![]() Author has written 7 stories for Sailor Moon, Gundam Wing/AC, Doctor Who, and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Well, if you're going to read this, you must be mildly interested in the woman behind the stories. So here is a little of me, and I would love to know a little of you. -My attitude on writing has always been three-fold. Any fictional work you read should be able to take you away from reality one paragraph at a time. You should be able to have an emotional response to the story or characters completely regardless of whether you have known that feeling before or not. And, it should be good for you. If that’s by teaching you something, making you think, or just taking you away from other situations in life that trouble you. The first two items I can strive for, the third is primarily up to you, the reader. But what they can do is let you be another person, a character, as you hear their thoughts and say their words. They can make you laugh, tug your heart, and give you a little vacation. And I get to do that for you guys. I don’t know your stories, the things each of you face in life, unless you’re willing to write and tell me. But for the few minutes you sit in front of the screen and read these chapters… you’re mine. And I promise to be gentle and protect you while you’re with me. No one who reads my works is a stranger to me, because you all know me more intimately than most people I am around every day. -Outlook on FanFiction: Where do I begin? My first love is Character! Give me a character I can fall in love with, and I'm yours! I'm that way with fiction, TV, movies, anything. My own fiction tends to be rather boring from the on-set, but I love just 'revealing' the characters. The more complex, the harder I work. That's why I LOVE Gundam Wing. Plot is also a wonderful selling point to me. Yes, have to have it, no matter how annoying it is to try to develop. Trust me, I know. But like I said, I, personally, will sit through a bad plot if the character is so good I drool over my keyboard :) Spell check and grammar issues. I will personally admit that I have the same trouble everyone does with this. (Heavens, "For Argument’s Sake" is so full of it I'm almost disgraced by it now) Time and care, time and care; that's all I can say. That and, if possible, find a wonderful set of proofreaders to give you a fresh set of eyes. And please, correct me when I screw something up. I can't grow without true, honest oppinions! Anyhoo, enough about me. You came for the fics, not the author. That is the price we pay, is it not? So please enjoy, and review if you think I'm worth it. Please feel free to email me too, any questions, comments, rants, anything at all. And God bless you! ;) |