Just finished watching the latest SWCW episode. Holy comoly! How much did the confrontation between Boba and Ben rock! It was totally unexpected and slightly weird to see that when I've been writing about them getting along for so long in this story! Overall, it has to be one of my favorites, certainly from this season, perhaps for a while, 'cause we get to see Obi doing stuff on his own for a change. The face transformation thing was rather cool, too. Can't wait to see what happens next, the whole thing really has an excitement to it that's been lacking this season.

So, this is going to be the last chapter I write on this for a while. I've brought it to a pause point, rather than an end point, just because I am heading into a really busy few weeks at work and I really need to focus on that right now. I also have several other stories that I know will not be as popular as this, but really need to get out of my system before I can come back to this and give it the conclusion I want to give it. For everyone who ever reviewed this story, thank you so much for giving your time to comment, whether for good or ill, on this little thing. I have had a great time writing this and developing the story and characters and I do want to come back to this, but I need a break from it for a while. Here's hoping you guys aren't too miffed with where I leave things!

Valairy Scot: I know, it's never going to end, I'm going to be writing this thing as my great grandchildren wreck my SW lego collection with their actual laser swords or something! I am coming up on a place to pause this story and work on something else, because I really want to work on something else! Wait, didn't I say that like ten chapters ago or something? Oh heck, I'm doomed! See , this is why writers need editors! Anyway, looks like you're still having fun with it, so thanks so much for the review. You know what we need? Another chapter of "Even Jedi Cry"! That's what we need! (Sneaky grin at blatant request!)

Linnup: This was a great review, thanks so much for all the great input. Glad you like the Maul/Sideous explanation. I also like the crystals explanation and I hope the Nawe and Asajj thing isn't getting too heavy, it's not supposed to, I just wanted them to have that connection, they have a surprising amount in common and young Nawe is a pretty impressionable lad! I totally have a plan for the NJO, it's either going to go down really well, or really badly so that's going to be interesting! The separatist offer was great fun to write once I came up with it and I totally see it as the clones being offered the role of advisors, rather than foot soldiers, so that might need to be clarified, maybe in Boba's negotiations with them, we'll see. The dream thing was a lot tamer than I originally planned, I honestly thought it wasn't too bad, so my apologies if it went too far! I've read quite a few stories about Yoda spending time in the crèche and getting on really well with younglings, so the thought of him singing lullabies wasn't a stretch for me and I'm glad you thought it was a nice moment, that's what I was going for, trying to mirror what Obi had done for Asajj when she was having her 'issues'. I should have clarified that the ship they are using is just a run-about for surface travel rather than a ship capable of leaving the surface, they are on their way to get to the ship that will take them off world and are being trailed by this ship over the surface of the planet. Probably need to edit that! Thanks again for this, I had a great time reading it all and coming up with my own comments.

Beloved Daughter: I love your reviews for the structural criticism you add and you're right about that sequence. I broke it down already, but it needs more work to make it manageable. For the separatist thing, I have a plan… and those folks trailing the dudes, well …

"It's a SS-54 assault freighter!" gasped Nawe as they entered the hangar.

"That's 'light freighter', to you, lad. Where's the payment?" called the pale skinned Zabrak as she stepped from the open side of the ship. Seeing a Zabrak, even if she was un-tattooed, was still unnerving to Obi-Wan and a feeling of distrust immediately surfaced in his opinion of the woman. He knew it was irrational, but his mind was working on less than rational behaviors these days so he just kept his distance, hanging back in the small crowd of entrants to the hangar. At her side was R2, having been leant to the captain a few days ago to get the ship ready for their departure.

Dex stepped forward to the captain's side and began a quiet conversation that the others couldn't hear.

"Will we all fit in that thing?" joked Nawe. Obi-Wan was smiling at the thought of his dry humor rubbing off on the lad when he sensed Yoda's hesitation to move forward with the group. He turned to look on the Master who had placed his staff on the ground and stopped moving all together.

"What are you up to, Yoda?" his inquiry causing both Asajj and Nawe to turn to look on the master. "What did you arrange for payment for our passage out of here?"

"To remove you both from this world, we need," said the Jedi Master ignoring Obi-Wans words for a moment. "Reliable captain, only one we found. Stay, Dex and I will."

"I knew you were up to something!" said Asajj moving to Obi's side.

"No! You can't!" exclaimed Obi-Wan to his former teacher, the revelation completely taking him by surprise. He stared wide eyed at Yoda, his still healing right eye looking merely blood-shot at this point, but gleaming with barely controlled power. The Jedi council was in as much trouble with the republic as he was and now the crazy old troll was planning on staying? "They need you," he pleaded, thinking of the younglings out there vulnerable to Maul. "I need you," he continued, thinking of the only moment of peace he had managed to glean in recent days being the master's gentle voice soothing him to sleep. "I can't take this path alone."

"Alone, you never will be, Obi-Wan," and he looked to Nawe and Asajj for a moment, "new family you have built and continue to build it, you will. Need me for that, you do not. Need you they now do. Strength in you, they see, strength to overcome so much you will. Foresee this, I do."

"Why didn't you tell me this before, if you have so much faith in me? You obviously didn't trust me with this simple matter!"

"Stay here, you would wish. Keep hiding, you would wish. But leave you must, hide no more, strong one."

"How can you call me strong when I can't even sleep through my demons?" Ben gasped, to which Yoda merely smiled and shook his head.

"Fight them, you do, and keep them at bay, you do. With those who love you watching your back, always will you prevail. Found them you have, and return to them you must. More of personal demons, you know than any Jedi Master before you. Touched the dark side, you have, you do, but rule you it does not, never will. Now, your time is, Obi-Wan. Use your knowledge and heal the new Jedi, you will."

"But I can't even heal myself! Look at me, I'm teetering on the edge of chaos and I could fall into the abyss at any moment! You can't be serious about this!"

"Yes, abyss before you. Same abyss as opened the day with Maul, you fought. Held open, it always will be, yet enter it, you never will. And know this in our hearts, we do," he gestured to the other occupants of the room and Obi-Wan saw the conviction in their faces. He hadn't seen it before, but there was a sense of faith around them that was focused on him. There was concern mixed in there as well, but the undercurrent was a certainty in the course he would place them on.

He looked stunned to Asajj who just smiled at him with pride, of all things. His startled gaze fell on Nawe, who had the look on his face Obi-Wan remembered from their days aboard the Naboo cruiser heading to the capitol such a long time ago, before Obi-Wans past had been revealed and all the craziness of their journey had begun. Obi-Wan couldn't see it within himself, however, and found himself humbled by their show of faith in him.

"See this, you do not," said Yoda as he moved to Kenobi's position and the man kneeled to allow him to rest his three fingered hand on his shoulder. "To see this, need you do not. For others to see, it is. Fear of this, the sith has. Use this, you will, and lead the lost from the dark, you can. But leave, you must, or hidden, you will remain."

"But I –"

All three force sensitives felt the great wave of warning it washed over them and they looked to the walkway above their heads. It would be swarming with armed assailants at any moment and they had to leave now.

"We need to go, Dex," called Obi-Wan as he raced to the freighter with the others in tow. He looked over his shoulder to the diminutive master, "you can't think of staying now, surely?"

"Protect your escape, I will," he said, lifting his saber to his hand.

"No, there's too many of them! Master, please!" pleaded Obi-Wan at the Master's side. "Don't do this."

"I will do what I must, Obi-Wan," said Yoda, echoing Qui-Gonns words to him from a past that was still haunting him. He stood up, looking in horror at Yoda and the conviction he felt coming from the troll. The crazy creature had known this was going to happen, he knew he'd have to stay behind, and he knew the hangar would be assaulted as they escaped. Well, Obi-Wan wasn't going to let this one lie. He had failed to speak up against Qui-Gon and look where that had led things, he wasn't going to make that mistake again.

"No, Master," he said quietly, "to leave you here to face this alone, that would be hiding, that would be running away from my problems once again. You said I have a family that needs me, well that family needs its crazy old grandfather figure just as much and I can't see Anakin taking that role anytime soon, that's your purview, Master." He finished with his customary cheeky grin and Yoda failed to disappoint with his own grin spreading across his crinkled features.

But any further conversation was ended by the eruption of blaster fire from above and the great hangar doors that had been standing open began their slow close. The others had made it inside the ship at this point and were gesturing for Ben and Yoda to follow them and Obi-Wan could see the pilot frantically trying to get the hangar doors to re-open, the shiny dome of R2 spinning so frantically, he could almost hear the squeaks the droid was surely making. Through his deflections of the blaster fire, he looked up to the hanger control room and saw a Duros with a large brimmed hat look down on them and nod his head to the observant Obi-Wan, his own toothy sly grin spreading across his deep blue features.

"Come on, you slow-pokes!" yelled Asajj from the open bay door.

/Ship, get clear of the hangar, and for us, swing back around/ called Yoda to her through the force as he and Obi-Wan deflected the shots back into the assault from above. She nodded her understanding and hit the comm. to the pilot.

"Get us out of here, we'll swing back for them."

"OK, but you're paying for any damages to my girl. I'll be keeping a tally." Came Sugi's reply. She hit another control button revealing two heavy cannons on the front of the ship. "Now she's an assault freighter," she commented to herself.

"What!" exclaimed Nawe to Asajj, "we can't leave them!"

"We're not, we're coming back for them, we need this bucket of bolts off the ground so we can take out their ship, or we'll be in a fire fight into the atmosphere!" and she pulled him from the doorway as it swung closed. He dived for the bay window to look at the two former Jedi moving about the hangar deflecting shots aimed at them and the ship. The craft lurched to the side as one shot got through their defensive wall.

"That's one," called Sugi from above them as they lifted off and the engines began their turn. To Nawe they were moving far too slowly and he strained to see what was going on as the ship turned and moved to the now closed doors. The ship was hit by another stray shot.

"That's two," the calm voice of the captain rang out, "and he's jammed the doors, the slug-dung!" She pulled the ship into a turning lurch around before it could smash into the hangar door, but the side engine scraped across its surface.

"New paint job, too."

"You know who's out there, don't you?" asked Nawe, perceptively looking at Asajj as he grabbed for the side of the ship trying not to fall over. Asajj merely twisted her body and crouched a little, the shifting of the ship having almost no effect on her balance.

"It's Bane," she hissed out at Dex who nodded in agreement.

"Bane?" asked Nawe.

"Cad Bane," came the reply from Dex. "Best bounty hunter in the galaxy save one, but he's helping his son build a nation right now, remember?"

"And from the looks of things, Bane has brought quite the crew with him."

"Hold on!" called Sugi from above them about to blast the hangar doors wide open, but Asajj was at the comm.

"Wait, fire then veer a sharp left, trust me!" she yelled out.

"Done." Was the only reply she got.

The doors in front of them erupted in a shower of debris as the blaster cannons fired and then the whole ship lurched to the left, just missing the blasts coming from the canon mounted on the Telgorn dropship that was hovering just outside of the hangar. Before it could run off another volley, Sugi rolled her freighter into the line of fire and blasted the thing with her own cannon. The ship rose up, but not far enough as the bottom was struck by the blasts and it began a spin that had it careen into the side of the building, a smoke trail obscuring the freighter's exit. Sugi punched them forward through the smoke and away from the building to be able to swing around and head back for the two former Jedi.

She had been paid for a job and she was damned if a few hot headed bounty hunters were going to prevent her from getting paid. Dex had never steered her wrong and she wasn't about to abandon anyone who called him 'friend', no matter what their affiliations. And she hated anyone wounding Halo, her well fought for ship. So the chance to take out the Telgorn dropship was too good an opportunity to miss. Of course, there was always the bonus of screwing up Banes plans.

Nawe picked himself up off the floor of the cargo bay as the ship swung around again to assault the bounty hunters. From the window he could see the building they had just left in flames, smoking terribly. Anyone inside would be blinded at this point by the billowing smoke coming from the gaping hole left by the cannon fire, the subsequent blasts punched into the building by the other ship and the Telgorn dropship that was smashed into the side.

"Where are they, I don't see them!" he exclaimed and Asajj lay a hand on his shoulder as she too looked on the mess of the building.

"They're still in there, I can sense them." She seemed to pause and Nawe stared at her wild eyed, not getting any other information from her.

"They're in trouble, we have to get in there before the others arrive," she said.

"More are coming?" said Nawe, looking to the skies. Asajj breathed out, removing Nawe's anxiety from her feelings and pushing them out into the force, taking some of his own and releasing that too. His breathing calmed a little and he nodded slowly at her in acknowledgement of her actions. Calmer heads were needed and he still had his captain to retrieve. Her strength astounded him again, and he was grateful for her presence.

"Take us down, we're going for our people, but keep the engine running," said Dex into the comm. and the ship dove for the smoking opening.

Hovering a few feet from the ground, the three companions jumped out. Dex stood by the opening, ready for them, while Asajj took a firm grip of her saber hilt and Nawe drew his blaster from its holster. A great chunk of the building's roof collapsed into the smoking hole as they got closer.

"Stay close," said Asajj as they moved into the black. But once inside Nawe moved away from her, searching for his captain. A green blade was flashing and dancing around the hangar as the orange blasts came from somewhere. As Asajj went to Yoda's side, Nawe began to grow deeply concerned as he couldn't make out any purple blade flashes that would indicate Obi-Wan was still in the fray.

A groan from some fallen debris to his right, had him on alert, but the smoke suddenly rose up to obscure his vision. His anxiety spiking, he moved to the location of the sound, feeling his way through the hangar.

"Obi-Wan?" he asked as he approached what he thought was the location of the sounds.

A hand gripped down hard on his right wrist. The pain of electrical energy coursing through his limbs brought him to his knees and the blaster clattered out of his hands. 'Not Obi-Wan then', he had the briefest of moments to think as the energy seemed to peak within his body and mind and he only hoped he would pass out as he felt his bones on the verge of exploding. The intense energy was gone as abruptly as it had started and he looked up to see the figure who had grabbed him towering above him. Without releasing the grip, he stepped into the light to examine his prize. Nawe noticed that the blaster fire hadn't stopped, his friends had no idea he was in this predicament. He moved to stand and grab at the Duros, but the energy surged forth again and he was paralyzed by its field, unable to even scream out his pain.

"Now, now, no heroics," said the heavily accented Duros as he bent down to Nawe's ear. Although Asajj hadn't described him, Nawe instinctively knew this was the Cad Bane character she had been concerned about and Nawe had fallen for the ploy like a foolish child. No wonder she doesn't have any respect for the so called hero of the republic, he thought as Bane's grip tightened around his wrist.

Bane brought Nawe's face up to look into his own. This had been too easy, he knew the boy was naive, but he had thought his history might have taught him something. The boy struggled in his grip, but Bane held fast. The boy had spirit at least, but what did Bane care of that, as long as he got his money.

"Wouldn't want the Hero of the republic to singe into oblivion." And for good measure he intensified the field around Nawe, who crumpled at his feet. "Get up," he said as he released the field again and pulled the weakened Nawe to his feet, holding him close as a body shield in case the Jedi did anything fancy and he pushed them towards the two still fighting off his men.

"Surrender yourselves, or I see how long it takes to cook Hero boy here." The electricity struck Nawe again without warning and he convulsed in the hunters grip. Released again, he found himself barely able to breath, he was hyperventilating terribly. But he had one last burst of energy left within him and he steeled himself for the moment to use it.

Both Yoda and Asajj stopped their assault at seeing Nawe so stricken. Seven hunters remained standing, but their blasters were now clearly trained on the two force wielders.

"Come back, you should not have," said Yoda as they lowered their weapons and Asajj stared at the troll with amazement.

"That's what you told me to do, you ungrateful green pile of sh-"

"Shut up!" yelled Bane as he hit Nawe again with the energy field.

"You'd better stop that right now," said Asajj so darkly quiet that it had everyone pause for a moment, but Bane merely chuckled.

"Now I have your attention, where is Kenobi?"

Yoda's face fell at the mention of Obi-Wan and Nawe's shocked gasp at seeing such despair on the master was painful for Asajj to hear as she too looked on the saddened troll. Instinctively she reached out for her friends force signature and was shocked that she found nothing. No, this couldn't be right, he had been there only a moment ago, no, this was not possible, her thoughts streamed and swirled within the force eddy around them all, causing a feeling of disquiet to descend on all of the hangar occupants. She could feel the panic rising in her system as Yoda spoke again.

"Fallen, he has. Killed him, falling walkway did,"

Asajj screamed and the seven hunters covered their ears from the piercing sound, but Bane just narrowed his eyes, raising his blaster to take her down.

A force wave erupted from the former sith acolyte that sent everyone flying across the flaming hangar. Bane and Nawe landed in a crumpled heap. Although Bane had landed beneath the lad, he was still gripping Nawes wrist, and he struggled to get up as Nawe squirmed above him. He reached for the button to hit Nawe again with the energy field, but with the last of his strength, Nawe elbowed Bane in the stomach with such force he found himself letting the squirming hero go and the lad rolled away from him.

Bane grabbed his blaster to end the boys life, after all he just needed the head to claim the reward at this point. But a purple blade was suddenly between him and his quarry. It was his turn to roll away as the blade swung down at him, the man known as Kenobi now on the offensive and advancing on him. Bane fired off a volley from his blaster at the man as he recovered to his feet, but each shot was spun away from its target as he pressed forward. A deflected shot hit the blaster barrel and it spun out of Bane's grip, so he fired off his wrist darts. The blade slashed twice and both darts could be heard tinkling away from them on the floor.

Bane shot up in his ankle rockets, and Kenobi stepped back to avoid getting nasty burns from the heated air left behind by the disappearing hunter. He reached up and closed his hand into a fist, the force flowing up through his system and out to crumple the left rocket, sending Bane into a spin. The Duros was still able to control his assent, rather surprisingly as he headed for an undamaged section of walkway. So Obi-Wan crushed the right ankle rocket, but Bane was able to shoot a grapple to the walkway and swung up and over the rail to disappear into the billowing smoke. Obi-Wan was about to continue the chase, when a sense of great distress washed over him from his companions.

"Nawe," he said quietly as he approached the huddled Yoda and Asajj around the very still Nawe. The remaining hunters had either fled or been struck down by Yoda as Asajj had rushed to the crumpled form of her young charge. She had remained at his side as his breathing had weakened and the color had drained from his face. Now she looked up with horror in her eyes, that Obi-Wan never expected her to express for another being.

"His heart," gasped Asajj, clutching the lads small, cold hand. His breathing was erratic and his lips were turning blue.

"Damage, too great it is. Our help he needs," said Yoda, holding out his hand for Obi-Wan to join them. Obi-Wan understood, the amount of power that had been forced through Nawe was enough to cause his heart to explode, and the usual CPR technique for such injuries was not going to help the young man. There was no time for hesitation in this situation, he knew exactly what had to be done. He nodded to his companions and knelt down at Nawes side.

"We don't have much time," he said gravely, and laid his hands in the boy's chest. "Here, Yoda and I will protect him, you heal him as fast as you can." He lifted his right hand and took Asajjs to lay over Nawes heart also. Yoda placed his hands on the boy's head.

"No!" Asajj exclaimed, trying to pull away from Kenobi's grip, but he wasn't letting her go, "what if I –" she said, still nervous of her healing power that had been far more brutal in the past. It had been her training to use healing as a means to punish the weak, so the comfort of the patient was not ever considered. Obi-Wan, remembering her attempt to heal his arm, looked up into her eyes with calming compassion.

"You'll be fine, and so will he," and with that, he closed his eyes and used his skills to wrap the damaged heart with a protective force blanket in readiness for the flow of healing energy it was about to receive. He could feel Yoda placing the boy into a similar state the master had used to help Obi-Wan sleep while they made their way to the hangar. With the protections in place, he allowed the energy of Asajj to drift into the boy and take the brunt of the healing.

The reason her healing had been so painful had been the speed and imprecision within it, and she had improved her technique since then, Obi-Wan could tell, but it really was speed that they needed at this moment. So the protections were an unavoidable necessity and Asajj was able to repair the ripping and tearing the energy field had inflicted without too much extra trauma being inflicted on the lad. A gentle massage of the muscle after such powerful manipulations through the force had it beating again, and after a few more moments, watching for irregularities in the beat, all three of them gently removed their presence from Nawe, allowing him to rest in the folds of the force they had all left behind. Without further comment, Kenobi scooped up the figure and the three of them headed for Sugi's ship.

"Come on, come on!" called Dex and the four companions rushed to the ship. They piled inside and the ship swung up into the upper atmosphere as the bay door swung shut.

"Still feel like staying, Master?" asked Kenobi ruefully of Yoda as he set Nawe down on a shelf bed Asajj activated for him.

As Obi-Wan stood up from laying the boy down, he turned to see Asajj staring at him, anger in her eyes, and she slapped him across the face with such force that his head spun to the side. With Nawe situated and relatively stable, her mind had sprung back to the haunting moment of no longer feeling Obi-Wan's presence around her. He had no idea how devastating that had felt to her, it was like a part of her ceased to exist in that moment and a chasm of pain and rage had filled the hole that had been left. Her release of that rage fueled energy had sent everyone in the hangar reeling, but left her with an emptiness of feeling that was still bleeding within her.

"How could you," she choked back, "how could you have tricked me like that." It had given them the moment they needed to distract Bane, but at what cost to her fragile stability on existence.

Taking the full force of the blow, he calmly turned back to her, his eyes full of apology but hers still displaying the anger and fear that threatened to dissolve into hate. "I thought you were dead, you idiot, you know what that almost did to me?"

"Almost," he said quietly and went to rub his cheek while looking past her to the stricken Nawe. She saw his gaze was looking over her shoulder and she knew he had had no choice. But she had little frame of reference for loss and it had felt like a durasteel hammer had shattered her heart at the thought of losing one so close to her and with Nawe being destroyed before her eyes she had lashed out with a force wave, wishing to crush everything, the hunters, Bane, especially herself, in that collapsing building so that she could rejoin the force with them. But Nawe was here with them, Obi-Wan was here and they had made it clear, she should be feeling good, but she needed time away from him, away from the deception that almost cost her everything. He looked back to her with sad eyes, knowing how much he had hurt her and that her forgiveness would not be forthcoming.

"Stay with him, he's not out of this yet," he asked of her and her face softened as she looked on Nawe. She turned back to him, her eyes equally saddened, but she nodded in agreement and returned to Nawes side.

"Serreno, long time since I have visited," conceded Yoda as Ben moved to join him. "Still here, Coruscant will be. Captain, I must speak with." And he hobbled over to the service elevator.

Dex moved to the stricken Nawe and looked back at Ben, whose face was reddened by Asajjs blow.

"What happened?" he asked concerned for the boy and for his friend.

"He'll be fine, just a little mishap with Cad Bane," said Obi-Wan as they flew up and out of the Coruscant atmosphere.

"Did you get him?" asked Dex, coming over to Obi-Wan.

"No, he got away, and will be back, no doubt," said Ben quietly. "He doesn't give up on a contract, especially if it's humiliated him with a defeat. Bad for business!"

"You certainly have a way with people!" joked the Besalisk, pointing to Bens red face.

"Well, who could resist my magnetic charm!" Dex gurgled a scheptical chuckle at his young friend and moved away to find a bunk of his own, while Obi-Wan looked over at Asajj covering Nawe with a blanket, remembering her reaction to Ben's supposed death.

Concealing his presence within the hangar as he had done for all those years on Naboo had saved them, as Master Yoda predicted it would, but he felt terrible putting her through that emotional rollercoaster, even if it had meant the difference between some of them getting away and all of them getting away. He knew they would need to talk more about that and he rubbed at his bruising cheek. He also knew he would need Padme at his side when talking with Asajj. Right now he could tell she had her focus fixed on Nawe, the well being of her 'little brother' the only thing she was thinking about, using her newly formed relationship with the Hero of the republic to avoid Obi-wan and her emotions towards him.

That brought him to Nawe. The lad would need a confidence boost after his gaff had casued them to be at Bane's mercy. The lads own concern for his 'big sister' would help with that and Obi-Wan realized this was the source of their connection, a relationship as close to siblings one could get without actually being blood relatives.

Obi-Wan caught himself picturing his 'family' as Yoda had called them, and his attention to the flow of the force guided these images to their destination. Perhaps Serenno would allow them all to pause and recover, not least himself.


'Don't stare at his eye, don't stare at his eye, don't stare at his eye,' Boba repeated the mantra in his mind as he waited on the landing platform for his friends ship to show up. It was starting to get to be late evening and the runway was lit up brightly for the approaching ship. Boba stood next to his father, Padme and Anakin, along with several Serrenno officials speaking with the Count's personal medical team, and Mina Bonteri with her small protection detail. Boba liked her, she was wise and strong like Dooku but without the creepiness that old man always had about him. He hoped his assessment of her would be what Ben thought of her once he met her. Even though his relationship with his father was fairing much better in recent weeks, it was still Ben who he found himself needing approval from and thus his mantra continued as the ship descended to the platform.

Yoda had informed them of Bens change in appearance and Anakin had explained how such a transformation was possible, but Boba was still having trouble thinking of his friend with both eyes functioning. He had gotten so used to seeing that face, he was terribly worried he would offend his dear friend by staring or blurting out something inappropriate in front of everyone. His heart was racing as the craft touched down and the engines were cut off. The bay door opened and he looked expectantly at the small group as they made their exit.

A hover bed sped past him and he was suddenly reminded of the injured Nawe. He looked up to see Obi-Wan carrying the lad, Asajj at his side. Both Ben and Asajj looked haggard and worn-out as the medics fussed around Nawe and they placed him on the bed. Monitors and a breathing mask were attached to him and they whisked him off the landing pad, Asajj at Nawe's side holing his hand. She and Ben had exchanged a few words that seemed to leave Ben looking a little better as he turned to see Boba and their eyes met. Ben's gleaming orbs were slightly mismatched colors, but the sparkle of Ben was within them both and he raised his hand to Boba, beaming a great smile at the clone. That was all the recognition Boba needed as he raced to embrace his dear friend.

Boba thumped into him and Ben wrapped his arms around the boy as Boba did the same to him. They stood there for a moment and then Ben looked up, realizing they were all being stared at.

He smiled self-consciously at them and pulled Boba away from his chest.

"Missed you, too!" he said to the top of Bobas head and Boba looked up, tears streaming down his still very young looking face.

"I'm so sorry, it was all my fault, we never should have left you, but I had to stop you, we'd won, we were getting out, I didn't realize what you meant and now he's out there hurting people and I should have taken better care of you and –"

Ben lay his hands on Boba's shoulders to stop the stream of consciousness flowing from the boy's lips. His own eyes were watering, he suddenly realized.

"Can you forgive me?" Ben said quietly, and knelt in front of the confused Boba. "I never should have put you into that situation, Boba, you did what you had to, I'm the one who needs to apologies, not you, old man." He wiped away the tears from Bobas face, his smile a little sad this time.

"I am so proud of what you've achieved for you and your brothers. What an accomplishment, you did it, Boba you freed them all! Jango was right to place his faith in you, we all were."

"But I lost you," Boba whispered, looking down, feeling ashamed for abandoning Ben to the republic and Coruscant. Ben lifted his chin so that their eyes could meet again. Bobas mantra slipped through his thoughts and Ben found himself able to pick up the thread of the thought. He chuckled to himself.

"It's pretty impressive, isn't it!" he said quietly to his cohort in a conspiratorial way, allowing Boba the chance to really study it now that the subject had been breached. The colors within the eye swirled and danced with light and strength, with the twinkle of Ben's wicked humor always present.

"I was just misplaced for a moment," Ben continued, "never lost, old man. And, you know me, I just had to find the most roundabout way to get back into the flow of the universe, right?"

Ben's face took on a seriousness, however, as he noticed the group of other attendees approach them. How tired he already felt. The journey from Coruscant had seen them all in vigil over the ailing Nawe, who was suffering further complications from his electrocution. It had drained all three of the force users present to keep him as stable as they could. The boy's blood chemistry was messed up and despite their combined abilities, none of them had that level of medical knowledge or force healing abilities, so they had merely been able to maintain him, not heal him further. So facing these newcomers was not something he relished, even though he knew it was inevitable.

He looked back at the smiling child in his arms and pulled him close again for a much needed and comforting hug before he had to face them all.

"It is like breathing a breath of fresh air through these tired lungs to see you again, my friend," he said, "and we'll talk more later, OK?" A quick mutual nod had Ben standing up to greet the others present as Boba moved to give Dex as big a bear hug as he had given Ben.

Obi-Wan looked up to see the acting separatist president approach him next, Padme and Anakin hanging back to wait for everyone else to talk to him. He had the uncanny feeling both of them were studying him, looking for something, but their force presences were not intruding on his own, so he decided to pay it no mind. Behind them all, still standing where the group had started, he could see Jango hesitating as to whether to join them all or not.

"Master Kenobi," Mina bowed to him. He stepped forward and clasped her hand.

"It's Obi-Wan, please," he said and she nodded to him.

"Obi-Wan, may I offer my deepest condolences for your loss." On hearing this Obi-Wan was slightly confused and then remembered why they were there.

"Ryn and I were not that close, I'm afraid," he said and noticed the tension that comment elicited from her and the Serenno officials, "but I do appreciate your sentiments."

"I'm sorry," began Mina, "but I was under the impression that Ryn considered you to be his family."

"Yes, a suppose he did," said Ben almost to himself, "we just had a different way of seeing things sometimes." He glanced to the main building where Asajj had entered with Nawe and the medics. "I wish I had known him in a better time. Perhaps things would have been different."

"I understand," she replied, "he spoke very highly of you and I believe he shared your feelings of regret. His choices would not have been my own. However, he passionately believed in the freedom of the peoples of the galaxy, free to make their own choices and I thank you for your actions on Coruscant against Palpatine which have given us the opportunity to make them. I would consider it a privilege to have you attend the ceremony at my side, as a sign of friendship to all force sensitives and an acknowledgement of the sacrifices you all made that day at the republic capitol."

"I am humbled by your request, but –"

She smiled warmly at him in understanding. "You need to be with your friends, of course."

"But perhaps master Yoda would be interested in accompanying you. The same sentiment would surely be conveyed if you attend with him."

"A wise idea, one that Ryn would have approved, no doubt. If you'll excuse me I shall approach him. It was a pleasure to meet you, Obi-Wan Kenobi." She bowed and moved off with her entourage to greet the small Jedi master, and the Serenno officials moved to intercept Obi-Wan. The first man was dressed in fine dark red robes, the crests of several royal houses embroidered on the chest, the house of Dooku most notably on the top. The other offcicials were dressed with more subdued robes, but the royal crests were still the predominant features. The first man offered his hand to Obi-Wan as he began to speak, which Obi-Wan took.

"Master Kenobi, my name is Lord Loraku and I and my associates are the official executors of the Dooku estate. There is a most urgent matter regarding the Counts wishes that we need to discuss with you."

Obi-Wan sighed heavily. It just never ended, there was always something, he was always moving. Couldn't he just have a moment to gather his ragged being! He felt bone tired after having found little comfort on the ride there after the adrenaline was still pumping through is body with the encounter at the hangar back on Coruscant and Nawe's condition draining his energy reserves. He just wanted to curl up and sleep for about a millennia, with no troubled dreams or sith worries to interfere.

"I see," replied Obi-Wan, shaking the official's hand. "Well, I don't mean to be rude but it has been a long trip and my friends and I are in need of rest." He could feel the start of a bad headache rumbling through his temples.

"This is a private matter, Master Kenobi, that we can only discuss with you and it must be conducted before the official proceedings can begin. I understand that you must be tired after your journey here. Perhaps we could speak with you first thing in the morning."

"Yes, the morning," he said, rubbing his eyes as the sting of tiredness rimmed them, "that sounds fine. Thank you for your understanding."

"Good, it's settled, then," said Loraku, "We look forward to seeing you then." He bowed and moved back inside with his colleagues deep in conversation. Wondering what that was all about, Obi-Wan breathed out a large sigh as the gauntlet of greetings continued.

As Yoda stepped up and introduced himself to Mina, Obi-Wan slipped away from them and into the warm embrace of Padme and confident firm hand shake from Anakin.

"Glad to see you made it," he said to Anakin, feeling the intense force presence of the young man before him and the feeling of relief rolling off him at Kenobi's presence. There was a look in his eyes, a shared horror of experience at the hands of Sideous that haunted them both. Now it was Kenobi's turn to feel a sense of relief. The thought of being able to talk to someone who had also been touched by that foulness was actually quite good.

"It's good to have you home, Obi-wan," Anakin said pointedly, and the sense of family sprang into Obi-Wan's mind again.

"Not quite home yet, Asajj is going to skin me if we don't get to her Krayt dragon friend soon!"

"Then I should go and reassure her that he's pining for her as much as she's pining for him." He looked at his wife, still clinging to Obi-Wan and smiled towards the former Jedi, who merely reciprocated the gesture. Anakin placed a hand on his wife's shoulder in recognition of her show of affection to her Latterie and then headed in to the building to find Asajj. As Anakin walked off, Ben noticed Dex walk with Boba to Jango's position and introduce them. As they shook hands, Jango looked back up to Ben and nodded in his direction, a simple thank you from a grateful father. Ben nodded back his 'you're welcome' and the group turned to head indoors, Sugi and R2 in tow. That left just Obi-Wan and Padme on the platform, the sun having set behind the forest surrounding them.

Padme moved away slightly to raise a hand to his face and turn it to examine the new eye, much to Obi-Wan's surprise.

"Well, at least Boba showed some discretion!" he commented as she released him and stared up at him.

"Headaches," she said flatly and he raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"It's great to see you, too!" was his reply.

"You're getting terrible headaches from that healing, aren't you?"

"Well I-" he began sheepishly, but she interrupted him.

"And I know you haven't been sleeping,"

"Is this really the time for –"

"Absolutely, or you'll try to fob it off, bury the pain even further and cause more damage to yourself than has already been inflicted on you."

He broke away from her and moved to head inside, but she grabbed his wrist and pulled him around to look at her again.

"Don't hide from this, don't hide from me."

"I'm not trying to hide, I've actually figured out that the whole hiding thing hasn't been working for me and I'm not doing that anymore. That's why I'm here and not skulking around Coruscant right now. I'm actually ready to face up to things and get this new order on the move."

She stared at him, impressed with his speech, his conviction. But she knew him better than that and pulled him back to face her.

"That's not what we're talking about here and you know it. " She pointed to his eye. "That didn't come from you, that wasn't your decision. You didn't consciously choose to miraculously heal your own eye. This isn't about your inner demons and the struggle you're facing on that score. Anakin showed me a glimpse of what it was to touch Sideous' mind, but Obi, you took that beast into yourself."

He stared at her in horror at what he knew she was going to say next. It was something he had realized a while ago, but he was still having trouble admitting it to himself. Yes, he had his own demons, just as other Jedi did, and he had touched the dark side and pulled himself from it. But those demons were getting help and that's what he was truly afraid of. Perhaps Yoda knew, perhaps the others knew a little of this, but none of them knew how much of the dark lords filth had been left behind, how much he purged from his soul everyday to keep the abyss out of reach of him. It was working, he was defeating it bit by bit, but the toll was dragging him down. And when he slept, that was when his own darkness and inner fears began to eat away at him.

She saw all of this with the unclouded eyes her force presence had been gifted with. Her own strength she offered to him as she folded her arms around him again. He tried to pull away, not wanting her soul to be further scarred by his failings, but this was a sweep that passed from her through him and out, forcing so much of the darkness Sideous had seeped into him, that he tensed every muscle in his body, feeling that if he didn't he would be swept away with it.

"That should help," she whispered into him as she held on to his shaking body, the force wave dissipating from them. He took in a series of deep breathes and forced his body to stop shaking as she pulled away slightly.

"Better?" she asked.

He tried to speak, but found that a nod was all he could manage at that moment.

"It's not all gone, but both Anakin and I can help with that. We'll see you healed, dear friend," and she stroked his face tenderly as the Serenno stars began to come out. "let's get inside, the air is getting a little chilly."

"Thank you," he said quietly as they had moved off. She was back at his side, guiding him to the building.

Anakin was on his way to talk with Asajj when he sensed his wifes distress. Using his enhanced force speed, he raced to the landing platform where he found Padme leading a drained looking Obi-Wan. He went to the former Jedis other side and between them they led him into the small foyer.

"I'm fine," he said, swaying slightly as he tried to pull away from them, feeling suddenly dizzy, "just need to sit down for a moment," and he leaned towards a chair as his feet suddenly didn't seem prepared to move in that direction.

Before he could collapse to the floor, Anakin swept him up, bridal style and moved to a sofa.

"Well, that wasn't necessary," said Obi-Wan as the room spun around him in Anakins arms. That headache that Padme mentioned was beginning to pound, but the dizziness was gone and he could see a little more clearly, at least once he was placed on the sofa.

"I'm sorry, I hit you pretty hard, didn't I," said Padme as she felt his forehead. It was hot, as though a fever was building and she didn't like the fact that his face was losing all of its color.

"I'll be alright, just give me a minute to catch my breath," he said as he leaned back into the cushions. There was a lightness to his being he hadn't felt in an incredibly long time. The living force seemed closer to him, reminding him of his days in the temple with Qui-Gon, meditating on some aspect of the living force the Jedi padawan had perceived as intensely complicated, only to be marveled by the simplicity of his masters message, whatever that message happened to be at the time. He chuckled to himself as he sank deeper into the soft cushions and was vaguely aware of Padmes concerned voice. Why was she asking if he was OK? He felt great, not quite at peace, but comfortably close to it. Her voice faded as he sank deeper into the calming folds of the force.

He felt a warmth rising up the left side of his body and he began to become slowly aware of his surroundings. He could feel the crisp sheets beneath him and over his chest and realized the warmth was coming from Serenno's sun as it crested the forest. The pillow supporting his head smelled of (name of QGs fav flowers). He pried his eyes open on recognizing the fragrance and tried to look around. There was a general heaviness to his body that he hadn't been expecting and just turning his head took considerable effort, but with each passing moment as his body woke up more he found he was able to control it a lot better. This was the room he and Boba had shared on their first visit to the planet. He settled back down into the bed, not wanting the comfortable feeling to go away, wanting to sink back into the force and not resurface for a very long time, but his body continued to wake up and become aware of the people around him.

They were all there, his family of sorts, and none of them seemed aware that he was awake. Boba was talking with Anakin and Dex, vigorous arm gesticulations from all three showing they were deeply engrossed in conversation over some new mechanical device that had them focused away from everyone else and over in the corner of the room away from the rising sun. Master Yoda and Nawe were sitting quietly on one sofa, speaking in hushed tones with Padme and Asajj who were sitting opposite them. The scene was wholly comforting to him, as comforting as the envelopment of the force had been and he suddenly didn't feel the need to disappear from their presences anymore, he needed them, all of them in his life and he was grateful he was being granted the opportunity to have them all here together.

He cleared his throat and moved to sit up a little more, only to have all activity in the room cease and focus on his rising form. Before he knew what was happening, many pairs of hands were helping him sit up and maneuvering pillows behind him to give him a more comfortable position on the bed. His murmuring assurances that he could perform the movements by himself were covered by every voice making a comment on the matter, all combining into a good humored mix of conversation between the eight friends. It ended with Padmes calming voice over the rest of them.

"Let's not crowd the man,' she said, standing back from the bed and they moved into a circle around him. "How do you feel, Obi-Wan?"

"Good," he replied simply and looked from face to face.

Dex was beaming at him, the Besalisk obviously enjoying the company of fellow engineers. Boba was growing each time Ben looked on him and there was a maturity flourishing in his cheeks, but the boy he had met not so long ago still sparkled through in those dark eyes. Anakin's force presence was almost blindingly reassuring in its strength, but the young man was also smiling broadly that reminded Obi-Wan of their first meeting back on Tatooine with Qui-Gon. Padme was at her husband's side, never aging, her force presence resonating in perfect sync with Anakins, a calming complement to the Chosen One's controlled power. Nawe looked pale, but he also seemed to have grown in statue with Asajj at his side. For her part, Asajj looked more confident and had a color to her cheeks that made her purple eyes glisten in the new sun's light. There was no forgiveness in her eyes, but there was a sense of understanding there that Obi-wan was intrigued to discover more of for himself.

Master Yoda had jumped up onto the bed and was sat on Obi-Wan's lower right thigh, studying the young man's face. He rumbled his approval at seeing his friend awake and looking less worn out.

"How are you all? Nawe, you look much recovered, those medics must be miracle workers!"

A low murmuring chuckle of humor confused him and he gazed to each of them again. Then he realized he had slept longer than he suspected.

"Oh no, not again!' he exclaimed and his friends laughed gently at his realization, "OK, then, how long?" he asked of them, feeling annoyed at their amusement at his expense.

"Five days, Obi-Wan," said Padme, touching his hand gently with her own. He winced at the thought of being incapacitated for so long. But her face was full of compassion and he resigned himself to the facts of his situation. "But you needed it, dear heart, you're body still needs to build up its defenses to the physical world and the force battering it's taken. Don't feel bad about it."

Obi-Wan thought about what she had said for a moment.

"I don't," he said with surprise, knowing that he had needed the rest and this was as good a place as any to take that rest. Then he thought about the reason for being on Serenno and he felt the guilt rising in him again.

"But the funeral, they didn't delay things for me did they?" Padme shook her head and they all looked at each other with knowing looks, Boba in particular was beaming with excitement to tell him something, but a hand on his shoulder from Anakin had the smile replaced with a solemn expression more appropriate to the question Ben had asked.

"The funeral went ahead the day after you arrived," said Padme, the designated spokes person for this information it seemed. "There was also the matter of Count Dooku's testament that had to be addressed and after much discussion between the royal houses of Serenno, that was read publicly two days ago. Obi-Wan, what do you know about the right if succession on this planet?"

Boba was smirking at this point, unable to contain his excitement, but Ben was still very confused.

"I don't, .. I mean, I have no clue," came Ben's awkward reply.

"Well, it appears that –" Padme began, but Boba couldn't hold his tongue a moment longer.

"You're the new Count!" he blurted out to the shock of everyone present. The companions had agreed that it would be Padme who would break the news to Obi-Wan, as the most diplomatic person on the room, and their shock was directed at Boba for his indiscretion.

For his part, Ben just stared in complete shock and awe at Boba's words,

"You can't be serious!" he gasped out, looking from the boy who Anakin and Rex were attempting to reign in, to Padme who was smiling gently, hoping he wouldn't take the news too hard.

"The Serenno governing body needed time to verify your hereditary on your home world of Stewjon, to confirm that you were not in line to inherit any such title from that planet's royal houses, that's what they had wanted to confirm from you when they asked to speak with you that morning, but your illness prevented them from addressing you directly, so they found out for themselves and that allowed them to go on with their intention to name you the full successor to the House of Dooku. It's all yours now, Obi-Wan, to do with as you please. It's what Ryn wanted all along. You are the new Count Dooku."

The only thing Obi could find himself doing after hearing this news was to start hyperventilating at the thought of leading a royal house. It was like a ton of responsibilities had suddenly landed on his head and shoulders and he could feel himself falling forward at the gravity of the information. There was a lot of fussing about him that followed as he allowed his body to relax onto the bed and his breathing quickly returned to his normal even pace.

"We're here for you, Obi-Wan," said Anakin, his hand on Obi's shoulder replacing much of the weight he had felt with a sense of support he had never been aware of before. "This is an extraordinary opportunity not only for you, but for us all, and we are all here to offer our complete loyalty to the new house of Dooku."

Obi-Wan looked up at him and seemed to hear his words rolling around in his head as their sincerity set in.

The man was right, of course. This was an amazing opportunity. A new beginning was starting and he had to admit that despite their recent encounter at the hangar, there was a sense of hope blossoming within his soul brought on by this news and the fact that they had left the corrosion he had felt the republic capitol was perpetrating on his mind and body.

"I have a good feeling about this," he said surprising himself as he looked at his dear family gathered around him, their smiling faces of relief at how well he was taking the news clear on their faces.

They were in a safe place, at that moment, away from the prying eyes of the collapsing republic, hidden from the sith and protected by the separatists. It was a far cry from where Obi-Wan had ever thought to find himself and he knew the road ahead was going to be anything but easy. However he couldn't help feeling that the force was finally well and truly on his side and there was a light at the end of the tunnel ahead of them all that was drawing him to it. And, as he had said to them all, it felt good.

OK, so that's it for now, but there is still Maul to deal with and the rise of the new sith and Jedi orders, so there is a lot for me to work with and get back to this after a little break.

Best of wishes to you all.
