Well here it is the last chapter. Once again sorry about the long update but something personal happen and I had to handle that before anything else. As promise though I did finish this story. Well on with the final chapter. Bold stand for Thoughts

Disclaimer: I do not own DragonBallz.

Piccolo and the others stood dumbfounded as they watch Gohan land holding Troy. Vegeta had left the group after they had all felt Gohan power ascend beyond that of an ascended sayjin. To say he was piss was an understatement and all of them knew it would be awhile before Vegeta got over it. Right now they were taking in the new look Gohan was sporting. With this new look Gohan did look more intimidating and fearsome and if none of them had knew him, he could have easily be mistaken as the bad guy.

"I see you all finished your battles as well." Stated Gohan looking at them. To be honest they all looked like they had been through hell, especially Yamcha.

"You could say that. With these guys having our powers it wasn't easy." Stated Piccolo

"Where's Vegeta?" ask Gohan noticing he wasn't there. Had it not been for the fact that Gohan saw James battered body on the ground he might would have thought the worst. But he quickly dismiss that idea, really, Vegeta being beat by a human.

"He took off after feeling your power rise, no doubt to cool off. I don't think he's too happy with you keeping this from him." Answered Piccollo

"So how long have you been able to…go this far." Ask Krillen.

"For about a year now, and I would have gladly told Vegeta except I didn't won't to risk him trying to do this on the planet. To be honest the only time I've ever ascended was in the Time Chamber back when I ask Dende to use it." Announced Gohan.

"Well it's a good thing you were able to beat Troy other wise we would have been in serious trouble." Stated Yamcha.

"To be honest I could have beaten Troy without transforming beyond an ascended super sayjin. I just wanted to show him how far out my league he really was and that no matter what he would never be able to defeat me." Said Gohan.

"Well I suggest we get these guys back to Bulma." Said Tien.

"Tien right, lets go." Said Gohan picking up and James and taking off with the other flying after him each happy the battle was finally over.


After stopping the Crane Master from freeing Tyson and killing the doctor, the two of them waited for Trunks and Goten to return with the screen. From the information they had gathered they concluded that everyone but Gohan had defeated their opponent. They were waiting on the outcome between Troy and Gohan when the machine exploded. It wasn't long after that that they felt the house shake and it was then that 18 explained to her that Gohan was powering up higher than ever before and not only was it causing the house to shake but the entire planted to shake to shake as well. It scared her to know that Gohan was that powerful. Never in a million would Videl believe that something like that was possible. Finally everything stopped shaking and 18 sent Trunks to make sure Bulma and her father was okay while Goten checked up on Marron. Meanwhile Videl waited for 18 to tell her what happen. But after 20 painfully slow minutes Videl wouldn't wait any longer.

"So can you tell me what happening now?" ask Videl anxious.

"It's over, the battle over." Stated 18 neutrally giving Videl no idea as to who had won. Looking at Videl confused expression 18 laugh before giving her the answer she'd been dying to here.

"Gohan won. He and the other are all heading back here, except for Vegeta who's seem to be heading else where." Stated 18 with a small smile.

Videl relax having heard the words she'd had been waiting to here every since the Z Fighters had departed.

He did it. He beat Troy just as he told me he would. Thought Videl happily.

"Where are you going?" ask Videl coming to her senses and noticing 18 heading out the door.

"Heading outside to meet them, they should be arriving here soon. Care to join me?" ask 18.

Not needing to be asked twice, Videl quickly followed 18 outside. There the two met Bulma and the others who also appeared to be waiting.

"How's Marron?" ask 18.

"She's still asleep." Answered Goten

"And the machine."

"It's done, me and dad finally got all of the kinks out of it. I hear our guest tried to escape." Said Bulma.

"Yeah, but I'm guessing you also heard how it ended, and how you have a new guest."

"Yes Trunks told me all about it." Laugh Bulma.

The group stood in silence as they waited for the others to land. But their smile quickly left their faces as they got a good view of the Z Fighters. Well all except Bulma who was looking at the Crane Gang.


"Tell that to them. It wasn't like this was a piece of cake." Mumble Yamcha.

Bulma was about to start on him till she finally took in the Z Fighters appearance. All of them look to be standing on their last legs except for Piccolo and Gohan-

"G-G-Gohan?" ask Bulma finally taking in his appearance. It was strange seeing him with no eye brows and long blond hair. In a way he kind of reminded her of his uncle Raditz.

"It's me." Laugh Gohan looking at the group stunned expression.

"What happen?" ask Bulma

"I ascended." Answered Gohan


Again? She means this isn't the first time? Thought Videl as she stare awestruck at Gohan appearance.


"Wow, Gohan you look cool." Stated both his younger brothers.

"Thanks, but right not I think it's best we put our 'friends' in those cell until we can get some sensu bean for all of us." Stated Gohan.

"What happen to your eye Yamcha." Ask Bulma remembering the others after getting over Gohan new appearance.

"He happen." Answered Yamcha pointing to Tom.

"He shot some tiny object at me when he caught me off guard. Little punk, even though I won he still get the last laugh. The league will never let me play with one eye." Growled Yamcha.

"Don't worry Yamcha, if it's what I think it is, you be happy to know that I can reverse the effect." Smiled Bulma.

"Are you sure?" ask Yamcha

"Of course, we've already done it for a student at Gohan school, as a matter of fact you can have it done as soon as you clean up."

"Then what am I standing around here for." Said Yamcha as he flew towards the house to get everything ready for his operation.

"Bulma right you guys do need to clean up." Stated 18 looking at the others.

"Alright we get the point we're leaving." Said Krillen as he and Tien left Piccolo simply glowed white for a moment and once he stop glowing he was in his usually purple gi with his turban and shoulder pads. Having grown tired of being in his super sayjin 3 form Gohan finally returned to normal and like the others headed to clean his self up though Piccolo look at him strangely. It was clear that ascending had taking a lot out of him. Videl followed quickly behind him. Meanwhile Piccolo and 18 headed towards the hold room with Crane Gang..

"Where's Vegeta?" ask 18

"He's cooling somewhere, he wasn't too please at not knowing about a third transformation." Answered Piccolo.

"That's Vegeta for you." Stated 18.

"Where's Chiaotzu?"

"He's in the regen tanks."

"Regen tanks? What happen?"

"Well let just say we had a surprise visitor." Said 18 pointing to the Crane Master.

"When did this happen- never mind don't answered that." Said Piccolo sitting down as 18 left the room.

"Are you sure you're okay Gohan?" ask Videl worried. As Videl walk with him back to his room, she couldn't help but notice how tired he now looked.

"Trust me Videl, I'm fine." Stated Gohan though the sweat the and very heavy breathing stated otherwise.

They may have won, but that fight took more out of him than he's letting on.

"Funny you don't look so good."

"I'm just tired, transforming beyond that of an ascended super sayjin isn't easy." Replied Gohan.

"Alright but if you fall out and die it won't be my fault."

"Agreed." Said Gohan as they continued on their way.

"You know, this isn't the type of Victory I had in mind." Said Videl finally

"Oh, and why is that."

"Well for one thing, I expected you guys to be more cheerful and celebrating,…..but nothing happen."

"That's because it's not over, you see even though we've beaten them there's still the chance that the machine won't work not to mention all the damage and destruction cause by them. Once we get all of that cleared, then we'll celebrate.

"You sound like one of those old generals off a movie." Stated Videl

"Maybe so, but can you disagree with us doing things that way?"


"Now, if you'll excuse me I need to take a shower and change." Said Gohan as he entered his room. For the time being Videl entered her room as well waiting for Gohan to finish up. She didn't know how long she waited on him to finish but one could say that all the worrying she had did that day had worn her out as well and she soon fell asleep. She woke up late that evening. Knowing that Gohan was finished by now she got up and headed down the stairs to find him.

That's odd, I've never known this place to be so quiet even at this our. thought Videl as she entered the living room. She finally heard voices coming from the study and from what she could tell it seemed that everyone was in there including Vegeta.

I wonder why they're all in there, they haven't use that room since they've been here. thought Videl. She would have entered but decided not to knowing that the others would probably stop what they were talking about. It had become clear as to why everything was so quiet and why all of them were located in the study.

"So it works?" Ask Tien

"Yes the machine was a complete success. Tyson is back to normal, well as normal as he can be. But you won't have to worry about any of them using your powers again. It only took a few hours to undo what Dr. Frank had done. It would have been longer but with the changes me and Gohan made our machine is a lot faster than Dr. Frank. As soon as the machine finished recharging we can continue with the others" Stated Bulma happily.

"Good the sooner you done the better. I'll be glad when that weakling no longer has my power." Said Vegeta as the others agreed with him.

"So how did everything go with the Dragon?" ask Bulma.

Dragon? What is she talking about? thought Videl

"Not so good. The dragon was able to undo the damage cause by the Crane Gang, no doubt Hercule will get credit for it though. But some of the people in the city had died once before so they couldn't be brought back to life."

BROUGHT BACK TO LIFE? thought Videl. Sure she had heard about those who was suppose to have died but somehow return to the living but never suspected that Gohan and the others was behind it. Still she quickly calmed down. For some odd reason Gohan and his friends could pick up the slightest movement and she didn't won't her cover blown just yet especially if they still thought she was asleep. She knew if they found her now they would surely quit what they were talking about.

"You mean the Cell Games."

"Yeah, so we couldn't bring them back to life. However Dende did give us a solution to the problem." Stated Gohan.

"What was it?" ask Krillen

"He suggested that we go to New Nameck and use the dragonballs there." Stated Piccolo.

"Of course their dragon is much more powerful than ours. So I guessing you guys will be needing the spaceship." Said Bulma

SPACESHIP, they're talking about going into outer space! thought Videl shocked. Sure, she knew that Gohan, Vegeta, and Piccolo were aliens but never thought that they had actually left the planet, and from the way they sounded this wasn't the first time either.

"How long before you can have it ready." Ask Piccolo

"How does noon tomorrow sound?" smirked Bulma.

"That soon?" ask Tien

"Yeah, I always figured that we might need it again, it just needs to be fueled and stock with food and you guys can be off." Stated Bulma.

"So who's going?" ask Krillen.

"Well so far only me and Piccolo-

"Count me in as well." Stated Vegeta.

Space will provide me with the perfect opportunity to test the boy new power. thought Vegeta.

"Anyone else?"

"No thanks, every time I go bad things always happen." Said Krillen

"I'd love to but I've already miss two games, it's best I stay here before I get kick off the team." Stated Yamcha.


"I think I'll stay here and watch the others until Bulma finished turning them back to normal." Said Tien.

"Can we go?" ask Trunks and Goten

"Sorry but its back to school for you too, you've miss enough days as it is." Stated Bulma.

"So is that all."

"Not really, there's still the problem concerning Dr. Frank knowing exactly who and what we are." Stated Vegeta.

"Yeah, we haven't even thought about that." said Krillen.

"I have." Said Gohan

"What do you have in mind." Ask Tien

"Well if it's okay with everyone, I'm going to wish that he didn't know about us once we get to New Nameck." Stated Gohan, seeing that no one disagreed he left it at that.

"What about your friend Gohan? The one up stairs." ask Tien.

Videl heart nearly skipped a beat at hearing herself being mentioned.

"Yes, can she be trusted about us, after all, Krillen told us about the blackmail." Said Piccolo.

"How did you know Krillen, I never told you." Ask Gohan curious. He knew for a fact that Bulam didn't tell and Vegeta definitely wasn't one to gossip.

"Ha Ha, 18 told me." Laughed Krillen nervously as the others looked at 18.

"Goten and Trunks mentioned it while I was cutting her hair." Replied 18.

Betrayed by my own brothers. thought Gohan glaring at the two.

"They do have a point Gohan after all you know what will happen if people did find out about you. But this isn't our decision." Stated Bulma

Not wanting to know the answer Videl quietly headed to her room. She couldn't dare hear his answer having already having an idea about what it would be. Entering her room she quickly jumped on her bed and cried herself to sleep.





"It's me Gohan……..can I come in?"


Gohan slowly opened the door and headed in. He had just learn from Bulma that Videl had ask if she could leave. Seeing that the threat was over and there was no longer a bounty on her head Bulma couldn't see why couldn't leave so now Videl was waiting for her ride to pick her up. Gohan for the most part was trying to avoid her not wanting her to know about the space trip. No doubt had she known, she would have surely tried to go as well. But after Bulma made it painfully clear that he should say goodbye he finally went to find her. He found it strange that she wasn't walking about the compound like she had every other day but decided not to worry about it to much.

"Bulma just told me you're leaving."

"Yeah, it's about time I headed home, no doubt the police force has missed me." Laugh Videl. She was surprise to see Gohan smiling as well.

"What about your father?" ask Gohan serious.

"I don't think I'm ready to face him yet. So I'll be staying with my mother."

"Your mother?" ask Gohan.

"Yeah, she stay on the far side of Satan City, I'll be staying there till I sort things out with my father."

Good luck with that. thought Gohan

"Hey Videl your ride's here." Announced Bulma from down stairs.

"Okay." Yelled Videl.

The two stood there for a moment before Videl finally headed for the door with Gohan following after her. Finally making it to door

"Guessed I'll see you later Gohan." Said Videl.

"It'll be a while before you see me, I have…..some business to take care else where. I guess you could say I'm heading on a business trip."

"Okay." Said Videl so strangely that it actually made Gohan think that she knew what he was talking about.

But she was asleep last night, she couldn't possible know what I'm talking about.

While Gohan was thinking that over, Videl was thinking about something else.

I might as well go for it, besides it's not like I'll be able to remember it anyway. thought Videl.

With that in mind Videl pull Gohan into a passionate kiss. Though it was she who was surprise a few moments later when he responded to the kiss. They finally parted a few minutes later as Videl tried to catch her breath. Meanwhile Gohan was trying to figure out what the hell brought on that. Not that he didn't like it, to be honest he actually enjoyed it.

"Thanks…..for everything." Said Videl finally catching her breath. Having nothing else to say she quickly got in the cab and drove off. Gohan stood there watching the car fly out of sight before finally heading back inside Capsule Corp. smirking to his self.


It's been two weeks since she last saw Gohan. Two weeks since that kiss, still she couldn't get her mind off it. In a way she had wish that Gohan would hurry up with whatever he was doing to make her and the Crane Gang forget their memory so she could think about something else. Sure she did have some ways of getting her mind off it. The first week she had her father begging her forgiveness which she finally did just to get him to shut up, but for the meantime she would continue to stay with her mom and catch up with her. The second week was spent helping out Satan Police Department since crime had started back up there once again. But still whenever she had time to her self she would always go back to that kiss. She new though that it would only be a matter of time before she would lose her memory. A week ago those who were suppose dead at the hand of the Crane Gang had mysterious came back to life. That meant that Gohan and the other two had made it to wherever they went were putting their plan into action. Of course her father got the credit for it. It was good thing school was starting tomorrow.

At least then I can use Erasa as a distraction until I lose my memory. thought Videl sitting at the airport waiting for Erasa and Sharpner to arrive. No doubt the next few days would be spent listening to everything the two did while they were away.

"VIDEL!" shouted Erasa as she came through the terminal.

"Hey Erasa." Said Videl as the two hugged.

"Where's Sharpner."

"He's coming he got airsick on the way home. He should have listen to me and not ate any of that food." Complained Erasa.

"Don't worry, I'm sure next time he will." Laugh Videl

"By the way have you heard anything about Gohan." Ask Erasa concerned, she had been trying to get in contact with him every since Videl call her and had told her that everything was okay and that no one was after her anymore. She had been so happy that she had totally forgot about asking if he was okay. But no one answered his phone whenever she call.

"He's fine Erasa, he's been out of town the last two weeks on an important trip, I don't know when he'll be back though." Stated Videl.

"Well he better be back soon school starts tomorrow." Said Erasa.

"You say that like he could actually fail. That school could give Gohan the hardest tests around and he would get a perfect score." Said Videl.

"What?" ask Videl seeing Erasa looking at her strangely.

"Well if I'm not mistaken you just complimented Gohan. Something that you've never did before."

"Well it's something I should have done a long time ago." Said Videl.

Just what the hell did I miss? thought Erasa. She would be sure to ask Gohan about it later seeing as Videl definitely wasn't herself. Finally Sharpner made his grand appearance holding his stomach.

"Can we go now, I would really like to get home and get over this sickness, especially with school starting back tomorrow." Announce Sharpner weakly.

"Fine, let's go."

"So I take it you're staying at my place?" ask Videl.

"Yeah, my mom returning tomorrow so I'll head home then." Stated Erasa as the three left the airport.

"Just to let you know, I'm staying with my mom for the time being."

"What! Why, what happen?"

"…..Me and my father had a falling out, so I just decided I need some time to myself for a while."

"Wow, I'm surprise he let you go."

"Well…..he didn't have too much to say on the matter." Laugh Videl

After dropping Sharpner off the two headed home where Videl listen as Erasa started on how her trip was. There were some interesting parts like her father catching the two of them making out as well as the two of them getting lost. Deciding to tell Videl the rest later the two settle for watching t.v. which they had been doing now for the last hour. They were currently watching a romance flick when it was interrupted by the news.



Videl sat there shock watching the news. If she heard things correctly then the Crane Gang has been turned over to the police with their memory erase.

But that can't be right because I still remember. thought Videl.

"Videl, Videl? You okay?" ask Erasa.

"….Yeah, I'm fine, its just that I'm a little shock that's all."

"Oh, okay, I'm glad they've finally been captured, at least now I won't have to worry about them." Stated Erasa happy about the news.

"Me too Erasa, me too." Stated Videl.


Videl, Erasa, and Sharpner sat in home room waiting for class to begin. It felt strange being in school after being out for so long. One could tell that most of the student wasn't ready seeing that over half of their classmates wasn't there and the others asleep at their desk. One would thought that most parents would take their children out of school but if anything OSH had gain more students. But Videl mind wasn't on that at the moment, she was still wondering why she could remember. She had thought for sure that she wouldn't have had her memory in the morning.

I guess the only way I'll get an answer is to ask Gohan. thought Videl, though she didn't want too especially if he forgot to add her in the wish. But it was her only way to find out. It wasn't long after that class started but Gohan didn't show. As a matter of fact it was now lunch time and Gohan had yet to arrive at school.

"Can you believe all that work they're giving us, how the hell to they expect us to do all of that. It's not our fault some maniac decided to attack the school." Said Sharpner as three of them stood in line to get there food.

"Yeah, with all this work we won't have time to do anything." Stated Erasa.

"Oh quit whining you too, you knew this was going to happen." Said Videl

After getting their lunch, the group headed outside where a large commotion was going on. From what they could see, it looked like a group of guys had decided to jump someone but apparently it backfired because it was they who was getting their asses kick as you could hear them begging for their would be victim to stop.

"BREAK THIS UP RIGHT NOW!" shouted Videl taking charge. Hearing her voice everyone involved in the fight quickly stop as she made her way to the center of the group. She laughed to herself as she saw the teachers finally coming to help her.

No doubt they've been waiting on me to stop this. thought Videl

Imagine her surprise when she found Gohan at the center smirking as he had what she assume to be the leader of the group stuck to the ground unable to move Gohan feet off his chest. Looking around she could also tell that at least 12 other people had been knock out.

"WHAT'S GOING ON HERE?" ask Videl getting over her shock.

"Go on, tell her what's going on." Said Gohan as he added a little more force to the guy chest.

"Me…….and the other guys…….heard about……….Gohan trying to take……….your credit………….so we decided……..to………..make him………pay." Said the guy while he tried to catch his breath.

"Who started this?" ask one of the Teachers.

"We…….did." said the guy finally.

"Gohan, you can let him up now and all of you who's not injured come with me to the principal office. Videl can you get some of the other students to help you get those who are injured to the Nurse office?" ask Mr. Smith.

"No problem sir." Said Videl.

Having to have nothing else to say Videl and the others went about their task while Gohan explained to the principal what happen during lunch.

"Man Gohan sure did a number on those guys. They probably didn't know what hit them." Stated Sharpner as he, Videl, and Erasa left the Nurse office heading back outside to have lunch before the bell rang. Having been hit by Gohan before, he knew what kind of pain those guys were experiencing. That one punch he received from Gohan had his stomach sore for the rest of the week. He was surprised he didn't have in internal bleeding.

"It's their own fault. Really all of them trying to jump Gohan." Said Erasa.

"Erasa right, besides they shouldn't believe everything they hear." Said Videl.

The group quickly ate their and finally headed back to class. Gohan didn't join the three until their final class for that day, which was P.E.

"Are you okay Gohan?" ask Erasa

"I'm fine, Erasa."

"So, Videl told us you went out town on an important trip, how was it?" ask Erasa.

"…It was okay." Said Gohan surprise by her question.

"Well I'm glad that you're okay, you scared me that night at the hospital. It was a good thing the Gold Fighter showed up."

"Yeah, you could say that." Said Gohan.

"So if you don't mind, could you tell me what exactly happen between you and Videl after me and Shaprner left." Said Erasa whispering so that only Gohan could hear.

"Excuse me?" ask Gohan confuse.

"Come Gohan you can tell me, since I've return she's done nothing but compliment you and haven't said one mean thing yet. And don't say for a minute nothing happen, I know for a fact that something did especially for her to know that you were heading out of town. The two of you never talk to each other." Said Erasa serious. Gohan in the mean time was getting over the shock that Erasa was actually making sense for a change.

"…..Well if you must know me and Videl had a long talk about some things, and came to an understanding sort of. You should be glad, at least this way you want have to choose over two of your friends." Said Gohan quickly coming up with the first thing that popped in his mind.

"Wow, I don't know how you did it but thanks."

"Don't mention it." Said Gohan as class got started. The two of them was soon join by Videl and Sharpner.

"So Gohan, what did Principal Knox do to you."

"She gave us all one week detention." Grumble Gohan

"I can't believe she gave you a week's detention with those idiots, you didn't even start the fight. It was self defense." Argued Videl

"Tell me about, only one day back at school and already things are crazy."

"What, you were expecting things to be different." Joke Videl

"No, but I at least thought I could get through today without any problems." Smirked Gohan as the too starting laughing.

"Um, Erasa did I miss something." Ask Sharpner looking at the two.

"Apparently we both did Sharpner." Stated Erasa watching Gohan and Videl laugh.

Bout damn time, I didn't think I would ever get out of there. thought Gohan coming out of detention.

"Hey Gohan wait up!" said Videl finally catching up with him.

"So from the way you were leaving school I take it that you hated detention."

"It's hell." Grumbled Gohan.

"Hey look on the bright side, at least now you won't have to worry about anymore fights at school not after what you did to those guys."

"I highly doubt that Bulma would think the same." Said Gohan as the two of them continue to walk in silence.

"Do you have anything plan this weekend." Ask Gohan finally.

"No, why?" ask Videl curious as to why Gohan would ask such a thing.

"Bulma's having a party this weekend and you're invited unless you had something plan."

"No!.........I, don't have anything plan. So what's this party for."

"For us winning of course, remember I told you we don't celebrate until everything taken care of."

"I remembered, and that's what's confusing me."

"And just how is that confusing you?" ask Gohan. Though from the way he was smirking Videl had a feeling that he somehow knew.

"The night before I left Capsule Corps., I over heard you guys talking about not only erasing the Crane Gang memory but mines as well. But Sunday evening I was surprised-

"To find out that the Crane Gang memories had been erased when we turn them over to the police but yours haven't." said Gohan finishing her sentence.

"You…..you can't read minds can you?" ask Videl wondering just how in the hell Gohan would know that what she was planning on saying. Being that he was half alien there were still many things that she didn't know about him.

Gohan didn't answer her but from the way he was smiling Videl received her answer.

"Before you start, no I've never read your mind though I have been tempted at times to do so. Anyway you wasn't as quiet as you thought you were, while I didn't know you were up, Piccolo had known the moment you left your bed, believe it or not, his hearing is even better than mines." Said Gohan calming Videl down.

Thank goodness he never read my mind, I would just die if he'd read some of the things that went through my head. thought Videl.

"Still why didn't you erased my memory, especially after how I found out about you, and you can't fool me either Gohan, we both know that you wished I never found out about you."

"The reason why I didn't erase your memory is because I saw no need to. When you first found out about my connection with Bulma, you had plenty of time to inform the press, yet you didn't. You could have very well informed the press after you left Capsule Corps. and yes I do know about your tape recorder. But still you didn't. Even when I returned you covered for me with Erasa by already coming up with an excuse when before you would watch and see how I got myself out of situations like that. So like I said I saw no need. I know you won't tell anyone." Answered Gohan.

He….he trust me. thought Videl smiling. She had thought that it would take months for him to finally trust her, but she was glad that that was resolved.

"Besides if I had erased your memory, then I would have to endure you stalking me all over again."

"HEY, I wasn't stalking you."

"Fine, you tell me what you call someone who wears disguises and tries to follow you everywhere you go." Smirked Gohan


"I thought so."

"What time do the party starts?" ask Videl wanting to change the subject.

"Just be there by 2:00p.m., oh and by the way don't be too surprised to meet some friends of mind that you haven't met yet."

"Don't worry I'll be there." Said Videl smiling.

"Well then I'll see you tomorrow." Said Gohan, who flew off seeing that no one was around.

Pulling out her jet copter capsule Videl took off as well. The next few days went by slower than Videl liked and was glad that Friday had finally arrive. The only thing that had kept this week interesting was the way the students was reacting to her new found friendship with Gohan, especially Erasa and Sharpner. Not to mention the police reaction with her and the Gold Fighter.

I wish Gohan did tell me about this today, at least then I would have spent this entire week waiting for Saturday to arrive. thought Videl sitting at lunch with the others.

"Earth to Videl." Said Erasa sitting


"I asked you if you wanted to hang out tomorrow with me and Sharpner at the beach? You're invited too Gohan." ask Erasa.

"Sorry Erasa, but I already have plans for tomorrow." Said Videl

"Really now, what is it?" ask Erasa curious. Videl rarely had things plan on the weekends unless it involved her father and since Videl was still staying with her mother for the time being Erasa knew that wasn't it.

"Well me and Gohan have other plans for this weekend." Said Videl before she could catch herself. Meanwhile the other three occupants were in the process of coughing up their lunch.


"NO!!!!" shouted both Videl and Gohan.

"A friend of mine is having a sparring match this weekend and I figured that Videl might like it so I ask her if she would like to come." Said Gohan.

"And I said yes." Said Videl quickly.

I'll have to ask him how he can lie at a moment notice. thought Videl glad that Gohan had came up with something.

"Can I come too?" ask Sharpner.

"Why not, I remember you saying you've trained at Hercule Dojo, you could be my first sparring partner and after that you can spar with a few of my friends, though I must warn you they do tend to go a bit overboard." Stated Gohan whispering only so Sharpner could hear.

"On second thought that's okay, me and Erasa will just hang out." Said Sharpner as Videl laugh at him, she didn't know how or when, but she knew something had transpired between the two to make Sharpner act the way he did.

And knowing Gohan, it wasn't pretty.

"Oh, okay well I'm sure you two will have fun." Stated Erasa.


I always knew Gohan knew people in high places but this is ridiculous thought Videl as she shook hands with the Guardian of Earth.

"Nice to meet you Videl." Said Dende.

"Nice to meet you too." Said Videl, she had already met Bulma parents, Mr. and Mrs Briefs which she could see why Gohan said was just like Erasa; Korin, the maker of the Sensu beans, Yajirobe, his helper, and the great Master Roshi who Gohan made sure she stayed away from and finally Dende, the Guardian of earth. From what Gohan had told her, he was from the same planet as Piccolo, and was made Guardian after the last one died (We all know he fused with Piccolo but Gohan decided to keep things simple.). It had been quite interesting meeting them and Videl had a good time there dancing and eating, and listening to the others tell stories of some of their earlier adventures. She definitely had a blast at watching Gohan reaction to Krillen telling Piccolo about their little interview which ended with all of the guys (and 18) having a free for all. Even Vegeta got involved, finally the party had come to a close and one by one everyone begin to leave until only Videl was the last guest left. Seeing that she was getting sleepy Videl also decided that it was time for her to leave as well.

"Thanks for inviting me Bulma."

"You're welcome Videl. You sure you can make it home."

"Yeah I'll be fine."

"Well I'll see you later Videl." Said Bulma as she retired up stairs.

"Hey Gohan?" ask Videl as the two made their way outside.


"I was wondering….if you would consider training me, you know……teach me how to fly and use my ki, you said yourself that I could learn it. Why not learn it from one of the best around." Ask Videl

"Flattery will get you know where." Smirked Gohan.

"Damn, but you have to admit, it was worth a shot." Smiled Videl

"…………….I'll do it Videl, but on one condition."

"Name it."

"I haven't told you but there was also another reason why I didn't erase your memory because doing so would have meant that I might've never received answer. So if you don't mind could you tell me exactly why you did this before you left?" ask Gohan as he kiss Videl exactly as she had before she left Capsule Corp. that day. Finally the two parted as Videl caught her breath.

"I believe….that kiss……..was self explainable, wouldn't you say?" Ask Videl smiling. If she was hearing this correctly then she knew where this was heading and she couldn't be any happier.

"I've to agree with you on that one, but what I want to know is, are you serious about this? I'm not one to be played with on situations like this." ask Gohan as he wrapped his arms around her.

"Trust me Gohan, I'm very serious about this. So where does this puts us?" Answered Videl

"It's put us in an interesting situation, but it's one I wouldn't mind seeing to the end."

"That's funny I was thinking the same thing." Said Videl as the two kiss again.


Well that's it the last chapter. I hope you enjoyed this fic. I sure enjoyed writing it. As for a sequel, it'll be a while before I can start it, I already have two other fic I'm working on that should on over the next few weeks, one of which is another Gohan/Videl fic, the other is a Vegeta/Bulma fic. So be on the lookout for those two.