Title: Final Hope
Author: xBlaze of FuryX
Genre: Adventure/Sci-Fi
Rating: T for safety and language
Setting: Five weeks after Bespin
Main Characters: Luke Skywalker, Darth Vader
Full Summary: An offer presented but refused. Five weeks after the incident at Bespin, Luke Skywalker finds himself abandoned by the Alliance when someone overhears his secret and reveals it to the entire council…Massively AU, R&R
Author's Note: This story is massively AU because Darth Vader was never burned on Mustafar, a Jedi survived the purges and Han was not frozen in carbonite. So here's the first chapter and I hope you like it and there are no EU characters in this story.
Chapter I
Obi-Wan never told you the truth about your father.
He told me enough, he told me you killed him!
No I am your father.
The words repeated themselves in Luke Skywalker's mind as he rested his head on the pillow of his bunk bed in the room he shared with his friend Wedge Antilles. He closed his eyes before letting out a long sigh.
Come with me, Luke, we can end this conflict. We can rule the galaxy as father and son.
Luke blinked open his eyes as his father's offer came back into his mind and he stared up at the white ceiling. The ceiling above his head was close to his face and he bit back another sigh that had arose to his lips.
That voice again, the voice has been speaking to him within his mind since Bespin. He couldn't escape it no matter how many times he tried to do so. The voice just kept calling to him and he found it was hard to push the voice to the back of his mind.
Come with me, son.
He closed his eyes but he couldn't get rid of the voice within his mind. The only people who knew the truth about his heritage are Leia and Han. Luke was still surprised Vader hadn't done anything to Han even though he still owed money to Jabba the Hutt.
He closed his eyes again before resting his head on his left hand, he flexed his right hand the same one Vader had chopped off right before his revelation. He closed his hand into a first before rolling onto his side and gazing across the room.
Five weeks have passed since the events on Bespin and during that time, Luke had finally been able to start constructing a new lightsaber. Since he lost the one that belonged to his father on Bespin, he had decided he needed to make a new one. So far he was well on his way to finishing it.
The Alliance was currently in the middle of space, moving constantly so it made it hard for Vader and the Empire to track them. Luke got to his feet before climbing off of his bunk and making his way to his desk. He narrowed his eyes as he gazed at the lightsaber on the desk.
He knew there was only one thing left to do and that was to put the crystal into the lightsaber. All the lightsabers Luke has seen has only had one crystal gem that focused the pure energy from the power cell into a tight beam. The crystal Luke had found in the week after Bespin was a bluish green color, much like the color of his father's lightsaber though his father's lightsaber was more green than blue.
He put the bluish green crystal jewel into the lightsaber before gazing at the cylindrical handle under the light from the ceiling. He fingered the ligthsaber for a long while before pressing the button on the lightsaber. The bluish green blade shone brightly in the darkness.
He swung the blade around and it hummed slightly, telling Luke the lightsaber was built right. He deactivated it as the door opened and Wedge walked into the room. "Hello Luke," Wedge greeted him.
"Wedge," Luke replied as he got to his feet and clipped the newly constructed lightsaber to his belt.
Wedge narrowed his eyes slightly. "Princess Leia and Captain Solo were looking for you earlier," he said.
"They were? Where are they?" Luke asked.
"I think in the council room," Wedge replied.
The Jedi in training nodded before walking out of the room and heading toward the council room. The dark lit hallway of the rebel ship, Home One, was covered with shadows and hardly any light shone into the hallway. Luke narrowed his eyes as he neared the council room and saw Leia and Han standing outside it.
"Hi Kid, it's about time you came here," Han said with a small smile.
"Sorry, I was busy constructing my new lightsaber," Luke replied.
"You finished it?" Leia asked curiously.
"Yes," Luke replied before pulling the cylindrical handle into his hand and igniting it.
"Wow, that is cool," Han commented.
Luke smiled before deactivating the lightsaber and reattaching it to his belt. "What are we doing here?" he asked.
"It's an emergency council meeting, I don't understand why Mon Mothma called it but she wanted you to be there for some reason," Leia replied narrowing her chocolate brown eyes slightly.
"Does she know?" Luke asked urgently.
"No, at least I don't know, Han and I haven't told anyone and the only other person who knows is Lando," Leia replied.
Luke nodded before letting out a long sigh. "We should be getting going then, the council meeting is probably going to begin now," he said.
Leia nodded before leading the way into the room with Luke behind him and Han bringing up the rear. Luke saw General Madine was sitting beside General Rieekan beside Mon Mothma and Admiral Ackbar. There was a suspicious gleam in his eyes and Luke was surprised to find it was tinged with anger.
"Nice of you to join us, Princess Leia, Commander Skywalker and Captain Solo," Mon Mothma greeted them.
"Mon Mothma," Leia replied with a slight dip of her head.
"We need to talk about our next move, there isn't much to talk about however, but there are some rumors that the Emperor is building a new space station but we cannot be sure if those rumors are true," Mon Mothma reported.
"I see, the Empire doesn't know where we are do they?" Leia asked.
"No, we've been moving around to much that the Emperor and Vader can't seem to pinpoint our location. If they were able to pinpoint our location, we would be in the middle of the battle as we speak," Admiral Ackbar replied with a slight dip of his bulbous head, his glassy eyes scanning the council room.
"Are you sure they don't know we are here? Especially with the spy for Lord Vader is in our very ranks," General Madine replied.
"Spy?" Mon Mothma echoed.
"What do you mean there's a spy in our ranks?" Leia asked.
"I mean that someone has not been telling us the entire truth and I believe he is spying for Lord Vader," Madine replied coolly.
Luke forced himself not to flinch, he knew, somehow, that Madine was talking about him. He didn't say anything as Ackbar turned his red bulbous head toward the General.
"Do you have any proof on this?" he asked.
"I received this news upon Princess Leia's return from Bespin," Madine replied.
The Mon Calamari tipped his head slightly to one side. "What news would that be?" he asked.
"That Luke Skywalker is the son of Darth Vader," Madine replied coolly.
"What?! That is impossible," Mon Mothma protested.
"You've seen Vader before, Mon Mothma, if you look at Commander Skywalker, you can see a striking resemblance between them," he replied.
"I have never seen Vader's face before, he always keeps it covered with that hood of his," General Rieekan said.
"Who told you this news?" Leia asked.
"Calrissian did," Madine replied.
Han narrowed his hazel eyes before glaring at the dark skinned man from the Cloud City above Bespin. "Why would you say that?" he asked.
"It's the truth," Lando replied with a shrug. "Besides Madine didn't entirely trust me when I came so he insisted that I prove myself to him."
Han opened his mouth to retort but Mon Mothma began speaking again, "why don't we as Commander Skywalker if this is the truth?" she suggested before turning her gaze to Luke.
"Yes but he could lie to us," Madine pointed out.
Luke sighed, he knew there was no point in lying anymore, they were going to find out the truth sooner or later. "I will not lie to you," he said softly. "It is the truth, Darth Vader is my father."
"Traitor!" the ex-Imperial snarled as he leapt to his feet.
"I am not a traitor," Luke protested.
"You are probably a spy for Lord Vader," Madine hissed as though he had not heard Luke's statement.
"I didn't even know Vader was my father until five weeks ago on Bespin," Luke retorted. "He cut off my hand for Force's sake, why would I be spying for him?"
"It could have been a cover up," Madine said.
"It is not a cover up, I am not a spy!" Luke protested. At that moment, three rebel troopers came into the room before walking swiftly to Luke's side. They instantly grabbed his hands before restraining him and Luke glared at them.
"What are you doing?" Leia demanded.
"We cannot take any chances, Princess," Mon Mothma said sadly.
"Luke is telling the truth, if you had seen him after Bespin, you would have believed him as well," Han snapped angrily.
"I'm sorry, Captain Solo but we have to take a precaution, we can't risk having Commander Skywalker tell Vader any of our secrets," Madine hissed.
"I would never betray the Alliance," Luke yelled angrily.
"Yes, you did," Madine snapped.
"Prove it!"
"You are the son of Vader, what more proof do you need?"
"That is so stereotype comparing Luke to what Vader has done, Luke did blow up the first Death Star for you after all, and this is how you repay him? By calling him a traitor," Han said, narrowing his eyes.
The voice whispered into his mind again and Luke grimaced, knowing this wasn't a good time for his father to start butting in. He ignored the voice before narrowing his eyes as Mon Mothma and Madine.
"Well? What are you going to do now?" he demanded. "Since, for some reason, I cannot convince you that I am telling the truth."
"We could hold him as hostage and force Vader to surrender," Madine said.
"If Vader surrenders, there is still Emperor Palpatine and I do not think Palpatine would surrender for some boy," Mon Mothma replied simply.
"Then why don't we just kill him?"
"You can't!" Leia shouted.
"And why not princess?"
"Just because Vader is his father, that doesn't mean he will turn out like him," Leia pointed out angrily.
Luke, what is happening? I can feel your anger.
Luke ignored his father and struggled to get free from the Rebel troopers. Madine narrowed his eyes and Mon Mothma sighed. "We'll have to keep him locked up until we decide what to do," she said.
"You can't do that, Mon," Leia protested. "Luke has done nothing wrong!"
"It's either lock him up or kill him where he stands," Madine said before Mon Mothma could reply.
Son, what is the matter?
Luke narrowed his eyes briefly. "In other words, I'm officially declared a traitor, aren't I?" he demanded, still ignoring his father.
"Officially yes," Madine replied coolly.
"Then so be it, if I'm a traitor than I officially resign from the Alliance," Luke hissed before Force pushing the Rebel troopers away. He flipped over the before taking off running toward the hangar bay, his mind was buzzing with anger. Why would they declare me a traitor? I haven't done anything wrong, he thought.
The Rebel Alliance declared you a traitor? The shock in his father's voice was tinged with anger. Luke ignored his father as he has been doing for the past five weeks before slowing down as he reached the hangar. He stopped when he reached his X wing and glanced over his shoulder as Artoo let out a series of beeps as it rolled to his side.
"I have to get out of here, Artoo, those Rebels declared me a traitor when I didn't do anything wrong," Luke replied as he put on his flight helmet before looking back at Artoo.
Artoo let out a series of concerned beeps and whistles that probably translated to 'where are we going then?' Luke sighed. "I don't know," he replied as Artoo used his booster rockets to fly into the X wing fighter.
"Luke!" Luke glanced over his shoulder in time to find Leia and Han running toward him.
"Where are you going, Kid?" Han demanded.
"Anywhere but here," Luke replied simply as he began to climb the ladder toward the cockpit of his X wing.
"But Luke…the Alliance needs you," Leia protested.
"They don't need me, they only want me dead and I'm not going to sit around in a cell while they decide my fate after something I didn't do," Luke snapped before looking at Artoo. "Artoo, put in the coordinates to the Dagabah system, I'm going to keep a promise I made to an old friend."
Artoo beeped in reply before putting the coordinates into the system.
"But Luke…" Leia began.
"Don't say anything, Leia, and you'd better leave before they call you a traitor for talking to me," Luke replied as he sat down in the cockpit of his ship. He started to start up his X wing before glancing at his friends. "Goodbye, Leia, Han," he said as the canopy closed over his head and the X wing rose into the air. It turned around just as several Rebel troopers came into the hangar bay.
Luke nodded one last goodbye to his friends before taking off into space. He glanced up at Artoo. "Engage the hyperdrive," he said to the little blue droid who beeped in reply. With blaster shots being shot after him, he disappeared into hyperspace, leaving the Alliance and his friends behind.
A/n what do you think?
Blaze: wow, chapter I is over
Darth: cool
Tigerstar: yeah
Blaze: what are you doing here?
Vader: yeah, what are you doing here?
Tigerstar: what are you doing here?
Blaze: why should I tell you?
Vader: may I?
Blaze: you may
Vader: thanks, please review and Blaze will post the next chapter soon