Loss And Despair Part 1 Grieving
A/N/Summary: An AU story Naruto was finally able to bring back Sasuke but in doing so Jiraiya was killed. Naruto took it badly and begged Tsunade for some time away from Konoha to mourn. She reluctantly gives him time to grieve. When he returns many changes have happened. Sasuke and Sakura are together that's not really a shock but what is a surprise is Hinata is with Kiba and they're happy. What will happen to Naruto now? One woman, he loved finally has what she always wanted and the one who loved him now has moved on.
Kurama Talking/Jutsu's
Naruto Talking to Kurama/Sakura Talking to Inner Self
Inner Thoughts
Inner Sakura
Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto just this story
Naruto was finally able to bring Sasuke back. The whole village is happy their god as they think of him has returned. Sakura is happy, she's yet to thank him though. All his friends are happy he's back but as for Naruto he's in pain, not only has he finally lost Sakura but his Sensei Jiraiya the legendary Sanin was killed. So what exactly is there to be happy about?
He looks at them all crowding around that arsehole Sasuke he once was like a brother to Naruto now he's nothing but Uchiha scum he could have helped Jiraiya but he stood there and watched as Orochimaru killed him whilst Naruto was fighting Kabuto.
Flashback A few days earlier Orochimaru's Lair
Naruto's fighting Kabuto when he sees Orochimaru punch his fist through Jiraiya's chest. After Jiraiya died Naruto lost it he used his Kyuubi powers and killed Kabuto but Orochimaru got away.
Sasuke after learning all he knew from Orochimaru decided he should return with Naruto not that Naruto cared anymore to hell with Sakura. Sasuke watched as Naruto picked up Jiraiya's lifeless body and carried it home.
When they returned Tsunade was overjoyed until she saw Naruto holding Jiraiya's lifeless body she summoned some ANBU to take the body from Naruto. He then turns around watching emotionless as everyone surrounds Sasuke not a single person has even looked at him except Tsunade.
Flashback Over
He looks around and she's gone, to be honest, she didn't care for Sasuke at all and now her friend Jiraiya is dead she feels the same as Naruto alone and emotionless.
Naruto turns around and walks away nobody even noticed and what does he care everyone he cares about dies he walks back to his apartment with his head down this was not a win for Konoha not in his or Tsunade's eyes to them it was an epic fail. Bringing back a worthless excuse for a ninja and losing one of the legendary Sanin's.
It's several hours later now and Naruto's back in his apartment sitting on his bed he hasn't stopped crying since he returned yet nobody has even come to check on him.
He's staring at a picture of him and Jiraiya it was just after he gained Sage Mode a great day a day he will never forget. He's still staring at the picture when there's a knock at his door.
He slowly makes his way to the door and opens it to see Sakura "Hey Naruto I just wanted t.
Naruto stops her "Save your thanks, I don't care anymore, I lost more than I gained."
She seems shocked "But Sasuke's like your brother you told me as much."
Naruto scoffs "Sasuke is vermin the spawn of the Uchiha a disgrace to Konoha now get lost I'm mourning."
He slams the door in a shocked Sakura's face. He goes back to his room and sits on the windowsill staring at the Hokage Monument "Why does everyone I care about die first, first Jiji then you Ero-Sennin I can't do this anymore."
He grabs his coat and leaves the apartment. It's now pouring with rain but he doesn't care he slowly makes his way through Konoha until he reaches the Hokage Tower he knocks on the door and hears an enter.
He opens the door and steps inside. Tsunade's at her desk drinking her pain away she looks up "Naruto you're soaked."
Naruto sits down on a chair Tsunade watches him there both in pain at the loss of Jiraiya she waits for him to speak when he finally does he doesn't even look at her "I need to grieve."
She nods "I know."
He continues "Away from here away from all this bullshit I want to travel let me go."
She's shocked "Naruto I can't let you go."
When he speaks again she knows something's wrong he actually calls her Tsunade "Please, Tsunade I can't be here with that thing here."
Tsunade is stunned "What thing."
Tsunade's in shock she's holding in her anger but she looks at her godson she doesn't want him to go but knows he will leave whatever she decides "Fine Naruto you can go for a while a few months."
Naruto nods and stands up she stands up and comes around to him and hugs him "I'll miss you Gaki."
He just nods and breaks the hug and leaves the room.
She watches him out of the window as he slowly makes his way back home she then starts to cry again "Why does everyone I love die." She sits back down and continues drinking.
Naruto continues his slow walk home he sees people cheering out in the rain like a god has returned. He scoffs "Fucking Uchiha."
He gets to his apartment and starts packing he hasn't got much he has all his clothes and ninja tools in storage scrolls he then lifts up his floorboard and pulls out his money from his parents he takes it all he hasn't decided if he will ever return to many bad memories and hardly any good ones.
He leaves his apartment and makes his way to Ichiraku's he sits down and orders one bowl of Miso Ramen. He doesn't talk to Ayame or Teuchi when he's finished he puts the money down and leaves.
He makes his way to the main gate maybe for the last time, when he passes through the gate he jumps into the trees and turns back.
Looking towards his old home he turns away and jumps further into the trees.
2 Years Later
Naruto's in the trees outside Konoha he's been here for hours just staring he's changed a lot grown taller more built and stronger he's learned his father's move Hiraishin and a few of his father's skills. He watches the people walking about without a care in the world he sighs and uses Shunshin to appear in front of the gates.
He walks in he's also changed his look no Orange whatsoever Black Combat pants with multiple pockets a black long sleeved shirt and a black trench coat with black boots he also has black fingerless gloves and a hood over his head he lastly wears a skull mask.
He steps inside and some of the villagers stare at him they can't see his blond hair or whiskers under the hood and mask. Not that he really cares he's not the childish prankster anymore he's become cold hearted he visited Suna and stayed with Gaara and his brother and sister.
He hunted a few missing Nin also he even gained a nickname The Black Phantom a lame name he thinks but he hardly cares anymore he's also gained a dark reputation which amuses him.
He sees Tenten walking down the street but she looks up but doesn't notice him and he couldn't care less if she did but she does realize he's The Black Phantom.
He sees some Villagers notice him and quickly grab their children and pull them away. Yet again he's feared but now he doesn't care in the slightest. He takes one last look at Tenten and continues walking.
He arrives at the Hokage's Tower and is stopped by two ANBU "State Your Business Black Phantom."
Naruto rolls his eyes "I have business with the Hokage."
The ANBU nod and lets him past but they do follow him as he knew they would.
Inside the Hokage's Office Tsunade's talking with Sakura when there's a knock at the door. Tsunade sighs "Come In."
When the doors opened Naruto steps in Sakura and Tsunade know who it is well they know It's Black Phantom, not Naruto.
Tsunade sits back in her chair "You have quite a reputation Black Phantom you bring a whole new meaning to creepy."
Naruto smirks "That's the point,"
Tsunade notices something's familiar about that voice but she can't pinpoint it "So why are you here."
Naruto laughs "To be honest I've been thinking that for the last few hours."
Sakura stands up "Show some respect."
Naruto snaps "Shut it Sakura."
Both Sakura and Tsunade are shocked at hearing that Black Phantom knows Sakura's name well maybe not she is one of the best Medic Nin's in the five nations.
Tsunade sighs "Who are you? I mean really your voice sounds familiar."
Naruto reaches up to his face and takes off his mask but the hood is still covering his face so he also pushes the hood back and glares at them both. There both shocked "Naruto."
He looks at them both with no emotions whatsoever. Tsunade sighs "Took you long enough I said months Gaki not two years,"
Naruto says nothing at all he just puts his hood back up and puts his mask back on and leaves the room.
As he's walking he sees someone he doesn't know this guy has white skin he's staring at Naruto "You want something."
Sai looks up "Sorry your Black Phantom."
Naruto sighs "Your point being."
Sai shrugs "I've heard about you."
Naruto sighs "Good for you."
He then walks away. As he's walking he senses someone following him he smirks and uses Hiraishin.
Kakashi is stunned "Hiraishin."
From behind him, he feels a Kunai pressed to his throat "I don't appreciate being followed Kakashi."
Kakashi is shocked "Naruto."
He spins around but Naruto's gone.
Naruto goes to the monument stone and stands next to Jiraiya's grave "Hey Ero-Sennin it's been a while."
Naruto stays there for an hour first talking to Jiraiya then Jiji when he's done he turns around and comes face to face with Sasuke Uchiha. Sasuke is surprised "Black Phantom I've heard your quite strong."
Naruto glares at him "And I heard you're a pathetic traitor who should be dead."
Sasuke is shocked "Who are you."
Just then someone speaks "It's Naruto."
Sasuke turns around and takes Sakura's hand. Naruto notices them holding hands "So you're together how revolting."
Sakura sighs "Naruto where have you been."
Naruto looks at her "None of your business."
She sighs "We're friends"
Naruto just starts laughing the laugh is dark and creepy kind of like Zabuza's years ago he once again and uses Hiraishin and disappears.
Sakura and Sasuke both look at each other. Sakura sighs "It's like he's dead inside."
Sasuke nods "I agree he took Jiraiya's death hard."
Sakura nods "He would Jiraiya was his godfather."
Sasuke is shocked That makes sense why he hates me so much."
She sighs "Let's go."
He nods "Yea."
Naruto's standing above his father's head watching everyone. He sighs "Anko-San I'd advise you to not sneak up on me unless you want to die."
Anko freezes "You know my name who are you."
Naruto sighs "Someone who should never have come back."
Anko smirks "So you came back and damn Naruto I love the new look."
Naruto sighs "What do you want."
She walks up beside him "You've got the whole village scared your reputation precedes you."
Naruto nods "Do you honestly think I care what these pathetic villagers think of me."
She sighs "You still haven't gotten over Jiraiya's death."
Naruto scoffs "I got over that a year ago it's these villagers who annoy me allowing Sasuke to return I should have killed him they treat him like he's a god when all he is really is a pathetic joke."
Anko nods "You know him and Sakura are married now."
Naruto scoffs "Like I care so tell me what else has changed."
Anko shrugs "Well Shikamaru is with Temari, Tenten is with Neji, Rock Lee is with Ino and Kiba is with Hinata."
Naruto sighs So even you have moved on.
Anko notices that the last couple caused him to clench his fists then she remembers that Hinata had a crush on Naruto he must have thought that with Sakura with Sasuke that he could get with Hinata.
Naruto stops clenching his fists and just stands there.
Anko sighs "Hearing about Hinata made you mad huh."
Naruto turns to her "If she's happy then fine."
She sighs "You came back to maybe get with her."
Naruto sighs "If I did then I was too late."
She sighs" So you sticking around or leaving again."
He shrugs "Haven't decided nothing really keeping me here is there."
She sighs You're really messed up inside. He turns to leave she sighs "Your old apartment building was destroyed a big storm came through smashed your old apartment up like it was made of paper."
He nods "I see it was a dump anyway."
She sighs "So where you going to stay."
He shrugs "A Hotel I guess."
She smirks "You can stay at mine if you like I have plenty of room."
He smirks, "Ero-Sennin told me all about you not much of it was good you're a pervert like him although he was a super pervert."
She chuckles "Yea, he was a great man how did he die."
Naruto stiffens "Orochimaru killed him."
She nods "Oh."
He nods "Didn't that Uchiha scum inform Baa-Chan."
Anko nods "He did but I'm sensing he kept something's quiet."
Naruto uses Hiraishin to appear in front of her he grabs her coat "You mean like he could have saved Jiraiya but chose to stand there and watch and even laugh."
He releases her and turns away "I'm sorry."
She looks up "Don't apologize, dammit so you're saying that gaki Sasuke could have stopped him from dying but did nothing."
Naruto nods "Yes."
She sighs "Come on I'll buy you a drink."
He turns around and nods. They use Shunshin to get to the nearest bar.
When they enter the place goes quiet when they see Naruto but he just ignores them and follows Anko to the bar. Naruto orders two bottles of Sake and tells them to bring it over to the table.
They move over and sit down at a table. At first, they don't say anything when the drink arrives Naruto finally takes off his mask but he still has his hood on.
Anko watches him when he pushes the hood back she sees his face he seems tired and troubled. They start drinking but say little they do a toast to Jiraiya then they drink they get through the first bottle pretty quick.
After they've finished the fifth bottle Anko's done but with The Kyuubi inside him he can drink whatever he wants and won't get drunk.
He sighs and nudges her "Where do you live Anko."
She nods "I'll show you but you're going to have to carry me as I'm drunk."
He nods and goes to pick her up but she climbs on his back he sighs but hooks her legs as she wraps her arms around his neck. He puts his mask in a sealing scroll and leaves his hood down.
He then leaves the bar after, 10 minutes they arrive at her house he takes the keys from her and opens the door and steps inside he takes off her trench coat and smirks "Not afraid to show off your breasts are you."
She grins "Do you like them."
He smirks "What do you think."
She grins "Who's the pervert now."
He sighs "Goodnight Anko-San."
She grins and grabs his arm "Your staying with me take that coat off let me see your body."
She pulls off his coat and sees the muscles through his tight jumper "Wow."
She pulls him back to her bed and climbs in after pulling off her boots.
Naruto does the same and she then pulls off his top he groans "What you doing."
She grins "Staking a claim."
She climbs under the covers and pulls him in then wraps her arms around his waist before dropping her head on his chest and within a few seconds is fast asleep.