fifty bucks or so on top of their their cable bill. How fcked up is that?! So, in conclusion, go to that website (it's the FAQ, by the way) and read up if you care to. If you don't want to do that, then at least go to the link where you can send an automated message to your local congressman telling them to support the bill that would ensure net neutrality. And if you don't even do that, you don't deserve the freedoms available on the internet. 'Nuff said. So for the sake of free speech as well as your own sake, vote to save net neutrality. Contact your local suit in Congress and spread the word to raise awareness of this crappy crises. Heh, if none of that is incentive enough, here's one: if the internet does get marginalized before I finish the 'Genius Losers of Konoha', you'll never know how the story ends... because this wonderful website will be lost to corporate greed. Now go vote... for freedom! AND BOOZE!! 'GENIUS LOSERS OF KONOHA' ARTWORK! A couple of folks asked what Shia looks like. Well, here's your chance to find out (and a little bit of Naruto as well.) Naruto and Shia UPDATE Hey! Been a while since there was something new posted here. Actually, there's a little bit of 'Lost' in there, too, but there's plenty of stuff for that already. Go thank Tengokujin! But wait, there's more! This one's taken way too long to get posted to the public, but better late than never, no? Put your hands together for Ghost (aka: Shia) by logan UPDATE. Again. Once again, Tengokujin decided to go the extra mile and provide a few more doodles. This time it's Shia 'LOST' ARTWORK! Well folks,the end has come and, as promised (for once), here are the results: First entry I received was from Zarei. Second entry: Neo-Ninja And then, my own. Feel the ph34r, meat! Since I was a lazy bastard and ignored my own deadline, here's what I put up for a quick consolation piece: a headshot of our beloved General Lorsvall! 'Found' news!! Hey, folks. Another rare profile update! If you're wondering what happened to 'Found', I have obviously deleted it. It's been something I've been meaning to do for a while now, so I finally did it. First off, I'd like to apologize to anyone who honestly enjoyed reading it. I'd love to finish everything I start, but in this case, I simply couldn't get back into the hang of it. I haven't had a single inkling of an urge to write anything further for 'Found' for a very, very long time, and seeing as how anyone how finished 'Lost' would immediately go to 'Found', I thought it would be best to delete it and not waste any more of anyone's time. I am sorry for leaving you hanging, but I don't think anyone really remembers it anymore, so I'm not too heartbroken about it. Secondly, in no way is this a sign that I won't finish my other stories. I actually enjoy writing for 'Loser' and 'Heresy'-- I simply have been swamped with work for the last few months (but I have a break coming in four days!! Yay!!). The other stories are either too interesting or close to completion to be left to die, so rest assured that they will be finished in time. So... yeah, that's all I got. If anyone out there's so heartbroken that 'Found's gone the way of the dodo and desperately wants to pick it up to finish it, let me know. I still got all the original Word documents. You can have the blasted thing if you really really want it. Later. -Your lord and master (cookies for whoever gets this reference), Stigma |