Disclaimer: I DO NOT OWN DBZ.
This is my first fanfic to ever write. I hope I can end up with a smooth storyline and detailed characters. I do not know how long I plan to make this, but I can assure you I will do my best to keep an entertaining story up. ALL constructive criticism is welcome! Let me know how you feel.
Slowly, Gohan opened his eyes.
Where… Where am I?
He was on a small hilltop overlooking a massive forest. The leaves were brilliant colors of yellow and orange. The air held a sweet smell that Gohan couldn't quite remember. He stood up, realizing he had the clothes Piccolo had given him for the Cell Games on. "Why am I wearing these? I threw these out after I defeated Cell…"
"CATCH ME IF YOU CAN, BUBBLES!" Goku yelled out before ducking behind the tree closest to Gohan. Gohan looked up at his father, amazed. "Daddy! Is it really you?"
"Quiet Gohan! I'm trying to hide from Bubbles!"
Gohan looked at his father, dumb-founded. How could he be here? He had sacrificed himself during the Cell Games to prevent Cell from blowing up the Earth. He had also chosen not to come back to life, claiming that the Earth was always in danger because people were after him. Gohan hadn't understood. His father would choose the safety of the Earth over being with his family?
Gohan remembered the day he went back home after Cell was defeated. His mother was so happy to see him. When she asked where Goku was, Gohan almost cried when he told her. He didn't cry though, because he was the man of the house now. His father had left a hole that Gohan had to fill. He was only a child, but he had to grow up quickly.
When Gohan snapped out of his memories, he found Bubbles hot on Goku's tail. "OH HO! YOU CAN'T CATCH ME BUBBLES! HA HA!" yelled Goku as he jumped out of Bubbles' grasp. Bubbles face planted on the ground, which only made him angrier. He chased after Goku with renewed vigor while Gohan watched. It really is my dad! Why hasn't he stopped playing with that monkey and talked to me yet? Gohan found himself getting angry the more he watched them.
"DAAAAAAAAD!" Gohan yelled as loud as he could. Goku stopped mid-run and looked at Gohan with a confused look on his face. Bubbles ran into Goku's outstretched foot and fell backwards, out cold. "What's the matter Gohan?" Goku asked, scratching his head.
"I've missed you daddy." Gohan had really missed his father. He wasn't sure if his mom had missed him as much as he did, but he doubted it. He REALLY missed him.
"Aw, I've missed you too, Gohan!" Goku walked over to where Gohan sat and, sitting down, ruffled his hair.
"Mom misses you too. She still doesn't understand why you left." To be honest, I don't understand why you did either.
"I miss her too, Gohan. Have you been taking care of her?"
"Yea, daddy, I have."
"That's my boy!" Goku ruffled his hair again. They sat there, staring over the hills, thinking.
"Dad… Why didn't you want to come back? You're the greatest fighter in the universe! There's no one left to hurt you now, so it doesn't even make sense not to come back!" Gohan had started to tear up again. He hated this crying. He was supposed to be manning up, stopping his cry-baby nonsense. Now that I think about it, maybe I've spent too much time around Vegeta…
"Son, the universe is a big place. How can we know that in the deepest reaches there isn't some other huge power plotting to destroy everything? I know you are hurt because it feels like I'm leaving you and your mother alone, but I made that choice so that all of Earth would be safe, including you two. It wasn't easy for me to make. I miss you guys every day, but I feel like it was the right one to make. Do you understand, Gohan?"
Gohan wiped at his eyes with his hands, nodding his head. "I think I understand, daddy."
"There's my boy!" Goku exclaimed, smiling. "How'd you like to get something to eat? King Kai can really cook up a meal, though I doubt it can match your mom's cooking."
GOHAN! Breakfast is ready!
Gohan's vision began to blur. What? NO! DADDY!
"Goodbye, Gohan. Say hello to your mother for me, and your new baby brother. I love all of you." With that, Goku faded away with the rest of the scenery, leaving Gohan alone, not wanting his father to disappear so soon.
Chichi loved to cook. No, that was a lie. She was USED to cooking. Having been married to a Saiyan that could eat enough for 10 humans in one sitting had given Chichi the ability to cook fast and cook well. She had considered moving to the city to put this particular skill of hers to use as a chef or caterer, but she couldn't fathom the idea of uprooting Gohan. Besides, this was her home. She had lived here with Goku, and then when Gohan came along it became THE home. And now, with Goten, she just didn't like to think about moving out of the mountains. It wasn't a good idea to begin with, because having two Saiyan boys playing in the city would draw too much attention. Unwanted attention that might ruin her Gohan's chances for an education!
Goten sat on the counter beside Chichi, trying to catch soap bubbles that would routinely float up from the sink while she washed.
"Oh, you're just the cutest thing Goten. You look just like your dad! Goku…"
Goku… Why did you have to leave me? What did I do to deserve this? I told you to be careful! But no, you had to go and get yourself blown up with that Cell character.
Goten laughed as a bubble landed on the tip of his nose, forcing him to go cross-eyed before it popped and he started to giggle again. Chichi wasn't mad at Goku. She understood why he did what he did, but it makes her sad that he'll never meet his new young son, Goten. How will he manage without a father figure growing up?
"No! Don't think that like girl. Goku was the only man for me, I can't be thinking about re-marrying!" Chichi scolded herself. Besides, what man in his right mind would be able to deal with two super strong Saiyan boys? Goten already had a habit of turning his eating utensils into different animal shapes, before long he'd be doing some REALLY crazy things.
"Boys, boys, boys… what would I do without you?" She gazed at Goten as he tried to catch another bubble, pouting as it went to high for him to grab it.
Well, breakfast is done. Only took me an hour this time! It's only taken me 12 years to get my timing down from three hours to one. I think that's pretty good, honestly!
"GOHAN! Breakfast is ready!" Chichi yelled out. That boy sleeps in too late. 6:30 is such an absurd time to wake up!
Gohan came down the stairs looking groggy and sad. "What's the matter, Gohan? Have a bad dream sweetie?" Chichi asked. He isn't looking so well. Maybe he's sick?
"I had a dream about Daddy." Gohan rubbed his eyes, trying to force the sleep out of them. "He explained to me why he did what he did, and then asked me to go eat. Then, I heard you calling for breakfast, and he started to fade out. I didn't want to go, but he just said he loved all of us."
"That's quite a creative dream, Gohan. I miss your Dad too, and it seems unfair sometimes, I know. We'll be okay, though. You're a smart boy, not to mention strong. Say, you could be a sculptor! With that kind of imagination and big strong arms, that's perfect!"
Chichi sighed to herself. Who was she kidding? Gohan wasn't going to decide what he wanted to do with his life at this young of an age. It couldn't hurt to give suggestions though.
"It didn't feel like a dream, Mom. It felt real. He even knew about Goten." Goten looked up at the sound of his name and giggled at Gohan. Gohan laughed back, and Chichi started to laugh with them.
"Gohan, it's going to take time… time for us to heal. We will never forget your father, though."
"I know mom. I just… I wanted him to be so real. I felt like he was really talking to me." Gohan sighed and stared blankly at his food.
Gohan… dreaming about your father won't make anything better. I can't say I blame him, though. I dream about Goku all the time.
"Hurry up and finish, you two! If you don't clean all 35 of these plates you're going to have to do the dishes by yourselves!" Gohan's eyes widened and he began to scarf the food down faster.
Boys… what would I do without you?