Welcome to my fic. I hope you enjoy it, it been a blast writing the first
chapter. I know it's long but this is just to get you started and give
you an idea on how thing are going. I know a few people will be OOC but
this is my fic deal with it. But first:
I do not own any dbz characters. Now enjoy the first chapter.
It Begins
It has been a few months since the cell games. Much has change since then. Doing this time there had plenty of peace. A lot had also happen for gohan to change a lot. After his father had decided not to come back, gohan had blamed his self for the death of his father. For the next few weeks gohan moped around the house felling sad. But that soon change when he found out that he was going to have a baby brother. Yes, it was a happy time indeed. Gohan had decided then and there that he was going to be the best brother he could be. For the next few months the Z fighters saw a side of gohan that they only saw when goku and been alive, that it was good to see gohan back to being his old self. But things was not as they seem for as the month went by chichi began to look sicker as the baby came alone. Finally chichi water broke and goten was born but at the cost of chichi death.
At the Hospital
The doctor came out holding a baby Goten giving him to Bulma who smile while showing him to Gohan. While Gohan was playing with the baby Bulma ask the doctor how was chichi doing. It was then the doctor said ¡§I sorry Mrs., but chichi is dead. Although he tried to say it low so that Gohan didn't hear him, he didn't know that Gohan sayjins ears (although part human) was much better and Gohan face quickly pale. Gohan rush pass the doctor and Bulma into the room to Chichi. After running through the door, Gohan stood frozen in his track. There in the room layed his mother dead. He could not feel her ki nowhere at all. The only thing heard though the room was the long beeping noise going: _________________. Bulma quickly rush in and grab goten from gohan hold and began fussing at the Doctor.
"un-un Yes ma'am"
And with that the doctor quickly gathers the nurses and took chichi body away. Bulma tried as hard as she could to budge Gohan from his spot but could not move him one bit. Finally, Vegeta who had been watching the scene from afar came up to Gohan and knock him out from behind. He then picks him up to leave shocking Bulma in the process.
"Vegeta what are you doing?"
"Woman the boy is in shock. There is no way you or anyone of these weaklings will be able to move or communicate with him in his condition. The brat will be fine when he wakes up."
Little did vegeta know how wrong he was. After Chichi funeral, Gohan and Goten was adopted by Bumla and Vegeta (While chichi was pregnant with Goten she made her will stating for Bulma and Vegeta to adopt both the boys if anything happen to her.)
Since then Gohan really had function much like a robot. The Z fighters did everything they could think of to cheer Gohan up. Even Piccolo came by almost everyday to spar and meditate with Gohan. But it seems that none of this even phase Gohan. Everyday he did the same thing: woke up, ate, study, train for a few hours, eat, study, eat again and finally study some more before he went to bed. As he and Goten grew older, Gohan began to notice that his action was beginning to rub off on Goten and Trunks much to Bulma dislike. Noticing this, Gohan decided change his ways at least to benefit Trunks and Goten. After all they were too young to even know why Gohan behave the way he did.
Vegeta on the other understood everything. Like Gohan he too had lost his parents at a young age and knew pretty well what was going on in Gohan mind. It was because of this that Vegeta kept a close watch on Gohan, forcing him to spar with him in the gravity room, and making sure he always was lock on to Gohan ki. It wasn't long before Vegeta actions paid off. Six months after the death of Chichi, Gohan started was having nightmares. One night it got so bad that Gohan began shouting and yelling. Trunk and Goten (who shared rooms with Gohan) woke up from their sleep to see Gohan transforming into SSJ. Trunks being the brightest out of the two headed to get their parents while Goten tried to wake up his brother. In his dream gohan was being laugh at by Cell and Frieza as they tortured his parents while Gohan watch helplessly trying to brake through the glass wall that was holding him back. With one final yell Gohan woke, up and he sprung his fist at the first thing that came into focus which was follow by a loud shrieking noise.
When gohan could finally see straight he saw a confused Bulma holding a crying Goten while trunks was hiding behind Vegeta who was standing at the door. It didn't take long for Gohan to realize what had happen and began to move towards Goten. He stop as he saw the fear in Goten eyes as he began crying louder as Gohan moved toward him. Faster than any human eye could see, Gohan shot out the window heading for anywhere except C.C. Vegeta wisely chose to follow him while Bulma clam down Goten. Vegeta kept a low pace trying to avoid to not be detected by Gohan. Gohan continue to fly until he had reached the spot where the cell games had been. There Gohan began to let all his anger release with one loud earth shaken yell. Gohan had decided that he had had enough. There was nothing left for him. In just the first part of his life he had cost the death of his father twice, the death of his mother, his friends Yachma, Tein, Choatazo, and many people on Earth and Nameck. Now he had just managed to hurt his younger bother. Some best big brother he had turn out to be. Now all Gohan wanted was a way out. A way to escaped these pained memories that haunted him so. And gohan had figure that he had finally found a way. He would end his life. With this in mind, Gohan powered up and shot a ki blast outward. He then changes the direction of the blast and made it so that it was heading directly for him. He then lowered his power as low as possible and close his eyes as he waited for the ki blast to kill him. But luck was not on his side as Vegeta chose at his moment to interfere and knock the ki blast away.
Vegeta was taken back by that certain outburst by Gohan. Vegeta was use to hearing something like that from his enemies (except for Goku) and maybe his mate but never from any one in the "son" family. It just wasn't natural.
"I don't care boy!"
"Then why did you stop me. Why won't you people stay out of my business? Why do you always interfere with everything I do? I seen you Vegeta. No matter where I go or what I do you stand in the background keeping an eye on me. Why. Is it some sick game you're playing to mess with my mind? TELL ME NOW!"
With that Gohan powered and charge Vegeta. Vegeta still shock by Gohan outburst barely had time to defend himself as he found himself in deadly combat with the young half sayjin. Punches and kicks were exchanged as the two push them harder into battle. The battle soon turned from bad to worst as ki blasts entered the battle arena. Finally both shot a very powerful blast that sent both flying to the ground. Vegeta didn't know how much longer he would be able to keep up with Gohan. It appeared that the angrier Gohan got, the more power he possess AND HE ISN'T EVEN IN SSJ LEVEL 2 this is defiantly not good thought Vegeta. "I better find way to end this or I BE HEADING TO NEXT DIMENISION WITH THIS CRAZED BRAT"
"Gohan none of it was your fault. Quit blaming yourself for the death of your father. It could not be help."
"WHAT DO YOU KNOW? YOU MURDERER! You no better than Freiza or Cell. How can you sit up here and tell me none of this was my fault. I had Cell beat. All that was left for me to do was finish him and my dad would still be here with me."
It took a moment for Vegeta to clam down at gohan outburst. "WHO dose that snot nose brat think he is. He has NO RIGHT TO TALK TO THE PRINCE OF SAYJINS THAT WAY. I should just let the brat kill him self. Why should I CARE if he want to end his own life."
"Because you knows as well as everyone else that this brat still have a reason to live" said Vegeta pride
"That brat is a sayjins. No sayjin HALF BREED OR NOT take their life away in such a cowardly act. Sayjins die in battles facing their problems and enemies head on. They died fighting to ensure that their race will live on through their young." THAT IT. With this new idea, Vegeta came up with a way to stop Gohan
"That maybe true Gohan, but what about you mother. Do you really think that if your father was still alive your mother would too? Think about it. She would have still died."
"Your wrong Vegeta. If my dad was alive he would have found away to save mom. And my brother would have grown up knowing both his parents. Now he has no opportunity to know anything about them. He'll never know how they act the way they would have them nothing. He only grow up to only one day found out that his big brother was the cause on him not know his parent."
"That where you wrong brat"
"What do you mean Vegeta?"
At this Gohan powered down to listen to what Vegeta had to say. Vegeta too had powered down and continue on with his speech to stop the brat from killing his self.
"Do you mean to tell me that in just a few months you have forgotten all about your parents? You mean to tell me that there nothing you can remember? The way they look, the way they treated you and always stride to protect you from harm. Think for one fucking minute Gohan. Why do you think your father decided not to come back? He did that so that no more of his enemies would come look for him harming his family and friends. Why do you think that your mother always kept telling you how proud she was of you when she knew she was dying? She did that so that you and your brother would be safe. They did that so that IF ANYTHING did happen to them you would be able to show your brother how proud they were of both of you. And this is how you wish to show your THANKS. Well if that's so then go ahead GOHAN. Show me how right I was when I said you were weak. Go on a take the easy way out and let every one down like you think you have. Hell I even help you out."
With that said Vegeta began powering up ki ball to throw at Gohan.
"But how Vegeta? Didn't you see the look on his face when I tried to clam him back there? He scared of me. He probably thinks that I willingly wanted to hurt him. How can I face him after what I did?"
"You will face him like a true sayjin and admit your mistake. I know that it will take time for Goten to forgive you but he will. But it up to you to decide what you want to do. It your call brat."
Gohan silently walk over to Vegeta and did the unexpected: he grabs hold of Vegeta and cried. He cried for the death of his father the death of his mother, the pain he had cause his brother and the almost senseless act he had did apond himself. Vegeta on the other hand was at lost at what to do. At first he though that Gohan was still going to commit suicide. But after he figure out what was going on, he put a comforting hand on Gohan back and wait for Gohan crying to stop. After a few minutes Gohan finally stop crying.
"Sorry about what I said earlier Vegeta"
"Don't mention this to anyone brat and I'll consider us even. BUT you will definite be training with me from now on."
Not to far off from there Piccolo watch wide eyes after seeing the hold thing enfold in front of him. Seeing that the danger was over, he decided to head back home. Along the way he sense the other Z fighters. Knowing how both of the sayjins behind him was still emotional and unstable (very unstable counting Vegeta), Piccolo went to stop the other Z fighters.
"Hey Piccolo what going on? I sense Gohan and Vegeta power level going up crazy and now it like nothing even went on?" Said Krillen
"Yeah did Vegeta go nuts and decided to kill everybody?" Sneered Yachma. He was still pissed that Bulma had chose Vegeta over him
"There is nothing to worry about, Vegeta decided that Gohan needed to have a little midnight spar to get Gohan minds off of things."
"Well I wish he would have told at least one of us about it. I don't wont to make a habit of coming out here every night just because Vegeta decided to train Gohan at night." said Tien.
"Me either now go home. I pretty sure you guys got other better things to do." Said Piccolo
Back on field
"What brat?"
"Why did you stop me. Bulma could've told Goten everything he needed to know about my parents."
"Because you and me are the last of our kinds"
"But what about trunks and Goten?"
"It is true both of them are part sayjins. But neither of them was born with tails. You on the other hand were. Whether you like it or not you are probably more sayjin than you are human. And if something happen to me, there would be no sayjin left alive to teach the brats about their heritage. You and I are truly all that left of the sayjin race."
Gohan then understood what vegeta meant. Both of them were kindred spirits. Both had lost both their parents and both being the only one of their kind. Vegeta being the last true sayjin and Gohan being the first and only half breed to be born with a tail. Gohan was Vegeta way of learning to control his new found emotions and Vegeta was Gohan only hope of finding out problems he might have that would be connected with his sayjin side. If either lost the other then that person would be lost on a lonely planet with no one to turn to for help.
Finally Gohan and Vegeta return to C.C. where Gohan apologize to Goten. Although it took a while Goten got over the nightmare incident and Goten began to grow closer than ever to Gohan. Gohan in the mean time stop having nightmares and begin to grow closer to Goten, Trunks, and even Vegeta although both would deny it if anybody said something about it. In the following years Gohan continue to study (following up on chichi wish to become a scholar) and train with Vegeta. By now both could transform to SSJ2 and at the time both were considered evenly match. But there was some things about training Vegeta that Bulma found that she didn't like. For one thing, Gohan begin to take on Vegeta attitude except he didn't scowl as much as Vegeta did. Like Vegeta, Gohan was only nice to his family, Bulma, Krillen, Yachma (well just Gohan, Vegeta will kill Yachma if he step one foot on C.C.), Dende, and Piccolo. Another thing was that any one besides Vegeta, Piccolo, or Bulma who mention anything about Gohan parents would either end up knock out or get a verbal lashing from Gohan. Till this day Bulma would never understand how Vegeta had managed to get away about talking Gohan parents but never dared ask Gohan. This went on until Gohan was about to turn 17 and Bulma decided to put Chichi plan into action.
It was Gohan 17 birthday and as usual Gohan woke up to the sound of Goten and Trunks bouncing on his stomach.
"Wakie Wakie Gohan, it time to get up." laugh Goten
"Alright I'm up squirt" Said Gohan.
As Gohan got up, he notice Trunks and Goten smiling a little too much. This didn't go over well with Gohan. Trunks and Goten or the "Devil" and "Spawn of Karrorot" as Vegeta would call them was known throughout C.C. for causing trouble. But it was when both the brats was together that the most trouble was cause and today being Gohan birthday didn't make Gohan feel any better.
"Alright, what are you too up to? I know something up because other wise both of you would have already left to get something to eat." question Gohan
"Nothing up brother it just that both of us have already eaten breakfast." Said Goten
Now Gohan knew something was up. The only time Goten and Trunks ever ate breakfast early was when they had a very bad trick plan.
"Yeah but I think there only enough food left for you or dad since Goten accidentally knock over half the food the drone cook, so I guess either you or dad will have to eat what Bulma cook" smirked Trunks.
The look on Gohan face was priceless as he quickly jumps out of bed and flew to the kitchen. He was only seconds away as Gohan face smash right into an invisible force field, Bulma latest invention. So far it was the only thing a sayjin couldn't break unless he was in SSJ form. Gohan quickly made a mental note to next time fly down to breakfast in SSJ form and to get Trunks and Goten later.
Right now the only thing on Gohan mind was to eat whatever left that trunks and Goten didn't eat. After pulling his face off the floor and pulling up a chair to eat, Gohan began to think what the special gift was that Bulma had been waiting to give him for his birthday. Lately she had been acting strange. For the past few weeks Bulma had been inviting people over to the house to interviewing Gohan and giving him test on subjects that Gohan hadn't had since his parents was still alive. Just thinking about his parent made Gohan deeply depress and Gohan wanted nothing more than to get his mind quickly off his parent.
"Hmm I wonder if Vegeta is up for a spar" Gohan wonder to himself.
To answer his question there was a large crash and a loud yell
"Well I guess that answer my question" Smirked Gohan.
Later that evening all the Z fighters gathered around to celebrate gohan birthday. All that was except for Yachma who had made Vegeta mad the other day for hugging Bulma without his permission. So instead he sent his gift with Krillen to wish Gohan a happy birthday. After cutting the cake, and everyone had ate, Gohan began opening his present. From Krillen, 18, and Marron, Gohan receive a new fighting gi, cds and a bookbag, which puzzled Gohan for he never needed a book bag before in his life. From Yachma, Gohan received a new watch and some new outfits. Again this puzzle Gohan for the only thing Gohan ever wore was fighting gi or a suit when he went with Bulma on one of her conventions. Certainly things were starting to add up to Gohan and Gohan didn't like where this was heading one bit. From Tien, Gohan received more clothes and some school supplies. Gohan was now hating the way things was going. From Piccolo Gohan received some new weighted training gear which would come in handy when training in the gravity room. From Trunks and his brother Gohan receive a giant lizard which nearly frighten Bulma to death. After getting rid of the lizard and sending Goten and Trunks to the gravity room with Vegeta, it was now time for Bulma to present her present. It was one that Gohan would never forget.
"Alright if everyone will please follow me to the living room I have something I would like to show Gohan." smiled Bulma.
After everyone gathered into the room, Bulma motioned for Gohan to sit in the middle of the room. After which, Bulma pulled out a tape and a box with a dragon symbol on it. She then put the tape on and Gohan eyes began to water as he saw his parents on TV. talking to him.
"Hello son, it been a long time hasn't it. I guess by now that you all grown up and if you watching this then that mean that I miss out on a good part of your life. I want you to know right now that I sorry I didn't to see you grow but I wish you the best in your future. I also want you to know that know matter what I'm proud of you and will always love you. Bulma if you have the box will you please give it to Gohan."
Tears began to fall out of Gohan eyes as he watch Bulma present him the box.
"I made this for you for when you were young so that you would always have something to remember your Chichi and me by in case something happen to us. I want you to wear this with pride and remember to always give everything your best. I will always believe in you Gohan. Oh and say hi to the gang for me."
Gohan open the box to see a necklace with the symbol Z that holded the four star dragon ball. It resemble same one as all the other Z fighters had (in my fic they decided that member in the group should keep one of the dragon so no human could cause damage with it) except his necklace was made from pure diamond.
After this the tape went blank and on next came chichi.
"Hello Gohan I sorry that I'm not there to see how my baby has grown. But like your father said know that no matter what I will always love you. I also want you to keep on studying to become a scholar OR YOU WILL MEET MY "PAN OF DOOM."
At this everybody in the room fell anime style.
"Gohan I want you to promise me that you will start high school this year. Now I know that you're probably smarter than the rest of the student and if not then YOU BETTER BE BY THE TIME SCHOOL STARTS. Please promise me this, Bulma will make all of the arrangements for you. Gohan I also want you to take care of Goten for us and hopefully you and Goten will finally give me grandchildren when he old enough of course."
At this Gohan blushed and laugh softy.
"Well it was nice talking to you Gohan. I hope you have a wonderful life."
After this, the tape went blank and Bulma took the tape out and gave it to Gohan.
"Take good care of this alright."
"Bulma, I don't think I can accept this tape or the necklace" Gohan choked out
"But why Gohan, all of this is yours?"
"But what about Goten Bulma? What will he do when he turn my age and notice that he doesn't have a tape or necklace from mom or dad? Just save this for him when he turns my age. I'm sure you can change the name. I'll be alright." Said Gohan.
"Is that what this is about? Well I wouldn't worry if I was you gohan. Goku made two more necklace similar to your just in case he had another child."
"Two more?"
"Yeah. He didn't if the next child would be a girl or a boy so he made two just to be safe. It shocked Chichi too when she found out about it. There also two more tapes each one address to the future boy or girl, but I can safety tell that Goten will receive the boy version Haha."
Gohan was too shock to say anything. Not only had his father left him a priceless gift but he also thought ahead and made two more just in case he had another child.
"Oh Gohan, Vegeata said for you to go find him when the party is over he has something that he want to give that he doesn't want anybody else to find out about, is that okay?"
"Sure Bulma"
With that said the party continue and everybody had a good time. Before Gohan went off to find Vegeta, Bulma told to be up early tomorrow for she had a special treat for Gohan. Gohan then flew off in search of Vegeta. His search lead him all the way to a large stone not to far from where his parents were and still is. Gohan landed softy and silently approach Vegeta.
"About time you showed up Karrorot first brat"
"Nice to see you too Vegeta"
"Gohan, I have a move I want you to learn, pay close attention because I only doing this once."
Gohan watch as Vegeta powered up and say the words "MARKER", and shot the blast toward the large stone and a bright came up afterwards. After the light died down, Gohan look up and was speechless at what he saw. There, where the stone had been was now two statues that looked exactly like Gohan's parents (just think about Piccolo and Krillen being statues during the buu saga). While Gohan was still gawking at the statue Vegeta walk up to Gohan and with as much force as could summon branded a symbol on to Gohan back. The force of his hit was so great that it knock Gohan to the ground.
"OW, what was that for Vegeta?"
"That mark is given to only the greatest of sayjins warriors when they have grown up." Vegeta then lift up his shirt to show Gohan how the mark looks.
"It will be awhile for the burning to go down but I sure it won't kill you brat, Gohan, promise me that if anything happen to me or the woman that you make a statue like this similar to me and bulma for Trunks to remember us by. Also in the gravity room there are two more symbol for Trunks and Goten. Normally these marks are given to a sayjin by their father but since Karrorot is dead he had wanted me to make sure you receive that mark. Now I asking you to honor my wishes if anything happen to me."
"How could my dad had known about this."
"Apparently your father has made some friends in high place in other world and told me to do this to you in one of my dreams."
"Uh you dream Vegeta?"
"That is not the point boy, what is that I have carry out his wishes as I hope you will do the same."
"Of course Vegeta."
"Good now I don't have to worry about threaten you, now let say we end this birthday will a little fun." Smirked vegeta.
"Why not" smirked Gohan as the two took to the air to began their sparring.
The Next Day
Gohan, Vegeta, Trunks, and Goten were all eating a very huge breakfast when Bulma entered the room.
"As soon you guys are finish pigging out I want to all get ready to go shopping."
After hearing the word "shopping", Vegeta jump up trying to find a quick escape.
"Woman, there is no way you are making me go to that darn blasted place. It to crowded, to nosey, and I'm positive that half the people there never bath a day in their life."
"Oh, you will go Vegeta unless you are planning to sleep on the couch for a month, with no gravity room."
At the sound of the word couch, Gohan and Trunks stop eating after suddenly finding that they had lost their appetite (which is very rare for a sayjin), Goten on the other hand kept eating as if nothing ever happen.
"Fine then woman have it your way."
After breakfast the boys headed with Bulma to the mall and entered soon as the mall open. Gohan soon found out why Vegeta hated the place. It was too loud and everywhere he look there were hundreds of people walking by in their own little world. (Just to let you know Gohan use to order his suit thereby making this the first time he's ever been shopping with Bulma).
"I agree with Vegeta this place suck. And in two weeks I be heading to school. Damn it life suppose to get easier not harder."
Gohan look ahead and nearly bust out laughing as another person bump in to Vegeta who was having the hardest time trying not to blast everyone there into the next dimension. Gohan decided to have a little fun.
"What wrong Vegeta, Gohan smirked, don't tell me you can't handle being around a few humans?"
"I wouldn't be laughing if I was you brat. As I recall you will soon be spending 8 hours a day with them. Let just wait to see who go crazy first."
Now it was Vegeta time to laugh as Gohan growled
"damn it, he's right, next week I be going to school being around people like this all day. Man I gotta find a way to get out of this. I got it. I have to take tests to get in school. I can just fail them and start school next year. Ha well I wait a while and put my plan into action." With that in mind, Gohan smirked and kept walking thinking of ways to torment Vegeta after his plan had been done.
Four Hours Later
Gohan sat bored as Bulma brought him ten more outfits for him to try on. Dende what did I do to you to deserve this?
"Bulma don't you think that this is enough."
The look on Bulma face told Gohan that he better shut up and suck it up (not that way you hentias)
"But hey what do I know hehe, I never been to school before."
"I glad you see it my way Gohan now lets head over to the new store that open up just yesterday. And hurry up because there are still twelve more stores I need to go to"
With this said all of the sayjins fell down anime style.
"This madness end now" thought Vegeta.
"Woman the brats and I are going to go look for your parent a present for their trip; we will see you and the boy later that blasted food place in this hell hole. Trunks and Goten lit up when they heard this. They had just being save by the sayjins prince himself and were no longer allowed to endure this torture. Gohan on the other hand was now left to suffer alone with the shopping queen Bulma.
"Okay then Vegeta, I guess I will see you later, but no ki blast and you better have something for my parents this time."
"Whatever woman, let go brats"
"COWARDS" thought Gohan as he watch Vegeta and company leave which he was guessing had to be any place but the mall. As the day went by Gohan went with Bulma to store after store until finally they were done. Gohan was sure that he had a outfit for everyday of the school year. Finally headed for the food court where they found Vegeta about the beat the crap out of a manager who had the nerve to try to kick them out of an all you can eat restaurant.
"How dare you try to kick out the prince of all sayjins and his son for out of this place because other customers need to eat. Don't blame me because they are too weak to carry as much food as we can, I have half the mind to blow this place up. The next time you put up an all you can eat you better damn well mean it."
After Bulma clam him down, she decided that it was best to head to a restaurant to eat (one which new of the sayjins appetite), which turned out to be the best idea she had had all day. After dinner Gohan ask Bulma if he could say a look around a bit.
"Why would you want to do that Gohan?"
"Well if it really no problem I just like to get to know Satan City better. After all I think it will kind of look weird if I don't know nothing about the city"
"Okay since it is for school I guess it wouldn't hurt."
"Oh and Bulma when I will be taking the test to enter school. I like to know so I can study just in case there might be something I don't know smirked Gohan
"Don't worry about the test Gohan, you already took them and made a perfect score on everything. You didn't really think I'll let you know when you were going to take the test. Knowing you you'll probably back out of the deal and tried to flunk. Bulma wink at Gohan
"Naw I would think of anything like that Bulma. (!%? %@@#% ^%#!)I
"Really see I knew Vegeta was wrong"
"Whatever Woman"
Gohan glared at Vegeta back (why you worthless #%%@ I outta *&$&$^^ your &$^% and put your #%^&% into a &$$^%) finally he took off to learn more about the new city he would going to school in a couple of weeks. So far, Gohan like what he saw in the city. It was somewhat peaceful, had a very nice atmosphere and had a lot of interesting things to do. The only thing that gohan didn't like was the sign that he saw when he entered the city. The sign read : Welcome to Satan City. Home of the World Champ Hercule Satan. Gohan just hope that for Hercule sake the two of them wouldn't meet up (I would like to take this time to remind you that Gohan doesn't know about Hercule taking all the credit for defeating cell that will come up later in the story, but he do remember that fool being at the cell games calling his father a fake). Finally Gohan had decided to leave Satan and head back home. He headed into a small alley to began to take off so that no one would notice him. As we was beginning to take off, he felt a small of ki's coming up behind him. He turn around and came face to face with a small group of thugs.
"Hey that a nice necklace wimp" smirked the leader. "You do best to let me have if you wish to walk out this alley alive." Laugh the leader
"The only was you will ever get this necklace off my neck is when I'm dead and gone." Growled Gohan
"Have it your way then" The leader then swung at Gohan which he easily dodge. This went on for about another few seconds before Gohan became bored and knocked the boy out with one punch. After seeing the leaders so easily defeated the other boys fled not wanting to try their luck against Gohan.
"Weaklings" thought Gohan. "And to think I probably see them again when I start school."
Oh well who cares. Beside I only be there for a short time. With that in mind Gohan headed home. The next two weeks went by quickly for Gohan. Doing that time he got in as much training as possible with Vegeta and finally came the day for Gohan to start school.
It Begins
It has been a few months since the cell games. Much has change since then. Doing this time there had plenty of peace. A lot had also happen for gohan to change a lot. After his father had decided not to come back, gohan had blamed his self for the death of his father. For the next few weeks gohan moped around the house felling sad. But that soon change when he found out that he was going to have a baby brother. Yes, it was a happy time indeed. Gohan had decided then and there that he was going to be the best brother he could be. For the next few months the Z fighters saw a side of gohan that they only saw when goku and been alive, that it was good to see gohan back to being his old self. But things was not as they seem for as the month went by chichi began to look sicker as the baby came alone. Finally chichi water broke and goten was born but at the cost of chichi death.
At the Hospital
The doctor came out holding a baby Goten giving him to Bulma who smile while showing him to Gohan. While Gohan was playing with the baby Bulma ask the doctor how was chichi doing. It was then the doctor said ¡§I sorry Mrs., but chichi is dead. Although he tried to say it low so that Gohan didn't hear him, he didn't know that Gohan sayjins ears (although part human) was much better and Gohan face quickly pale. Gohan rush pass the doctor and Bulma into the room to Chichi. After running through the door, Gohan stood frozen in his track. There in the room layed his mother dead. He could not feel her ki nowhere at all. The only thing heard though the room was the long beeping noise going: _________________. Bulma quickly rush in and grab goten from gohan hold and began fussing at the Doctor.
"un-un Yes ma'am"
And with that the doctor quickly gathers the nurses and took chichi body away. Bulma tried as hard as she could to budge Gohan from his spot but could not move him one bit. Finally, Vegeta who had been watching the scene from afar came up to Gohan and knock him out from behind. He then picks him up to leave shocking Bulma in the process.
"Vegeta what are you doing?"
"Woman the boy is in shock. There is no way you or anyone of these weaklings will be able to move or communicate with him in his condition. The brat will be fine when he wakes up."
Little did vegeta know how wrong he was. After Chichi funeral, Gohan and Goten was adopted by Bumla and Vegeta (While chichi was pregnant with Goten she made her will stating for Bulma and Vegeta to adopt both the boys if anything happen to her.)
Since then Gohan really had function much like a robot. The Z fighters did everything they could think of to cheer Gohan up. Even Piccolo came by almost everyday to spar and meditate with Gohan. But it seems that none of this even phase Gohan. Everyday he did the same thing: woke up, ate, study, train for a few hours, eat, study, eat again and finally study some more before he went to bed. As he and Goten grew older, Gohan began to notice that his action was beginning to rub off on Goten and Trunks much to Bulma dislike. Noticing this, Gohan decided change his ways at least to benefit Trunks and Goten. After all they were too young to even know why Gohan behave the way he did.
Vegeta on the other understood everything. Like Gohan he too had lost his parents at a young age and knew pretty well what was going on in Gohan mind. It was because of this that Vegeta kept a close watch on Gohan, forcing him to spar with him in the gravity room, and making sure he always was lock on to Gohan ki. It wasn't long before Vegeta actions paid off. Six months after the death of Chichi, Gohan started was having nightmares. One night it got so bad that Gohan began shouting and yelling. Trunk and Goten (who shared rooms with Gohan) woke up from their sleep to see Gohan transforming into SSJ. Trunks being the brightest out of the two headed to get their parents while Goten tried to wake up his brother. In his dream gohan was being laugh at by Cell and Frieza as they tortured his parents while Gohan watch helplessly trying to brake through the glass wall that was holding him back. With one final yell Gohan woke, up and he sprung his fist at the first thing that came into focus which was follow by a loud shrieking noise.
When gohan could finally see straight he saw a confused Bulma holding a crying Goten while trunks was hiding behind Vegeta who was standing at the door. It didn't take long for Gohan to realize what had happen and began to move towards Goten. He stop as he saw the fear in Goten eyes as he began crying louder as Gohan moved toward him. Faster than any human eye could see, Gohan shot out the window heading for anywhere except C.C. Vegeta wisely chose to follow him while Bulma clam down Goten. Vegeta kept a low pace trying to avoid to not be detected by Gohan. Gohan continue to fly until he had reached the spot where the cell games had been. There Gohan began to let all his anger release with one loud earth shaken yell. Gohan had decided that he had had enough. There was nothing left for him. In just the first part of his life he had cost the death of his father twice, the death of his mother, his friends Yachma, Tein, Choatazo, and many people on Earth and Nameck. Now he had just managed to hurt his younger bother. Some best big brother he had turn out to be. Now all Gohan wanted was a way out. A way to escaped these pained memories that haunted him so. And gohan had figure that he had finally found a way. He would end his life. With this in mind, Gohan powered up and shot a ki blast outward. He then changes the direction of the blast and made it so that it was heading directly for him. He then lowered his power as low as possible and close his eyes as he waited for the ki blast to kill him. But luck was not on his side as Vegeta chose at his moment to interfere and knock the ki blast away.
Vegeta was taken back by that certain outburst by Gohan. Vegeta was use to hearing something like that from his enemies (except for Goku) and maybe his mate but never from any one in the "son" family. It just wasn't natural.
"I don't care boy!"
"Then why did you stop me. Why won't you people stay out of my business? Why do you always interfere with everything I do? I seen you Vegeta. No matter where I go or what I do you stand in the background keeping an eye on me. Why. Is it some sick game you're playing to mess with my mind? TELL ME NOW!"
With that Gohan powered and charge Vegeta. Vegeta still shock by Gohan outburst barely had time to defend himself as he found himself in deadly combat with the young half sayjin. Punches and kicks were exchanged as the two push them harder into battle. The battle soon turned from bad to worst as ki blasts entered the battle arena. Finally both shot a very powerful blast that sent both flying to the ground. Vegeta didn't know how much longer he would be able to keep up with Gohan. It appeared that the angrier Gohan got, the more power he possess AND HE ISN'T EVEN IN SSJ LEVEL 2 this is defiantly not good thought Vegeta. "I better find way to end this or I BE HEADING TO NEXT DIMENISION WITH THIS CRAZED BRAT"
"Gohan none of it was your fault. Quit blaming yourself for the death of your father. It could not be help."
"WHAT DO YOU KNOW? YOU MURDERER! You no better than Freiza or Cell. How can you sit up here and tell me none of this was my fault. I had Cell beat. All that was left for me to do was finish him and my dad would still be here with me."
It took a moment for Vegeta to clam down at gohan outburst. "WHO dose that snot nose brat think he is. He has NO RIGHT TO TALK TO THE PRINCE OF SAYJINS THAT WAY. I should just let the brat kill him self. Why should I CARE if he want to end his own life."
"Because you knows as well as everyone else that this brat still have a reason to live" said Vegeta pride
"That brat is a sayjins. No sayjin HALF BREED OR NOT take their life away in such a cowardly act. Sayjins die in battles facing their problems and enemies head on. They died fighting to ensure that their race will live on through their young." THAT IT. With this new idea, Vegeta came up with a way to stop Gohan
"That maybe true Gohan, but what about you mother. Do you really think that if your father was still alive your mother would too? Think about it. She would have still died."
"Your wrong Vegeta. If my dad was alive he would have found away to save mom. And my brother would have grown up knowing both his parents. Now he has no opportunity to know anything about them. He'll never know how they act the way they would have them nothing. He only grow up to only one day found out that his big brother was the cause on him not know his parent."
"That where you wrong brat"
"What do you mean Vegeta?"
At this Gohan powered down to listen to what Vegeta had to say. Vegeta too had powered down and continue on with his speech to stop the brat from killing his self.
"Do you mean to tell me that in just a few months you have forgotten all about your parents? You mean to tell me that there nothing you can remember? The way they look, the way they treated you and always stride to protect you from harm. Think for one fucking minute Gohan. Why do you think your father decided not to come back? He did that so that no more of his enemies would come look for him harming his family and friends. Why do you think that your mother always kept telling you how proud she was of you when she knew she was dying? She did that so that you and your brother would be safe. They did that so that IF ANYTHING did happen to them you would be able to show your brother how proud they were of both of you. And this is how you wish to show your THANKS. Well if that's so then go ahead GOHAN. Show me how right I was when I said you were weak. Go on a take the easy way out and let every one down like you think you have. Hell I even help you out."
With that said Vegeta began powering up ki ball to throw at Gohan.
"But how Vegeta? Didn't you see the look on his face when I tried to clam him back there? He scared of me. He probably thinks that I willingly wanted to hurt him. How can I face him after what I did?"
"You will face him like a true sayjin and admit your mistake. I know that it will take time for Goten to forgive you but he will. But it up to you to decide what you want to do. It your call brat."
Gohan silently walk over to Vegeta and did the unexpected: he grabs hold of Vegeta and cried. He cried for the death of his father the death of his mother, the pain he had cause his brother and the almost senseless act he had did apond himself. Vegeta on the other hand was at lost at what to do. At first he though that Gohan was still going to commit suicide. But after he figure out what was going on, he put a comforting hand on Gohan back and wait for Gohan crying to stop. After a few minutes Gohan finally stop crying.
"Sorry about what I said earlier Vegeta"
"Don't mention this to anyone brat and I'll consider us even. BUT you will definite be training with me from now on."
Not to far off from there Piccolo watch wide eyes after seeing the hold thing enfold in front of him. Seeing that the danger was over, he decided to head back home. Along the way he sense the other Z fighters. Knowing how both of the sayjins behind him was still emotional and unstable (very unstable counting Vegeta), Piccolo went to stop the other Z fighters.
"Hey Piccolo what going on? I sense Gohan and Vegeta power level going up crazy and now it like nothing even went on?" Said Krillen
"Yeah did Vegeta go nuts and decided to kill everybody?" Sneered Yachma. He was still pissed that Bulma had chose Vegeta over him
"There is nothing to worry about, Vegeta decided that Gohan needed to have a little midnight spar to get Gohan minds off of things."
"Well I wish he would have told at least one of us about it. I don't wont to make a habit of coming out here every night just because Vegeta decided to train Gohan at night." said Tien.
"Me either now go home. I pretty sure you guys got other better things to do." Said Piccolo
Back on field
"What brat?"
"Why did you stop me. Bulma could've told Goten everything he needed to know about my parents."
"Because you and me are the last of our kinds"
"But what about trunks and Goten?"
"It is true both of them are part sayjins. But neither of them was born with tails. You on the other hand were. Whether you like it or not you are probably more sayjin than you are human. And if something happen to me, there would be no sayjin left alive to teach the brats about their heritage. You and I are truly all that left of the sayjin race."
Gohan then understood what vegeta meant. Both of them were kindred spirits. Both had lost both their parents and both being the only one of their kind. Vegeta being the last true sayjin and Gohan being the first and only half breed to be born with a tail. Gohan was Vegeta way of learning to control his new found emotions and Vegeta was Gohan only hope of finding out problems he might have that would be connected with his sayjin side. If either lost the other then that person would be lost on a lonely planet with no one to turn to for help.
Finally Gohan and Vegeta return to C.C. where Gohan apologize to Goten. Although it took a while Goten got over the nightmare incident and Goten began to grow closer than ever to Gohan. Gohan in the mean time stop having nightmares and begin to grow closer to Goten, Trunks, and even Vegeta although both would deny it if anybody said something about it. In the following years Gohan continue to study (following up on chichi wish to become a scholar) and train with Vegeta. By now both could transform to SSJ2 and at the time both were considered evenly match. But there was some things about training Vegeta that Bulma found that she didn't like. For one thing, Gohan begin to take on Vegeta attitude except he didn't scowl as much as Vegeta did. Like Vegeta, Gohan was only nice to his family, Bulma, Krillen, Yachma (well just Gohan, Vegeta will kill Yachma if he step one foot on C.C.), Dende, and Piccolo. Another thing was that any one besides Vegeta, Piccolo, or Bulma who mention anything about Gohan parents would either end up knock out or get a verbal lashing from Gohan. Till this day Bulma would never understand how Vegeta had managed to get away about talking Gohan parents but never dared ask Gohan. This went on until Gohan was about to turn 17 and Bulma decided to put Chichi plan into action.
It was Gohan 17 birthday and as usual Gohan woke up to the sound of Goten and Trunks bouncing on his stomach.
"Wakie Wakie Gohan, it time to get up." laugh Goten
"Alright I'm up squirt" Said Gohan.
As Gohan got up, he notice Trunks and Goten smiling a little too much. This didn't go over well with Gohan. Trunks and Goten or the "Devil" and "Spawn of Karrorot" as Vegeta would call them was known throughout C.C. for causing trouble. But it was when both the brats was together that the most trouble was cause and today being Gohan birthday didn't make Gohan feel any better.
"Alright, what are you too up to? I know something up because other wise both of you would have already left to get something to eat." question Gohan
"Nothing up brother it just that both of us have already eaten breakfast." Said Goten
Now Gohan knew something was up. The only time Goten and Trunks ever ate breakfast early was when they had a very bad trick plan.
"Yeah but I think there only enough food left for you or dad since Goten accidentally knock over half the food the drone cook, so I guess either you or dad will have to eat what Bulma cook" smirked Trunks.
The look on Gohan face was priceless as he quickly jumps out of bed and flew to the kitchen. He was only seconds away as Gohan face smash right into an invisible force field, Bulma latest invention. So far it was the only thing a sayjin couldn't break unless he was in SSJ form. Gohan quickly made a mental note to next time fly down to breakfast in SSJ form and to get Trunks and Goten later.
Right now the only thing on Gohan mind was to eat whatever left that trunks and Goten didn't eat. After pulling his face off the floor and pulling up a chair to eat, Gohan began to think what the special gift was that Bulma had been waiting to give him for his birthday. Lately she had been acting strange. For the past few weeks Bulma had been inviting people over to the house to interviewing Gohan and giving him test on subjects that Gohan hadn't had since his parents was still alive. Just thinking about his parent made Gohan deeply depress and Gohan wanted nothing more than to get his mind quickly off his parent.
"Hmm I wonder if Vegeta is up for a spar" Gohan wonder to himself.
To answer his question there was a large crash and a loud yell
"Well I guess that answer my question" Smirked Gohan.
Later that evening all the Z fighters gathered around to celebrate gohan birthday. All that was except for Yachma who had made Vegeta mad the other day for hugging Bulma without his permission. So instead he sent his gift with Krillen to wish Gohan a happy birthday. After cutting the cake, and everyone had ate, Gohan began opening his present. From Krillen, 18, and Marron, Gohan receive a new fighting gi, cds and a bookbag, which puzzled Gohan for he never needed a book bag before in his life. From Yachma, Gohan received a new watch and some new outfits. Again this puzzle Gohan for the only thing Gohan ever wore was fighting gi or a suit when he went with Bulma on one of her conventions. Certainly things were starting to add up to Gohan and Gohan didn't like where this was heading one bit. From Tien, Gohan received more clothes and some school supplies. Gohan was now hating the way things was going. From Piccolo Gohan received some new weighted training gear which would come in handy when training in the gravity room. From Trunks and his brother Gohan receive a giant lizard which nearly frighten Bulma to death. After getting rid of the lizard and sending Goten and Trunks to the gravity room with Vegeta, it was now time for Bulma to present her present. It was one that Gohan would never forget.
"Alright if everyone will please follow me to the living room I have something I would like to show Gohan." smiled Bulma.
After everyone gathered into the room, Bulma motioned for Gohan to sit in the middle of the room. After which, Bulma pulled out a tape and a box with a dragon symbol on it. She then put the tape on and Gohan eyes began to water as he saw his parents on TV. talking to him.
"Hello son, it been a long time hasn't it. I guess by now that you all grown up and if you watching this then that mean that I miss out on a good part of your life. I want you to know right now that I sorry I didn't to see you grow but I wish you the best in your future. I also want you to know that know matter what I'm proud of you and will always love you. Bulma if you have the box will you please give it to Gohan."
Tears began to fall out of Gohan eyes as he watch Bulma present him the box.
"I made this for you for when you were young so that you would always have something to remember your Chichi and me by in case something happen to us. I want you to wear this with pride and remember to always give everything your best. I will always believe in you Gohan. Oh and say hi to the gang for me."
Gohan open the box to see a necklace with the symbol Z that holded the four star dragon ball. It resemble same one as all the other Z fighters had (in my fic they decided that member in the group should keep one of the dragon so no human could cause damage with it) except his necklace was made from pure diamond.
After this the tape went blank and on next came chichi.
"Hello Gohan I sorry that I'm not there to see how my baby has grown. But like your father said know that no matter what I will always love you. I also want you to keep on studying to become a scholar OR YOU WILL MEET MY "PAN OF DOOM."
At this everybody in the room fell anime style.
"Gohan I want you to promise me that you will start high school this year. Now I know that you're probably smarter than the rest of the student and if not then YOU BETTER BE BY THE TIME SCHOOL STARTS. Please promise me this, Bulma will make all of the arrangements for you. Gohan I also want you to take care of Goten for us and hopefully you and Goten will finally give me grandchildren when he old enough of course."
At this Gohan blushed and laugh softy.
"Well it was nice talking to you Gohan. I hope you have a wonderful life."
After this, the tape went blank and Bulma took the tape out and gave it to Gohan.
"Take good care of this alright."
"Bulma, I don't think I can accept this tape or the necklace" Gohan choked out
"But why Gohan, all of this is yours?"
"But what about Goten Bulma? What will he do when he turn my age and notice that he doesn't have a tape or necklace from mom or dad? Just save this for him when he turns my age. I'm sure you can change the name. I'll be alright." Said Gohan.
"Is that what this is about? Well I wouldn't worry if I was you gohan. Goku made two more necklace similar to your just in case he had another child."
"Two more?"
"Yeah. He didn't if the next child would be a girl or a boy so he made two just to be safe. It shocked Chichi too when she found out about it. There also two more tapes each one address to the future boy or girl, but I can safety tell that Goten will receive the boy version Haha."
Gohan was too shock to say anything. Not only had his father left him a priceless gift but he also thought ahead and made two more just in case he had another child.
"Oh Gohan, Vegeata said for you to go find him when the party is over he has something that he want to give that he doesn't want anybody else to find out about, is that okay?"
"Sure Bulma"
With that said the party continue and everybody had a good time. Before Gohan went off to find Vegeta, Bulma told to be up early tomorrow for she had a special treat for Gohan. Gohan then flew off in search of Vegeta. His search lead him all the way to a large stone not to far from where his parents were and still is. Gohan landed softy and silently approach Vegeta.
"About time you showed up Karrorot first brat"
"Nice to see you too Vegeta"
"Gohan, I have a move I want you to learn, pay close attention because I only doing this once."
Gohan watch as Vegeta powered up and say the words "MARKER", and shot the blast toward the large stone and a bright came up afterwards. After the light died down, Gohan look up and was speechless at what he saw. There, where the stone had been was now two statues that looked exactly like Gohan's parents (just think about Piccolo and Krillen being statues during the buu saga). While Gohan was still gawking at the statue Vegeta walk up to Gohan and with as much force as could summon branded a symbol on to Gohan back. The force of his hit was so great that it knock Gohan to the ground.
"OW, what was that for Vegeta?"
"That mark is given to only the greatest of sayjins warriors when they have grown up." Vegeta then lift up his shirt to show Gohan how the mark looks.
"It will be awhile for the burning to go down but I sure it won't kill you brat, Gohan, promise me that if anything happen to me or the woman that you make a statue like this similar to me and bulma for Trunks to remember us by. Also in the gravity room there are two more symbol for Trunks and Goten. Normally these marks are given to a sayjin by their father but since Karrorot is dead he had wanted me to make sure you receive that mark. Now I asking you to honor my wishes if anything happen to me."
"How could my dad had known about this."
"Apparently your father has made some friends in high place in other world and told me to do this to you in one of my dreams."
"Uh you dream Vegeta?"
"That is not the point boy, what is that I have carry out his wishes as I hope you will do the same."
"Of course Vegeta."
"Good now I don't have to worry about threaten you, now let say we end this birthday will a little fun." Smirked vegeta.
"Why not" smirked Gohan as the two took to the air to began their sparring.
The Next Day
Gohan, Vegeta, Trunks, and Goten were all eating a very huge breakfast when Bulma entered the room.
"As soon you guys are finish pigging out I want to all get ready to go shopping."
After hearing the word "shopping", Vegeta jump up trying to find a quick escape.
"Woman, there is no way you are making me go to that darn blasted place. It to crowded, to nosey, and I'm positive that half the people there never bath a day in their life."
"Oh, you will go Vegeta unless you are planning to sleep on the couch for a month, with no gravity room."
At the sound of the word couch, Gohan and Trunks stop eating after suddenly finding that they had lost their appetite (which is very rare for a sayjin), Goten on the other hand kept eating as if nothing ever happen.
"Fine then woman have it your way."
After breakfast the boys headed with Bulma to the mall and entered soon as the mall open. Gohan soon found out why Vegeta hated the place. It was too loud and everywhere he look there were hundreds of people walking by in their own little world. (Just to let you know Gohan use to order his suit thereby making this the first time he's ever been shopping with Bulma).
"I agree with Vegeta this place suck. And in two weeks I be heading to school. Damn it life suppose to get easier not harder."
Gohan look ahead and nearly bust out laughing as another person bump in to Vegeta who was having the hardest time trying not to blast everyone there into the next dimension. Gohan decided to have a little fun.
"What wrong Vegeta, Gohan smirked, don't tell me you can't handle being around a few humans?"
"I wouldn't be laughing if I was you brat. As I recall you will soon be spending 8 hours a day with them. Let just wait to see who go crazy first."
Now it was Vegeta time to laugh as Gohan growled
"damn it, he's right, next week I be going to school being around people like this all day. Man I gotta find a way to get out of this. I got it. I have to take tests to get in school. I can just fail them and start school next year. Ha well I wait a while and put my plan into action." With that in mind, Gohan smirked and kept walking thinking of ways to torment Vegeta after his plan had been done.
Four Hours Later
Gohan sat bored as Bulma brought him ten more outfits for him to try on. Dende what did I do to you to deserve this?
"Bulma don't you think that this is enough."
The look on Bulma face told Gohan that he better shut up and suck it up (not that way you hentias)
"But hey what do I know hehe, I never been to school before."
"I glad you see it my way Gohan now lets head over to the new store that open up just yesterday. And hurry up because there are still twelve more stores I need to go to"
With this said all of the sayjins fell down anime style.
"This madness end now" thought Vegeta.
"Woman the brats and I are going to go look for your parent a present for their trip; we will see you and the boy later that blasted food place in this hell hole. Trunks and Goten lit up when they heard this. They had just being save by the sayjins prince himself and were no longer allowed to endure this torture. Gohan on the other hand was now left to suffer alone with the shopping queen Bulma.
"Okay then Vegeta, I guess I will see you later, but no ki blast and you better have something for my parents this time."
"Whatever woman, let go brats"
"COWARDS" thought Gohan as he watch Vegeta and company leave which he was guessing had to be any place but the mall. As the day went by Gohan went with Bulma to store after store until finally they were done. Gohan was sure that he had a outfit for everyday of the school year. Finally headed for the food court where they found Vegeta about the beat the crap out of a manager who had the nerve to try to kick them out of an all you can eat restaurant.
"How dare you try to kick out the prince of all sayjins and his son for out of this place because other customers need to eat. Don't blame me because they are too weak to carry as much food as we can, I have half the mind to blow this place up. The next time you put up an all you can eat you better damn well mean it."
After Bulma clam him down, she decided that it was best to head to a restaurant to eat (one which new of the sayjins appetite), which turned out to be the best idea she had had all day. After dinner Gohan ask Bulma if he could say a look around a bit.
"Why would you want to do that Gohan?"
"Well if it really no problem I just like to get to know Satan City better. After all I think it will kind of look weird if I don't know nothing about the city"
"Okay since it is for school I guess it wouldn't hurt."
"Oh and Bulma when I will be taking the test to enter school. I like to know so I can study just in case there might be something I don't know smirked Gohan
"Don't worry about the test Gohan, you already took them and made a perfect score on everything. You didn't really think I'll let you know when you were going to take the test. Knowing you you'll probably back out of the deal and tried to flunk. Bulma wink at Gohan
"Naw I would think of anything like that Bulma. (!%? %@@#% ^%#!)I
"Really see I knew Vegeta was wrong"
"Whatever Woman"
Gohan glared at Vegeta back (why you worthless #%%@ I outta *&$&$^^ your &$^% and put your #%^&% into a &$$^%) finally he took off to learn more about the new city he would going to school in a couple of weeks. So far, Gohan like what he saw in the city. It was somewhat peaceful, had a very nice atmosphere and had a lot of interesting things to do. The only thing that gohan didn't like was the sign that he saw when he entered the city. The sign read : Welcome to Satan City. Home of the World Champ Hercule Satan. Gohan just hope that for Hercule sake the two of them wouldn't meet up (I would like to take this time to remind you that Gohan doesn't know about Hercule taking all the credit for defeating cell that will come up later in the story, but he do remember that fool being at the cell games calling his father a fake). Finally Gohan had decided to leave Satan and head back home. He headed into a small alley to began to take off so that no one would notice him. As we was beginning to take off, he felt a small of ki's coming up behind him. He turn around and came face to face with a small group of thugs.
"Hey that a nice necklace wimp" smirked the leader. "You do best to let me have if you wish to walk out this alley alive." Laugh the leader
"The only was you will ever get this necklace off my neck is when I'm dead and gone." Growled Gohan
"Have it your way then" The leader then swung at Gohan which he easily dodge. This went on for about another few seconds before Gohan became bored and knocked the boy out with one punch. After seeing the leaders so easily defeated the other boys fled not wanting to try their luck against Gohan.
"Weaklings" thought Gohan. "And to think I probably see them again when I start school."
Oh well who cares. Beside I only be there for a short time. With that in mind Gohan headed home. The next two weeks went by quickly for Gohan. Doing that time he got in as much training as possible with Vegeta and finally came the day for Gohan to start school.