Author has written 7 stories for Naruto, Final Fantasy VII, and Kingdom Hearts.
I am currently taking a break from . I am still writing stories so when I come back I will post.
Name: and the reason we go by pen names is because...
Age: surviving through life
Location: somewhere on the surface of the earth
Disclaimer: um, it's called fanfiction.net for a reason...
What I Write
--my stories are mostly adventure. I have a love of dramatic irony and complicated plots so if you find yourself confused, don't be afraid to ask me; I generally respond to most questions unless it gives away too much of the story.
--I do write parings, but I am not a fluff writer. Most of my parings are either well established when the story starts or are seen through other people's point of views. They're usually based on character traits, not physical attraction.
--I genuinely like science so if science is mentioned in the various canons, I will try to make it work for real as much as possible. This starts getting weird when most of the fanons I write for break the laws of the universe as much as possible.
What I Don't Write
--same-sex pairings and sex scenes. Don't read them, don't write them.
Namikaze Sasuke
When the Kyuubi attacks in July, Naruto hasn't been born yet. Kushina suggests that Minato talk to her best friend, Uchiha Mikoto, who is ready to have her son. Minato does and Mikoto lets him seal the Kyuubi into her child as long as she gets to raise him. After the sealing, Fugaku cuts Sasuke's eyes out and divorces Mikoto, effectively disowning them from the Uchiha clan. Kushina then invites them into the Namikaze clan where they both find love and acceptance.
Never Look Back
At the Valley of the End, Naruto lets Sasuke in on his biggest secret and in turn, Sasuke lets Naruto in on his. Naruto convinces Sasuke that there is a better way to get revenge on Itachi than killing him and Sasuke agrees to go back to Konoha to fulfill it, but not before making Naruto his brother in blood. Once they get back, the advisers go behind Tsunade's back to get Naruto banished. After gaining the Eien no Mangekyou Sharingan, Sasuke accidentally finds the true history of the Uchiha clan's relationship with Konoha, including the attempted coup and the mission orders Itachi received the night of the Uchiha massacre. Anko finds him looking at them and helps him steal the original documents and leave a message for the advisers. Sasuke decides to tell Sakura about them. The three of them join Naruto as nukenins with the intent of never coming back to Konoha.
Final Fantasy VII
The Shadow Level
Zack meets the newest Turk, Cloud, on the night Genesis and Angeal attack Shin-Ra. After getting off to a rocky start, the two of them become good friends. After hanging out with Cloud for a while, Zack notices that Cloud knows a lot more about Shin-Ra than he should. He starts probing deeper only to find that Shin-Ra isn't what he thought it was.
The Nature of Thy Enemy--Complete
The reason why Genesis met Sephiroth in the reactor. It turns out Jenova also tried to get Genesis on her side. Unfortunately for her, Genesis knows enough to ask the right questions. Canon compliant.
Never Sacrifice Yourself For Your Job
The original game as told from the Turks and Rufus's point of view. This is a collection of oneshots of the interactions between the Turks and AVALANCHE. Canon complaint and spoilers for Before Crisis.
Naruto Anime
note: english subtitles only
Naruto Shippuden Anime
note: english subtitles only
note: updates every Thursday
note: contains spoilers everywhere
Leaf Ninja
note: has spoilers only if you want them
Japanese Translators
Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy Wikia
English Translation for On the Way to a Smile novellas
English Translation for Before Crisis
English Translations for FFVII Ulitmania and a lot of other stuff
Utimania Omega Artwork
Artwork of all the Items, Accessories, Armor and Weapons for the original game
Map of the FFVII World (The Planet)
Game Scripts
Crisis Core
Final Fantasy VII
Advent Children
Dirge of Cerberus